/** * @author ETSI / STF481 * @version $URL$ * $Id$ * @desc Module containing templates for Security Protocol * */ module LibItsSecurity_Templates { // LibCommon import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues { type UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, Int32 } import from LibCommon_DataStrings { type Oct2, Oct20 } // // LibIts // import from CAM_PDU_Descriptions language "ASN.1:1997" { // type CAM // } // import from DENM_PDU_Descriptions language "ASN.1:1997" { // type DENM // } // // LibItsSecurity import from LibItsSecurity_TypesAndValues all; import from LibItsSecurity_Pixits all; import from LibItsSecurity_TestSystem { type GnSecurityReq, GnSecurityInd } template (value) GnSecurityReq m_gnSecurityReq( in template (value) SecuredMessage p_msgReq ) := { msgReq := p_msgReq } // End of template m_gnSecurityReq template (present) GnSecurityInd mw_gnSecurityInd( in template (present) SecuredMessage p_msgInd ) := { msgInd := p_msgInd } // End of template mw_gnSecurityIng /** * @desc Constants declaration */ group constants { /** * @desc Protocol version * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.1 SecuredMessage */ const UInt8 c_protocol_version := 2; /** * @desc Security profile identifier for CAMs * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 7.1 Security profile for CAMs */ const UInt8 c_security_profileCAMs := 1; /** * @desc Security profile identifier for DENMs * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 7.2 Security profile for DENMs */ const UInt8 c_security_profileDENMs := 2; /** * @desc Security profile identifier for other messages * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 7.3 Generic security profile for other signed messages */ const UInt8 c_security_profileOthers := 3; /** * @desc Certificate version * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6.1 Certificate */ const UInt8 c_certificate_version := 2; } // End of group constants /** * @desc Dummy send/receive templates for security headers * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4 Basic format elements */ group dummyBasicFormatElements { /** * @desc Dummy send templates for security headers * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2 Specification of basic format elements */ group dummyBasicFormatElementsSend { /** */ group dummyAlgorithms { /** * @desc Generic send template for EccPoint description * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.5 EccPoint * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Table 2: Derivation of field sizes depending on the used algorithm */ template (value) EccPoint m_eccPoint_dummy := { algorithm := e_ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256, field_size := f_int2UInt8(1 + lengthof(PX_ECDSA_X_COORDINATE)), type_ := e_x_coordinate_only, x := PX_ECDSA_X_COORDINATE, y := omit } // End of template m_eccPoint_dummy /** * @desc Generic send template for AES CCM description * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.5 EccPoint * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Table 2: Derivation of field sizes depending on the used algorithm */ template (value) EccPoint m_aesccm_dummy := { algorithm := e_ecies_nistp256, field_size := f_int2UInt8(1 + lengthof(PX_AESCCM_X_COORDINATE)), type_ := e_uncompressed, x := PX_AESCCM_X_COORDINATE, y := { y := PX_AESCCM_Y_COORDINATE // WARNING siseof(y) == siseof(x) } // End of field y } // End of template m_aesccm_dummy /** * @desc Generic send template for AES CCM encryption parameters * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.7 EncryptionParameters */ template (value) EncryptionParameters m_encryptionParameters_dummy := { symm_algorithm := e_aes_128_ccm, public_key := { nonce := PX_AESCCM_NONCE } } // End of template m_encryptionParameters_dummy } // End of group dummyAlgorithms /** * @desc Dummy send template for PublicKey/EccPoint * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.4 PublicKey */ template (value) PublicKey m_publicKey_eccPoint_dummy := { algorithm := e_ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256, public_key := { eccPoint := m_eccPoint_dummy } // End of field public_key } // End of template PublicKey /** * @desc Dummy send template for PublicKey/AES CCM * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.4 PublicKey */ template (value) PublicKey m_publicKey_aesccm_dummy := { algorithm := e_ecies_nistp256, public_key := { aesCcm := { supported_symm_alg := e_aes_128_ccm, eccPoint := m_aesccm_dummy } // End of field aesCcm } // End of field public_key } // End of template m_publicKey_aesccm_dummy } // End of group dummyBasicFormatElementsSend /** * @desc Dummy receive templates for security headers * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2 Specification of basic format elements */ group dummyBasicFormatElementsRecv { /** * @desc Dummy receive template for PublicKey/EccPoint * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.4 PublicKey */ template (present) PublicKey mw_publicKey_eccPoint_dummy := { algorithm := e_ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256, public_key := { eccPoint := ? } // End of field public_key } // End of template PublicKey /** * @desc Dummy send template for PublicKey/AES CCM * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.4 PublicKey */ template (present) PublicKey mw_publicKey_aesccm_dummy := { algorithm := e_ecies_nistp256, public_key := { aesCcm := ? } // End of field public_key } // End of template m_publicKey_aesccm_dummy /** * @desc Dummy receive template for Time64WithStandardDeviation * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.17 Time64WithStandardDeviation */ template (present) Time64WithStandardDeviation mw_time64WithStandardDeviation_dummy := { time := ?, log_std_dev := ? } // End of template mw_time64WithStandardDeviation_dummy /** * @desc Dummy receive template for TwoDLocation * @param p_latitude Latitude range from 900 000 000 to +900 000 000 * @param p_longitude Longitude range from 1 800 000 000 to +1 800 000 000 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.19 TwoDLocation */ template (present) TwoDLocation mw_twoDLocation_dummy := { latitude := ?, longitude := ? } // End of template mw_twoDLocation_dummy /** * @desc Dummy send template for ThreeDLocation * @param p_latitude Latitude range from 900 000 000 to +900 000 000 * @param p_longitude Longitude range from 1 800 000 000 to +1 800 000 000 * @param p_elevation Elevation relative to the WGS-84 ellipsoid in decimetres * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.20 ThreeDLocation */ template (present) ThreeDLocation mdw_threeDLocation_dummy := { latitude := ?, longitude := ?, elevation := ? } // End of template mdw_threeDLocation_dummy /** * @desc Basic receive template rectangular geographic region * @param p_northwest Upper left corner * @param p_southeast Lower rigth corner * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.21 GeographicRegion */ template (present) GeographicRegion mw_geographicRegion_rectangle_dummy( in template (present) TwoDLocation p_northwest, in template (present) TwoDLocation p_southeast ) := { region_type := e_rectangle, region := { rectangular_region := { { northwest := p_northwest, southeast := p_southeast } } // End of field rectangular_region } // End of field region } // End of template mw_geographicRegion_rectangle_dummy } // End of group dummyBasicFormatElementsRecv } // End of group dummyBasicFormatElements /** * @desc Send/receive templates for security headers * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4 Basic format elements */ group basicFormatElements { /** * @desc Send templates for security headers * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2 Specification of basic format elements */ group basicFormatElementsSend { /** */ group algorithms { } // End of group algorithms /** * @desc Send/receive templates for Signature description * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.5 EccPoint * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Table 2: Derivation of field sizes depending on the used algorithm */ group signatures { template (value) Signature m_signature( in template (value) EcdsaSignature p_ecdsaSignature ):= { algorithm := e_ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256, signature_ := { ecdsa_signature := p_ecdsaSignature } // End of field signature_ } // End of template m_signature_ecdsa template (value) EcdsaSignature m_ecdsaSignature( in template (value) EccPoint p_r ) := { algorithm := e_ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256, field_size := f_int2UInt8(1 + lengthof(PX_ECDSA_S)), r := p_r, s := PX_ECDSA_S } // End of template m_ecdsaSignature } // End of group signatures group signerInfos { /** * @desc Send template for self signed message */ template (value) SignerInfo m_SignerInfo_self := { type_ := e_self, signerInfo := omit } // End of template m_SignerInfo_self /** * @desc Send template for self signed message */ template (value) SignerInfo m_SignerInfo_digest( in template (value) HashedId8 p_digest ) := { type_ := e_certificate_digest_with_ecdsap256, signerInfo := { digest := p_digest } // End of field signerInfo } // End of template m_SignerInfo_digest template (value) SignerInfo m_signerInfo_certificate( in template (value) Certificate p_certificate ) := { type_ := e_certificate, signerInfo := { certificate := p_certificate } // End of field signerInfo } // End of template m_signerInfo_certificate template (value) SignerInfo m_signerInfo_certificates( in template (value) CertificateChain p_certificates ) := { type_ := e_certificate_chain, signerInfo := { certificates := p_certificates } // End of field signerInfo } // End of template m_signerInfo_certificates } // End of group signerInfos /** * @desc Send template for Time64WithStandardDeviation * @param p_time TODO * @param p_log_std_dev TODO * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.17 Time64WithStandardDeviation */ template (value) Time64WithStandardDeviation m_time64WithStandardDeviation( in template (value) Time64 p_time, in template (value) UInt8 p_log_std_dev ) := { time := p_time, log_std_dev := p_log_std_dev } // End of template m_time64WithStandardDeviation /** * @desc Send template for TwoDLocation * @param p_latitude Latitude range from 900 000 000 to +900 000 000 * @param p_longitude Longitude range from 1 800 000 000 to +1 800 000 000 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.19 TwoDLocation */ template (value) TwoDLocation m_twoDLocation( in template (value) Int32 p_latitude, in template (value) Int32 p_longitude ) := { latitude := p_latitude, longitude := p_longitude } // End of template m_twoDLocation /** * @desc Send template for ThreeDLocation * @param p_latitude Latitude range from 900 000 000 to +900 000 000 * @param p_longitude Longitude range from 1 800 000 000 to +1 800 000 000 * @param p_elevation Elevation relative to the WGS-84 ellipsoid in decimetres * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.20 ThreeDLocation */ template (value) ThreeDLocation m_threeDLocation( in template (value) Int32 p_latitude, in template (value) Int32 p_longitude, in template (value) Oct2 p_elevation ) := { latitude := p_latitude, longitude := p_longitude, elevation := p_elevation } // End of template m_threeDLocation /** * @desc Send template circular geographic region * @param p_center Circle center * @param p_radius Circle radius * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.21 GeographicRegion */ template (value) GeographicRegion m_geographicRegion_circle( in template (value) TwoDLocation p_center, in template (value) UInt16 p_radius ) := { region_type := e_circle, region := { circular_region := { center := p_center, radius := p_radius } // End of field circular_region } // End of field region } // End of template m_geographicRegion_circle /** * @desc Send template rectangular geographic region * @param p_northwest Upper left corner * @param p_southeast Lower rigth corner * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.21 GeographicRegion */ template (value) GeographicRegion m_geographicRegion_rectangle( in template (value) TwoDLocation p_northwest, in template (value) TwoDLocation p_southeast ) := { region_type := e_rectangle, region := { rectangular_region := { { northwest := p_northwest, southeast := p_southeast } } // End of field rectangular_region } // End of field region } // End of template m_geographicRegion_rectangle /** * @desc Send template polygonial geographic region * @param p_polygonal_region Polygonial region description * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.21 GeographicRegion */ template (value) GeographicRegion m_geographicRegion_polygonial( in template (value) PolygonalRegion p_polygonal_region ) := { region_type := e_polygon, region := { polygonal_region := p_polygonal_region } // End of field region } // End of template m_geographicRegion_polygonial /** * @desc Send template for geographic identified region * @param p_id_region Indentified region * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.21 GeographicRegion */ template (value) GeographicRegion m_geographicRegion_identifiedRegion( in template (value) IdentifiedRegion p_id_region ) := { region_type := e_id, region := { id_region := p_id_region } // End of field region } // End of template m_geographicRegion_identifiedRegion /** * @desc Send template for not specified geographic region * @param p_id_region Indentified region * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.21 GeographicRegion */ template (value) GeographicRegion m_geographicRegion_nonce := { region_type := e_none, region := omit } // End of template m_geographicRegion_nonce } // End of group basicFormatElementsSend /** * @desc Receive templates for security headers * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2 Specification of basic format elements */ group basicFormatElementsRecv { /** * @desc Receive template for Time64WithStandardDeviation * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.17 Time64WithStandardDeviation */ template (present) Time64WithStandardDeviation mw_time64WithStandardDeviation( in template (present) Time64 p_time, in template (present) UInt8 p_log_std_dev ) := { time := p_time, log_std_dev := p_log_std_dev } // End of template mw_time64WithStandardDeviation /** * @desc Receive template for TwoDLocation * @param p_latitude Latitude range from 900 000 000 to +900 000 000 * @param p_longitude Longitude range from 1 800 000 000 to +1 800 000 000 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.19 TwoDLocation */ template (present) TwoDLocation mw_twoDLocation( in template (present) Int32 p_latitude, in template (present) Int32 p_longitude ) := { latitude := p_latitude, longitude := p_longitude } // End of template mw_twoDLocation /** * @desc Receive template for ThreeDLocation * @param p_latitude Latitude range from 900 000 000 to +900 000 000 * @param p_longitude Longitude range from 1 800 000 000 to +1 800 000 000 * @param p_elevation Elevation relative to the WGS-84 ellipsoid in decimetres * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.20 ThreeDLocation */ template (present) ThreeDLocation mw_threeDLocation( in template (present) Int32 p_latitude, in template (present) Int32 p_longitude, in template (present) Oct2 p_elevation ) := { latitude := p_latitude, longitude := p_longitude, elevation := p_elevation } // End of template mw_threeDLocation /** * @desc Receive template circular geographic region * @param p_center Circle center * @param p_radius Circle radius * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.21 GeographicRegion */ template (present) GeographicRegion mw_geographicRegion_circle( in template (present) TwoDLocation p_center, in template (present) UInt16 p_radius ) := { region_type := e_circle, region := { circular_region := { center := p_center, radius := p_radius } // End of field circular_region } // End of field region } // End of template mw_geographicRegion_circle /** * @desc Receive template polygonial geographic region * @param p_polygonal_region Polygonial region description * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.21 GeographicRegion */ template (present) GeographicRegion mw_geographicRegion_polygonial( in template (present) PolygonalRegion p_polygonal_region ) := { region_type := e_polygon, region := { polygonal_region := p_polygonal_region } // End of field region } // End of template mw_geographicRegion_polygonial /** * @desc Receive template for geographic identified region * @param p_id_region Indentified region * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.21 GeographicRegion */ template (present) GeographicRegion mww_geographicRegion_identifiedRegion( in template (present) IdentifiedRegion p_id_region ) := { region_type := e_id, region := { id_region := p_id_region } // End of field region } // End of template mw_geographicRegion_identifiedRegion /** * @desc Receive template for not specified geographic region * @param p_id_region Indentified region * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.21 GeographicRegion */ template (present) GeographicRegion mw_geographicRegion_nonce := { region_type := e_none, region := omit } // End of template mw_geographicRegion_nonce } // End of group basicFormatElementsRecv } // End of group dummyBasicFormatElements /** * @desc Dummy send/receive templates for security headers * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5 Specification of security header */ group dummyMessages { /** * @desc Dummy send templates for security headers * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5 Specification of security header */ group dummyMessagesSend { /** * @desc Generic send template for Security profile for CAMs * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 7.1 Security profile for CAMs */ template (value) SecuredMessage m_secureMessageCAMs_dummy := { protocol_version := c_protocol_version, security_profile := c_security_profileCAMs, header_fields := { m_header_field_signer_info( m_SignerInfo_self ) }, payload_fields := { }, trailer_fields := { } } // End of template m_secureMessageCAMs_dummy /** * @desc Generic send template for Security profile for DENMs * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 7.2 Security profile for DENMs */ template (value) SecuredMessage m_secureMessageDENMs_dummy := { protocol_version := c_protocol_version, security_profile := c_security_profileDENMs, header_fields := { m_header_field_signer_info( m_SignerInfo_self ) }, payload_fields := { }, trailer_fields := { } } // End of template m_secureMessageDENMs_dummy /** * @desc Generic send template for Security profile for other messages * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 7.3 Generic security profile for other signed messages */ template (value) SecuredMessage m_secureMessageOthers_dummy := { protocol_version := c_protocol_version, security_profile := c_security_profileOthers, header_fields := { m_header_field_signer_info( m_SignerInfo_self ) }, payload_fields := { }, trailer_fields := { } } // End of template m_secureMessageCAMs_dummy } // End of group dummyMessagesSend /** * @desc Dummy receive templates for security headers * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5 Specification of security header */ group dummyMessagesRecv { /** * @desc Generic received template for SecuredMessage */ template (present) SecuredMessage mw_securedMessage_dummy := { protocol_version := c_protocol_version, security_profile := ?, header_fields := ?, payload_fields := ?, trailer_fields := ? } // End of template mw_securedMessage_dummy /** * @desc Generic received template for SecuredMessage */ template (present) SecuredMessage mdw_securedMessageCAMs_dummy modifies mw_securedMessage_dummy := { security_profile := c_security_profileCAMs } // End of template mdw_securedMessageCAMs_dummy /** * @desc Generic received template for SecuredMessage */ template (present) SecuredMessage mdw_securedMessageDENMs_dummy modifies mw_securedMessage_dummy := { security_profile := c_security_profileDENMs } // End of template mdw_securedMessageDENMs_dummy /** * @desc Generic received template for SecuredMessage */ template (present) SecuredMessage mdw_securedMessageOthers_dummy modifies mw_securedMessage_dummy := { security_profile := c_security_profileOthers } // End of template mdw_securedMessageOthers_dummy /** * @desc Generic received template for SecuredMessage */ template (present) Payload mw_signedPayload_dummy := { type_ := e_signed, data := ? } // End of template mw_signedPayload_dummy } // End of group dummyMessagesRecv group dummyPayloads { /** * @desc Generic received template for unsecured payload */ template (present) Payload mw_unsecuredPayload_dummy := { type_ := e_unsecured, data := ? } // End of template mw_unsecuredPayload_dummy /** * @desc Generic received template for secured payload */ template (present) Payload mw_data_payload_dummmy := { type_ := ?, data := ? } // End of template mw_data_payload_dummmy } // End of group payloads group dummyEciesEncryptedKey { group dummyEciesEncryptedKeyRecv { /** * @desc Basic receive template for an ECIES-encrypted symmetric key as defined in IEEE Std 1363a 2004 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.9 EciesEncryptedKey */ template (present) EciesEncryptedKey mw_eciesEncryptedKey_dummy := { symm_alg := ?, symm_key_len := ?, v := ?, c := ?, t := ? } // End of template mw_eciesEncryptedKey_dummy } // End of group dummyEciesEncryptedKeyRecv } // End of group dummyEciesEncryptedKey } // End of group dummyMessages /** * @desc Send/receive templates for security headers * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5 Specification of security header */ group messages { /** * @desc Send templates for security headers * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5 Specification of security header */ group messagesSend { } // End of group messagesSend /** * @desc Receive templates for security headers * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5 Specification of security header */ group messagesRecv { } // End of group messagesRecv group payloads { /** * @desc Send template for 'signed_external' Payload * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.2 Payload */ template (value) Payload m_payload_signed_external := { type_ := e_signed_external, data := omit } // End of template m_payload_signed_external template (value) Payload m_data_payload( in template (value) PayloadType p_type, in template (value) octetstring p_data ) := { type_ := p_type, data := p_data } // End of template m_data_payload // group camPayloads { // // group camPayloadsSend { // // template (value) Payload m_payload_unsecured_cam( // in template (value) CAM p_camPayload // ) := { // type_ := e_unsecured, // data := { // camPayload := p_camPayload // } // End of field data // } // End of template m_payload_unsecured_cam // // template (value) Payload md_payload_signed_cam( // in template (value) CAM p_camPayload // ) modifies m_payload_unsecured_cam := { // type_ := e_signed // } // End of template md_payload_signed_cam // // template (value) Payload md_payload_encrypted_cam( // in template (value) CAM p_camPayload // ) modifies m_payload_unsecured_cam := { // type_ := e_encrypted // } // End of template md_payload_encrypted_cam // // template (value) Payload md_payload_signed_encrypted_cam( // in template (value) CAM p_camPayload // ) modifies m_payload_unsecured_cam := { // type_ := e_signed_and_encrypted // } // End of template md_payload_signed_encrypted_cam // // template (present) Payload mw_payload_unsecured_cam( // in template (present) CAM p_camPayload // ) := { // type_ := e_unsecured, // data := { // camPayload := p_camPayload // } // End of field data // } // End of template mw_payload_unsecured_cam // // } // End of group camPayloadsSend // // group camPayloadsRecv { // // template (present) Payload mdw_payload_signed_cam( // in template (present) CAM p_camPayload // ) modifies mw_payload_unsecured_cam := { // type_ := e_signed // } // End of template mdw_payload_signed_cam // // template (present) Payload mdw_payload_encrypted_cam( // in template (present) CAM p_camPayload // ) modifies mw_payload_unsecured_cam := { // type_ := e_encrypted // } // End of template mdw_payload_encrypted_cam // // template (present) Payload mdw_payload_signed_encrypted_cam( // in template (present) CAM p_camPayload // ) modifies mw_payload_unsecured_cam := { // type_ := e_signed_and_encrypted // } // End of template mdw_payload_signed_encrypted_cam // // } // End of group camPayloadsRecv // // } // End of group camPayloads // // group denmPayloads { // // group denmPayloadsSend { // // template (value) Payload m_payload_unsecured_denm( // in template (value) DENM p_denmPayload // ) := { // type_ := e_unsecured, // data := { // denmPayload := p_denmPayload // } // End of field data // } // End of template m_payload_unsecured_denm // // template (value) Payload md_payload_signed_denm( // in template (value) DENM p_denmPayload // ) modifies m_payload_unsecured_denm := { // type_ := e_signed // } // End of template md_payload_signed_denm // // template (value) Payload md_payload_encrypted_denm( // in template (value) DENM p_denmPayload // ) modifies m_payload_unsecured_denm := { // type_ := e_encrypted // } // End of template md_payload_encrypted_denm // // template (value) Payload md_payload_signed_encrypted_denm( // in template (value) DENM p_denmPayload // ) modifies m_payload_unsecured_denm := { // type_ := e_signed_and_encrypted // } // End of template md_payload_signed_encrypted_denm // // } // End of group denmPayloadsSend // // group denmPayloadsRecv { // // template (present) Payload mw_payload_unsecured_denm( // in template (present) DENM p_denmPayload // ) := { // type_ := e_unsecured, // data := { // denmPayload := p_denmPayload // } // End of field data // } // End of template mw_payload_unsecured_denm // // template (present) Payload mdw_payload_signed_denm( // in template (present) DENM p_denmPayload // ) modifies mw_payload_unsecured_denm := { // type_ := e_signed // } // End of template mdw_payload_signed_denm // // template (present) Payload mdw_payload_encrypted_denm( // in template (present) DENM p_denmPayload // ) modifies mw_payload_unsecured_denm := { // type_ := e_encrypted // } // End of template mdw_payload_encrypted_denm // // template (present) Payload mdw_payload_signed_encrypted_denm( // in template (present) DENM p_denmPayload // ) modifies mw_payload_unsecured_denm := { // type_ := e_signed_and_encrypted // } // End of template mdw_payload_signed_encrypted_denm // // } // End of group denmPayloadsRecv // // } // End of group denmPayloads // } // End of group payloads group headerFields { group headerFieldsSend { /** * @desc Send template for HeaderField with generation time information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_generation_time( in template (value) Time64 p_generation_time ) := { type_ := e_generation_time, headerField := { generation_time := p_generation_time } } // End of template m_header_field_generation_time /** * @desc Send template for HeaderField with generation time and standard deviation information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_generation_time_with_standard_deviation( in template (value) Time64WithStandardDeviation p_generation_time_with_standard_deviation ) := { type_ := e_generation_time_standard_deviation, headerField := { generation_time_with_standard_deviation := p_generation_time_with_standard_deviation } } // End of template m_header_field_generation_time_with_standard_deviation /** * @desc Send template for HeaderField with expiration time information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_expiry_time( in template (value) Time32 p_expiry_time ) := { type_ := e_expiration, headerField := { expiry_time := p_expiry_time } } // End of template m_header_field_expiry_time /** * @desc Send template for HeaderField with generation location information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_generation_location( in template (value) ThreeDLocation p_generation_location ) := { type_ := e_generation_location, headerField := { generation_location := p_generation_location } } // End of template m_header_field_generation_location /** * @desc Send template for HeaderField with generation location information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_digest( in template (value) HashedId3 p_digest ) := { type_ := e_request_unrecognized_certificate, headerField := { digests := { p_digest } } } // End of template m_header_field_digest /** * @desc Send template for HeaderField with generation location information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_multiple_digests( in template (value) HashedId3s p_digests ) := { type_ := e_request_unrecognized_certificate, headerField := { digests := p_digests } } // End of template m_header_field_multiple_digests /** * @desc Send template for HeaderField with generation location information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_message_type( in template (value) UInt16 p_message_type ) := { type_ := e_message_type, headerField := { message_type := p_message_type } } // End of template m_header_field_message_type /** * @desc GSend template for HeaderField with signer information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_signer_info( in template (value) SignerInfo p_signer ) := { type_ := e_signer_info, headerField := { signer := p_signer } } // End of template m_header_field_signerInfo_signer_info /** * @desc Send template for HeaderField with signer information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_recipient( in template (value) RecipientInfo p_recipient ) := { type_ := e_recipient_info, headerField := { recipients := { p_recipient } } } // End of template m_header_field_recipient /** * @desc Send template for HeaderField with signer information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_multiple_recipients( in template (value) RecipientInfos p_recipients ) := { type_ := e_recipient_info, headerField := { recipients := p_recipients } } // End of template m_header_field_multiple_recipients /** * @desc Send template for HeaderField with signer information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_enc_params( in template (value) EncryptionParameters p_enc_params ) := { type_ := e_encryption_parameters, headerField := { enc_params := p_enc_params } } // End of template m_header_field_enc_params } // End of group headerFieldsSend group headerFieldsRecv { /** * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with generation time information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_generation_time( in template (present) Time64 p_generation_time ) := { type_ := e_generation_time, headerField := { generation_time := p_generation_time } } // End of template mw_header_field_generation_time /** * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with generation time and standard deviation information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_generation_time_with_standard_deviation( in template (present) Time64WithStandardDeviation p_generation_time_with_standard_deviation ) := { type_ := e_generation_time_standard_deviation, headerField := { generation_time_with_standard_deviation := p_generation_time_with_standard_deviation } } // End of template mw_header_field_generation_time_with_standard_deviation /** * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with expiration time information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_expiry_time( in template (present) Time32 p_expiry_time ) := { type_ := e_expiration, headerField := { expiry_time := p_expiry_time } } // End of template mw_header_field_expiry_time /** * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with generation location information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_generation_location( in template (present) ThreeDLocation p_generation_location ) := { type_ := e_generation_location, headerField := { generation_location := p_generation_location } } // End of template mw_header_field_generation_location /** * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with generation location information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_multiple_digests( in template (present) HashedId3s p_digests ) := { type_ := e_request_unrecognized_certificate, headerField := { digests := p_digests } } // End of template mw_header_field_multiple_digests /** * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with generation location information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_message_type( in template (present) UInt16 p_message_type ) := { type_ := e_message_type, headerField := { message_type := p_message_type } } // End of template mw_header_field_message_type /** * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with signer information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_signer_info( in template (present) SignerInfo p_signer ) := { type_ := e_signer_info, headerField := { signer := p_signer } } // End of template mw_header_field_signerInfo_signer_info /** * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with signer information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (value) HeaderField mw_header_field_multiple_recipients( in template (value) RecipientInfos p_recipients ) := { type_ := e_recipient_info, headerField := { recipients := p_recipients } } // End of template mw_header_field_multiple_recipients /** * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with signer information * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField */ template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_enc_params( in template (present) EncryptionParameters p_enc_params ) := { type_ := e_encryption_parameters, headerField := { enc_params := p_enc_params } } // End of template mw_header_field_enc_params } // End of group headerFieldsRecv } // End of group headerFields group trailerFields { template (value) TrailerField m_trailer_field_signature( in template (value) Signature p_signature ) := { type_ := e_signature, trailerField := { signature_ := p_signature } } // End of template m_trailer_field_dummy } // End of group trailerFields group recipientInfo { template (value) RecipientInfo m_recipientInfo_ecies_enc_key( in template (value) HashedId8 p_cert_id, in template (value) PublicKeyAlgorithm p_pk_encryption, in template (value) EciesEncryptedKey p_enc_key ) := { cert_id := p_cert_id, pk_encryption := p_pk_encryption, enc_key := { enc_key := p_enc_key } // End of field enc_key } // End of template m_recipientInfo_ecies_enc_key template (value) RecipientInfo m_recipientInfo_other_enc_key( in template (value) HashedId8 p_cert_id, in template (value) PublicKeyAlgorithm p_pk_encryption, in template (value) octetstring p_enc_key_other ) := { cert_id := p_cert_id, pk_encryption := p_pk_encryption, enc_key := { enc_key_other := p_enc_key_other } // End of field enc_key } // End of template m_recipientInfo_other_enc_key } // End of group recipientInfo group eciesEncryptedKey { group eciesEncryptedKeySend { /** * @desc Send template for an ECIES-encrypted symmetric key as defined in IEEE Std 1363a 2004 * @param p_encrypted_key The encrypted (AES) key * @param p_authentication_tag The authentication tag vector * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.9 EciesEncryptedKey */ template (value) EciesEncryptedKey m_eciesEncryptedKey_aesccm( in template (value) EccPoint p_ecc_key, in template (value) octetstring p_encrypted_key, in template (value) Oct20 p_authentication_tag ) := { symm_alg := e_aes_128_ccm, symm_key_len := f_int2UInt32(1 + lengthof(p_encrypted_key)), v := p_ecc_key, c := p_encrypted_key, t := p_authentication_tag } // End of template m_eciesEncryptedKey_aesccm } // End of group eciesEncryptedKeySend } // End of group eciesEncryptedKey } // End of group messages /** * @desc Dummy send/receive templates for certificates * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6 Specification of certificate format */ group dummyCertifices { /** * @desc Dummy send templates for certificates * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6 Specification of certificate format */ group dummyCertificesSend { /** * @desc Dummy send certificate template * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6.1 Certificate */ template (value) Certificate m_certificate_dummy := { version := c_certificate_version, signer_info := { m_SignerInfo_digest( PX_ECDSA_DIGEST ) }, // End of field signer_info subject_info := m_subject_info_dummy, subject_attributes := { m_subject_attribute_dummy }, validity_restrictions := { m_validity_restriction_dummy }, signature_ := m_signature( m_ecdsaSignature( m_eccPoint_dummy ) ) // End of field signature_ } // End of template m_certificate_dummy template (value) SubjectInfo m_subject_info_dummy := { subject_type := e_root_ca, subject_name := ''O } // End of template SubjectInfo template (value) SubjectAttribute m_subject_attribute_dummy := { type_ := e_verification_key, attribute := { key := m_publicKey_eccPoint_dummy } } // End of template m_subject_attribute_dummy template (value) ValidityRestriction m_validity_restriction_dummy := { type_ := e_time_end, validity := { end_validity := 0 } } // End of template m_validity_dummy } // End of group dummyCertificesSend /** * @desc Dummy receive templates for certificates * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6 Specification of certificate format */ group dummyCertificesRecv { /** * @desc Dummy receive certificate template * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6.1 Certificate */ template (present) Certificate mw_certificate_dummy := { version := c_certificate_version, signer_info := ?, subject_info := ?, subject_attributes := ?, validity_restrictions := ?, signature_ := ? } // End of template mw_certificate_dummy } // End of group dummyCertificesRecv } // End of group dummyCertifices /** * @desc Send/receive templates for certificates * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6 Specification of certificate format */ group certifices { /** * @desc Send templates for certificates * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6 Specification of certificate format */ group certificesSend { } // End of group certificesSend /** * @desc Receive templates for certificates * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6 Specification of certificate format */ group certificesRecv { } // End of group certificesRecv } // End of group dummyCertifices /** */ group securityProfiles { /** */ group securityProfilesCAMs { /** */ group securityProfilesCAMsSend { /** * @desc Generic send template for Security profile for CAMs with a single payload */ template (value) SecuredMessage md_secureMessageCAMs( in template (value) HeaderFields p_header_fields, in template (value) Payload p_payload_fields, in template (value) TrailerFields p_trailer_fields ) modifies m_secureMessageCAMs_dummy := { security_profile := c_security_profileCAMs, header_fields := p_header_fields, payload_fields := { p_payload_fields }, trailer_fields := p_trailer_fields } // End of template md_secureMessageCAMs /** * @desc Generic send template for Security profile for CAMs with several payloads */ template (value) SecuredMessage md_secureMessageCAMs_multiple_payloads( in template (value) HeaderFields p_header_fields, in template (value) Payloads p_payload_fields, in template (value) TrailerFields p_trailer_fields ) modifies m_secureMessageCAMs_dummy := { security_profile := c_security_profileCAMs, header_fields := p_header_fields, payload_fields := p_payload_fields, trailer_fields := p_trailer_fields } // End of template md_secureMessageCAMs } // End of group securityProfilesCAMsSend group securityProfilesCAMsRecv { /** * @desc Generic received template for Security profile for CAMs */ template (present) SecuredMessage mdw_secureMessageCAMs_dummy modifies mw_securedMessage_dummy := { security_profile := c_security_profileCAMs } // End of template mw_securedMessage_dummy /** * @desc Generic received template for Security profile for CAMs */ template (present) SecuredMessage mdw_secureMessageCAMs modifies mdw_secureMessageCAMs_dummy := { // TODO To be continued header_fields := ?, payload_fields := ?, trailer_fields := ? } // End of template mw_securedMessage_dummy } // End of group mdw_secureMessageCAMs_dummy } // End of group securityProfilesCAMs group denmSecurityProfiles { } // End of group denmSecurityProfiles group otherSecurityProfiles { } // End of group otherSecurityProfiles } // End of group securityProfiles group utPrimitives { } // End of group utPrimitives /** * @desc Function helpers for static_cast<> operation (to reduce warning in TTWB) */ group typeConverters { /** * @desc Convert integer into UInt8 */ function f_int2UInt8(in integer p_value) return UInt8 { return p_value; } /** * @desc Convert integer into UInt32 */ function f_int2UInt32(in integer p_value) return UInt32 { return p_value; } } } // End of module LibItsSecurity_Templates