#!/bin/bash # Measure delay in the following scenario # Client ---> MBOX (Amazon-1) ---> Server (Amazon-2) # Function to print script usage usage(){ echo -e "Usage: $0 command" echo -e "command = {ping, mtr}" exit 0 } # check input is correct [[ $# -lt 1 ]] && usage # Parameters key="amazon.pem" # amazon key user="ubuntu" # amazon user timeSleep=5 # time for server to setup proxyFile="./proxyList_amazon" # contains proxy information log="rtt_results" # results file duration=30 # measure for 1 minute serverAdr="" # server address proxyAdr="" # middlebox address comm=$1 # command to use echo "[PING] Command chosen is $comm" # cleaning rm rtt_report_* rm pingSummary_* rm pingSummary # ping the server from the mbox echo "[PING] MTR from mbox to the server ($serverAdr) (last $duration)" if [ -f rtt_report_$serverAdr ] then rm rtt_report_$serverAdr fi #command="mtr -c $duration --report $serverAdr > rtt_report_$serverAdr &" command="./mtrTest.sh $serverAdr $duration &" ssh -i $key $user@$proxyAdr "$command" & # make sure on the server it will finish faster sleep 1 # Cleanup if [ -f pingSummary_$proxyAdr ] then rm -v pingSummary_$proxyAdr fi # ping or mtr the mbox from local machine if [ -f rtt_report_$proxyAdr ] then rm rtt_report_$proxyAdr fi if [ $comm == "ping" ] then echo "[PING] PING from localhost to mbox ($proxyAdr) (last $duration)" ping -c $duration $proxyAdr > rtt_report_$proxyAdr cat rtt_report_$proxyAdr | grep avg | cut -f 2 -d "=" | cut -f 2 -d " " | awk 'BEGIN{FS="/"}{print $2 " " $NF}' > pingSummary_$proxyAdr else echo "[PING] MTR from localhost to mbox ($proxyAdr) (last $duration)" mtr -c $duration --report $proxyAdr > rtt_report_$proxyAdr cat rtt_report_$proxyAdr | grep -v "HOST" | grep -v 2015 | awk '{if ($6>MAX){MAX=$6; stdev=$NF;}}END{print MAX " " stdev}' > pingSummary_$proxyAdr fi # collect results from mbox scp -i $key $user@$proxyAdr:"./rtt_report_$serverAdr" ./ if [ -f pingSummary_$serverAdr ] then rm -v pingSummary_$serverAdr fi cat rtt_report_$serverAdr | grep -v "HOST" | grep -v 2015 | awk '{if ($6>MAX){MAX=$6; stdev=$NF;}}END{print MAX " " stdev}' > pingSummary_$serverAdr # compute time as the sum of the two and stdev as average cat pingSummary_* | awk '{avg=avg+$1; stdev=stdev+$2;}END{print avg " " stdev/2}' > pingSummary