*** Settings *** Library ${EXECDIR}/libraries/assertionUtils.py *** Variable *** ${instance_id_regex_expr}= root\\[.*\\]\\['instanceId'\\] *** Keywords *** Check Response Status Code Set To [Arguments] ${expected_status} ${response_status}= convert to string ${response['status']} Should Be Equal ${response_status} ${expected_status} Check RL Response Status Code Set To Expected Code [Arguments] ${expected_status} Status Should Be ${expected_status} ${response} Check RL Response Status Code Set To [Arguments] ${expected_status} Status Should Be ${expected_status} ${response} Check Response Body Containing Array Of URIs set to [Arguments] @{expected_entities_ids} Lists Should Be Equal ${expected_entities_ids} ${response['body']} ignore_order=True Check Response Headers Containing URI set to # upon success, the http response shall include a loication http header that countains the uri of the created entity resource [Arguments] ${expected_path} ${expected_entity_id} Should Be Equal ${expected_path}${expected_entity_id} ${response['headers']['location']} ignore_order=True Check Response Body Containing an Attribute set to [Arguments] ${expected_attribute_name} Should Not Be Empty ${response['body']['${expected_attribute_name}']} Check Response Body Details Containing Information Error [Arguments] ${expected_error_message} Should be Equal ${expected_error_message} ${response['body']['details']} Check Response Body Containing Batch Operation Result [Arguments] ${expected_batch_operation_result} @{expected_successful_entities_ids}= Get From Dictionary ${expected_batch_operation_result} success @{expected_failed_entities_ids}= Get From Dictionary ${expected_batch_operation_result} errors @{response_errors}= Get From Dictionary ${response['body']} errors ${expected_failed_entities_ids_length}= Get Length ${expected_failed_entities_ids} ${response_errors_length}= Get Length ${response_errors} Lists Should Be Equal ${expected_successful_entities_ids} ${response['body']['success']} ignore_order=True Should be Equal as Integers ${expected_failed_entities_ids_length} ${response_errors_length} FOR ${response_error} IN @{response_errors} List Should Contain Value ${expected_failed_entities_ids} ${response_error['entityId']} Should Not Be Empty ${response_error['error']} END Check Response Body Containing EntityTemporal element [Arguments] ${filename} ${temporal_entity_representation_id} ${temporal_entity_representation_payload}= Load Json From File ${EXECDIR}/data/temporalEntities/expectations/${filename} ${temporal_entity_representation}= Update Value To Json ${temporal_entity_representation_payload} $..id ${temporal_entity_representation_id} ${comparaison_result}= Compare Dictionaries Ignoring Keys ${response['body']} ${temporal_entity_representation} ${instance_id_regex_expr} Should Be True ${comparaison_result} msg=EntityTemporal Comparaison Failed Check Response Body Containing ProblemDetails Element Containing Type Element set to [Arguments] ${response} ${type} Should Be Equal ${response['body']['type']} ${type} Check Response Body Containing ProblemDetails Element Containing Title Element [Arguments] ${response} Should Not Be Empty ${response['body']['title']} Check RL Response Body Containing ProblemDetails Element Containing Type Element set to [Arguments] ${response} ${type} ${json_response_body}= To Json ${response.content} Should Be Equal ${json_response_body['type']} ${type} Check RL Response Body Containing ProblemDetails Element Containing Title Element [Arguments] ${response} ${json_response_body}= To Json ${response.content} Should Not Be Empty ${json_response_body['title']} Assert response status code [Arguments] ${code} Should Be Equal ${response}[status] ${code} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is [Arguments] ${expected_status} ${status}= Convert To Integer ${expected_status} Console Should Be Equal ${response['status']} ${status} Log Status code validated Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is [Arguments] ${input} Should Contain ${response['headers']['Content-Type']} application/json ${schema} = Catenate SEPARATOR= ${input} .schema.json Validate Json ${schema} ${response['body']} Log Json Schema Validation OK Should Be Present In Json List [Arguments] ${expr} ${json_field} ${json_value} Log Check if ${json_field} is present in ${expr} with the value ${jsonvalue} :FOR ${item} IN @{expr} \ Exit For Loop If "${item['${json_field}']}" == "${json_value}" Log Item found ${item} [return] ${item} Check Result Contains [Arguments] ${source} ${parameter} ${value} Should Be Present In Json List ${source} ${parameter} ${value}