"doc":"Check that you can retrieve an entity using Language Filter",
"template":"Retrieve Entity With Language Filter",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Query Entity with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Query Entity with Response Body containing en entity element with id set to '${entity_id}' and body content set to 'building-language-property-fr-filter.jsonld'\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/{id}'\n method set to 'GET'\n Get Entity Request: and\n Query Parameter: id set to '${entity_id}' and\n Query Parameter: accept set to 'application/ld+json' and\n Query Parameter: Link set to '<$https://forge.etsi.org/rep/cim/ngsi-ld-test-suite/-/raw/develop/resources/jsonld-contexts/ngsi-ld-test-suite-compound.jsonld>; rel=\"http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context\";type=\"application/ld+json\"' and\n Query Parameter: options set to '${EMPTY}' and\n Query Parameter: lang set to 'fr'\n}",
"name":"018_07_02 Retrieve an entity using multiple natural languages with no ranked preference",
"doc":"Check that you can retrieve an entity using Language Filter",
"template":"Retrieve Entity With Language Filter",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Query Entity with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Query Entity with Response Body containing en entity element with id set to '${entity_id}' and body content set to 'building-language-property-fr-filter.jsonld'\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/{id}'\n method set to 'GET'\n Get Entity Request: and\n Query Parameter: id set to '${entity_id}' and\n Query Parameter: accept set to 'application/ld+json' and\n Query Parameter: Link set to '<$https://forge.etsi.org/rep/cim/ngsi-ld-test-suite/-/raw/develop/resources/jsonld-contexts/ngsi-ld-test-suite-compound.jsonld>; rel=\"http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context\";type=\"application/ld+json\"' and\n Query Parameter: options set to '${EMPTY}' and\n Query Parameter: lang set to 'fr-CH,fr'\n}",
"name":"018_07_03 Retrieve an entity with any supported language",
"doc":"Check that you can retrieve an entity using Language Filter",
"template":"Retrieve Entity With Language Filter",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Query Entity with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Query Entity with Response Body containing en entity element with id set to '${entity_id}' and body content set to 'building-language-property-any-language-filter.jsonld'\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/{id}'\n method set to 'GET'\n Get Entity Request: and\n Query Parameter: id set to '${entity_id}' and\n Query Parameter: accept set to 'application/ld+json' and\n Query Parameter: Link set to '<$https://forge.etsi.org/rep/cim/ngsi-ld-test-suite/-/raw/develop/resources/jsonld-contexts/ngsi-ld-test-suite-compound.jsonld>; rel=\"http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context\";type=\"application/ld+json\"' and\n Query Parameter: options set to '${EMPTY}' and\n Query Parameter: lang set to '*'\n}",
"name":"018_07_04 Retrieve an entity using multiple natural languages with ranked preferences",
"doc":"Check that you can retrieve an entity using Language Filter",
"template":"Retrieve Entity With Language Filter",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Query Entity with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Query Entity with Response Body containing en entity element with id set to '${entity_id}' and body content set to 'building-language-property-fr-filter.jsonld'\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/{id}'\n method set to 'GET'\n Get Entity Request: and\n Query Parameter: id set to '${entity_id}' and\n Query Parameter: accept set to 'application/ld+json' and\n Query Parameter: Link set to '<$https://forge.etsi.org/rep/cim/ngsi-ld-test-suite/-/raw/develop/resources/jsonld-contexts/ngsi-ld-test-suite-compound.jsonld>; rel=\"http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context\";type=\"application/ld+json\"' and\n Query Parameter: options set to '${EMPTY}' and\n Query Parameter: lang set to 'fr-CH,fr;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,*;q=0.5'\n}",
"name":"018_07_05 Retrieve an entity using a specific natural language with simplified representation",
"doc":"Check that you can retrieve an entity using Language Filter",
"template":"Retrieve Entity With Language Filter",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Query Entity with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Query Entity with Response Body containing en entity element with id set to '${entity_id}' and body content set to 'building-language-property-fr-filter-simplified.jsonld'\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/{id}'\n method set to 'GET'\n Get Entity Request: and\n Query Parameter: id set to '${entity_id}' and\n Query Parameter: accept set to 'application/ld+json' and\n Query Parameter: Link set to '<$https://forge.etsi.org/rep/cim/ngsi-ld-test-suite/-/raw/develop/resources/jsonld-contexts/ngsi-ld-test-suite-compound.jsonld>; rel=\"http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context\";type=\"application/ld+json\"' and\n Query Parameter: options set to 'keyValues' and\n Query Parameter: lang set to 'fr'\n}",
"name":"018_07_06 Retrieve an entity with any supported language with simplified representation",
"doc":"Check that you can retrieve an entity using Language Filter",
"template":"Retrieve Entity With Language Filter",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Query Entity with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Query Entity with Response Body containing en entity element with id set to '${entity_id}' and body content set to 'building-language-property-any-language-filter-simplified.jsonld'\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/{id}'\n method set to 'GET'\n Get Entity Request: and\n Query Parameter: id set to '${entity_id}' and\n Query Parameter: accept set to 'application/ld+json' and\n Query Parameter: Link set to '<$https://forge.etsi.org/rep/cim/ngsi-ld-test-suite/-/raw/develop/resources/jsonld-contexts/ngsi-ld-test-suite-compound.jsonld>; rel=\"http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context\";type=\"application/ld+json\"' and\n Query Parameter: options set to 'keyValues' and\n Query Parameter: lang set to '*'\n}",
"doc":"Check that you can query several entities based on scopes",
"template":"Query several entities based on scopes",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Query Entities with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Query Entities with Response Body containing a list of entities equal to '${2}' of type 'https://ngsi-ld-test-suite/context#Building' with response set to '${response.json()}'\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/'\n method set to 'GET'\n Get Entities Request: and\n Query Parameter: scopeq set to '/Madrid/Gardens/ParqueNorte' and\n Query Parameter: entity_types set to 'https://ngsi-ld-test-suite/context#Building'\n}",
"doc":"Check that you can query several entities based on scopes",
"template":"Query several entities based on scopes",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Query Entities with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Query Entities with Response Body containing a list of entities equal to '${2}' of type 'https://ngsi-ld-test-suite/context#Building' with response set to '${response.json()}'\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/'\n method set to 'GET'\n Get Entities Request: and\n Query Parameter: scopeq set to '/Madrid/+/ParqueNorte' and\n Query Parameter: entity_types set to 'https://ngsi-ld-test-suite/context#Building'\n}",
"doc":"Check that you can query several entities based on scopes",
"template":"Query several entities based on scopes",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Query Entities with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Query Entities with Response Body containing a list of entities equal to '${1}' of type 'https://ngsi-ld-test-suite/context#Building' with response set to '${response.json()}'\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/'\n method set to 'GET'\n Get Entities Request: and\n Query Parameter: scopeq set to '/CompanyA/#' and\n Query Parameter: entity_types set to 'https://ngsi-ld-test-suite/context#Building'\n}",
"doc":"Check that you can query several entities based on scopes",
"template":"Query several entities based on scopes",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Query Entities with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Query Entities with Response Body containing a list of entities equal to '${2}' of type 'https://ngsi-ld-test-suite/context#Building' with response set to '${response.json()}'\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/'\n method set to 'GET'\n Get Entities Request: and\n Query Parameter: scopeq set to '/#' and\n Query Parameter: entity_types set to 'https://ngsi-ld-test-suite/context#Building'\n}",
"doc":"Check that you can query several entities based on scopes",
"template":"Query several entities based on scopes",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Query Entities with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Query Entities with Response Body containing a list of entities equal to '${1}' of type 'https://ngsi-ld-test-suite/context#Building' with response set to '${response.json()}'\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/'\n method set to 'GET'\n Get Entities Request: and\n Query Parameter: scopeq set to '/Madrid/Gardens/ParqueNorte;/CompanyA/OrganizationB/UnitC' and\n Query Parameter: entity_types set to 'https://ngsi-ld-test-suite/context#Building'\n}",
"doc":"Check that you can query several entities based on scopes",
"template":"Query several entities based on scopes",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Query Entities with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Query Entities with Response Body containing a list of entities equal to '${2}' of type 'https://ngsi-ld-test-suite/context#Building' with response set to '${response.json()}'\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/'\n method set to 'GET'\n Get Entities Request: and\n Query Parameter: scopeq set to '/Madrid/Gardens/ParqueNorte,/CompanyA/OrganizationB/UnitC' and\n Query Parameter: entity_types set to 'https://ngsi-ld-test-suite/context#Building'\n}",
"doc":"Query entities with Entity Type Selection Language.",
"template":"Query entities using Entity Type Selection Language",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Query Entities with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Query Entities with Response Body contains entities ids\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/'\n method set to 'GET'\n Get Entities Request: and\n Query Parameter: entity_types set to '${entity_types_selection}' and\n Query Parameter: Link set to '<$https://forge.etsi.org/rep/cim/ngsi-ld-test-suite/-/raw/develop/resources/jsonld-contexts/ngsi-ld-test-suite-compound.jsonld>; rel=\"http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context\";type=\"application/ld+json\"'\n}",
"doc":"Query entities with Entity Type Selection Language.",
"template":"Query entities using Entity Type Selection Language",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Query Entities with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Query Entities with Response Body contains entities ids\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/'\n method set to 'GET'\n Get Entities Request: and\n Query Parameter: entity_types set to '${entity_types_selection}' and\n Query Parameter: Link set to '<$https://forge.etsi.org/rep/cim/ngsi-ld-test-suite/-/raw/develop/resources/jsonld-contexts/ngsi-ld-test-suite-compound.jsonld>; rel=\"http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context\";type=\"application/ld+json\"'\n}",
"doc":"Query entities with Entity Type Selection Language.",
"template":"Query entities using Entity Type Selection Language",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Query Entities with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Query Entities with Response Body contains entities ids\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/'\n method set to 'GET'\n Get Entities Request: and\n Query Parameter: entity_types set to '${entity_types_selection}' and\n Query Parameter: Link set to '<$https://forge.etsi.org/rep/cim/ngsi-ld-test-suite/-/raw/develop/resources/jsonld-contexts/ngsi-ld-test-suite-compound.jsonld>; rel=\"http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context\";type=\"application/ld+json\"'\n}",
"name":"019_08_04 different query with the OR operator",
"doc":"Query entities with Entity Type Selection Language.",
"template":"Query entities using Entity Type Selection Language",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Query Entities with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Query Entities with Response Body contains entities ids\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/'\n method set to 'GET'\n Get Entities Request: and\n Query Parameter: entity_types set to '${entity_types_selection}' and\n Query Parameter: Link set to '<$https://forge.etsi.org/rep/cim/ngsi-ld-test-suite/-/raw/develop/resources/jsonld-contexts/ngsi-ld-test-suite-compound.jsonld>; rel=\"http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context\";type=\"application/ld+json\"'\n}",
"doc":"Query entities with Entity Type Selection Language.",
"template":"Query entities using Entity Type Selection Language",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Query Entities with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Query Entities with Response Body contains entities ids\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/'\n method set to 'GET'\n Get Entities Request: and\n Query Parameter: entity_types set to '${entity_types_selection}' and\n Query Parameter: Link set to '<$https://forge.etsi.org/rep/cim/ngsi-ld-test-suite/-/raw/develop/resources/jsonld-contexts/ngsi-ld-test-suite-compound.jsonld>; rel=\"http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context\";type=\"application/ld+json\"'\n}",
"doc":"Check that you can retrieve the temporal evolution of an entity with the aggregated temporal representation",
"template":"Retrieve the temporal evolution of an entity with the aggregated temporal representation",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Retrieve Temporal Representation Of Entity with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Retrieve Temporal Representation Of Entity with Response Body containing EntityTemporal element containing attribute instances in the time range specified by the NGSI-LD temporal query:\n * the payload is defined in the file set to 'vehicle-temporal-representation-020-11-01-expectation.json'\n * the id was changed to '${temporal_entity_representation_id}'\n * response body to be checked set to '${response.json()}'\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/temporal/entities/{temporal_entity_representation_id}'\n method set to 'GET'\n Retrieve Temporal Representation of Entity and\n Query Parameter: id set to '${temporal_entity_representation_id}' and\n Query Parameter: attrs set to '${EMPTY}' and\n Query Parameter: options set to '${options}' and\n Query Parameter: aggrMethods set to 'avg' and\n Query Parameter: aggrPeriodDuration set to 'PT1H' and\n Query Parameter: context set to 'https://forge.etsi.org/rep/cim/ngsi-ld-test-suite/-/raw/develop/resources/jsonld-contexts/ngsi-ld-test-suite-compound.jsonld'\n}",
"doc":"Check that you can retrieve the temporal evolution of an entity with the aggregated temporal representation",
"template":"Retrieve the temporal evolution of an entity with the aggregated temporal representation",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Retrieve Temporal Representation Of Entity with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Retrieve Temporal Representation Of Entity with Response Body containing EntityTemporal element containing attribute instances in the time range specified by the NGSI-LD temporal query:\n * the payload is defined in the file set to 'vehicle-temporal-representation-020-11-02-expectation.json'\n * the id was changed to '${temporal_entity_representation_id}'\n * response body to be checked set to '${response.json()}'\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/temporal/entities/{temporal_entity_representation_id}'\n method set to 'GET'\n Retrieve Temporal Representation of Entity and\n Query Parameter: id set to '${temporal_entity_representation_id}' and\n Query Parameter: attrs set to 'fuelLevel' and\n Query Parameter: options set to '${options}' and\n Query Parameter: aggrMethods set to 'avg' and\n Query Parameter: aggrPeriodDuration set to 'PT1H' and\n Query Parameter: context set to 'https://forge.etsi.org/rep/cim/ngsi-ld-test-suite/-/raw/develop/resources/jsonld-contexts/ngsi-ld-test-suite-compound.jsonld'\n}",
"doc":"Check that you can retrieve the temporal evolution of an entity with the aggregated temporal representation",
"template":"Retrieve the temporal evolution of an entity with the aggregated temporal representation",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Retrieve Temporal Representation Of Entity with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Retrieve Temporal Representation Of Entity with Response Body containing EntityTemporal element containing attribute instances in the time range specified by the NGSI-LD temporal query:\n * the payload is defined in the file set to 'vehicle-temporal-representation-020-11-03-expectation.json'\n * the id was changed to '${temporal_entity_representation_id}'\n * response body to be checked set to '${response.json()}'\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/temporal/entities/{temporal_entity_representation_id}'\n method set to 'GET'\n Retrieve Temporal Representation of Entity and\n Query Parameter: id set to '${temporal_entity_representation_id}' and\n Query Parameter: attrs set to '${EMPTY}' and\n Query Parameter: options set to '${options}' and\n Query Parameter: aggrMethods set to 'avg,max' and\n Query Parameter: aggrPeriodDuration set to 'PT1H' and\n Query Parameter: context set to 'https://forge.etsi.org/rep/cim/ngsi-ld-test-suite/-/raw/develop/resources/jsonld-contexts/ngsi-ld-test-suite-compound.jsonld'\n}",
"doc":"Check that you can retrieve the temporal evolution of an entity with the aggregated temporal representation",
"template":"Retrieve the temporal evolution of an entity with the aggregated temporal representation",
"then":"then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Retrieve Temporal Representation Of Entity with Response Status Code set to 200 and\n Retrieve Temporal Representation Of Entity with Response Body containing EntityTemporal element containing attribute instances in the time range specified by the NGSI-LD temporal query:\n * the payload is defined in the file set to 'vehicle-temporal-representation-020-11-04-expectation.json'\n * the id was changed to '${temporal_entity_representation_id}'\n * response body to be checked set to '${response.json()}'\n}",
"when":"when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/temporal/entities/{temporal_entity_representation_id}'\n method set to 'GET'\n Retrieve Temporal Representation of Entity and\n Query Parameter: id set to '${temporal_entity_representation_id}' and\n Query Parameter: attrs set to '${EMPTY}' and\n Query Parameter: options set to '${options}' and\n Query Parameter: aggrMethods set to 'min,max' and\n Query Parameter: aggrPeriodDuration set to 'P1D' and\n Query Parameter: context set to 'https://forge.etsi.org/rep/cim/ngsi-ld-test-suite/-/raw/develop/resources/jsonld-contexts/ngsi-ld-test-suite-compound.jsonld'\n}",