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This document has been introduced in order to let you find documents that
specify standards used by curl, software that extends curl and web pages with
"competing" utilities.


  RFC 959  - Defines how FTP works

  RFC 1738 - Uniform Resource Locators

  RFC 1777 - defines the LDAP protocol

  RFC 1808 - Relative Uniform Resource Locators

  RFC 1867 - Form-based File Upload in HTML

  RFC 1950 - ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification

  RFC 1951 - DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification

  RFC 1952 - gzip compression format

  RFC 1959 - LDAP URL syntax

  RFC 2045-2049 - Everything you need to know about MIME! (needed for form
                  based upload)

  RFC 2068 - HTTP 1.1 (obsoleted by RFC 2616)

  RFC 2109 - HTTP State Management Mechanism (cookie stuff)
           - Also, read Netscape's specification at

  RFC 2183 - "The Content-Disposition Header Field"

  RFC 2229 - "A Dictionary Server Protocol"

  RFC 2231 - "MIME Parameter Value and Encoded Word Extensions:
              Character Sets, Languages, and Continuations"

  RFC 2388 - "Returning Values from Forms: multipart/form-data"
   Use this as an addition to the 1867 

  RFC 2396 - "Uniform Resource Identifiers: Generic Syntax and Semantics" 
   This one obsoletes 1738, but since 1738 is often mentioned I've left it
   in this list.

  RFC 2428 - "FTP Extensions for IPv6 and NATs"
   This should be considered when introducing IPv6 awareness.

  RFC 2616 - HTTP 1.1

  RFC 2617 - HTTP Authentication


  MingW32 - http://www.xraylith.wisc.edu/~khan/software/gnu-win32/index.html


  OpenSSL - http://www.openssl.org
  OpenLDAP - http://www.openldap.org
  zlib - http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/zlib/


  wget    - ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/
  snarf   - http://www.xach.com/snarf/
  lynx    - http://lynx.browser.org/ (well at least when -dump is used)
  swebget - http://www.uni-hildesheim.de/~smol0075/swebget/
  fetch   - ?