/** * @author STF 346, STF366, STF368, STF369 * @version $Id$ * @desc This module defines message, header, structured and simple SIP * types as well constants used by LipSip constructs.
* Note that any changes made to the definitions in this module * may be overwritten by future releases of this library * End users are encouraged to contact the distributers of this * module regarding their modifications or additions * @remark Adding of new message and header types is ok; * Adding of new optional header fields in @see MessageHeader type * is ok but should be done at same time as dummy template updates; * Existing message or header types shall not be changed or removed - * change requests shall be made to http://t-ort.etsi.org */ module LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues language "TTCN-3:2005"//MRO { // SipAts import from LibSip_SDPTypes all; import from LibSip_XMLTypes all; group Constants { group SimpleConstants { // SIP name protocol plus version const charstring c_sipNameVersion := "SIP/2.0"; // SIP name protocol const charstring c_sipName := "SIP"; // SIP version const charstring c_sipVersion := "2.0"; // SIP scheme const charstring c_sipScheme := "sip"; // TEL scheme const charstring c_telScheme := "tel"; // TAG_ID const charstring c_tagId := "tag"; // BRANCH_ID const charstring c_branchId := "branch"; // BRANCH_COOKIE const charstring c_branchCookie := "z9hG4bK"; // EXPIRES_ID const charstring c_expiresId := "expires"; // MADDR_ID const charstring c_maddrId := "maddr"; // METHOD_ID const charstring c_methodId := "method"; // RECEIVED_ID const charstring c_receivedId := "received"; // TTL_ID const charstring c_ttlId := "ttl"; // USER_ID const charstring c_userId := "user"; // SDP name application const charstring c_sdpAplication := "application/sdp"; // XML name application const charstring c_xmlAplication := "application/xml"; // MIME name application const charstring c_mimeMultipart := "multipart/mixed"; // IMS 3GPP name application const charstring c_ims3gppAplication := "application/3gpp-ims+xml"; // IMS 3GPP name CW application const charstring c_ims3gppCwApplication := "application/vnd.3gpp.cw+xml"; // OCTET-STREAM name application const charstring c_octetAplication := "application/octet-stream"; // PLAIN-TEXT name application const charstring c_plainText := "text/plain"; //text content of 1300 bytes for messages with message body const charstring c_longMessageContent_1300Bytes := "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"& "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"& "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"& "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"& "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"& "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"& "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"& "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"& "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"& "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"& "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"& "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"& "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"; // Default SIP port number : 5060 const integer c_defaultSipPort := 5060; // Default SIP protocol : UDP const charstring c_defaultSipProt := "UDP"; // Fixed IP multicast address const charstring c_mcastSipIpaddr := ""; // Short delta-second used in expires parameter to acknowledge a registration const charstring c_shortRegistration := "3600"; // ([RFC3891]Sec 6.1) const charstring c_earlyFlag := "early-only"; // option tag replaces ([RFC3261]) const charstring c_replaces := "replaces"; // option tag 100rel (reliable provisional response [RFC3262]) const charstring c_tag100rel := "100rel"; // option tag from-change ([RFC4916]) const charstring c_tagFromChange := "from-change"; // option tag precondition (ch.11 [RFC3312]) const charstring c_tagPrecond := "precondition"; // due to problem with TAU compiler because hardcoded return statement constant is created const HostPort c_hostport_dummy := {host:="", portField:=c_defaultSipPort}; // CLIP/CLIR information const PrivacyValue c_privacy_none := "none"; const PrivacyValue c_privacy_id := "id"; const PrivacyValue c_privacy_header := "header"; const PrivacyValue c_privacy_user := "user"; const PrivacyValue c_privacy_critical := "critical"; // @ (at) sign const charstring c_AT := "@"; //MRO const charstring c_SP := oct2char('20'O); const charstring c_SLASH := oct2char('2F'O); const charstring c_LT := oct2char('3C'O); const charstring c_GT := oct2char('3E'O); // * (wildchard) sign const charstring c_WILDCARD := "*"; const integer c_CRlen := 2; // length of new line (0d0a) const GenericParam c_Integrity_protected_yes := {"Integrity protected","yes"} const GenericParam c_Integrity_protected_no := {"Integrity protected","no"} } //end group SimpleConstants group AuthorizationConstants { const charstring c_ik := ""; const charstring c_ck := ""; const charstring c_algorithm := "MD5"; const charstring c_nonce := "" } //end group AuthorizationConstants group HeaderFieldConstants { const CallId c_empty_CallId := { fieldName := CALL_ID_E, callid := "" }; const ContentType c_empty_ContentType := { fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType := "" }; const CSeq c_empty_cSeq := { fieldName := CSEQ_E, seqNumber:=0, method:="" }; const From c_empty_From := { fieldName := FROM_E, addressField := {nameAddr := {displayName := omit, addrSpec := { scheme := c_sipScheme, userInfo := omit , hostPort := {host:="", portField:=c_defaultSipPort}, urlParameters := omit, headers := omit } } }, fromParams := omit }; const MaxForwards c_maxForwards70 := {fieldName:=MAX_FORWARDS_E, forwards:=70} const SipUrl c_empty_RequestUri := { scheme := c_sipScheme, userInfo := omit , hostPort := {host:="", portField:=c_defaultSipPort}, urlParameters := omit, headers := omit }; const SipUrl c_unavailableUri := { scheme := c_sipScheme, userInfo := {userOrTelephoneSubscriber:="unavailable", password:=omit}, hostPort := {host:="anonymous.invalid", portField:=c_defaultSipPort}, urlParameters := omit, headers := omit }; const To c_empty_To := { // value of To header fieldName := TO_E, addressField := { nameAddr := { displayName := omit, addrSpec := { scheme := c_sipScheme, userInfo := omit , hostPort := {host:="", portField:=c_defaultSipPort}, urlParameters := omit, headers := omit } } }, toParams := omit }; const Via c_empty_Via := { fieldName := VIA_E, viaBody :={ {sentProtocol := { protocolName := c_sipName, protocolVersion := c_sipVersion, transport := c_defaultSipProt }, sentBy := {host:="", portField:=c_defaultSipPort}, viaParams:= omit } }}; } group UserProfileConstants { // number of user profile from 1-10 for SIP profile const integer c_userProfile_SIP1_home := 1; const integer c_userProfile_SIP2_home := 2; } //end group UserProfileConstants group StatusLines { const StatusLine c_statusLine100 := {c_sipNameVersion, 100, "Trying"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine180 := {c_sipNameVersion, 180, "Ringing"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine181 := {c_sipNameVersion, 181, "Call is Being Forwarded"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine182 := {c_sipNameVersion, 182, "Queued"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine183 := {c_sipNameVersion, 183, "Session Progress"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine200 := {c_sipNameVersion, 200, "OK"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine202 := {c_sipNameVersion, 202, "Accepted"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine300 := {c_sipNameVersion, 300, "Multiple Choices"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine301 := {c_sipNameVersion, 301, "Moved Permanently"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine302 := {c_sipNameVersion, 302, "Moved Temporarily"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine305 := {c_sipNameVersion, 305, "Use Proxy"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine380 := {c_sipNameVersion, 380, "Alternative Service"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine400 := {c_sipNameVersion, 400, "Bad Request"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine401 := {c_sipNameVersion, 401, "Unauthorised"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine402 := {c_sipNameVersion, 402, "Payment Required"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine403 := {c_sipNameVersion, 403, "Forbidden"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine404 := {c_sipNameVersion, 404, "Not Found"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine405 := {c_sipNameVersion, 405, "Method Not Allowed"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine406 := {c_sipNameVersion, 406, "Not Acceptable"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine407 := {c_sipNameVersion, 407, "Proxy authentication required"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine408 := {c_sipNameVersion, 408, "Request Timeout"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine410 := {c_sipNameVersion, 410, "Gone"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine413 := {c_sipNameVersion, 413, "Request Entity too long"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine414 := {c_sipNameVersion, 414, "Request-uri too long"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine415 := {c_sipNameVersion, 415, "Unsupported Media type"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine416 := {c_sipNameVersion, 416, "Unsupported URI scheme"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine420 := {c_sipNameVersion, 420, "Bad Extension"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine421 := {c_sipNameVersion, 421, "Extension required"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine422 := {c_sipNameVersion, 422, "Session Interval Too Small"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine423 := {c_sipNameVersion, 423, "Interval Too Brief"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine433 := {c_sipNameVersion, 433, "Anonymity Disallowed"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine480 := {c_sipNameVersion, 480, "Temporarily Unavailable"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine481 := {c_sipNameVersion, 481, "Call/Transaction doesnot exist"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine482 := {c_sipNameVersion, 482, "Loop Detected"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine483 := {c_sipNameVersion, 483, "Too many hops"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine484 := {c_sipNameVersion, 484, "Address Incomplete"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine485 := {c_sipNameVersion, 485, "Ambiguous"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine486 := {c_sipNameVersion, 486, "Busy Here"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine487 := {c_sipNameVersion, 487, "Request Terminated"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine488 := {c_sipNameVersion, 488, "Not acceptable here"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine493 := {c_sipNameVersion, 493, "Undecipherable"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine500 := {c_sipNameVersion, 500, "Server Internal error"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine501 := {c_sipNameVersion, 501, "Not implemented"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine502 := {c_sipNameVersion, 502, "Bad Gateway"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine503 := {c_sipNameVersion, 503, "Service Unavailable"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine504 := {c_sipNameVersion, 504, "Server timeout"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine505 := {c_sipNameVersion, 505, "Version not supported"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine513 := {c_sipNameVersion, 513, "Message too long"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine580 := {c_sipNameVersion, 580, "Precondition failure"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine600 := {c_sipNameVersion, 600, "Busy Everywhere"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine603 := {c_sipNameVersion, 603, "Decline"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine604 := {c_sipNameVersion, 604, "Does not exist anywhere"}; const StatusLine c_statusLine606 := {c_sipNameVersion, 606, "Not acceptable"}; } //end StatusLines group SIPSyncPointNames { const charstring c_Ringing := "Ringing"; const charstring c_uPlane := "uPlane"; const charstring c_sync1 := "sync1"; const charstring c_sync2 := "sync2"; const charstring c_sync3 := "sync3"; const charstring c_uPlaneStop := "uPlaneStop"; const charstring c_annoucA := "announcementA"; const charstring c_annoucB := "announcementB"; const charstring c_annouc := "announcement"; const charstring c_voicem := "voiceMessage"; } } //end group Constants group Types { group SubTypes{// Subtypes group TokenTypes // TokensTypes { // [20] type enumerated FieldName { ACCEPT_E, ACCEPT_ENCODING_E, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_E, ALERT_INFO_E, ALLOW_E, AUTHENTICATION_INFO_E, AUTHORIZATION_E, CALL_ID_E, CALL_INFO_E, CONTACT_E, CONTENT_DISPOSITION_E, CONTENT_ENCODING_E, CONTENT_LANGUAGE_E, CONTENT_LENGTH_E, CONTENT_TYPE_E, CSEQ_E, DATE_E, ERROR_INFO_E, EXPIRES_E, FROM_E, IN_REPLY_TO_E, MAX_FORWARDS_E, MIME_VERSION_E, MIN_EXPIRES_E, ORGANIZATION_E, PRIORITY_E, PROXY_AUTHENTICATE_E, PROXY_AUTHORIZATION_E, PROXY_REQUIRE_E, RECORD_ROUTE_E, REPLY_TO_E, REQUIRE_E, RETRY_AFTER_E, ROUTE_E, SERVER_E, SUBJECT_E, SUPPORTED_E, TIMESTAMP_E, TO_E, UNSUPPORTED_E, USER_AGENT_E, VIA_E, WARNING_E, WWW_AUTHENTICATE_E, // [3262/7.1] RACK_E, RSEQ_E, // [3265/7.2] ALLOW_EVENTS_E, EVENT_E, SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_E, // [3313] P_MEDIA_AUTHORIZATION_E, // [3323] PRIVACY_E, // [3325] P_ASSERTED_ID_E, P_PREFERRED_ID_E, // [3326] REASON_E, // [3515] - REFER method REFER_TO_E, // [3891] REPLACES_E, // [3892] - REFER method REFERRED_BY_E, // [4244] HISTORY_INFO_E, // [3313] P_MEDIA_AUTH_E, // [3327] PATH_E, // [3329] SECURITY_CLIENT_E, SECURITY_SERVER_E, SECURITY_VERIFY_E, // [3455] P_ACCESS_NETWORK_INFO_E, P_ASSOCIATED_URI_E, P_CALLED_PARTY_E, P_CHARGING_FUNCTION_ADDRESSES_E, P_CHARGING_VECTOR_E, P_VISITED_NETWORK_E, // [3608] SERVICE_ROUTE_E, // [3841] ACCEPT_CONTACT_E, // [4028] MIN_SE_E, SESSION_EXPIRES_E, P_ASSERTED_SERVICE_E, //[5009] P_EARLY_MEDIA_E, //http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-johnston-sipping-cc-uui-07 //Transporting User to User Call Control Information in SIP for ISDN Interworking USER_TO_USER_E } // [7.1] type enumerated Method { ACK_E, BYE_E, CANCEL_E, INVITE_E, OPTIONS_E, REGISTER_E, PRACK_E, // Note: this element is not defined in [5] SUBSCRIBE_E, NOTIFY_E, // [3265] PUBLISH_E, // [3903/12] REFER_E, // [3515] UPDATE_E, // [3311] MESSAGE_E, // [3428] INFO_E // [2976] } // [20.1, 20.3, 20.4, 20.7, 20.9, 20.10, 20.11, 20.18, 20.20, 20.27, 20.28, 20.30, 20.31, // 20.33, 20.34, 20.39, 20.42, 20.44] type record GenericParam { charstring id, charstring paramValue optional } // [?] type set of GenericParam SemicolonParam_List; // [?] type set of GenericParam AmpersandParam_List; // [?] type set of GenericParam CommaParam_List; // [20.10, 20.20, 20.30, 20.31, 20.34, 20.39, 20.42, 20.43] type record HostPort { charstring host optional, // hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 integer portField optional // represented as an integer } // [20.10, 20.20, 20.30, 20.31, 20.34, 20.39] /** * * @desc identifier for user or telephone subscriber * @member userOrTelephoneSubscriber provides the username or a phone name identifying the subscriber * @member password related password information * */ type record UserInfo { charstring userOrTelephoneSubscriber, charstring password optional } // [19.1.1 ;used in: 20.10, 20.20, 20.30, 20.31, 20.34, 20.39] /** * * @desc Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) * @member scheme distinguishes call types, e.g. voice, fax etc. or related address scheme, e.g. tel, sip * @member userInfo Contains user information (also in non-SIP URLs) with optional parameter as passwords * @member hostPort Hostname or IP address information and port identifier of the target * @member urlParameters Contains either SIP or TEL URL parameters, separated by semicolons, e.g. transport=tcp or user=phone * @member headers Additional information added after the parameters, e.g. priority=urgent */ type record SipUrl { charstring scheme, // e.g "sip" or "tel" UserInfo userInfo optional, HostPort hostPort optional, SemicolonParam_List urlParameters optional, AmpersandParam_List headers optional } // [20.1, RFC2616 14.1] type record AcceptBody { charstring mediaRange, SemicolonParam_List acceptParam optional } // [20.1, RFC2616 14.1] type set of AcceptBody AcceptBody_List; // [20.4] type record AlertInfoBody { charstring url, // any URI SemicolonParam_List genericParams optional } // [20.4] type set of AlertInfoBody AlertInfoBody_List; // [20.8] type charstring CallidString; // token ["@" token] // [20.8] type set of CallidString CallidString_List; // [20.9] type record CallInfoBody { charstring url, // any URI SemicolonParam_List infoParams optional } // [20.9] type set of CallInfoBody CallInfoBody_List; // [20.27, 20.44, .......10.32, 10.48; RFC2616 14.33, 14.47; RFC2617 1.2] type union Challenge { CommaParam_List digestCln, OtherAuth otherChallenge } // [20.10, 20.20, 20.30, 20.31, 20.34, 20.39] type record NameAddr { charstring displayName optional, SipUrl addrSpec } // [20.10, 20.20, 20.31, 20.39] type union Addr_Union { NameAddr nameAddr, SipUrl addrSpecUnion // STS: "Union" added to filed name to avoid dangerous name equivalence with 2nd NameAddr field } // [20.10] type record ContactAddress { Addr_Union addressField, SemicolonParam_List contactParams optional } // [20.10] type set of ContactAddress ContactAddress_List; // 1 or more elements // [20.10] type union ContactBody { charstring wildcard, ContactAddress_List contactAddresses } // [20.2, 20.12; RFC2616 14.3, 14.11] type charstring ContentCoding; // [20.2, 20.12; RFC2616 14.3, 14.11] type set of ContentCoding ContentCoding_List; // [20.7, 20.28; RFC2616 14.35 RFC2617 1.2] type union Credentials { CommaParam_List digestResponse, OtherAuth otherResponse } // allow multiple Authorization headers due to RFC3261 ch. 20.7 and 20.28 type record of Credentials CredentialsList; // [20.19, 20.23, 20.33] type charstring DeltaSec; // an external operation can handle this field // [20.18] type record ErrorInfoBody { charstring uri, // any URI SemicolonParam_List genericParams optional } // [20.18] type set of ErrorInfoBody ErrorInfoBody_List; // [20.3 RFC2616 14.4] type record LanguageBody { charstring languageRange, SemicolonParam_List acceptParam optional } // [20.3 RFC2616 14.4] type set of LanguageBody LanguageBody_List; // [20.13; RFC2616 14.12] type charstring LanguageTag; // [20.13; RFC2616 14.12] type set of LanguageTag LanguageTag_List; // [20.5] type set of charstring Method_List; // [20.29, 20.32, 20.37, 20.40] type charstring OptionTag; // [20.29, 20.32, 20.37, 20.40] type set of OptionTag OptionTag_List; // [20.7, 20.27, 20.28, 20.44 ; RFC2616 14.33, 14.47; RFC2617 1.2] type record OtherAuth { charstring authScheme, CommaParam_List authParams } type record Payload { integer payloadlength, charstring payloadvalue } // [20.30,20.34] type record RouteBody { NameAddr nameAddr, SemicolonParam_List rrParam optional } // [20.30,20.34] type record of RouteBody RouteBody_List; // [20.42] type record SentProtocol { charstring protocolName, charstring protocolVersion, charstring transport } // [20.35, 20.41; RFC2616 14.43] type charstring ServerVal; // [20.35, 20.41; RFC2616 14.43] type set of ServerVal ServerVal_List; // [20.38] type record TimeValue { integer majorDigit, // represented as an integer integer minorDigit optional // represented as an integer } // [20.42] type record ViaBody { SentProtocol sentProtocol, HostPort sentBy, SemicolonParam_List viaParams optional } // [20.42] type record of ViaBody ViaBody_List; // [20.43] type union WarnAgent { HostPort hostPort, charstring pseudonym } // [20.43] type record WarningValue { integer warnCode, // represented as an integer WarnAgent warnAgent, charstring WarnText } // [20.43] type set of WarningValue WarningValue_List; type Addr_Union PAssertedIDValue; type record of PAssertedIDValue PAssertedIDValue_List; type charstring PAssertedServiceValue; type Addr_Union PPreferredIDValue; type record of PPreferredIDValue PPreferredIDValue_List; type charstring PrivacyValue; type record of PrivacyValue PrivacyValue_List; } // end group TokensType group HeaderFieldTypes // Header Fields { group CommonHeaderFieldTypes { // [20.1, RFC2616 14.1] type record Accept { FieldName fieldName (ACCEPT_E), AcceptBody_List acceptArgs optional } // [20.2, RFC2616 14.3] type record AcceptEncoding { FieldName fieldName (ACCEPT_ENCODING_E), ContentCoding_List contentCoding optional } // [20.3, RFC2616 14.4] type record AcceptLanguage { FieldName fieldName (ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_E), LanguageBody_List languageBody optional } // [20.4] type record AlertInfo { FieldName fieldName (ALERT_INFO_E), AlertInfoBody_List alertInfoBody optional } // [20.5] type record Allow { FieldName fieldName (ALLOW_E), Method_List methods optional } // [20.6] type record AuthenticationInfo { FieldName fieldName (AUTHENTICATION_INFO_E), CommaParam_List ainfo } // [20.7 RFC2617 3.2.2] type record Authorization { FieldName fieldName (AUTHORIZATION_E), CredentialsList body // changed from Credentials to allow multiple Authorization headers } // [20.8] type record CallId { FieldName fieldName (CALL_ID_E), CallidString callid } // [20.9] type record CallInfo { FieldName fieldName (CALL_INFO_E), CallInfoBody_List callInfoBody optional } // [20.10] type record Contact { FieldName fieldName (CONTACT_E), ContactBody contactBody } // [20.11] type record ContentDisposition { FieldName fieldName (CONTENT_DISPOSITION_E), charstring dispositionType, SemicolonParam_List dispositionParams optional } // [20.12 RFC2616 14.11] type record ContentEncoding { FieldName fieldName (CONTENT_ENCODING_E), ContentCoding_List contentCoding } // [20.13 RFC2616 14.12] type record ContentLanguage { FieldName fieldName (CONTENT_LANGUAGE_E), LanguageTag_List languageTag } // [20.14] type record ContentLength { FieldName fieldName (CONTENT_LENGTH_E), integer len // this field is represented as an integer } // [20.15] type record ContentType { FieldName fieldName (CONTENT_TYPE_E), charstring mediaType } // [20.16] type record CSeq { FieldName fieldName (CSEQ_E), integer seqNumber, // this field is represented as an integer charstring method } // [20.17] type record Date { FieldName fieldName (DATE_E), charstring sipDate } // [20.18] type record ErrorInfo { FieldName fieldName (ERROR_INFO_E), ErrorInfoBody_List errorInfo optional } // [20.19] type record Expires { FieldName fieldName (EXPIRES_E), DeltaSec deltaSec } // [20.20] type record From { FieldName fieldName (FROM_E), Addr_Union addressField, SemicolonParam_List fromParams optional } // [20.21] type record InReplyTo { FieldName fieldName (IN_REPLY_TO_E), CallidString_List callids } // [20.22] type record MaxForwards { FieldName fieldName (MAX_FORWARDS_E), integer forwards // this field is represented as an integer } // [20.23] type record MinExpires { FieldName fieldName (MIN_EXPIRES_E), DeltaSec deltaSec } // [20.24 RFC2616 19.4.1] type record MimeVersion { FieldName fieldName (MIME_VERSION_E), integer majorNumber, // this field is represented as an integer integer minorNumber // this field is represented as an integer } // [20.25] type record Organization { FieldName fieldName (ORGANIZATION_E), charstring organization } // [20.26] type record Priority { FieldName fieldName (PRIORITY_E), charstring priorityValue } // [20.27 RFC2616 14.33 RFC2617 1.2] type record ProxyAuthenticate { FieldName fieldName (PROXY_AUTHENTICATE_E), Challenge challenge } // [20.28 RFC2616 14.35 RFC2617 1.2] type record ProxyAuthorization { FieldName fieldName (PROXY_AUTHORIZATION_E), CredentialsList credentials // changed from Credentials to allow multiple Authorization headers } // [20.29] type record ProxyRequire { FieldName fieldName (PROXY_REQUIRE_E), OptionTag_List optionsTags } // [20.30] type record RecordRoute { FieldName fieldName (RECORD_ROUTE_E), RouteBody_List routeBody } // [20.31] type record ReplyTo { FieldName fieldName (REPLY_TO_E), Addr_Union addressField, SemicolonParam_List replyToParams optional } // [20.32] type record Require { FieldName fieldName (REQUIRE_E), OptionTag_List optionsTags } // [20.33] type record RetryAfter { FieldName fieldName (RETRY_AFTER_E), DeltaSec deltaSec, charstring comment optional, SemicolonParam_List retryParams optional } // [20.34] type record Route { FieldName fieldName (ROUTE_E), RouteBody_List routeBody } // [20.35 RFC2616 14.38] type record Server { FieldName fieldName (SERVER_E), ServerVal_List serverBody } // [20.36] type record Subject { FieldName fieldName (SUBJECT_E), charstring summary } // [20.37] type record Supported { FieldName fieldName (SUPPORTED_E), OptionTag_List optionsTags optional } // [20.38] type record Timestamp { FieldName fieldName (TIMESTAMP_E), TimeValue timeValue optional, TimeValue delay optional } // [20.39] type record To { FieldName fieldName (TO_E), Addr_Union addressField, SemicolonParam_List toParams optional } // [20.40] type record Unsupported { FieldName fieldName (UNSUPPORTED_E), OptionTag_List optionsTags } // Undefined header field type record UndefinedHeader { charstring headerName, charstring headerValue } type set of UndefinedHeader UndefinedHeader_List; // [20.41 RFC2616 14.43] type record UserAgent { FieldName fieldName (USER_AGENT_E), ServerVal_List userAgentBody } // [20.42] type record Via { FieldName fieldName (VIA_E), ViaBody_List viaBody } // [20.43] type record Warning { FieldName fieldName (WARNING_E), WarningValue_List warningValue } // [20.44 RFC2616 14.47 RFC2617 1.2] type record WwwAuthenticate { FieldName fieldName (WWW_AUTHENTICATE_E), Challenge challenge } }//end group CommonHeaderFieldTypes group RFC3262HeaderFieldTypes { // [3262/7.1] type record RSeq { FieldName fieldName(RSEQ_E), integer responseNum } // [3262/7.2] type record RAck { FieldName fieldName(RACK_E), integer responseNum, integer seqNumber, charstring method } }//end group RFC3262HeaderFieldTypes group RFC3265HeaderFieldTypes { // [3265/7.2] type record AllowEvents { FieldName fieldName(ALLOW_EVENTS_E), EventType_List eventTypes } type set of EventType EventType_List; type charstring EventType; // [3265/7.2] type record Event { FieldName fieldName(EVENT_E), EventType eventType, SemicolonParam_List eventParams optional } // [3265/7.2] type record SubscriptionState { FieldName fieldName(SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_E), SubState subState, SemicolonParam_List substateParams optional } type charstring SubState; }//end group RFC3265HeaderFieldTypes group RFC3313HeaderFieldTypes { // [3313/5] type record PMediaAuthorization { FieldName fieldName(P_MEDIA_AUTHORIZATION_E), PMediaAuthorization_List pMediaAuthorizations } type charstring PMediaAuthValue; //HEXDIG "0"-"9", "A"-"F" type record of PMediaAuthValue PMediaAuthorization_List; }//end group RFC3265HeaderFieldTypes group RFC3323HeaderFieldTypes { // [3323] type record Privacy { FieldName fieldName(PRIVACY_E), PrivacyValue_List privValueList } }//end group RFC3323HeaderFieldTypes group RFC3325HeaderFieldTypes { // [3325] type record PAssertedID { FieldName fieldName(P_ASSERTED_ID_E), PAssertedIDValue_List pAssertedIDValueList } // [3325] type record PPreferredID { FieldName fieldName(P_PREFERRED_ID_E), PPreferredIDValue_List pPreferredIDValueList } }//end group RFC3325HeaderFieldTypes group RFC3326HeaderFieldTypes { //[3326] type record of ReasonValue ReasonValues; type record ReasonValue { charstring token, SemicolonParam_List reasonParams optional } type record Reason { FieldName fieldName(REASON_E), ReasonValues reasonValues } }//end group RFC3326HeaderFieldTypes group RFC3327HeaderFieldTypes { // [3327] type record Path { FieldName fieldName(PATH_E), PathValues pathValues } type record of PathValue PathValues; type record PathValue { NameAddr nameAddr, SemicolonParam_List rrParam optional } }//end group RFC3515HeaderFieldTypes group RFC3329HeaderFieldTypes { // [RFC3329/2.2] type record SecurityMechanism { charstring mechName, SemicolonParam_List mechParams optional } type set of SecurityMechanism SecurityMechanism_List; type record SecurityClient { FieldName fieldName(SECURITY_CLIENT_E), SecurityMechanism_List securityMech } type record SecurityServer { FieldName fieldName(SECURITY_SERVER_E), SecurityMechanism_List securityMech } type record SecurityVerify { FieldName fieldName(SECURITY_VERIFY_E), SecurityMechanism_List securityMech } }//end group RFC3329HeaderFieldTypes group RFC3455HeaderFieldTypes { type record of NameAddrParam NameAddrParam_List; type record NameAddrParam { NameAddr nameAddr, SemicolonParam_List genericParams optional } //[3455/5.1] type record PAssociatedURI { FieldName fieldName(P_ASSOCIATED_URI_E), NameAddrParam_List nameAddrList } //[3455/5.2] type record PCalledPartyID { FieldName fieldName(P_CALLED_PARTY_E), NameAddrParam nameAddParams } type record of VnetworkSpec VnetworkSpec_List; type record VnetworkSpec { charstring vNetworkSpecToken, SemicolonParam_List genericParams optional } //[3455/5.3] type record PVisitedNetworkID { FieldName fieldName(P_VISITED_NETWORK_E), VnetworkSpec_List vNetWorkSpec } //[3455/5.4] type record PAccessNetworkInfo { FieldName fieldName(P_ACCESS_NETWORK_INFO_E), charstring accessType, SemicolonParam_List genericParams optional } //[3455/5.5] type record PChargingFunctionAddresses { FieldName fieldName(P_CHARGING_FUNCTION_ADDRESSES_E), SemicolonParam_List chargeAddrParams optional } //[3455/5.6] type record PChargingVector { FieldName fieldName(P_CHARGING_VECTOR_E), SemicolonParam_List chargeParams optional } }//end group RFC33455HeaderFieldTypes group RFC3515HeaderFieldTypes { // [3515] type record ReferTo { FieldName fieldName(REFER_TO_E), NameAddr nameAddr, SemicolonParam_List referToParams optional } }//end group RFC3515HeaderFieldTypes group RFC3608HeaderFieldTypes { // [3608] type record ServiceRoute { FieldName fieldName(SERVICE_ROUTE_E), RouteBody_List routeBody } }//end group RFC33608HeaderFieldTypes group RFC3841HeaderFieldTypes { // [3841] type record AcceptContact { FieldName fieldName(ACCEPT_CONTACT_E), AcRcValue_List acValues } type set of AcRcValue AcRcValue_List; type record AcRcValue { charstring wildcard(c_WILDCARD), SemicolonParam_List acRcParams optional } }// end group RFC3841HeaderFieldTypes group RFC3891HeaderFieldTypes { // [3891] type record Replaces { FieldName fieldName (REPLACES_E), SemicolonParam_List replacesParams } }// end group RFC3891HeaderFieldTypes group RFC3892HeaderFieldTypes { // [3892] type record ReferredBy { FieldName fieldName(REFERRED_BY_E), NameAddr nameAddr, SemicolonParam_List referredbyIdParams optional } }//end group RFC3892HeaderFieldTypes group RFC4028HeaderFieldTypes { // [4028] type record MinSE { FieldName fieldName(MIN_SE_E), DeltaSec deltaSec, SemicolonParam_List minSeParam optional } // [4028] type record SessionExpires { FieldName fieldName(SESSION_EXPIRES_E), DeltaSec deltaSec, SemicolonParam_List seParam optional } }//end group RFC4028HeaderFieldTypes group RFC4244HeaderFieldTypes { // [4244] type record HistoryInfo { FieldName fieldName(HISTORY_INFO_E), HistoryInfo_List historyInfoList } type record of HistoryInfoEntry HistoryInfo_List; type record of integer IntegerList; type record HistoryInfoEntry { NameAddr nameAddr, IntegerList hiIndex optional, SemicolonParam_List hiExtention optional } }//end group RFC4244HeaderFieldTypes group RFC5009PEarlyMediaHeader { // [5009] type record PEarlyMedia { FieldName fieldName(P_EARLY_MEDIA_E), EM_List em_param } type record of charstring EM_List; }//end group RFC5009PEarlyMediaHeader //http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-johnston-sipping-cc-uui-07, expires 16.Aug.2009 //Transporting User to User Call Control Information in SIP for ISDN Interworking //type definition of SIP header mechanism group UserToUser_PreliminaryRFCDraft { type record UserToUser{ FieldName fieldName (USER_TO_USER_E), charstring uuiData length(256), /*length limitation due to ISDN, max of allowed 128 hex digits are represented by 256 characters*/ GenericParam uuiParam } }//end group UserToUser_PreliminaryRFCDraft type record PAssertedService { FieldName fieldName(P_ASSERTED_SERVICE_E), PAssertedServiceValue pAssertedServiceValue } } // end group HeaderFieldTypes group MessageHeaderTypes { // Message-Header for all SIP requests and responses [20] type set MessageHeader { Accept accept optional, AcceptContact acceptContact optional, AcceptEncoding acceptEncoding optional, AcceptLanguage acceptLanguage optional, AlertInfo alertInfo optional, Allow allow optional, AllowEvents allowEvents optional, // 3265/7.2 AuthenticationInfo authenticationInfo optional, // only in responses Authorization authorization optional, // only in requests CallId callId optional, // optional only in Invalid test cases mandatory otherwise CallInfo callInfo optional, Contact contact optional, // optional in response and all requests except INVITE where mandatory ContentDisposition contentDisposition optional, ContentEncoding contentEncoding optional, ContentLanguage contentLanguage optional, ContentLength contentLength optional, // optional in responses and all requests except ACK where mandatory ContentType contentType optional, CSeq cSeq optional, // optional only in Invalid test cases mandatory otherwise Date date optional, ErrorInfo errorInfo optional, // only in responses Event event optional, // 3265/7.2 Expires expires optional, From fromField, HistoryInfo historyInfo optional, // 4244 InReplyTo inReplyTo optional, // only in requests MaxForwards maxForwards optional, // mandatory in requests not required in responses! MimeVersion mimeVersion optional, MinExpires minExpires optional, // only in responses MinSE minSE optional, // 4028 Organization organization optional, PAccessNetworkInfo pAccessNetworkInfo optional, // 3455 PAssertedID pAssertedID optional, // 3325 PAssertedService pAssertedService optional, PAssociatedURI pAssociatedURI optional, // 3455 Path path optional, // 3327 PCalledPartyID pCalledPartyID optional, // 3455 PChargingFunctionAddresses pChargingFunctionAddresses optional, // 3455 PChargingVector pChargingVector optional, // 3455 PEarlyMedia pEarlyMedia optional, // 5009 PMediaAuthorization pMediaAuthorization optional, // 3313 PPreferredID pPreferredID optional, // 3325 Priority priority optional, // only in requests Privacy privacy optional, // 3323 ProxyAuthenticate proxyAuthenticate optional, // only in responses ProxyAuthorization proxyAuthorization optional, // only in requests ProxyRequire proxyRequire optional, // only in requests PVisitedNetworkID pVisitedNetworkID optional, // 3455 RAck rAck optional, // 3262/7.1 RSeq rSeq optional, // 3262/7.1 Reason reason optional, // 3326 RecordRoute recordRoute optional, ReferredBy referredBy optional, // 3892 - REFER method ReferTo referTo optional, // 3515 - REFER method Replaces replaces optional, // 3891 ReplyTo replyTo optional, // optional in responses and INVITE requests Require require optional, RetryAfter retryAfter optional, // only in responses Route route optional, // only in requests SecurityClient securityClient optional, // 3329 SecurityServer securityServer optional, // 3329 SecurityVerify securityVerify optional, // 3329 Server server optional, // only in responses ServiceRoute serviceRoute optional, // 3608 SessionExpires sessionExpires optional, // 4028 Subject subject optional, // only in requests SubscriptionState subscriptionState optional, // 3265/7.2 Supported supported optional, Timestamp timestamp optional, To toField, Unsupported unsupported optional, // only in responses UserToUser userToUser optional, UserAgent userAgent optional, Via via, Warning warning optional, // only in responses WwwAuthenticate wwwAuthenticate optional, // only in responses UndefinedHeader_List undefinedHeader_List optional } } // end group MessageHeaderTypes group StartLineTypes { // Request-Line [7.1] type record RequestLine { Method method, SipUrl requestUri, charstring sipVersion } // Status-Line [7.2] type record StatusLine { charstring sipVersion, integer statusCode, charstring reasonPhrase } } // end group StartLineTypes group otherTypes{ type record SipUserProfile { /** @desc integer for the userprofile identifier */ integer id, /** @desc integer for Port number to exchange SIP messages */ integer currPort, /** @desc charstring for IP address to exchange SIP messages */ charstring currIpaddr, /** @desc integer for Port number to exchange SIP messages */ integer contactPort, /** @desc charstring for IP address to exchange SIP messages */ charstring contactIpaddr, /** @desc charstring for IP address used by the TS to exchange media streams */ charstring bearerIpaddr, /** @desc charstring for identity of the tester local domain */ charstring homeDomain, /** @desc charstring for identity of the tester local user */ charstring publUsername, /** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 3.2.1 qop options: * Quoted string of one or more tokens indicating the "quality of protection" values supported by the server. The * value "auth" indicates authentication; the value "auth-int" indicates authentication with integrity protection. */ charstring qop, /** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 3.2.2 username for authentication * The name of user in the specified realm */ charstring privUsername, /** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 passwd: A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified username */ charstring passwd, /** @desc charstring for registrar domain for authentication and request line */ charstring registrarDomain } } // end group otherTypes }// end group Subtypes group MSGtypes{ group RequestTypes { // [7.1] /** * * @desc generic type of a SIP request message * @member statusLine contains a method name, a Request-URI, and the protocol version * @member msgHeader include all possible header fields that are allowed to be present according to RFCs and other standards * @member messageBody depends on the request method, includes e.g. SDP message. * @member payload contains the whole message as it has been received in its text format */ type record Request { RequestLine requestLine, MessageHeader msgHeader, MessageBody messageBody optional, Payload payload optional } // Note: the introduction of the following specific types is to enable better means for logging // on the other side the generic type is useful for functions dealing with multiple SIP message types type record REGISTER_Request { RequestLine requestLine, MessageHeader msgHeader, MessageBody messageBody optional, Payload payload optional } type record INVITE_Request { RequestLine requestLine, MessageHeader msgHeader, MessageBody messageBody optional, Payload payload optional } type record OPTIONS_Request { RequestLine requestLine, MessageHeader msgHeader, MessageBody messageBody optional, Payload payload optional } type record BYE_Request { RequestLine requestLine, MessageHeader msgHeader, MessageBody messageBody optional, Payload payload optional } type record CANCEL_Request { RequestLine requestLine, MessageHeader msgHeader, MessageBody messageBody optional, Payload payload optional } type record ACK_Request { RequestLine requestLine, MessageHeader msgHeader, MessageBody messageBody optional, Payload payload optional } // [3262/7.1] type record PRACK_Request { RequestLine requestLine, MessageHeader msgHeader, MessageBody messageBody optional, Payload payload optional } // [3265/7.1] type record NOTIFY_Request { RequestLine requestLine, MessageHeader msgHeader, MessageBody messageBody optional, Payload payload optional } // [3265/7.1] type record SUBSCRIBE_Request { RequestLine requestLine, MessageHeader msgHeader, MessageBody messageBody optional, Payload payload optional } // [3903/11.1] type record PUBLISH_Request { RequestLine requestLine, MessageHeader msgHeader, MessageBody messageBody optional, Payload payload optional } // [3311/7] type record UPDATE_Request { RequestLine requestLine, MessageHeader msgHeader, MessageBody messageBody optional, Payload payload optional } // type record REFER_Request { RequestLine requestLine, MessageHeader msgHeader, MessageBody messageBody optional, Payload payload optional } // type record MESSAGE_Request { RequestLine requestLine, MessageHeader msgHeader, MessageBody messageBody optional, Payload payload optional } // type record INFO_Request { RequestLine requestLine, MessageHeader msgHeader, MessageBody messageBody optional, Payload payload optional } } with { encode "SIPCodec" }// end group RequestTypes group ResponseTypes { // [7.2] /** * * @desc generic type of a SIP response message * @member statusLine consists of the protocol version followed by a numeric Status-Code and its associated textual phrase * @member msgHeader include all possible header fields that are allowed to be present according to RFCs and other standards * @member messageBody depends on the response method, includes e.g. SDP message. * @member payload contains the whole message as it has been received in its text format */ type record Response { StatusLine statusLine, MessageHeader msgHeader, MessageBody messageBody optional, Payload payload optional } } with { encode "SIPCodec" }// end group ResponseTypes // This MSG type is defined for sending synctactic variations, ans syntactically // erroneous messages, and receving messages failed parsing. group SyntacticTypes { type charstring Raw; } // end group SyntacticTypes // This type is defined for particular SIP message body types like SDP group MessageBodyTypes { type union MessageBody{ SDP_Message sdpMessageBody, // if there is only SDP part XmlBody xmlBody, // if there is XML message body XMLMessage xmlMessage, // if there is XML with header&body MIME_Message mimeMessageBody, //if there is SDP and encapsulated ISUP part charstring sipfrag, // if content-Type is message/sipfrag (cp. NOTIFY, cp TS124147 A. charstring textplain // if content type is text/plain (for testing long messages) }; } // end group MessageBodyTypes group MIMETypes { group SubMIMETypes { type union MIME_Encapsulated_Parts { SDP_Message sdpMessageBody, XmlBody xmlBody, // if there is XML message body XMLMessage xmlMessage // if there is XML with header&body } type record MIME_Encapsulated_Part { charstring content_type, charstring content_disposition optional, MIME_Encapsulated_Parts mime_encapsulated_part } }//end group SubMIMETypes group MessageTypes { type record MIME_Message { charstring boundary, // len: MimeEncapsulatedList mimeEncapsulatedList } type record of MIME_Encapsulated_Part MimeEncapsulatedList; } // group MessageTypes } // group MIMETypes }// end group MSGTypes }// end group Types } // end module LibSip_TypesAndValues