*** Settings *** Documentation A Notification shall be sent (as mandated by each concrete binding and including any optional endpoint.info defined by clause 5.2.22) to the endpoint specified by the endpoint.uri member of the notification structure defined by clause 5.2.14 Resource ${EXECDIR}/resources/ApiUtils/ContextInformationSubscription.resource Resource ${EXECDIR}/resources/ApiUtils/ContextInformationProvision.resource Resource ${EXECDIR}/resources/AssertionUtils.resource Resource ${EXECDIR}/resources/JsonUtils.resource Resource ${EXECDIR}/resources/NotificationUtils.resource Suite Setup Before Test Suite Teardown After Test *** Variables *** ${subscription_id_prefix} urn:ngsi-ld:Subscription: ${subscription_payload_file_path} subscriptions/subscription-building-entities-active-endpoint-info.jsonld ${building_id_prefix} urn:ngsi-ld:Building: ${entity_building_filepath} building-simple-attributes-sample.jsonld ${fragment_filename} airQualityLevel-fragment.jsonld ${notification_server_send_url} http://${notification_server_host}:${notification_server_port}/notify *** Test Cases *** 046_09_01 Check that a notification is sent to the endpoint [Documentation] A Notification shall be sent (as mandated by each concrete binding and including any optional endpoint.info defined by clause 5.2.22) to the endpoint specified by the endpoint.uri member of the notification structure defined by clause 5.2.1 [Tags] sub-notification 5_8_6 046_09 Add Initial Entity Sleep 1s Setup Initial Subscriptions Update Entity Attributes ${entity_id} ${fragment_filename} ${CONTENT_TYPE_LD_JSON} ${notification} ${headers}= Wait for notification timeout=${10} Dictionary Should Contain Key ${headers} X-Additional-Key *** Keywords *** Setup Initial Subscriptions ${subscription_id}= Generate Random Entity Id ${subscription_id_prefix} ${subscription_payload}= Load Subscription Sample With Reachable Endpoint ... ${subscription_payload_file_path} ... ${subscription_id} ... ${notification_server_send_url} ${subscription_payload}= Set Entity Id In Subscription ${subscription_payload} ${entity_id} Create Subscription From Subscription Payload ${subscription_payload} ${CONTENT_TYPE_LD_JSON} Set Suite Variable ${subscription_id} Delete Initial Subscriptions Delete Subscription ${subscription_id} Before Test Start Local Server ${notification_server_host} ${notification_server_port} After Test Delete Initial Subscriptions Delete Initial Entity Stop Local Server Add Initial Entity ${entity_id}= Generate Random Entity Id ${building_id_prefix} Create Entity ${entity_building_filepath} ${entity_id} Set Suite Variable ${entity_id} Delete Initial Entity Delete Entity by Id ${entity_id}