Curl and libcurl 7.11.0. A minor features added release. The 78th public curl release. Release number 105 counted from the very beginning. This release includes the following changes: o CURLOPT_FTPSSL and ftps:// now do ssl over FTP "The Right Way" o The Windows DLLs are built with an added "resource file" o New LIBCURL_VERSION_* defines for easier checking version number o Included Mac OS X 'framework' makefile in the release archive o Removed the TRUE and FALSE #defines from the public curl header file o Added CURLOPT_NETRC_FILE This release includes the following bugfixes: o improved how libcurl deals with persistant connections over FTP when a transfer fails o accessing a proxy that requires Basic auth without password caused a hang o a free free-twice problem in the server certificate code o minor memory leak when using ranges on persistant connections o formpost parts sending files with .html extensions now use "Content-Type: text/html" o formpost parts now default to "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" o --progress-bar was slightly improved o Failing to connect to localhost, using the multi interface on Solaris showed a connect problem now fixed. o The generated ca-bundle.h file is now generated in the build dir, not the source dir o The FTP-EPSV response parser for the 229 code was fixed o curl finds the user's home dir slightly different and hopefully better on Windows o can now be used to autotest daily tarballs o a couple of command line options now check that the underyling library actually supports the features before trying to enable them o uninitialized variable fix o better html versions of the man pages Other curl-related news since the previous public release: o pycURL 7.10.8 was released: This release would not have looked like this without help, code, reports and advice from friends like these: Kevin Roth, Troels Walsted Hansen, Matt Veenstra, Marty Kuhrt, Benjamin Gerard, Gisle Vanem, Ralph Mitchell, Sébastien Willemijns, Kang-Jin Lee, Peter Sylvester, Siddhartha Prakash Jain, Mathias Axelsson, Maciej W. Rozycki, Nicolas Croiset, Josh Kapell, Gaz Iqbal Thanks! (and sorry if I forgot to mention someone)