/* * Copyright (C) Telefonica 2015 * All rights reserved. * * Telefonica Proprietary Information. * * Contains proprietary/trade secret information which is the property of * Telefonica and must not be made available to, or copied or used by * anyone outside Telefonica without its written authorization. * * Authors: * Ilias Leontiadis et al. * * Description: * An SSL/SPP middlebox. */ #include "common.h" #include #include #define KEYFILE "server.pem" #define PASSWORD "password" #define DHFILE "dh1024.pem" #include #define HI_DEF_TIMER static int disable_nagle = 0 ; //#define DEBUG // now this can be turned on/off in the Makefile int tcp_listen(int port) { int sock; struct sockaddr_in sin; int val=1; if((sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0))<0) err_exit("Couldn't make socket"); memset(&sin,0,sizeof(sin)); sin.sin_addr.s_addr=INADDR_ANY; sin.sin_family=AF_INET; sin.sin_port=htons(port); setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR, &val,sizeof(val)); if (disable_nagle == 1) set_nagle(sock, 1); if(bind(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin))<0) berr_exit("Couldn't bind"); listen(sock,5); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Listening at port: %d\n", port); #endif return(sock); } // TCP connect function int tcp_connect(char *host, int port){ struct hostent *hp; struct sockaddr_in addr; int sock; // Resolve host if(!(hp = gethostbyname(host))){ berr_exit("Couldn't resolve host"); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("Host %s resolved to %s port %d\n", host, hp->h_addr_list[0], port); #endif memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr*) hp->h_addr_list[0]; addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(port); if((sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP))<0){ err_exit("Couldn't create socket"); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("Socket created\n"); #endif if (disable_nagle == 1) set_nagle(sock, 1); if(connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr))<0){ err_exit("Couldn't connect socket"); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("Socket connected\n"); #endif return sock; } void load_dh_params(ctx,file) SSL_CTX *ctx; char *file; { DH *ret=0; BIO *bio; if ((bio=BIO_new_file(file,"r")) == NULL) berr_exit("Couldn't open DH file"); ret=PEM_read_bio_DHparams(bio,NULL,NULL, NULL); BIO_free(bio); if(SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(ctx,ret)<0) berr_exit("Couldn't set DH parameters"); } // Check for SSL_write error (just write at this point) -- TO DO: check behavior per slice void check_SSL_write_error(SSL *ssl, int r, int request_len){ switch(SSL_get_error(ssl, r)){ case SSL_ERROR_NONE: if(request_len != r){ err_exit("Incomplete write!"); } break; default: berr_exit("SSL write problem"); } } //this creates a new outgoing SSL connection. If method = SSL it also runs SSL_connect SSL* create_SSL_connection(char *address, char* method){ #ifdef DEBUG printf("Creating new ssl/spp conection to: %s\n", address); #endif SSL_CTX *ctx; // SSL context SSL *new_ssl; // SSL context BIO *sbio; // ? int sock; // socket char* ipv4 = strtok(strdup(address), ":"); // ip int port = atoi(strtok(NULL, ":")); // port #ifdef DEBUG printf("Connecting to next hop: %s %d\n", ipv4, port); #endif ctx = initialize_ctx(KEYFILE, PASSWORD, method); new_ssl = SSL_new(ctx); sock = tcp_connect(ipv4, port); sbio = BIO_new_socket(sock, BIO_NOCLOSE); SSL_set_bio(new_ssl, sbio, sbio); //also run connect for ssl (we do not run this when the callback is used for SPP) if (strcmp(method, "ssl")==0) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("SSL CONNECT\n"); #endif if(SSL_connect(new_ssl) <= 0) berr_exit("SSL connect error"); #ifdef DEBUG printf("SSL CONNECTED\n"); #endif } return new_ssl; } /* Just creates a new SSL instance but it does not connect ! */ SSL* SPP_Callback(SSL *ssl, char *address){ return create_SSL_connection(address, "middlebox"); } /* This will terminate but NOT destroy a socket */ int shut_down_connections(SSL* ssl) { int r; int socket; // get socket socket = SSL_get_fd(ssl); #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox] Shutting down connection!\n"); #endif //shutdown(SSL_get_fd(ssl), SHUT_WR); //shutdown(SSL_get_fd(ssl), 1); r = SSL_shutdown(ssl); if (r == 0) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox] r=0 trying again to shutdown\n"); #endif shutdown(socket, 1); r = SSL_shutdown(ssl); } // Verify that all went good switch(r){ case 1: #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox] Succesfully shut down connection!\n"); #endif break; // Success case 0: case -1: default: // Error printf("[middlebox] Connection shutdown failed\n"); } // FIXME -- this should not be need it but ... shutdown(SSL_get_fd(ssl), SHUT_WR); // close here close(socket); // All good return 0; } /* Handles data from previous hop and forwards them to the next one. TODO: in theory the two handlers can be merged in a single function... */ int handle_previous_hop_data(SSL* prev_ssl, SSL* next_ssl, char* proto) { int r,w; long status; char buf[BUFSIZZ]; SPP_SLICE *slice; SPP_CTX *ctx; // Read HTTP GET (assuming a single read is enough) while(1){ #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox-p] Waiting to read data from previous hop\n"); #endif if (strcmp(proto, "spp") == 0) { r = SPP_read_record(prev_ssl, buf, BUFSIZZ, &slice, &ctx); } else { r = SSL_read(prev_ssl, buf, BUFSIZZ); } status = SSL_get_error(prev_ssl, r); if (status == SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN || status != SSL_ERROR_NONE){ #ifdef DEBUG char tempBuf[100]; ERR_error_string(status, tempBuf); fprintf(stderr, "[middlebox-p] Connection with previous hop closed, exiting previous hop handler (error %s)\n", tempBuf); #endif break; } else if (status != SSL_ERROR_NONE){ berr_exit("[middlebox-p] SSL read problem"); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox-p] Data received (from previous hop) (length %d bytes):\n*****\n", r); fwrite(buf, 1, r, stdout); printf("\n******\n"); printf("[middlebox-p] Forwarding record to next hop\n"); #endif if (strcmp(proto, "spp") == 0) { //w = SPP_write_record(next_ssl, buf, r, next_ssl->slices[0]); w = SPP_forward_record(next_ssl, buf,r , slice, ctx, 0); check_SSL_write_error(next_ssl, w, r); } else { w = SSL_write(next_ssl, buf, r); check_SSL_write_error(next_ssl, w, r); } //this is probably not necessary... if(r == 0 ){ break; } } // NEW SHUT DOWN #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox-p] Shutting down next hop\n"); #endif shut_down_connections(next_ssl); #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox-p] Next hop shut down\n"); #endif // The previous connection has been terminated by the client... we just free the SSL object... //SSL_free(prev_ssl); // All good return(0); } int handle_next_hop_data(SSL* prev_ssl, SSL* next_ssl, char* proto) { int r,w,status ; char buf[BUFSIZZ]; SPP_SLICE *slice; SPP_CTX *ctx; // Read HTTP GET (assuming a single read is enough) while(1){ #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox-n] Waiting to read data from next hop\n"); #endif if (strcmp(proto, "spp") == 0) { r = SPP_read_record(next_ssl, buf, BUFSIZZ, &slice, &ctx); } else { r = SSL_read(next_ssl, buf, BUFSIZZ); } status = SSL_get_error(next_ssl, r); if (status == SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN || status != SSL_ERROR_NONE){ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "[middlebox-n] Connection with next hop closed, exiting next hop handler and also closing previous hop connection\n"); #endif break; } else if (status != SSL_ERROR_NONE){ berr_exit("[middlebox-n] SSL read problem"); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox-p] Data received (from previous hop) (length %d bytes):\n*****\n", r); fwrite(buf, 1, r, stdout); printf("\n******\n"); printf("[middlebox-n] Forwarding record to previous hop\n"); #endif if (strcmp(proto, "spp") == 0) { w = SPP_forward_record(prev_ssl, buf,r , slice, ctx, 0); check_SSL_write_error(prev_ssl, w, r); } else { w = SSL_write(prev_ssl, buf, r); check_SSL_write_error(prev_ssl, w, r); } // In theory this is not necessary if(r == 0 ){ break; } } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "[middlebox-n] Triggering connection with previous hop to close too\n"); #endif //SSL_free(prev_ssl); // All good return(0); } int handle_data(SSL* prev_ssl, SSL* next_ssl, char* proto) { pid_t next_handler; int status; #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox] Initializing data handlers\n"); #endif next_handler = fork(); if( next_handler == 0) { //child process // handle traffic from client handle_previous_hop_data(prev_ssl, next_ssl, proto); #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox] Exiting previous hop handler\n"); #endif //TODO: wait for child before returning exit(0); } else { //parent handle_next_hop_data(prev_ssl, next_ssl, proto); #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox] Exiting next hop handler\n"); #endif } #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox] Waiting previous hop handler to quit before quiting data handler\n"); #endif wait(&status); //CLEAN UP close(SSL_get_fd(next_ssl)); close(SSL_get_fd(prev_ssl)); //CLEAN UP SSL_free(next_ssl); //SSL_free(prev_ssl); #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox] Exiting data handler!\n"); #endif return 0; } int tcp_forwarder(int prev, int next) { pid_t next_handler; int status; char buf[BUFSIZZ]; int r; #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox] Initializing data handlers\n"); #endif next_handler = fork(); if( next_handler == 0) { //child process // handle traffic from client while(1){ r = read( prev, buf, sizeof( buf ) ); #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox-forwarder] Data received (from previous hop) (length %d bytes)\n", r); #endif if ( r <= 0 ) break; r = write( next, buf, r ); if ( r <= 0 ) break; } close(next); exit(0); } else { //parent while(1){ r = read( next, buf, sizeof( buf ) ); #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox-forwarder] Data received (from next hop) (length %d bytes)\n", r); #endif if ( r <= 0 ) break; r = write( prev, buf, r ); if ( r <= 0 ) break; } //this will signal the other thread to quit close(prev); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox] Waiting previous hop handler to quit before quiting data handler\n"); #endif wait(&status); #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox] Exiting data handler!\n"); #endif return 0; } // Usage function void usage(void){ printf("usage: mbox -c -a -p -m\n"); printf("-c: protocol chosen (ssl ; spp; fwd; pln; spp_mod; ssl_mod; fwd_mod, pln_mod)\n"); printf("-a: {for ssl splitting only: address to forward in ip:port format}\n"); printf("-p: {port number that the box will listen at (default 8423)}\n"); printf("-m: {id of this proxy in ip:port format.}\n"); printf("-l: duration of load estimation time (10 sec default)\n"); exit(-1); } // Main function int main(int argc, char **argv){ int sock, s; BIO *sbio; SSL_CTX *ctx; SSL *ssl; int r; pid_t pid; char *proto; // protocol type int port = 8423; extern char *optarg; // user input parameters char *address_to_forward = NULL; int c; proto = "spp"; char *prxy_address = ""; SSL* ssl_next = NULL; //clock_t start, end; struct timespec tps, tpe; double cpu_time_used; int loadTime = 0; // time used for load estimation (not used but for future. 0 means no printing) char buf[BUFSIZZ]; int ret; // Handle user input parameters while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "h:c:a:p:m:l:")) != -1){ switch(c){ // Print usage case 'h': usage(); break; // Protocol chosen case 'c': if(! (proto = strdup(optarg) )){ err_exit("Out of memory"); } if (strcmp(proto, "spp_mod") == 0){ proto = "spp"; disable_nagle = 1; } if (strcmp(proto, "pln_mod") == 0){ proto = "pln"; disable_nagle = 1; } if (strcmp(proto, "fwd_mod") == 0){ proto = "fwd"; disable_nagle = 1; } if (strcmp(proto, "ssl_mod") == 0){ proto = "ssl"; disable_nagle = 1; } if (strcmp(proto, "pln") == 0){ proto = "fwd"; } break; // Address to forward in case of SSL splitting case 'a': if(! (address_to_forward = strdup(optarg) )){ err_exit("Out of memory"); } break; // Port used by mbox case 'p': if(! (port = atoi(optarg) )){ err_exit("A port NUMBER for the middlebox should be given\n"); } break; // Middlebox ID, required by SPP case 'm': if(! (prxy_address = strdup(optarg) )){ err_exit("Out of memory"); } break; // Control load estimation period case 'l': loadTime = atoi(optarg); break; // Default case default: usage(); break; } } // Checking input parameters if ((strcmp(proto, "spp") != 0) && (strcmp(proto, "ssl") != 0) && (strcmp(proto, "fwd") != 0)) { printf("Protocol type specified is not supported. Supported protocols are: spp, ssl, fwd\n"); usage(); } else if ( (strcmp(proto, "ssl") == 0 || (strcmp(proto, "fwd"))==0 ) && address_to_forward == NULL ) { printf("You must specify a forwarding address for SSL splitting or forwarding (-a)\n"); usage(); } //logging #ifdef DEBUG printf("[DEBUG] port=%d proto=%s address_to_fwd=%s prxy_address=%s\n", port, proto, address_to_forward, prxy_address); #endif //initialize SSL connection if (strcmp(proto, "fwd") != 0){ if (strcmp(proto, "spp") == 0) ctx = initialize_ctx(KEYFILE, PASSWORD, "middlebox"); else ctx = initialize_ctx(KEYFILE, PASSWORD, "ssl"); load_dh_params(ctx,DHFILE); } // Socket in listen state sock = tcp_listen(port); // Wait for client request int nConn = 0; while(1){ // keep track of number of connections nConn++; if((s = accept(sock, 0, 0)) < 0){ err_exit("Problem socket accept\n"); } signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); // fork a new proces if((pid = fork())){ close(s); } else { // start timer for CPU time on first connection #ifdef HI_DEF_TIMER clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &tps); #else start = clock(); #endif if (strcmp(proto, "fwd") == 0){ #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox] TCP forwarder\n"); #endif /* no encryption... just tcp forwarding... */ char* fwd_host = strtok(strdup(address_to_forward), ":"); // TODO: memory leak here... int fwd_port = atoi(strtok(NULL, ":")); // port #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox] Waiting for request before connecting to next hop...\n"); #endif //peeking data... ret = recv(s, buf, sizeof( buf ), MSG_PEEK); #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox] Got request (%d bytes)... connecting...\n", ret); #endif int next_hop = tcp_connect(fwd_host, fwd_port); tcp_forwarder(s, next_hop); } else { sbio = BIO_new_socket(s, BIO_NOCLOSE); ssl = SSL_new(ctx); SSL_set_bio(ssl, sbio, sbio); // Accept connections based on the protocol (ssl split or proxy) if (strcmp(proto, "spp") == 0) { //SSL* (*connect_func)(SSL *, char *) = SPP_Callback; if ((r = SPP_proxy(ssl, prxy_address, SPP_Callback, &ssl_next)) <= 0) { berr_exit("[middlebox] SPP proxy error"); } else { #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox] SPP proxy OK\n"); #endif } } else if (strcmp(proto, "ssl") == 0) { if((r = SSL_accept(ssl) <= 0)){ berr_exit("SSL accept error"); } else { #ifdef DEBUG printf("SSL accept OK\n"); #endif } #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox] Waiting for request before connecting to next hop...\n"); #endif //peeking data... ret = recv(s, buf, sizeof( buf ), MSG_PEEK); #ifdef DEBUG printf("[middlebox] Got request (%d bytes)... connecting...\n", ret); #endif ssl_next = create_SSL_connection(address_to_forward, "ssl"); } /* STARTING THE DATA HANDLERS */ handle_data(ssl, ssl_next, proto); } // Close socket close(s); // Compute CPU time user for this connection and log it #ifdef HI_DEF_TIMER clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &tpe); cpu_time_used = ( tpe.tv_sec - tps.tv_sec ) + (double)( tpe.tv_nsec - tps.tv_nsec )/ (double)1000000000L; #else end = clock(); cpu_time_used = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; #endif if (loadTime > 0){ printf("CPU time=%f sec\n", cpu_time_used); } // Exit child thread exit(0); } } // Clean context destroy_ctx(ctx); // Exit exit(0); }