/** * @author ETSI / STF422_EETS * @version $URL:$ * $Id:$ * @desc Templates definitions for FAST networking & transport layer protocol (ISO 29281-2) */ module LibItsFntp_Templates { // LibCommon import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues { type UInt8, UInt16; }; // LibIts import from CALMllsap language "ASN.1:1997" { type IN_SAPaddress, EUI64, LLserviceAddr, Link_ID, INdata, AccessParameters, INsapPrimitivesDown, INsapPrimitivesUp, IN_UNITDATA_request, IN_UNITDATA_indication }; import from CALMmsap language "ASN.1:1997" { type StationID, CommandRef }; import from CALMmanagement language "ASN.1:1997" { type ITS_scuId }; import from CALMfntp language "ASN.1:1997" all; import from LibItsCalm_Interface all; import from LibItsFntp_TypesAndValues { const c_portRtr, c_portHst, c_portNon, c_portReservedLow, c_portReservedHigh; type AcFntpPrimitive }; import from LibItsFntp_Pixits all; group fntpPrimitives { /** * @desc Primitive on IN-SAP interface * @see ISO/CD 21218 - Clause 8.3 * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 - Clause 7.1.2 */ group inSAPPrimitives { group send_ { /** * @desc Send template for IN-SAP source and destination address * @param p_linkId Link identifier of the CI * @see ISO/CD 21218 - Clause 8.2.2 */ template (value) LLserviceAddr m_llServiceAddr( in template (value) Link_ID p_linkId ) := { csap := mw_fntpInSapAddress_src_command, linkID := p_linkId } // // End of template m_llServiceAddr /** * @desc Send template for link-ID * @param p_remoteLinkId Remote link ID * @param p_localLinkId Local link ID * @see ISO/CD 21218 - Clause 8.2.2 */ template (value) Link_ID m_linkId( in template (value) EUI64 p_remoteLinkId, in template (value) EUI64 p_localLinkId ) := { remoteCIID := p_remoteLinkId, localCIID := p_localLinkId } // End of template mw_linkID } // End of group send_ group recv_ { /** * @desc Receive template for a SAP primitive message on IN-SAP interface * @param p_inUnitdataRq The IN-DATA.request SAP primitive message * @see ISO/CD 21218 - Clause 8.3.1 * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 - Clause 7.1.2 */ template INsapPrimitivesDown mw_fntpInSapPrimitiveReq( in template (present) IN_UNITDATA_request p_inUnitdataRq ) := { fill := '00000'B, // TODO Use a PIXIT primitives := { inUnitdataRq := p_inUnitdataRq } // End of 'primitives' field } // End of template m_fntpImPrimitiveReq /** * @desc Send template for IN-SAP address * @see ISO/CD 21218 - Table 5 — Addresses for the Link Service Access Point (IN-SAP) */ template (value) IN_SAPaddress m_fntpInSapAddress_src_command := 186; //oct2int('BA'O); /** * @desc Receive template for IN-SAP address * @see ISO/CD 21218 - Table 5 — Addresses for the Link Service Access Point (IN-SAP) */ template (value) IN_SAPaddress mw_fntpInSapAddress_src_command := m_fntpInSapAddress_src_command; /** * @desc Receive template for IN-UNITDATA.request SAP primitive * @see ISO/CD 21218 - Clause 8.2.2 */ template IN_UNITDATA_request mw_inUnitDataReq_any := { source_addr := { csap := mw_fntpInSapAddress_src_command, linkID := ? }, dest_addr := { csap := mw_fntpInSapAddress_src_command, linkID := ? }, data := ?, priority := PX_USER_PRIORITY, accessParams := ''O, refNo := ? } // End of template mw_inUnitDataReq_any /** * @desc Receive template for IN-UNITDATA.request SAP primitive * @param p_source_linkId Source linkId * @param p_dest_linkId Destination linkId * @see ISO/CD 21218 - Clause 8.2.2 */ template IN_UNITDATA_request mdw_inUnitDataReq( in template (present) Link_ID p_source_linkId, in template (present) Link_ID p_dest_linkId ) modifies mw_inUnitDataReq_any := { source_addr := { csap := mw_fntpInSapAddress_src_command, linkID := p_source_linkId }, dest_addr := { csap := mw_fntpInSapAddress_src_command, linkID := p_dest_linkId } } // End of template mdw_inUnitDataReq /** * @desc Receive template for IN-UNITDATA.request SAP primitive * @param p_source_linkId Source linkId * @param p_dest_linkId Destination linkId * @param p_accessParams Access parameters * @see ISO/CD 21218 - Clause 8.2.2 */ template IN_UNITDATA_request mdw_inUnitDataReqCip( in template (present) Link_ID p_source_linkId, in template (present) Link_ID p_dest_linkId, in template (present) AccessParameters p_accessParams ) modifies mdw_inUnitDataReq := { accessParams := p_accessParams } // End of template mdw_inUnitDataReqCip /** * @desc Receive template for link-ID * @param p_remoteLinkId Remote link Id * @param p_localLinkId Source link Id * @see ISO/CD 21218 - Clause 8.2.2 */ template Link_ID mw_linkId( in template (present) EUI64 p_remoteLinkId, in template (present) EUI64 p_localLinkId ) := { remoteCIID := p_remoteLinkId, localCIID := p_localLinkId } // End of template mw_linkID /** * @desc Receive template for IN-SAP source and destination address * @param p_linkId Link identifier of the CI * @see ISO/CD 21218 - Clause 8.2.2 */ template LLserviceAddr mw_llServiceAddr( in template (present) Link_ID p_linkId ) := { csap := mw_fntpInSapAddress_src_command, linkID := p_linkId } // End of template mw_llServiceAddr } // End of group recv_ } // End of group inSAPPrimitives /** * @desc Fntp NPUD templates */ group fntpBasicNPDU { /** * @desc Send template for basic NPDU for UC/BC transmission- N/single hop * @param p_sourcePort Source port * @param p_destinationPort Destination port * @param p_hops N-hops value */ template FNTPNPDU m_fntpBasicNPDU( in template (value) PortNumber p_sourcePort, in template (value) PortNumber p_destinationPort, in template (omit) FNTPhopCount p_hops ) := { header := { sourcePort := p_sourcePort, destinationPort := p_destinationPort, options := { intForw := omit, sec := omit, hops := p_hops, opt4 := omit, opt5 := omit, opt6 := omit, lpp := omit, cip := omit } // End of 'options' field }, // End of 'header' field body := PX_ITS_FPDU } // End of template m_fntpBasicNPDU /** * @desc Unspecified receive template for FNTP basic NPDU * Used for: *
  • modifying restrictif template
  • *
  • default altstep
  • */ template FNTPNPDU mw_fntpBasicNPDU_any := { header := { sourcePort := { portLong := complement((c_portReservedLow .. c_portReservedHigh)) }, // See ISO/CD 29281-2 Table 1: FNTP endpoints identified by port numbers destinationPort := ?, options := mw_noFntpOptions }, // End of 'header' field body := ? } // End of template mw_fntpBasicNPDU_any /** * @desc Receive template for FNTP basic NPDU, specifying port values * @param p_sourcePort Source port number * @param p_destinationPort Destination (or remote) port number */ template (present) FNTPNPDU mdw_fntpBasicNPDU( in template (present) PortNumber p_sourcePort, in template (present) PortNumber p_destinationPort ) modifies mw_fntpBasicNPDU_any := { header := { sourcePort := p_sourcePort, destinationPort := p_destinationPort }, // End of 'header' field body := PX_ITS_FPDU } // End of template mw_basicNPDU } // End of group fntpBasicNPDU group fntpExtendedNPDU { /** * @desc Send template for FNTP extended NPDU with an invalid control fields (lpp is set) * @param p_sourcePort Broadcast source port * @param p_destinationPort Broadcast destination port * @param p_hops N-hops value * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 - Table 3 — FNTP control field (implemented as OPTION selector in ASN.1) */ template FNTPNPDU md_fntpExtendedNPDU_InvalidCtrlField( in template (value) PortNumber p_sourcePort, in template (value) PortNumber p_destinationPort, in template (omit) FNTPhopCount p_hops ) modifies m_fntpBasicNPDU := { header := { options := { opt4 := NULL } } // End of 'header' field } // End of template md_fntpExtendedNPDU_InvalidCtrlField /** * @desc Send template for FNTP extended NPDU with an invalid control fields (lpp is set) * @param p_sourcePort Broadcast source port * @param p_destinationPort Broadcast destination port * @param p_hops N-hops value * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 - Table 3 — FNTP control field (implemented as OPTION selector in ASN.1) */ template FNTPNPDU md_fntpExtendedNPDU_InvalidBitSet( in template (value) PortNumber p_sourcePort, in template (value) PortNumber p_destinationPort, in template (omit) FNTPhopCount p_hops // Should be omitted ) modifies m_fntpBasicNPDU := { header := { options := { opt5 := NULL } // End of 'options' field } // End of 'header' field } // End of template md_fntpExtendedNPDU_InvalidBitSet /** * @desc Send template for FNTP extended NPDU with an invalid control fields (lpp is set) * @param p_sourcePort Broadcast source port * @param p_destinationPort Broadcast destination port * @param p_hops N-hops value * @param p_rxCIP Receive (RX) parameter settings * @param p_txCIP Transmit (TX) parameters of a VCI */ template FNTPNPDU md_fntpExtendedNPDU_CIP( in template (value) PortNumber p_sourcePort, in template (value) PortNumber p_destinationPort, in template (omit) FNTPhopCount p_hops, // Should be omitted in template (value) RXcip p_rxCIP, in template (value) TXcip p_txCIP ) modifies m_fntpBasicNPDU := { header := { options := { hops := p_hops, cip := { rxCIP := p_rxCIP, txCIP := p_txCIP } // End of 'cip' field } // End of'options' field } // End of 'header' field } // End of template md_fntpExtendedNPDU_CIP /** * @desc Send template for FNTP extended NPDU for BC transmission-single/N-hops * @param p_sourcePort Broadcast source port * @param p_destinationPort Broadcast destination port * @param p_hops N-hops value */ template (present) FNTPNPDU mdw_fntpExtendedNpdu( in template (present) PortNumber p_sourcePort, in template (present) PortNumber p_destinationPort, in template (present) FNTPhopCount p_hops ) modifies mdw_fntpBasicNPDU := { header := { options := mdw_nHopNfFntpOptions(PX_NHOPS) } // End of field 'header' } // End of template mdw_fntpExtendedNPDU /** * @desc Send template for FNTP extended NPDU for BC transmission-single/N-hops with CIP * @param p_sourcePort Broadcast source port * @param p_destinationPort Broadcast destination port * @param p_hops N-hops value * @param p_rxCIP Receive (RX) parameter settings * @param p_txCIP Transmit (TX) parameters of a VCI */ template FNTPNPDU mdw_fntpExtendedNpduCip( in template (present) PortNumber p_sourcePort, in template (present) PortNumber p_destinationPort, in template (present) FNTPhopCount p_hops, in template RXcip p_rxCIP, in template TXcip p_txCIP ) := { header := { sourcePort := { portLong := complement((c_portReservedLow .. c_portReservedHigh)) }, // See ISO/CD 29281-2 Table 1: FNTP endpoints identified by port numbers destinationPort := ?, options := mdw_nHopNfFntpOptions_CIP( PX_NHOPS, p_rxCIP, p_txCIP ) }, // End of field 'header' body := ? } // End of template mdw_fntpExtendedNPDU } // End of group fntpExtendedNPDU group fntpForwardingNPDU { /** * @desc Send template for FNTP forwarding NPDU * @param p_sourcePort Source port (c_portRtr or c_portHst) * @param p_destinationPort Destination port (c_portRtr or c_portHst) * @param p_hops N-hops value * @param p_fromPort Forwarding source port * @param p_toPort Forwarding destination port * @param p_counter Expected value of FNTP packet counter counter field */ template (value) FNTPNPDU md_fntpForwardingNpdu( in template (value) PortNumber p_sourcePort, in template (value) PortNumber p_destinationPort, in template (value) FNTPhopCount p_hops, in template (value) PortNumber p_fromPort, in template (value) PortNumber p_toPort, in template (value) FNTPpacketCounter p_counter ) modifies m_fntpBasicNPDU := { header := { options := { intForw := { hostITS_scuId := PX_HOST_SCU_ID, link := PX_WL_LINK_ID_UC, counter := p_counter, sourcePort := p_fromPort, destinationPort := p_toPort } // End of field 'intForw' } // End of field 'options' } // End of field 'header' } // End of template md_fntpForwardingNpdu /** * @desc Send template for FNTP forwarding NPDU with an unknown ITS-SCU-ID * @param p_sourcePort Source port (c_portRtr or c_portHst) * @param p_destinationPort Destination port (c_portRtr or c_portHst) * @param p_hops N-hops value * @param p_fromPort Forwarding source port * @param p_toPort Forwarding destination port * @param p_counter Expected value of FNTP packet counter counter field */ template (value) FNTPNPDU md_fntpForwardingNpdu_UnknownITS_SCU_ID( in template (value) PortNumber p_sourcePort, in template (value) PortNumber p_destinationPort, in template (value) FNTPhopCount p_hops, in template (value) PortNumber p_fromPort, in template (value) PortNumber p_toPort, in template (value) FNTPpacketCounter p_counter ) modifies md_fntpForwardingNpdu := { header := { options := { intForw := { hostITS_scuId := PX_UNKNOWN_HOST_SCU_ID, link := PX_WL_LINK_ID_UC, counter := p_counter, sourcePort := p_fromPort, destinationPort := p_toPort } // End of field 'intForw' } // End of field 'options' } // End of field 'header' } // End of template md_fntpForwardingNpdu_UnknownITS_SCU_ID /** * @desc Send template for FNTP forwarding NPDU with CIPs * @param p_sourcePort Source port (c_portRtr or c_portHst) * @param p_destinationPort Destination port (c_portRtr or c_portHst) * @param p_hops N-hops value * @param p_fromPort Forwarding source port * @param p_toPort Forwarding destination port * @param p_counter Expected value of FNTP packet counter counter field * @param p_rxCIP Receive (RX) parameter settings * @param p_txCIP Transmit (TX) parameters of a VCI */ template (value) FNTPNPDU md_fntpForwardingNpdu_CIP( in template (value) PortNumber p_sourcePort, in template (value) PortNumber p_destinationPort, in template (value) FNTPhopCount p_hops, in template (value) PortNumber p_fromPort, in template (value) PortNumber p_toPort, in template (value) FNTPpacketCounter p_counter, in template (value) RXcip p_rxCIP, in template (value) TXcip p_txCIP ) modifies md_fntpForwardingNpdu := { header := { options := { intForw := { hostITS_scuId := PX_HOST_SCU_ID, link := PX_WL_LINK_ID_UC, counter := p_counter, sourcePort := p_fromPort, destinationPort := p_toPort }, // End of field 'intForw' cip := { rxCIP := p_rxCIP, txCIP := p_txCIP } // End of field 'cip' } // End of field 'options' } // End of field 'header' } // End of template md_fntpForwardingNpdu_CIP /** * @desc Receive template for FNTP forwarding NPDU */ template (present) FNTPNPDU mw_fntpForwardingNPDU_any := { header := { sourcePort := ?, destinationPort := ?, options := { intForw := { hostITS_scuId := ?, link := { remoteCIID := ?, localCIID := ? }, counter := ?, sourcePort := ?, destinationPort := ? }, sec := omit, hops := ?, opt4 := omit, opt5 := omit, opt6 := omit, lpp := omit, cip := omit } }, body := ? } // End of template mw_fntpForwardingNPDU_any /** * @desc Receive template for FNTP forwarding NPDU * @param p_sourcePort Source port * @param p_destinationPort Destination port * @param p_fromPort Forwarding source port * @param p_toPort Forwarding destination port * @param p_hops N-hops value * @param p_counter Expected value of FNTP packet counter counter field */ template (present) FNTPNPDU mdw_fntpForwardingNpdu( in template (present) UInt16 p_sourcePort, in template (present) UInt16 p_destinationPort, in template (present) PortNumber p_fromPort, in template (present) PortNumber p_toPort, in template (present) FNTPpacketCounter p_counter, in template (present) FNTPhopCount p_hops ) modifies mw_fntpForwardingNPDU_any := { header := { sourcePort := { portLong := p_sourcePort }, destinationPort := { portLong := p_destinationPort }, options := { intForw := { counter := p_counter, sourcePort := p_fromPort, destinationPort := p_toPort }, // End of field 'intForw' hops := p_hops } // End of field 'options' }, // End of field 'header' body := PX_ITS_FPDU } // End of template mdw_fntpForwardingNpdu /** * @desc Receive template for FNTP forwarding NPDU with CIP * @param p_sourcePort Source port * @param p_destinationPort Destination port * @param p_fromPort Forwarding source port * @param p_toPort Forwarding destination port * @param p_hops N-hops value * @param p_counter Expected value of FNTP packet counter counter field * @param p_rxCIP Receive (RX) parameter settings * @param p_txCIP Transmit (TX) parameters of a VCI */ template (present) FNTPNPDU mdw_fntpForwardingNpduCip( in template (present) UInt16 p_sourcePort, in template (present) UInt16 p_destinationPort, in template (present) PortNumber p_fromPort, in template (present) PortNumber p_toPort, in template (present) FNTPpacketCounter p_counter, in template (present) FNTPhopCount p_hops, in template (present) RXcip p_rxCIP, in template (present) TXcip p_txCIP ) modifies mdw_fntpForwardingNpdu := { header := { sourcePort := { portLong := c_portRtr }, destinationPort := { portLong := c_portHst }, options := { intForw := { counter := p_counter, sourcePort := p_fromPort, destinationPort := p_toPort }, // End of field 'intForw' hops := p_hops, cip := { rxCIP := p_rxCIP, txCIP := p_txCIP } // End of field 'cip' } // End of field 'options' } // End of field 'header' } // End of template mdw_fntpForwardingNpduCip } // End of group fntpForwardingNPDU /** * @desc template used to trigger message on Lower Tester */ group taPrimitives { /** * @desc Generate a FNTP NPDU through IN-SAP * @param p_insap_source_address Source linkId * @param p_insap_dest_address Destination linkId * @param p_npdu The FNTP NPDU in octetstring format * @see ISO/CD 21218 - Clause 8.3.3 */ template (value) AcFntpPrimitive m_generateFntpNpdu( in template (value) LLserviceAddr p_insap_source_address, in template (value) LLserviceAddr p_insap_dest_address, in template (value) INdata p_npdu ) := { acGenerateFntpNpdu := { fntpNPDU := { fill := '00000'B, primitives := { inUnitdataInd := { source_addr := p_insap_source_address, dest_addr := p_insap_dest_address, data := p_npdu, priority := PX_USER_PRIORITY, accessParams := ''O } // End of field 'inUnitdataInd' } // End of field 'primitives' } // End of field 'acGenerateFntpNpdu' } // End of field 'fntpNPDU' } // End of template m_generateFntpNpdu /** * @desc Generate a FNTP NPDU through IN-SAP * @param p_insap_source_address Source linkId * @param p_insap_dest_address Destination linkId * @param p_npdu The FNTP NPDU in octetstring format * @param p_accessParams access_parameters parameter * @see ISO/CD 21218 - Clause 8.3.3 & Clause 8.5 * @see ISO 29281-2 - Clause 7.10.1 */ template (value) AcFntpPrimitive m_generateFntpNpduCip( in template (value) LLserviceAddr p_insap_source_address, in template (value) LLserviceAddr p_insap_dest_address, in template (value) INdata p_npdu, in template (present) AccessParameters p_accessParams ) modifies m_generateFntpNpdu := { acGenerateFntpNpdu := { fntpNPDU := { fill := '00000'B, primitives := { inUnitdataInd := { accessParams := p_accessParams } // End of field 'inUnitdataInd' } // End of field 'primitives' } // End of field 'acGenerateFntpNpdu' } // End of field 'fntpNPDU' } // End of template m_generateFntpNpduCip /** * @desc Generate a SAM notification message through IN-SAP * @param p_insap_source_address Source linkId * @param p_insap_dest_address Destination linkId * @param p_sam The SAM message in octetstring format * @see ISO/CD 21218 - Clause 8.3.3 * @see ISO 29281 - Clause 7.9.3 */ template (value) AcFntpPrimitive m_generateSamMessagePdu( in template (value) LLserviceAddr p_insap_source_address, in template (value) LLserviceAddr p_insap_dest_address, in template (value) INdata p_sam ) := { acGenerateSamMessagePdu := { samPdu := { fill := '00000'B, primitives := { inUnitdataInd := { source_addr := p_insap_source_address, dest_addr := p_insap_dest_address, data := p_sam, priority := PX_USER_PRIORITY, accessParams := ''O } // End of field 'inUnitdataInd' } // End of field 'primitives' } // End of field 'samPDU' } // End of field 'acGenerateSamMessagePdu' } // End of template m_generateSamMessagePdu /** * @desc Generate a CTX reception message through IN-SAP * @param p_insap_source_address Source linkId * @param p_insap_dest_address Destination linkId * @param p_ctx The SAM message in octetstring format * @see ISO/CD 21218 - Clause 8.3.3 * @see ISO 29281 - Clause 7.9.4 */ template (value) AcFntpPrimitive m_generateCtxMessagePdu( in template (value) LLserviceAddr p_insap_source_address, in template (value) LLserviceAddr p_insap_dest_address, in template (value) INdata p_ctx ) := { acGenerateCtxMessagePdu := { ctxPdu := { fill := '00000'B, primitives := { inUnitdataInd := { source_addr := p_insap_source_address, dest_addr := p_insap_dest_address, data := p_ctx, priority := PX_USER_PRIORITY, accessParams := ''O } // End of field 'inUnitdataInd' } // End of field 'primitives' } // End of field 'ctxPdu' } // End of field 'acGenerateCtxMessagePdu' } // End of template m_generateCtxMessagePdu } // End of group taPrimitives /** * @desc Templates used to *
  • trigger message on Upper Tester
  • *
  • capture indication message sent by the IUT
  • */ group utPrimitives { /** * @desc Initializes the FNTP IUT */ template (value) UtInitialize m_fntpInitialize := { utFntpInitialize := { } } // End of template m_fntpInitialize group fntpNfPort { /** * @desc Send template to request creation or modification of a socket for an endpoint * @param p_serviceRef Number uniquely identifying the endpoint at this host in an implementation specific way * @param p_portNumber Contains either the value PORT_NON in order to indicate dynamic assignment of a port number by the port number manager, or a valid value of a well-known static port PORT_REG * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 Clause 8.2.1 */ template (value) UtCommandRequest m_generateNfFntpPortCreationRequest( in template (value) integer p_serviceRef, in template (value) PortNumber p_portNumber ) := { utFntpCommandRequest := { nfSapPrimitives := { fill := PX_NF_SAP_DOWN_FILL_FIELD_VALUE, primitivesDown := { fntpPortRequest := { serviceRef := p_serviceRef, operation := true, port_ := p_portNumber, priority := PX_USER_PRIORITY } // End of field 'fntpPortRequest' } // End of field 'primitivesDown' } // End of field 'nfSapPrimitives' } // End of field 'utFntpCommandRequest' } // End of template m_generateNfFntpPortCreationRequest /** * @desc Send template to request deletion of a socket for an endpoint * @param p_serviceRef Number uniquely identifying the endpoint at this host in an implementation specific way * @param p_portNumber Contains the port to be deleted * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 Clause 8.2.1 */ template (value) UtCommandRequest m_generateNfFntpPortDeletionRequest( in template (value) integer p_serviceRef, in template (value) PortNumber p_portNumber ) := { utFntpCommandRequest := { nfSapPrimitives := { fill := PX_NF_SAP_DOWN_FILL_FIELD_VALUE, primitivesDown := { fntpPortRequest := { serviceRef := p_serviceRef, operation := false, port_ := p_portNumber, priority := PX_USER_PRIORITY } // End of field 'fntpPortRequest' } // End of field 'fntpPortRequest' } // End of field 'nfSapPrimitives' } // End of field 'utFntpCommandRequest' } // End of template m_generateNfFntpPortDeletionRequest /** * @desc Receive template used by the FNTP to acknowledge a previous NF-FNTP-PORT.request * @param p_serviceRef Contains the same value provided in parameter "serviceRef" in the related NF-FNTP-SOCKET.request * @param p_servicePort Contains the Service port number assigned by the FNTP * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 Clause 8.2.2 */ template UtCommandConfirm mw_fntpPortConfirm( in template (present) integer p_serviceRef, in template (present) PortNumber p_servicePort ) := { utFntpCommandConfirm := { nfSapPrimitives := { fill := PX_NF_SAP_UP_FILL_FIELD_VALUE, primitivesUp := { fntpPortConfirm := { serviceRef := p_serviceRef, servicePort := p_servicePort } // End of field 'fntpPortConfirm' } // End of field 'primitivesUp' } // End of field 'nfSapPrimitives' } // End of field 'nfSapPrimitives' } // End of template mw_fntpPortConfirm } // End of group fntpNfPort /** * @desc Send template for a NF-SAP command request * @param p_commRef Unique cyclic reference number of command * @param p_servicePort Port number allocated by FN-FNTP-SOCKECT.create operation * @param p_linkID Identifies the VCI to be used to transmit the packet * @param p_data Contains the ITS-SP payload EPDU * @param p_controlField Content of the FNTP control field in the FNTP extended header * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 Clause 8.3.1 */ template (value) UtCommandRequest m_generateNfFntpCommRequest( in template (value) CommandRef p_commRef, in template (value) PortNumber p_servicePort, in template (value) Link_ID p_linkId, in template (value) ITSfpdu p_data, in template (value) FntpOptions p_controlField ) := { utFntpCommandRequest := { nfSapPrimitives := { fill := PX_NF_SAP_DOWN_FILL_FIELD_VALUE, primitivesDown := { fntpCommRequest := { commRef := p_commRef, servicePort := p_servicePort, remotePort := PX_REMOTE_PORT_NUMBER, linkID := p_linkId, data := p_data, priority := PX_USER_PRIORITY, controlField := p_controlField } // End of field 'fntpCommRequest' } // End of field 'primitivesDown' } // End of field 'nfSapPrimitives' } // End of field 'utFntpCommandRequest' } // End of template m_generateNfFntpCommRequest /** * @desc Receive a succesful COMMAND.confirm primitive * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 Clause 8.3.1 */ template (present) UtCommandConfirm mw_fntpCommConfirm_success := { utFntpCommandConfirm := { nfSapPrimitives := { fill := PX_NF_SAP_UP_FILL_FIELD_VALUE, primitivesUp := { fntpCommConfirm := { commRef := ?, servicePort := ?, errStatus := 0 // FIXME Check why TTwb raises an error using FNTPerrorStatus values } // End of field 'fntpCommConfirm' } // End of field 'primitivesUp' } // End of field 'nfSapPrimitives' } // End of field 'utFntpCommandConfirm' } // End of template mw_fntpCommConfirm_success /** * @desc Receive an unsuccesful COMMAND.confirm primitive * @see ISO/WD 29281-2 Clause 8.3.2 */ template (present) UtCommandConfirm mdw_fntpCommConfirm_unspecFailure modifies mw_fntpCommConfirm_success := { utFntpCommandConfirm := { nfSapPrimitives := { primitivesUp := { fntpCommConfirm := { errStatus := 1 // FIXME Check why TTwb raises an error using FNTPerrorStatus values } // End of field 'fntpCommConfirm' } // End of field 'primitivesUp' } // End of field 'nfSapPrimitives' } // End of field 'utFntpCommandConfirm' } // End of template mdw_fntpCommConfirm_fail /** * @desc Receive an COMMAND.indication primitive * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 Clause 8.3.3 */ template (present) UtCommandIndication mw_checkNfFntpCommIndication_any := { utFntpCommandIndication := { nfSapPrimitives := { fill := PX_NF_SAP_UP_FILL_FIELD_VALUE, primitivesUp := { fntpCommIndication := { servicePort := ?, remotePort := ?, linkID := ?, data := PX_ITS_FPDU, priority := PX_USER_PRIORITY, controlField := mw_noFntpOptions } // End of field 'fntpCommIndication' } // End of field 'primitivesUp' } // End of field 'nfsapPrimitives' } // End of field 'utFntpCommandIndication' } // End of template mw_checkNfFntpCommIndication_any /** * @desc Receive an COMMAND.indication primitive * @param p_servicePort Set equal to "destinationPort" given in the NPDU * @param p_port Set equal to "sourcePort" given in the NPDU * @param p_linkID Identify the VCI associated with the peer station */ template (present) UtCommandIndication mdw_checkNfFntpCommIndication( in template (present) PortNumber p_servicePort, in template (present) PortNumber p_remotePort, in template (present) Link_ID p_linkId ) modifies mw_checkNfFntpCommIndication_any := { utFntpCommandIndication := { nfSapPrimitives := { fill := PX_NF_SAP_UP_FILL_FIELD_VALUE, primitivesUp := { fntpCommIndication := { servicePort := p_servicePort, remotePort := p_remotePort, linkID := p_linkId } // End of field 'fntpCommIndication' } // End of field 'primitivesUp' } // End of field 'nfsapPrimitives' } // End of field 'utFntpCommandIndication' } // End of template mw_checkNfFntpCommIndication /** * @desc Receive an COMMAND.indication primitive with Access parameters * @param p_servicePort Set equal to "destinationPort" given in the NPDU * @param p_port Set equal to "sourcePort" given in the NPDU * @param p_linkID Identify the VCI associated with the peer station * @param p_nHopNfFntpOptionsCip FNTP options with Access parameters * @see ISO/WD 29281-2 Clause CIP management */ template (present) UtCommandIndication mdw_checkNfFntpCommIndicationCip( in template (present) PortNumber p_servicePort, in template (present) PortNumber p_remotePort, in template (present) Link_ID p_linkId, in template (present) FntpOptions p_nHopNfFntpOptionsCip ) modifies mw_checkNfFntpCommIndication_any := { utFntpCommandIndication := { nfSapPrimitives := { fill := PX_NF_SAP_UP_FILL_FIELD_VALUE, primitivesUp := { fntpCommIndication := { servicePort := p_servicePort, remotePort := p_remotePort, linkID := p_linkId, controlField := p_nHopNfFntpOptionsCip } // End of field 'fntpCommIndication' } // End of field 'primitivesUp' } // End of field 'nfsapPrimitives' } // End of field 'utFntpCommandIndication' } // End of template mdw_checkNfFntpCommIndicationCip /** * @desc Templates for FNTP control fields * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 Clause */ group fntpControlFields { /** * @desc Send template for no FNTP control fields set, meaning "Basic procedure" (ISO/CD 29281-2 Clause 7.6.1) * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 Clause */ template (value) FntpOptions m_noFntpOptions := { intForw := omit, sec := omit, hops := omit, opt4 := omit, opt5 := omit, opt6 := omit, lpp := omit, cip := omit } // End of template m_noFntpOptions /** * @desc Send template for a S/N-hops communications * @param p_hops Number of hops. This parameter shall be set to zero for single hop * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 Clause */ template (value) FntpOptions md_nHopNfFntpOptions( in template (value) FNTPhopCount p_hops ) modifies m_noFntpOptions := { hops := p_hops } // End of template md_nHopNfFntpOptions /** * @desc Receive template for no FNTP control fields set, meaning "Basic procedure" (ISO/CD 29281-2 Clause 7.6.1) * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 Clause */ template FntpOptions mw_noFntpOptions := { intForw := omit, sec := omit, hops := omit, opt4 := omit, opt5 := omit, opt6 := omit, lpp := omit, cip := omit } // End of template mw_noFntpOptions /** * @desc Receive template for a S/N-hops communications * @param p_hops Number of hops. This parameter shall be set to zero for single hop * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 Clause */ template (present) FntpOptions mdw_nHopNfFntpOptions( in template (present) FNTPhopCount p_hops ) modifies mw_noFntpOptions := { hops := p_hops, opt5 := NULL } // End of template mdw_nHopNfFntpOptions /** * @desc Send template for unsupported control fiel * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 Clause 6.2.6 */ template (value) FntpOptions md_nonSupportedFntpControlField modifies m_noFntpOptions := { opt4 := NULL } // End of template md_nonSupportedFntpControlField /** * @desc Send template for with CIP required * @param p_hops Number of hops. This parameter shall be set to zero for single hop * @param p_rxCIP Receive (RX) parameter settings * @param p_txCIP Transmit (TX) parameters of a VCI * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 Clause 7.10 */ template (value) FntpOptions md_cipNfFntpOptions( in template (value) FNTPhopCount p_hops, in template (value) RXcip p_rxCIP, in template (value) TXcip p_txCIP ) modifies md_nHopNfFntpOptions := { cip := { rxCIP := p_rxCIP, txCIP := p_txCIP } // End of field 'cip' } // End of template md_cipNfFntpOptions /** * @desc Receive template for a S/N-hops communications with CIP * @param p_hops Number of hops. This parameter shall be set to zero for single hop * @param p_rxCIP Receive (RX) parameter settings * @param p_txCIP Transmit (TX) parameters of a VCI * @see ISO/CD 29281-2 Clause */ template FntpOptions mdw_nHopNfFntpOptions_CIP( in template (present) FNTPhopCount p_hops, in template RXcip p_rxCIP, in template TXcip p_txCIP ) modifies mw_noFntpOptions := { hops := p_hops, cip := { rxCIP := p_rxCIP, txCIP := p_txCIP } // End of field 'cip' } // End of template mdw_nHopNfFntpOptions } // End of group fntpControlFields } // End of group utPrimitives } // End of group fntpPrimitives } // End of module LibItsFntp_Templates