/** * @author STF 435 * @version $Id$ * @desc This module provides the functions used by the test component * for SIP-SMS over IMS as specified in 3GPP 24.341 tests. * This module is part of LibSipV2. */ module LibSip_SMSFunctions { import from LibSip_SMSTypesAndValues all; function f_IA5_2oct( charstring p_ASCII_String ) return octetstring { var integer i; var integer j; var integer v_Length := lengthof(p_ASCII_String); var integer v_Temp; var octetstring v_Noctets := ''O; var bitstring v_TempBitSrc := ''B; var bitstring v_TempBitDes := ''B; if ((v_Length <= 0) or (v_Length > 160) or (((v_Length * 7) mod 8) != 0)) { log("*** " & __SCOPE__ & "INFO: Invalid value of input string length ***"); } for (i := 0; i < v_Length; i := i + 1) { v_Temp := char2int(p_ASCII_String[i]); v_TempBitSrc := int2bit(v_Temp, 8); for (j := 1; j <= 7; j := j + 1) { v_TempBitDes := v_TempBitSrc[8 - j] & v_TempBitDes; if (((7 * i + j) mod 8) == 0) { v_Noctets := v_Noctets & bit2oct(v_TempBitDes); v_TempBitDes := ''B; } } } return v_Noctets; } // f_IA5_2oct external function fx_GetSC_TimeStamp( integer p_TimeZone ) return TP_ServiceCentreTimeStamp_Type; } // End of module LibSip_SMSFunctions