from re import compile, match, findall, MULTILINE from difflib import SequenceMatcher def get_string_difference(string1: str, string2: str) -> str: differ = SequenceMatcher(None, string1, string2) differences = differ.get_opcodes() diff_string = "" for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in differences: if tag == 'delete' or tag == 'replace': diff_string += string1[i1:i2] elif tag == 'insert' or tag == 'replace': diff_string += string2[j1:j2] return diff_string class Markdown: def __init__(self, filename: str, previous_content: str): # Read the content of the input file with open(filename, 'r') as file: self.content = file.close() # Initial previous content if previous_content != '': # If there was a previous content in the file, take the difference to do the process self.content = get_string_difference(string1=previous_content, string2=self.content) = { "suite": str(), "cases": list(), "steps": list() } self.markdown_content = str() def get_names(self): pattern1 = compile('^(\S+.*)$', MULTILINE) aux = findall(pattern=pattern1, string=self.content) special_lines = ['Response:', 'Request:', 'Mismatch:', f'{"=" * 150}', f'{"=" * 80}', f'{"-" * 80}'] xs = [x for x in aux if x not in special_lines] prefixes_to_remove = ["Item ", "+ ", "- ", "Value of ", "HTTP status code", "HTTPError:", "AttributeError:"] xs = [item for item in xs if not any(item.startswith(prefix) for prefix in prefixes_to_remove)] # Get the name of the Test Suite["suite"] = xs[0] # Get the names of the Test Cases try: pattern = r"\d{3}\w+"["cases"] = [item for item in xs if match(pattern, item)] except IndexError as err: print(f'\n[ERROR] Unexpected {err=}, {type(err)=} in TC {self.suite_name}\n\n') # Get the rest of values -> Steps # Get items from listA not present in listB and not equal to exclude_string['steps'] = [item for item in xs if item not in['cases'] and item !=['suite']]['steps'] = list(set(['steps'])) def generate_md(self): # Replace the title of the Test Suite self.markdown_content = self.content self.markdown_content = ( self.markdown_content.replace(f'{"=" * 150}\n{["suite"]}\n{"=" * 150}', f'# {["suite"]}')) # Replace the name of the Test Cases for x in['cases']: self.markdown_content = ( self.markdown_content.replace(f'{x}\n{"=" * 80}\n', f'```\n## {x}\n')) # Replace Request, Response, and Mismatch self.markdown_content = (self.markdown_content.replace(f'Request:\n{"-" * 80}', '#### Request:\n```') .replace(f'Response:\n{"-" * 80}', '```\n\n#### Response:\n```') .replace(f'Mismatch:\n{"-" * 80}', '```\n\n#### Mismatch:\n```')) # Replace the name of the steps for x in['steps']: self.markdown_content = ( self.markdown_content.replace(f'{x}\n', f'```\n### {x}\n')) # Final steps, correct the code style for the title of the Test Cases # Define patterns and replacement strings index = True for x in['cases']: if index: self.markdown_content = ( self.markdown_content.replace(f'```\n## {x}\n\n```\n', f'## {x}\n\n')) index = False else: self.markdown_content = ( self.markdown_content.replace(f'```\n## {x}\n\n```\n', f'```\n## {x}\n\n')) # If the final number of "```" is odd, means that we need to close the last code section # this is a workaround to close the last section of code if this is keep open count = self.markdown_content.count("```") if count % 2 == 1: print(True) self.markdown_content = f"{self.markdown_content}\n```" def save_file(self, filename: str): # Write the Markdown content to the output file with open(filename, 'a') as file: file.write(self.markdown_content) file.close() return self.content def get_markdown(self) -> str: return self.markdown_content