module XSDAUX {//MRO /* 0.anySimpleType */ type anytype anySimpleType; /* 1.string */ type charstring string; /* 2.boolean */ type integer bitXSD (1, 0) ; type union booleanXSD { bitXSD bit, boolean bool } /* 3.decimal */ type float decimal; /* 4.float */ type float floatXSD; /* 5.double */ type float double; /* 6.duration */ type charstring duration; /* 7.dateTime */ type charstring dateTime; /* 8.time */ type charstring time; /* */ type charstring date; /* 10.gYearMonth */ type charstring gYearMonth; /* 11.gYear */ type charstring gYear; /* 12.gMonthDay */ type charstring gMonthDay; /* 13.gDay */ type charstring gDay; /* 14.gMonth */ type charstring gMonth; /* 15.hexBinary */ type hexstring hexBinary; /* 16.base64Binary */ type charstring base64Binary; /* 17.anyURI */ type charstring anyURI; /* 18.QName */ type charstring QName; /* 19.NOTATION */ type charstring NOTATION; /* 20.normalizedString */ type charstring normalizedString; /* 21.token */ type charstring token; /* 22.language */ type charstring languageXSD; /* 23.NMTOKEN */ type charstring NMTOKEN; /* 24.NMTOKENS */ type set of charstring NMTOKENS; /* 25.Name */ type charstring Name; /* 27.NCName */ type charstring NCName; /* 28.ID */ type charstring ID; /* 29.IDREFS */ type set of charstring IDREFS; /* 30.ENTITY */ type charstring ENTITY; /* 31.ENTITIES */ type set of charstring ENTITIES; /* 32.nonPositiveInteger */ type integer nonPositiveInteger (- infinity .. 0) ; /* 33.negativeInteger */ type integer negativeInteger (- infinity .. - 1) ; /* 34.long */ // type integer long (- 9223372036854775808 .. 9223372036854775807) ;//MRO /* */ type integer int (- 2147483648 .. 2147483647) ; /* 36.short */ type integer short (- 32768 .. 32767) ; /* 37.byte */ type integer byte (- 128 .. 127) ; /* 38.nonNegativeInteger */ type integer nonNegativeInteger (0 .. infinity) ; /* 39.unsignedLong */ type integer unsignedLong (0 .. 18446744073709551615) ;//MRO /* 40.unsignedInt */ type integer unsignedInt (0 .. 4294967295) ; /* 41.unsignedShort */ type integer unsignedShort (0 .. 65535) ; /* 42.unsignedByte */ type integer unsignedByte (0 .. 255) ; /* 43.positiveInteger */ type integer positiveInteger (1 .. infinity) ; /* 44.integer */ type integer integerXSD; /* 45.anyAttributes */ type record of record { charstring name, charstring val } anyAttributes; /* 46. anyType */ /** * This is to represent elements without a given type */ type record anyType { } }