module LibItsDcc_Functions { // Libcommon import from LibCommon_Sync all; import from LibCommon_VerdictControl all; // LibIts import from LibItsDcc_TypesAndValues all; import from LibItsDcc_Templates all; import from LibItsDcc_Pixits all; import from LibItsDcc_Pics all; import from LibItsDcc_TestSystem all; group dccConfigurationFunctions { /** * @desc Setups default configuration */ function f_cfUp(out UtComp p_utComp, out ItsInDcc p_itsInDcc, out ItsRrxDcc p_itsRrxDcc, in template (value) UtTrigger p_trigger) runs on ServerSyncComp { // Create p_utComp := UtComp.create("Upper Tester") alive; p_itsInDcc := ItsInDcc.create("IN_SAP"); p_itsRrxDcc := ItsRrxDcc.create("RRX"); // Connect connect(p_utComp:syncPort, self:syncPort); connect(p_itsInDcc:syncPort, self:syncPort); connect(p_itsRrxDcc:syncPort, self:syncPort); //Map map(p_utComp:utPort, system:utPort); map(p_itsInDcc:inPort, system:inPort); map(p_itsRrxDcc:rrxPort, system:rrxPort); // Initialize radio equipment p_utComp.start(f_utInitializeIut(m_utInitialize(m_utRadioInitialize))); p_utComp.done; // Put channel(s) into defined state p_utComp.start(f_utTriggerEvent(p_trigger)); p_utComp.done; } // end f_cfUp /** * @desc Deletes default configuration */ function f_cfDown(in UtComp p_utComp, in ItsInDcc p_itsInDcc, in ItsRrxDcc p_itsRrxDcc) runs on ServerSyncComp { f_serverWaitForAllClientsToStop(); // Disconnect disconnect(p_utComp:syncPort, self:syncPort); disconnect(p_itsInDcc:syncPort, self:syncPort); disconnect(p_itsRrxDcc:syncPort, self:syncPort); // Unmap unmap(p_utComp:utPort, system:utPort); unmap(p_itsInDcc:inPort, system:inPort); unmap(p_itsRrxDcc:rrxPort, system:rrxPort); } // end f_cfDown } // end of dccConfigurationFunctions /** * @desc Upper tester functions */ group utFuntions { /** * @desc Requests to bring the IUT in an initial state * @param p_init The initialisation to trigger. */ function f_utInitializeIut(template (value) UtInitialize p_init) runs on UtComp { utPort.send(p_init); tc_wait.start; alt { [] utPort.receive(UtResult:true) { tc_wait.stop; log("*** f_utInitializeIut: INFO: IUT initialized ***"); } [] utPort.receive { tc_wait.stop; log("*** f_utInitializeIut: INFO: IUT could not be initialized ***"); f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error); } [] tc_wait.timeout { log("*** f_utInitializeIut: INFO: IUT could not be initialized in time ***"); f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_timeout); } [else] { // Shortcut defaults repeat; } } } /** * @desc Triggers event on the radio interface * @param p_trigger The event to trigger. */ function f_utTriggerEvent(template (value) UtTrigger p_trigger) runs on UtComp { utPort.send(p_trigger); alt { [] utPort.receive(UtResult:true) { tc_wait.stop; log("*** f_utTriggerEvent: INFO: Event sccessfully triggered ***"); } [] utPort.receive { tc_wait.stop; log("*** f_utTriggerEvent: INFO: Event could not be triggered ***"); f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error); } [] tc_wait.timeout { log("*** f_utTriggerEvent: INFO: Event could not be triggered in time ***"); f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_timeout); } [else] { // Shortcut defaults repeat; } } } } // End of group utFunctions group rrxFunctions { /** * @desc Receive frames via the radio link and check that all frames are sent with * the requested Tx power and inter-packet spacing on the chosen channel * @param p_testDuration Overall test duration * @param p_tOff Requested Toff value * @param p_requestedTxPower Requested Tx send power value * @param p_channel Channel on which the frame has been sent */ function f_rrx_AllRequestedFramesSent(float p_testDuration, float p_tOff, integer p_requestedTxPower, Channel p_channel) runs on ItsRrxDcc { var integer v_frameReceivedCount := 0; timer tc_testDuration := p_testDuration; f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_prDone, e_success); } // End of function f_rrx_AllRequestedFramesSent } // End of group rrxFunctions /** * @desc IN SAP functions */ group inFuntions { /** * @desc Request sending of frames via the IN_SAP and check that all frames are * reported as sent with the requested Tx power * @param p_testDuration Overall test duration * @param p_tOff Requested Toff value * @param p_requestedTxPower Requested Tx send power value * @param p_dCCProfileIdentifier Requested DCC profile * @param p_channel Channel on which the frame has been sent */ function f_iN_AllRequestedFramesSent(float p_testDuration, float p_tOff, integer p_requestedTxPower, integer p_dCCProfileIdentifier, Channel p_channel) runs on ItsInDcc { var integer v_commandReference := float2int(int2float(c_maxCommandReference)*rnd()); var InSta v_inSta; var integer v_frameRequestedCount := 1; var integer v_frameAcknowledgedCount := 0; timer tc_testDuration := p_testDuration; timer tc_tOff := p_tOff; f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_prDone, e_success); inPort.send(m_In_Request(v_commandReference, PIXIT_REFERENCE_BURST, p_requestedTxPower, p_dCCProfileIdentifier)); tc_testDuration.start; alt { [] inPort.receive(mw_In_Status(v_commandReference, p_channel, true)) -> value v_inSta { v_commandReference := (v_commandReference + 1) mod c_maxCommandReference; v_frameAcknowledgedCount := v_frameAcknowledgedCount + 1; if(v_inSta.achievedSendPower != p_requestedTxPower) { log("*** function f_iN_AllRequestedFramesSent: FAIL: The achieved Tx power is different to the requested Tx power. ***"); setverdict(fail)} tc_tOff.start; repeat; } [] tc_tOff.timeout { inPort.send(m_In_Request(v_commandReference, PIXIT_REFERENCE_BURST, p_requestedTxPower, p_dCCProfileIdentifier)); v_frameRequestedCount := v_frameRequestedCount + 1; repeat; } [] tc_testDuration.timeout { if(v_frameAcknowledgedCount == v_frameRequestedCount) {setverdict(pass)} else {tc_tOff.start; alt { [] inPort.receive(mw_In_Status(v_commandReference, p_channel, true)) -> value v_inSta { tc_tOff.stop; v_frameAcknowledgedCount := v_frameAcknowledgedCount + 1; if(v_inSta.achievedSendPower != p_requestedTxPower) { log("*** function f_iN_AllRequestedFramesSent: FAIL: The achieved Tx power is different to the requested Tx power. ***"); setverdict(fail)} else if(v_frameAcknowledgedCount != v_frameRequestedCount) { log("*** function f_iN_AllRequestedFramesSent: FAIL: Not all requested frames have been acknowledged. ***"); setverdict(fail)} else {setverdict(pass)} } [] tc_tOff.timeout { log("*** function f_iN_AllRequestedFramesSent: FAIL: Not all requested frames have been acknowledged. ***"); setverdict(fail) } } } } } f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_tbDone, e_success); } // End of function f_iN_AllRequestedFramesSent /** * @desc Request sending of frames via the IN_SAP and check that all frames are * reported as sent with reduced Tx power being lower than the maximum allowed Tx power * @param p_testDuration Overall test duration * @param p_tOff Requested Toff value * @param p_requestedTxPower Requested Tx send power value * @param p_dCCProfileIdentifier Requested DCC profile * @param p_channel Channel on which the frame has been sent * @param p_maxTxPower Maximum allowed Tx power value */ function f_iN_FramesSentTxPowerReduction(float p_testDuration, float p_tOff, integer p_requestedTxPower, integer p_dCCProfileIdentifier, Channel p_channel, integer p_maxTxPower) runs on ItsInDcc { var integer v_commandReference := float2int(int2float(c_maxCommandReference)*rnd()); var InSta v_inSta; var integer v_frameRequestedCount := 1; var integer v_frameAcknowledgedCount := 0; timer tc_testDuration := p_testDuration; timer tc_tOff := p_tOff; f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_prDone, e_success); inPort.send(m_In_Request(v_commandReference, PIXIT_REFERENCE_BURST, p_requestedTxPower, p_dCCProfileIdentifier)); tc_testDuration.start; alt { [] inPort.receive(mw_In_Status(v_commandReference, p_channel, true)) -> value v_inSta { v_commandReference := (v_commandReference + 1) mod c_maxCommandReference; v_frameAcknowledgedCount := v_frameAcknowledgedCount + 1; if(v_inSta.achievedSendPower >= p_maxTxPower) { log("*** function f_iN_FramesSentTxPowerReduction: FAIL: The achieved Tx power is higher than the maximum allowed Tx power. ***"); setverdict(fail)} tc_tOff.start; repeat; } [] tc_tOff.timeout { inPort.send(m_In_Request(v_commandReference, PIXIT_REFERENCE_BURST, p_requestedTxPower, p_dCCProfileIdentifier)); v_frameRequestedCount := v_frameRequestedCount + 1; repeat; } [] tc_testDuration.timeout { if(v_frameAcknowledgedCount == v_frameRequestedCount) {setverdict(pass)} else {tc_tOff.start; alt { [] inPort.receive(mw_In_Status(v_commandReference, p_channel, true)) -> value v_inSta { tc_tOff.stop; v_frameAcknowledgedCount := v_frameAcknowledgedCount + 1; if(v_inSta.achievedSendPower >= p_maxTxPower) { log("*** function f_iN_FramesSentTxPowerReduction: FAIL: The achieved Tx power is higher than the maximum allowed Tx power. ***"); setverdict(fail)} else if(v_frameAcknowledgedCount != v_frameRequestedCount) { log("*** function f_iN_FramesSentTxPowerReduction: FAIL: Not all requested frames have been acknowledged. ***"); setverdict(fail)} else {setverdict(pass)} } [] tc_tOff.timeout { log("*** function f_iN_FramesSentTxPowerReduction: FAIL: Not all requested frames have been acknowledged. ***"); setverdict(fail) } } } } } f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_tbDone, e_success); } // End of function f_iN_FramesSentTxPowerReduction /** * @desc Request sending of frames via the IN_SAP and check that all frames are dropped * @param p_testDuration Overall test duration * @param p_tOff Requested Toff value * @param p_requestedTxPower Requested Tx send power value * @param p_dCCProfileIdentifier Requested DCC profile */ function f_iN_AllRequestedFramesDropped(float p_testDuration, float p_tOff, integer p_requestedTxPower, integer p_dCCProfileIdentifier) runs on ItsInDcc { var integer v_commandReference := float2int(int2float(c_maxCommandReference)*rnd()); var InSta v_inSta; timer tc_testDuration := p_testDuration; timer tc_tOff := p_tOff; f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_prDone, e_success); inPort.send(m_In_Request(v_commandReference, PIXIT_REFERENCE_BURST, p_requestedTxPower, p_dCCProfileIdentifier)); tc_testDuration.start; alt { [] inPort.receive(mw_In_Status(v_commandReference, ?, ?)) -> value v_inSta { v_commandReference := (v_commandReference + 1) mod c_maxCommandReference; if(v_inSta.transmissionSuccessStatus) { log("*** function f_iN_AllRequestedFramesDropped: FAIL: A frame that should have been dropped is achnowledged as successfully sent. ***"); setverdict(fail)} tc_tOff.start; repeat; } [] tc_tOff.timeout { inPort.send(m_In_Request(v_commandReference, PIXIT_REFERENCE_BURST, p_requestedTxPower, p_dCCProfileIdentifier)); repeat; } [] tc_testDuration.timeout { setverdict(pass) } } f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_prDone, e_success); } // End of function f_iN_AllRequestedFramesDropped /** * @desc Request sending of frames via the IN_SAP and check that some frames are * reported as sent and some reported as dropped * @param p_testDuration Overall test duration * @param p_tOff Requested Toff value * @param p_requestedTxPower Requested Tx send power value * @param p_dCCProfileIdentifier Requested DCC profile * @param p_channel Channel on which the frame has been sent */ function f_iN_SomeRequestedFramesSent(float p_testDuration, float p_tOff, integer p_requestedTxPower, integer p_dCCProfileIdentifier, Channel p_channel) runs on ItsInDcc { var integer v_commandReference := float2int(int2float(c_maxCommandReference)*rnd()); var InSta v_inSta; var integer v_frameRequestedCount := 1; var integer v_frameAcknowledgedCount := 0; var integer v_frameSentCount := 0; var boolean v_frameSent, v_frameDropped := false; timer tc_testDuration := p_testDuration; timer tc_tOff := p_tOff; f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_prDone, e_success); inPort.send(m_In_Request(v_commandReference, PIXIT_REFERENCE_BURST, p_requestedTxPower, p_dCCProfileIdentifier)); tc_testDuration.start; alt { [] inPort.receive(mw_In_Status(v_commandReference, p_channel, true)) -> value v_inSta { v_commandReference := (v_commandReference + 1) mod c_maxCommandReference; v_frameAcknowledgedCount := v_frameAcknowledgedCount + 1; v_frameSentCount := v_frameSentCount + 1; v_frameSent := true; tc_tOff.start; repeat; } [] inPort.receive(mw_In_Status(v_commandReference, p_channel, false)) -> value v_inSta { v_commandReference := (v_commandReference + 1) mod c_maxCommandReference; v_frameAcknowledgedCount := v_frameAcknowledgedCount + 1; v_frameDropped := true; tc_tOff.start; repeat; } [] tc_tOff.timeout { inPort.send(m_In_Request(v_commandReference, PIXIT_REFERENCE_BURST, p_requestedTxPower, p_dCCProfileIdentifier)); v_frameRequestedCount := v_frameRequestedCount + 1; repeat; } [] tc_testDuration.timeout { if(not v_frameSent and v_frameDropped) { log("*** function f_iN_SomeRequestedFramesSent: FAIL: There are either no sent frames or no dropped frames acknowledged. ***"); setverdict(fail)} if(v_frameAcknowledgedCount == v_frameRequestedCount) {setverdict(pass)} else {tc_tOff.start; alt { [] inPort.receive(mw_In_Status(v_commandReference, p_channel, ?)) -> value v_inSta { tc_tOff.stop; v_frameAcknowledgedCount := v_frameAcknowledgedCount + 1; if(v_inSta.transmissionSuccessStatus) { v_frameSentCount := v_frameSentCount + 1;} if(v_frameAcknowledgedCount != v_frameRequestedCount) { log("*** function f_iN_SomeRequestedFramesSent: FAIL: Not all requested frames have been acknowledged. ***"); setverdict(fail)} else {setverdict(pass)} } [] tc_tOff.timeout { log("*** function f_iN_SomeRequestedFramesSent: FAIL: Not all requested frames have been acknowledged. ***"); setverdict(fail) } } } } } f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_tbDone, e_success); } // End of function f_iN_SomeRequestedFramesSent /** * @desc Request sending of frames via the IN_SAP and check that all frames are * reported as sent via two different channels * @param p_testDuration Overall test duration * @param p_tOff Requested Toff value * @param p_requestedTxPower Requested Tx send power value * @param p_dCCProfileIdentifier Requested DCC profile * @param p_channel_1 First channel on which the frame has been sent * @param p_channel_2 Second channel on which the frame has been sent */ function f_iN_AllRequestedFramesSentOn2Channels(float p_testDuration, float p_tOff, integer p_requestedTxPower, integer p_dCCProfileIdentifier, Channel p_channel_1, Channel p_channel_2) runs on ItsInDcc { var integer v_commandReference := float2int(int2float(c_maxCommandReference)*rnd()); var InSta v_inSta; var integer v_frameRequestedCount := 1; var integer v_frameAcknowledgedCount := 0; var boolean v_channel_1, v_channel_2 := false; timer tc_testDuration := p_testDuration; timer tc_tOff := p_tOff; f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_prDone, e_success); inPort.send(m_In_Request(v_commandReference, PIXIT_REFERENCE_BURST, p_requestedTxPower, p_dCCProfileIdentifier)); tc_testDuration.start; alt { [] inPort.receive(mw_In_Status(v_commandReference, p_channel_1, true)) -> value v_inSta { v_commandReference := (v_commandReference + 1) mod c_maxCommandReference; v_frameAcknowledgedCount := v_frameAcknowledgedCount + 1; v_channel_1 := true; tc_tOff.start; repeat; } [] inPort.receive(mw_In_Status(v_commandReference, p_channel_2, true)) -> value v_inSta { v_commandReference := (v_commandReference + 1) mod c_maxCommandReference; v_frameAcknowledgedCount := v_frameAcknowledgedCount + 1; v_channel_2 := true; tc_tOff.start; repeat; } [] tc_tOff.timeout { inPort.send(m_In_Request(v_commandReference, PIXIT_REFERENCE_BURST, p_requestedTxPower, p_dCCProfileIdentifier)); v_frameRequestedCount := v_frameRequestedCount + 1; repeat; } [] tc_testDuration.timeout { if(not v_channel_1 and v_channel_2) { log("*** function f_iN_AllRequestedFramesSentOn2Channels: FAIL: All frames have been sent via the same channel. ***"); setverdict(fail)} if(v_frameAcknowledgedCount == v_frameRequestedCount) {setverdict(pass)} else {tc_tOff.start; alt { [] inPort.receive(mw_In_Status(v_commandReference, ?, true)) -> value v_inSta { tc_tOff.stop; v_frameAcknowledgedCount := v_frameAcknowledgedCount + 1; if(v_frameAcknowledgedCount != v_frameRequestedCount) { log("*** function f_iN_AllRequestedFramesSentOn2Channels: FAIL: Not all requested frames have been acknowledged. ***"); setverdict(fail)} else {setverdict(pass)} } [] tc_tOff.timeout { log("*** function f_iN_AllRequestedFramesSentOn2Channels: FAIL: Not all requested frames have been acknowledged. ***"); setverdict(fail) } } } } } f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_tbDone, e_success); } // End of function f_iN_AllRequestedFramesSentOn2Channels } // End of group inFunctions } // End of module LibItsDcc_Functions