#!/bin/bash # # Requires install swagger-cli: npm install -g swagger-cli # # Store current directory current_dir=${PWD} # Store script directory script_directory="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" # Move cd to the script directory (the script must be called from the 'script' directory) cd $script_directory # Merge the swagger definition into an unified and de-referenced file (use this file will avoid reference resolution problems during the validation) swagger-cli bundle -r ../spec/ngsild_swagger.json -o combined_spec/ngsild_swagger_combined_dereferenced.json # Validate the swagger definition against the official online swagger validation service curl -X POST -d @combined_spec/ngsild_swagger_combined_dereferenced.json -H 'Content-Type:application/json' http://online.swagger.io/validator/debug # Move cd to the directory from where the script was called cd $current_dir