From 91c879461ef308ba24404c3e7e84870f83844001 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 07:35:21 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Alexander Kourakos's lowercase environment variable fix

 lib/url.c | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/url.c b/lib/url.c
index faaa996927..4e9d1bd2cf 100644
--- a/lib/url.c
+++ b/lib/url.c
@@ -849,20 +849,29 @@ static CURLcode _connect(CURL *curl, CURLconnect **in_connect)
     /* If proxy was not specified, we check for default proxy environment
        variables, to enable i.e Lynx compliance:
-       HTTP_PROXY http://some.server.dom:port/
-       HTTPS_PROXY http://some.server.dom:port/
-       FTP_PROXY http://some.server.dom:port/
-       GOPHER_PROXY http://some.server.dom:port/
-       NO_PROXY host.domain.dom  (a comma-separated list of hosts which should
-       not be proxied, or an asterisk to override all proxy variables)
-       ALL_PROXY seems to exist for the CERN www lib. Probably the first to
-       check for.
+       http_proxy=http://some.server.dom:port/
+       https_proxy=http://some.server.dom:port/
+       ftp_proxy=http://some.server.dom:port/
+       gopher_proxy=http://some.server.dom:port/
+       no_proxy=domain1.dom,host.domain2.dom
+                                 (a comma-separated list of hosts which should
+                                  not be proxied, or an asterisk to override
+                                  all proxy variables)
+       all_proxy=http://some.server.dom:port/
+                                 (seems to exist for the CERN www lib. Probably
+                                  the first to check for.)
+       For compatibility, the all-uppercase versions of these variables are
+       checked if the lowercase versions don't exist.
-    char *no_proxy=GetEnv("NO_PROXY");
+    char *no_proxy=NULL;
     char *proxy=NULL;
     char proxy_env[128];
+    no_proxy=GetEnv("no_proxy");
+    if(!no_proxy)
+      no_proxy=GetEnv("NO_PROXY");
     if(!no_proxy || !strequal("*", no_proxy)) {
       /* NO_PROXY wasn't specified or it wasn't just an asterisk */
       char *nope;
@@ -885,23 +894,31 @@ static CURLcode _connect(CURL *curl, CURLconnect **in_connect)
 	char *envp = proxy_env;
 	char *prox;
-	/* Now, build <PROTOCOL>_PROXY and check for such a one to use */
-	while(*protop) {
-	  *envp++ = toupper(*protop++);
-	}
-	/* append _PROXY */
-	strcpy(envp, "_PROXY");
-#if 0
-	infof(data, "DEBUG: checks the environment variable %s\n", proxy_env);
+	/* Now, build <protocol>_proxy and check for such a one to use */
+	while(*protop)
+	  *envp++ = tolower(*protop++);
+	/* append _proxy */
+	strcpy(envp, "_proxy");
 	/* read the protocol proxy: */
+	if(!prox) {
+          /* There was no lowercase variable, try the uppercase version: */
+	  for(envp = proxy_env; *envp; envp++)
+	    *envp = toupper(*envp);
+	  prox=GetEnv(proxy_env);
+	}
 	if(prox && *prox) { /* don't count "" strings */
 	  proxy = prox; /* use this */
-        }
-        else
-          proxy = GetEnv("ALL_PROXY"); /* default proxy to use */
+	}
+	else {
+	  proxy = GetEnv("all_proxy"); /* default proxy to use */
+	  if(!proxy)
+            proxy=GetEnv("ALL_PROXY");
+	}
         if(proxy && *proxy) {
           /* we have a proxy here to set */
@@ -909,7 +926,7 @@ static CURLcode _connect(CURL *curl, CURLconnect **in_connect)
           data->bits.proxystringalloc=1; /* this needs to be freed later */
-      } /* if (!nope) - it wasn't specfied non-proxy */
+      } /* if (!nope) - it wasn't specified non-proxy */
     } /* NO_PROXY wasn't specified or '*' */