module LibItsHttp_Pics { /** * @desc HTTP major version */ modulepar integer PICS_HTTP_VERSION_MAJOR := 1; /** * @desc HTTP minor version */ modulepar integer PICS_HTTP_VERSION_MINOR := 1; /** * @desc */ modulepar charstring PICS_HEADER_HOST := ""; /** * @desc */ modulepar charstring PICS_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE := "application/x-its-request"; /** * @desc Set to false in TOKEN header shall not be used */ modulepar boolean PICS_USE_TOKEN_HEADER := true; /** * @desc HTTP TOKEN value * "YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l==" is the base64 encoding of the login:password "aladdin:opensesame" */ modulepar charstring PICS_TOKEN_HEADER := "Basic " & "YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l==" ; // aladdin:opensesame } // End of module LibItsHttp_Pics