from dataclasses import dataclass from deepdiff import DeepDiff from prettydiff import get_annotated_lines_from_diff, diff_json, Flag from robot.api import logger @dataclass class Theme: added: str removed: str reset: str def compare_dictionaries_ignoring_keys(expected, actual, exclude_regex_paths, group_by=None): """Function exposed as a keyword to compare two dictionaries :param expected: expected dictionary :param actual: actual dictionary :param exclude_regex_paths: list of regex paths of keys to be ignored :param group_by: a key to group the results, useful for lists of results """ if group_by is not None: res = DeepDiff(expected, actual, exclude_regex_paths=exclude_regex_paths, ignore_order=True, verbose_level=1, group_by=group_by) else: res = DeepDiff(expected, actual, exclude_regex_paths=exclude_regex_paths, ignore_order=True, verbose_level=1) if len(res) > 0: output_pretty_diff(expected, actual, Theme(added="", removed="", reset="")) return res def output_pretty_diff(a, b, theme, indent_size: int = 2, console=False):"Dictionary comparison failed with -> ", also_console=True) lines = get_annotated_lines_from_diff(diff_json(a, b)) msg = "" for line in lines: if Flag.ADDED in line.flags: flags = f"{theme.added}+ " elif Flag.REMOVED in line.flags: flags = f"{theme.removed}- " else: flags = f"{theme.reset} " msg = msg + flags + " " * (indent_size * line.indent) + line.s + "\n", also_console=True)