* @author ETSI / STF481
* @version $URL$
* $Id$
* @desc Module containing functions for Security Protocol
module LibItsSecurity_Functions {
// Libcommon
import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all;
import from LibCommon_DataStrings all;
// LibItsCommon
import from LibItsCommon_Functions all;
// LibItsSecurity
import from LibItsSecurity_TypesAndValues all;
import from LibItsSecurity_Templates all;
import from LibItsSecurity_Pixits all;
import from LibItsSecurity_TestSystem all;
group helpersFunctions {
* @desc Produces a 256-bit (32-byte) hash value
* @param p_toBeHashedData Data to be used to calculate the hash value
* @return The hash value
function f_hashWithSha256(
in octetstring p_toBeHashedData
) return Oct32 {
return fx_hashWithSha256(p_toBeHashedData);
} // End of function f_hashWithSha256
* @desc Produces a Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) signaturee
* @param p_toBeSignedSecuredMessage The data to be signed
* @return The signature value
function f_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256(
in octetstring p_toBeSignedSecuredMessage,
in Oct32 p_privateKey
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent return octetstring {
return fx_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256(
} // End of function f_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256
* @desc Compute the HashedId8 value from the hash value
* @param p_hash The hash value
* @return The HashedId8 value
* @verdict
function f_HashedId8FromSha256(
in Oct32 p_hash
) return HashedId8 {
return substr(p_hash, lengthof(p_hash) - 8, 8);
} // End of function f_HashedId8FromSha256
* @desc Compute the HashedId3 value from the HashedId8 value
* @param p_hashp_hashedId8 The HashedId8 value
* @return The HashedId3 value
* @verdict Unchanged
function f_HashedId3FromHashedId8(
in HashedId8 p_hashedId8
) return HashedId3 {
return substr(p_hashedId8, lengthof(p_hashedId8) - 3, 3);
} // End of function f_HashedId3FromHashedId8
* @desc Verify the signature of the specified data
* @param p_toBeVerifiedData The data to be verified
* @param p_signature The signature
* @param p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyX The public key (x coordinate)
* @param p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyY The public key (y coordinate)
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_verifyWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256(
in octetstring p_toBeVerifiedData,
in octetstring p_signature,
in octetstring p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyX,
in octetstring p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyY
) return boolean {
// log("f_verifyWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256: toBeVerifiedData", p_toBeVerifiedData);
// log("f_verifyWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256: toBeVerifiedData length", lengthof(p_toBeVerifiedData));
// log("f_verifyWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256: signature", p_signature);
// log("f_verifyWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256: ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyX", p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyX);
// log("f_verifyWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256: ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyY", p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyY);
return fx_verifyWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256(
} // End of function f_verifyWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256
* @desc Calculate digest over the certificate
* @param p_cert The certificate
* @return the HashedId8 value
* @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.14 Clause 4.2.13 HashedId8
function f_calculateDigestFromCertificate(
in Certificate p_cert
) return HashedId8 {
var octetstring v_toBeHashedData;
var octetstring v_hash;
v_toBeHashedData := bit2oct(encvalue(p_cert));
v_hash := f_hashWithSha256(v_toBeHashedData);
return substr(v_hash, lengthof(v_hash) - 8, 8);
} // End of function f_calculateDigestFromCertificate
function f_duration2time(
in Duration p_duration
) return Time32 {
if (p_duration.unit == e_seconds) {
return p_duration.duration_;
} else if (p_duration.unit == e_minutes) {
return p_duration.duration_ * 60;
} else if (p_duration.unit == e_hours) {
return p_duration.duration_ * 3600;
} else if (p_duration.unit == e_hoursBlock) {
return p_duration.duration_ * 216000;
return p_duration.duration_ * 31556925;
} // End of function f_duration2time
group hostSignatureHelpers {
* @desc Initialize [out] certificates according to the specified certificate name
* @param p_certificateName The certificate name to be used
* @param p_aaCertificate The AA certificate [out]
* @param p_atCertificate The AT certificate [out]
* @return true on succes, false otherwise
* @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.14 Clause 4.2.13 HashedId8
function f_prepareCertificates(
in template (omit) charstring p_certificateName,
out Certificate p_aaCertificate,
out Certificate p_atCertificate
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent return boolean {
// Load certificates if required
if (ispresent(p_certificateName) and (valueof(p_certificateName) != cc_taCert_A)) {
if (f_readCertificate(valueof(p_certificateName), p_atCertificate) == false){
return false;
if (f_readCertificate(oct2str(p_atCertificate.signer_info.signerInfo.digest), p_aaCertificate) == false) {
return false;
} else {
p_atCertificate := vc_atCertificate;
p_aaCertificate := vc_aaCertificate;
// Store the certificte to build this message
vc_lastAtCertificateUsed := p_atCertificate;
return true;
} // End of function f_prepareCertificates
* @desc This function build and sign the SecureMessage part covered by the signature process
* @param p_securedMessage The signed SecureMessage part
* @param p_payloadField Payloads to be included in the message
* @param p_mandatoryHeaders Mandatory headers for the selected profile
* @param p_headerFields HeaderFields to be inserted in the message
* @param p_securityProfile Selected security profile
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_buildGnSecuredMessage(
out template (value) SecuredMessage p_securedMessage,
in template (value) charstring p_certificateName,
in template (value) SecPayload p_payloadField,
in template (value) HeaderFields p_mandatoryHeaders,
in template (omit) HeaderFields p_headerFields := omit
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent return boolean {
// Local variables
var octetstring v_secPayload, v_signature;
var Oct32 v_hash;
var template (value) ToBeSignedSecuredMessage v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage;
var integer i, j, k, n;
var HeaderFields v_headerFields := {};
var SecPayload v_toBeSignedPayload;
var Oct32 v_privateKey;
// Prepare headers
if (not(ispresent(p_headerFields))) {
v_headerFields := valueof(p_mandatoryHeaders);
} else {
// Merge p_headerFields and v_mandatoryHeaders into v_headerFields
i := 0; // index for p_headerFields
j := 0; // index for v_mandatoryHeaders
k := 0; // index for v_headerFields
// Special processing for signer_info
if (lengthof(valueof(p_headerFields)) > 0 and valueof(p_headerFields[i].type_) == e_signer_info) {
v_headerFields[k] := valueof(p_headerFields[i]);
k := k + 1;
i := i + 1;
for (j := j; j < lengthof(p_mandatoryHeaders); j := j + 1) {
// Search for mandatory header in p_HeaderFields
for (n := 0; n < lengthof(p_headerFields); n := n + 1) {
if (valueof(p_headerFields[n].type_) == valueof(p_mandatoryHeaders[j].type_)) {
// mandatory header already in p_HeaderFields
} // End of 'for' statement
if (n >= lengthof(p_headerFields)) {
if (valueof(p_mandatoryHeaders[j].type_) != e_signer_info) {
// Add headers from p_headerFields having lower number than mandatory header
for (n := i; n < lengthof(p_headerFields) and valueof(p_headerFields[n].type_) < valueof(p_mandatoryHeaders[j].type_); n := n + 1) {
v_headerFields[k] := valueof(p_headerFields[n]);
k := k + 1;
i := i + 1;
// Add mandatory header
v_headerFields[k] := valueof(p_mandatoryHeaders[j]);
k := k + 1;
} // End of 'for' statement
// Add remaining headers from p_HeaderFields
for ( i := i; i < lengthof(p_headerFields); i := i + 1) {
// Add headers from p_headerFields having lower number than mandatory header
v_headerFields[k] := valueof(p_headerFields[i]);
k := k + 1;
} // End of 'for' statement
// Prepare payload to be signed
v_toBeSignedPayload := valueof(p_payloadField);
v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage := m_toBeSignedSecuredMessage(
v_secPayload := bit2oct(encvalue(v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage));
// Signed payload
if (ispresent(p_certificateName) and (valueof(p_certificateName) != cc_taCert_A)) {
if(not f_readSigningKey(valueof(p_certificateName), v_privateKey)){
return false;
} else {
if(not f_readSigningKey(valueof(cc_taCert_A), v_privateKey)){
return false;
v_signature := f_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256(
p_securedMessage := m_securedMessage(
substr(v_signature, 2, 32)
substr(v_signature, 34, 32)
return true;
} // End of function f_buildGnSecuredMessage
* @desc This function build and sign the SecureMessage part covered by the signature process including wrong elements of protocols. It is used for BO test cases
* @param p_securedMessage The signed SecureMessage part
* @param p_certificateName The certificate name
* @param p_protocolVersion The protocol version to be set. Default: 2
* @param p_trailerStatus The Traile behaviour:
0 for no trailer
* 1 for invalid trailer
* 2 for duplicated trailer
* @param p_payloadField Payloads to be included in the message
* @param p_mandatoryHeaders Mandatory headers for the selected profile
* @param p_headerFields HeaderFields to be inserted in the message
* @param p_securityProfile Selected security profile
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_buildGnSecuredMessage_Bo(
out template (value) SecuredMessage p_securedMessage,
in template (value) charstring p_certificateName,
in UInt8 p_protocolVersion := c_protocol_version,
in integer p_trailerStatus := 0,
in template (value) SecPayload p_payloadField,
in template (value) HeaderFields p_mandatoryHeaders,
in template (omit) HeaderFields p_headerFields := omit
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent return boolean {
// Local variables
var octetstring v_secPayload, v_signature;
var Oct32 v_hash;
var template (value) ToBeSignedSecuredMessage v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage;
var integer i, j, k, n;
var HeaderFields v_headerFields := {};
var SecPayload v_toBeSignedPayload;
var Oct32 v_privateKey;
var UInt8 v_trailerSize;
// Prepare headers
if (not(ispresent(p_headerFields))) {
v_headerFields := valueof(p_mandatoryHeaders);
} else {
// Merge p_headerFields and v_mandatoryHeaders into v_headerFields
i := 0; // index for p_headerFields
j := 0; // index for v_mandatoryHeaders
k := 0; // index for v_headerFields
// Special processing for signer_info
if (lengthof(valueof(p_headerFields)) > 0 and valueof(p_headerFields[i].type_) == e_signer_info) {
v_headerFields[k] := valueof(p_headerFields[i]);
k := k + 1;
i := i + 1;
for (j := j; j < lengthof(p_mandatoryHeaders); j := j + 1) {
// Search for mandatory header in p_HeaderFields
for (n := 0; n < lengthof(p_headerFields); n := n + 1) {
if (valueof(p_headerFields[n].type_) == valueof(p_mandatoryHeaders[j].type_)) {
// mandatory header already in p_HeaderFields
} // End of 'for' statement
if (n >= lengthof(p_headerFields)) {
if (valueof(p_mandatoryHeaders[j].type_) != e_signer_info) {
// Add headers from p_headerFields having lower number than mandatory header
for (n := i; n < lengthof(p_headerFields) and valueof(p_headerFields[n].type_) < valueof(p_mandatoryHeaders[j].type_); n := n + 1) {
v_headerFields[k] := valueof(p_headerFields[n]);
k := k + 1;
i := i + 1;
// Add mandatory header
v_headerFields[k] := valueof(p_mandatoryHeaders[j]);
k := k + 1;
} // End of 'for' statement
// Add remaining headers from p_HeaderFields
for ( i := i; i < lengthof(p_headerFields); i := i + 1) {
// Add headers from p_headerFields having lower number than mandatory header
v_headerFields[k] := valueof(p_headerFields[i]);
k := k + 1;
} // End of 'for' statement
// Prepare payload to be signed
v_toBeSignedPayload := valueof(p_payloadField);
// log("p_trailerStatus=", p_trailerStatus);
if (p_trailerStatus == 0) {
v_trailerSize := 0;
} else if (p_trailerStatus == 1) {
v_trailerSize := 67;
} else if (p_trailerStatus == 2) {
v_trailerSize := 2 * 67;
} else {
v_trailerSize := 67;
v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage := m_toBeSignedSecuredMessage_wrong_protocol(
// log("m_toBeSignedSecuredMessage_wrong_protocol=", v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage);
v_secPayload := bit2oct(encvalue(v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage));
// log("v_secPayload=", v_secPayload);
// Signed payload
if (ispresent(p_certificateName) and (valueof(p_certificateName) != cc_taCert_A)) {
if(not f_readSigningKey(valueof(p_certificateName), v_privateKey)){
return false;
} else {
if(not f_readSigningKey(valueof(cc_taCert_A), v_privateKey)){
return false;
v_signature := f_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256(
// log("v_signature=", v_signature);
// log("p_trailerStatus=", p_trailerStatus);
if (p_trailerStatus == 0) { // No signature
p_securedMessage := m_securedMessage_wrong_protocol(
{ }
v_trailerSize := 0;
} else if (p_trailerStatus == 2) { // Duplicate signature
p_securedMessage := m_securedMessage_wrong_protocol(
substr(v_signature, 2, 32)
substr(v_signature, 34, 32)
substr(v_signature, 2, 32)
substr(v_signature, 34, 32)
} else if (p_trailerStatus == 3) { // Signature with reserved algorthm
p_securedMessage := m_securedMessage_wrong_protocol(
} else { // Invalid signature
p_securedMessage := m_securedMessage_wrong_protocol(
substr(v_signature, 2, 32)
substr(v_signature, 34, 32)
p_securedMessage.trailer_fields[0].trailerField.signature_.signature_.ecdsa_signature.s := not4b(valueof(p_securedMessage.trailer_fields[0].trailerField.signature_.signature_.ecdsa_signature.s));
return true;
} // End of function f_buildGnSecuredMessage_Bo
* @desc This function build and sign the SecureMessage part covered by the signature process
* @param p_securedMessage The signed SecureMessage part
* @param p_payloadField Payloads to be included in the message
* @param p_signerInfoType Add digest or AT certificate or certificate chain
* @param p_threeDLocation The 3D location
* @param p_headerFields HeaderFields to be inserted in the message
* @param p_certificateName The certificate identifier to be used. Default: TA_CERT_A
* @param p_addMissingHeaders Whether to add mandatory headers not present in p_headerFields
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.14 Clause 7.1 Security profile for CAMs
function f_buildGnSecuredCam(
out template (value) SecuredMessage p_securedMessage,
in template (value) SecPayload p_payloadField,
in template (omit) SignerInfoType p_signerInfoType := e_certificate_digest_with_sha256,
in template (omit) HeaderFields p_headerFields := omit,
in template (omit) charstring p_certificateName := omit,
in boolean p_addMissingHeaders := true
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent return boolean {
// Local variables
var Certificate v_aaCertificate, v_atCertificate;
var HeaderFields v_mandatoryHeaders := {};
var HeaderField v_signerInfo;
// Load certificates if required
if (f_prepareCertificates(p_certificateName, v_aaCertificate, v_atCertificate) == false) {
return false;
if (p_addMissingHeaders == true) {
// Prepare mandatory headers
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate) { // Add the AT certificate
v_signerInfo := valueof(
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate_chain) { // Add the AT certificate + AA Certificate
v_signerInfo := valueof(
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate_digest_with_sha256) { // Add the AT certificate digest
v_signerInfo := valueof(
v_mandatoryHeaders := {
valueof(m_header_field_generation_time(1000 * f_getCurrentTime())), // In us
return f_buildGnSecuredMessage(p_securedMessage, p_certificateName, p_payloadField, v_mandatoryHeaders, p_headerFields);
} // End of function f_buildGnSecuredCam
* @desc This function build and sign the SecureMessage part covered by the signature process including wrong elements of protocols. It is used for BO test cases
* @param p_securedMessage The signed SecureMessage part
* @param p_protocolVersion The protocol version to be set. Default: 2
* @param p_trailerStatus The Traile behaviour:
* 0 for no trailer
* 1 for invalid trailer
* 2 for duplicated trailer
* @param p_payloadField Payloads to be included in the message
* @param p_signerInfoType Add digest or AT certificate or certificate chain
* @param p_threeDLocation The 3D location
* @param p_headerFields HeaderFields to be inserted in the message
* @param p_certificateName The certificate identifier to be used. Default: TA_CERT_A
* @param p_addMissingHeaders Whether to add mandatory headers not present in p_headerFields
* @param p_alterATCertificateSignature Set to true to alter the AT certificate signature
* @param p_alterAACertificateSignature Set to true to alter the AA certificate signature
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.14 Clause 7.1 Security profile for CAMs
function f_buildGnSecuredCam_Bo(
out template (value) SecuredMessage p_securedMessage,
in UInt8 p_protocolVersion := c_protocol_version,
in integer p_trailerStatus := 0,
in template (value) SecPayload p_payloadField,
in template (omit) SignerInfoType p_signerInfoType := e_certificate_digest_with_sha256,
in template (omit) HeaderFields p_headerFields := omit,
in template (omit) charstring p_certificateName := omit,
in boolean p_addMissingHeaders := true,
in boolean p_alterATCertificateSignature := false,
in boolean p_alterAACertificateSignature := false
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent return boolean {
// Local variables
var Certificate v_aaCertificate, v_atCertificate;
var HeaderFields v_mandatoryHeaders := {};
var HeaderField v_signerInfo;
// Load certificates if required
if (f_prepareCertificates(p_certificateName, v_aaCertificate, v_atCertificate) == false) {
return false;
if (p_alterATCertificateSignature == true) {
v_atCertificate.signature_.signature_.ecdsa_signature.s := not4b(v_atCertificate.signature_.signature_.ecdsa_signature.s);
if (p_alterAACertificateSignature == true) {
v_aaCertificate.signature_.signature_.ecdsa_signature.s := not4b(v_aaCertificate.signature_.signature_.ecdsa_signature.s);
if (p_addMissingHeaders == true) {
// Prepare mandatory headers
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate) { // Add the AT certificate
v_signerInfo := valueof(
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate_chain) { // Add the AT certificate + AA Certificate
v_signerInfo := valueof(
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate_digest_with_sha256) { // Add the AT certificate digest
v_signerInfo := valueof(
v_mandatoryHeaders := {
valueof(m_header_field_generation_time(1000 * f_getCurrentTime())), // In us
return f_buildGnSecuredMessage_Bo(p_securedMessage, p_certificateName, p_protocolVersion, p_trailerStatus, p_payloadField, v_mandatoryHeaders, p_headerFields);
} // End of function f_buildGnSecuredCam_Bo
* @desc This function build and sign the SecureMessage part covered by the signature process
* @param p_securedMessage The signed SecureMessage part
* @param p_payloadField Payloads to be included in the message
* @param p_signerInfoType Add digest or AT certificate or certificate chain
* @param p_threeDLocation The 3D location
* @param p_headerFields HeaderFields to be inserted in the message
* @param p_certificateName The certificate identifier to be used. Default: TA_CERT_A
* @param p_addMissingHeaders Whether to add mandatory headers not present in p_headerFields
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_buildGnSecuredDenm(
out template (value) SecuredMessage p_securedMessage,
in template (value) SecPayload p_payloadField,
in template (omit) SignerInfoType p_signerInfoType := e_certificate_digest_with_sha256,
in ThreeDLocation p_threeDLocation,
in template (omit) HeaderFields p_headerFields := omit,
in template (omit) charstring p_certificateName := omit,
in boolean p_addMissingHeaders := true
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent return boolean {
// Local variables
var Certificate v_aaCertificate, v_atCertificate;
var HeaderFields v_mandatoryHeaders := {};
var HeaderField v_signerInfo;
// Load certificates if required
if (f_prepareCertificates(p_certificateName, v_aaCertificate, v_atCertificate) == false) {
return false;
// Add additional headers if required
if (p_addMissingHeaders == true) {
// Prepare mandatory headers
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate) { // Add the AT certificate
v_signerInfo := valueof(
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate_chain) { // Add the AT certificate + AA Certificate
v_signerInfo := valueof(
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate_digest_with_sha256) { // Add the AT certificate digest
v_signerInfo := valueof(
v_mandatoryHeaders := {
valueof(m_header_field_generation_time(1000 * f_getCurrentTime())), // In us
// Build the secured message and return it
return f_buildGnSecuredMessage(p_securedMessage, p_certificateName, p_payloadField, v_mandatoryHeaders, p_headerFields);
} // End of function f_buildGnSecuredDenm
* @desc This function build and sign the SecureMessage part covered by the signature process including wrong elements of protocols. It is used for BO test cases
* @param p_securedMessage The signed SecureMessage part
* @param p_protocolVersion The protocol version to be set. Default: 2
* @param p_trailerStatus The Traile behaviour:
* 0 for no trailer
* 1 for invalid trailer
* 2 for duplicated trailer
* @param p_payloadField Payloads to be included in the message
* @param p_signerInfoType Add digest or AT certificate or certificate chain
* @param p_threeDLocation The 3D location
* @param p_headerFields HeaderFields to be inserted in the message
* @param p_certificateName The certificate identifier to be used. Default: TA_CERT_A
* @param p_addMissingHeaders Whether to add mandatory headers not present in p_headerFields
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_buildGnSecuredDenm_Bo(
out template (value) SecuredMessage p_securedMessage,
in UInt8 p_protocolVersion := c_protocol_version,
in integer p_trailerStatus := 0,
in template (value) SecPayload p_payloadField,
in template (omit) SignerInfoType p_signerInfoType := e_certificate_digest_with_sha256,
in ThreeDLocation p_threeDLocation,
in template (omit) HeaderFields p_headerFields := omit,
in template (omit) charstring p_certificateName := omit,
in boolean p_addMissingHeaders := true
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent return boolean {
// Local variables
var Certificate v_aaCertificate, v_atCertificate;
var HeaderFields v_mandatoryHeaders := {};
var HeaderField v_signerInfo;
// Load certificates if required
if (f_prepareCertificates(p_certificateName, v_aaCertificate, v_atCertificate) == false) {
return false;
// Add additional headers if required
if (p_addMissingHeaders == true) {
// Prepare mandatory headers
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate) { // Add the AT certificate
v_signerInfo := valueof(
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate_chain) { // Add the AT certificate + AA Certificate
v_signerInfo := valueof(
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate_digest_with_sha256) { // Add the AT certificate digest
v_signerInfo := valueof(
v_mandatoryHeaders := {
valueof(m_header_field_generation_time(1000 * f_getCurrentTime())), // In us
// Build the secured message and return it
return f_buildGnSecuredMessage_Bo(p_securedMessage, p_certificateName, p_protocolVersion, p_trailerStatus, p_payloadField, v_mandatoryHeaders, p_headerFields);
} // End of function f_buildGnSecuredDenm_Bo
* @desc This function build and sign the SecureMessage part covered by the signature process
* @param p_securedMessage The signed SecureMessage part
* @param p_payloadField Payloads to be included in the message
* @param p_signerInfoType Add digest or AT certificate or certificate chain
* @param p_threeDLocation The 3D location
* @param p_headerFields HeaderFields to be inserted in the message
* @param p_certificateName The certificate identifier to be used. Default: TA_CERT_A
* @param p_addMissingHeaders Whether to add mandatory headers not present in p_headerFields
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_buildGnSecuredOtherMessage(
out template (value) SecuredMessage p_securedMessage,
in template (value) SecPayload p_payloadField,
in template (omit) SignerInfoType p_signerInfoType := e_certificate_digest_with_sha256,
in ThreeDLocation p_threeDLocation,
in template (omit) HeaderFields p_headerFields := omit,
in template (omit) charstring p_certificateName := omit,
in boolean p_addMissingHeaders := true
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent return boolean {
// Local variables
var Certificate v_aaCertificate, v_atCertificate;
var HeaderFields v_mandatoryHeaders := {};
var HeaderField v_signerInfo;
// Load certificates if required
if (f_prepareCertificates(p_certificateName, v_aaCertificate, v_atCertificate) == false) {
return false;
// Add additional headers if required
if (p_addMissingHeaders == true) {
// Prepare mandatory headers
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate) { // Add the AT certificate
v_signerInfo := valueof(
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate_chain) { // Add the AT certificate + AA Certificate
v_signerInfo := valueof(
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate_digest_with_sha256) { // Add the AT certificate digest
v_signerInfo := valueof(
v_mandatoryHeaders := {
valueof(m_header_field_generation_time(1000 * f_getCurrentTime())), // In us
// Build the secured message and return it
return f_buildGnSecuredMessage(p_securedMessage, p_certificateName, p_payloadField, v_mandatoryHeaders, p_headerFields);
} // End of function f_buildGnSecuredOtherMessage
* @desc This function build and sign the SecureMessage part covered by the signature process including wrong elements of protocols. It is used for BO test cases
* @param p_securedMessage The signed SecureMessage part
* @param p_protocolVersion The protocol version to be set. Default: 2
* @param p_trailerStatus The Traile behaviour:
* 0 for no trailer
* 1 for invalid trailer
* 2 for duplicated trailer
* @param p_payloadField Payloads to be included in the message
* @param p_signerInfoType Add digest or AT certificate or certificate chain
* @param p_threeDLocation The 3D location
* @param p_headerFields HeaderFields to be inserted in the message
* @param p_certificateName The certificate identifier to be used. Default: TA_CERT_A
* @param p_addMissingHeaders Whether to add mandatory headers not present in p_headerFields
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_buildGnSecuredOtherMessage_Bo(
out template (value) SecuredMessage p_securedMessage,
in UInt8 p_protocolVersion := c_protocol_version,
in integer p_trailerStatus := 0,
in template (value) SecPayload p_payloadField,
in template (omit) SignerInfoType p_signerInfoType := e_certificate_digest_with_sha256,
in ThreeDLocation p_threeDLocation,
in template (omit) HeaderFields p_headerFields := omit,
in template (omit) charstring p_certificateName := omit,
in boolean p_addMissingHeaders := true
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent return boolean {
// Local variables
var Certificate v_aaCertificate, v_atCertificate;
var HeaderFields v_mandatoryHeaders := {};
var HeaderField v_signerInfo;
// Load certificates if required
if (f_prepareCertificates(p_certificateName, v_aaCertificate, v_atCertificate) == false) {
return false;
// Add additional headers if required
if (p_addMissingHeaders == true) {
// Prepare mandatory headers
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate) { // Add the AT certificate
v_signerInfo := valueof(
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate_chain) { // Add the AT certificate + AA Certificate
v_signerInfo := valueof(
if (valueof(p_signerInfoType) == e_certificate_digest_with_sha256) { // Add the AT certificate digest
v_signerInfo := valueof(
v_mandatoryHeaders := {
valueof(m_header_field_generation_time(1000 * f_getCurrentTime())), // In us
// FIXME To be done
// Build the secured message and return it
return f_buildGnSecuredMessage(p_securedMessage, p_certificateName, p_payloadField, v_mandatoryHeaders, p_headerFields);
} // End of function f_buildGnSecuredOtherMessage_Bo
} // End of group hostSignatureHelpers
group deviceSignatureHelpers {
* @desc Retrieve the HashedId8 to be sent to the IUT, based on the provided certificate identifier
* @param p_certificateName The certificate the IUT shall use
* @return The HashedId8 to be sent to the IUT in the UtInitialize command
* @verdict Unchanged
* @remark Component variable vc_hashedId8ToBeUsed shall be set with the IUT certificate to be used
function f_setupIutCertificate(
in charstring p_certificateName
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent return HashedId8 {
// Local variables
var Certificate v_atCertificate;
var HashedId8 v_hashedId8 := '0000000000000000'O;
// Sanity check
if (lengthof(p_certificateName) == 0) {
return v_hashedId8;
// Load certificates
if(f_getCertificateDigest(p_certificateName, v_hashedId8) == false) {
v_hashedId8 := '0000000000000000'O;
return v_hashedId8;
} // End of function f_setupIutCertificate
* @desc Verify the signature of the provided certificate
* @param p_certificateToBeVerified Certificate to be verified
* @param p_publicKey Public key to verify the certificate signature
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict
function f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithPublicKey(
in template (value) Certificate p_certificateToBeVerified,
in template (value) PublicKey p_publicKey
) return boolean {
// Local variables
var octetstring toBeVerifiedData;
var octetstring v_signature;
var boolean v_result := false;
var template (value) ToBeSignedCertificate v_toBeSignedCertificate;
// Create Certificate payload to be verified
v_toBeSignedCertificate := m_toBeSignedCertificate(p_certificateToBeVerified);
toBeVerifiedData := bit2oct(encvalue(v_toBeSignedCertificate));
// Build the signature
v_signature :=
'0000'O &
valueof(p_certificateToBeVerified.signature_.signature_.ecdsa_signature.r.x) &
log("toBeVerifiedData: ", toBeVerifiedData);
log("v_signature : ", v_signature);
log("PublicKey :", p_publicKey);
// Verify the certificate
v_result := f_verifyWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256(
return v_result;
} // End of finction f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithPublicKey
* @desc Verify the signature of the provided secured message
* @param p_certificateToBeVerified Certificate to be verified
* @param p_issuingCertificate Issuing certificate
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict
function f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithIssuingCertificate(
in template (value) Certificate p_certificateToBeVerified,
in template (value) Certificate p_issuingCertificate
) return boolean {
for (var integer v_counter := 0; v_counter < lengthof(p_issuingCertificate.subject_attributes); v_counter := v_counter + 1) {
if (valueof(p_issuingCertificate.subject_attributes[v_counter].type_) == e_verification_key) {
return f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithPublicKey(
} // End of 'for' statement
return false;
} // End of function f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithIssuingCertificate
* @desc Verify the signature of the provided secured message
* @param p_securedMessage The message to be verified
* @param p_publicKey The ECDSA public key to verify a signature
* @param p_certificate Certificate to be used to verify the message
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict
function f_verifyGnSecuredMessageSignatureWithPublicKey(
in template (value) SecuredMessage p_securedMessage,
in template (value) PublicKey p_publicKey
) return boolean {
// Local variables
var octetstring v_secPayload;
var octetstring v_signedData;
var Oct32 v_hash;
var integer v_counter;
var boolean v_result := false;
var template (value) ToBeSignedSecuredMessage v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage;
// log(">>> f_verifyGnSecuredMessageSignatureWithPublicKey: p_securedMessage= ", p_securedMessage);
// log(">>> f_verifyGnSecuredMessageSignatureWithPublicKey: p_publicKey= ", p_publicKey);
// Create SecuredMessage payload to be signed
v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage := m_toBeSignedSecuredMessage(
log("f_verifyGnSecuredMessageSignatureWithPublicKey: v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage=", v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage);
v_secPayload := bit2oct(encvalue(v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage));
log("f_verifyGnSecuredMessageSignatureWithPublicKey: v_secPayload=", v_secPayload);
// Verify payload
for (v_counter := 0; v_counter < lengthof(p_securedMessage.trailer_fields); v_counter := v_counter + 1) {
var SecuredMessage v_securedMessage := valueof(p_securedMessage);
if (
(v_securedMessage.trailer_fields[v_counter].type_ == e_signature) and
(v_securedMessage.trailer_fields[v_counter].trailerField.signature_.algorithm == e_ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256)
) {
v_signedData :=
'0000'O &
v_securedMessage.trailer_fields[v_counter].trailerField.signature_.signature_.ecdsa_signature.r.x &
log("f_verifyGnSecuredMessageSignatureWithPublicKey: v_signedData=", v_signedData);
v_result := f_verifyWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256(
} // End of 'for' statement
log("f_verifyGnSecuredMessageSignatureWithPublicKey: v_result=", v_result);
return v_result;
} // End of function f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithPublicKey
* @desc Verify the signature of the provided secured message
* @param p_securedMessage
* @param p_certificate Certificate to be used to verify the message
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict
function f_verifyGnSecuredMessageSignatureWithCertificate(
in template (value) SecuredMessage p_securedMessage,
in template (value) Certificate p_certificate
) return boolean {
for (var integer v_counter := 0; v_counter < lengthof(p_certificate.subject_attributes); v_counter := v_counter + 1) {
var SubjectAttribute v_subjectAttribute := valueof(p_certificate.subject_attributes[v_counter]);
log("f_verifyGnSecuredMessageSignatureWithCertificate: processing ", v_subjectAttribute);
if (v_subjectAttribute.type_ == e_verification_key) {
return f_verifyGnSecuredMessageSignatureWithPublicKey(
} // End of 'for' statement
return false;
} // End of function f_verifyGnSecuredOtherMessageWithDeviceCertificate
} // End of group deviceSignatureHelpers
group messageGetters {
* @desc return SecuredMessage header field of given type or null if none
* @param p_msg the SecuredMessage
* @param p_type header field type
* @return HeaderField of given type if any or null
function f_getMsgHeaderField(
in SecuredMessage p_securedMessage,
in HeaderFieldType p_headerFieldType,
out HeaderField p_return
) return boolean {
var integer v_length := lengthof(p_securedMessage.header_fields);
for (var integer i := 0; i < v_length; i := i + 1) {
if (p_securedMessage.header_fields[i].type_ == p_headerFieldType) {
p_return := p_securedMessage.header_fields[i];
return true;
log("f_getMsgHeaderField: return false");
return false;
* @desc return SignerInfo SecuredMessage field
function f_getMsgSignerInfo (
in SecuredMessage p_securedMessage,
out SignerInfo p_signerInfo
) return boolean {
var HeaderField v_hf;
if (f_getMsgHeaderField(p_securedMessage, e_signer_info, v_hf) == true) {
if (isbound(v_hf.headerField.signer)) {
p_signerInfo := v_hf.headerField.signer;
return true;
log("f_getMsgSignerInfo: return false");
return false;
}// End of group messageGetters
group certificateGetters {
* @desc Set the generation location as defined in Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.14 Clause 7.2 Security profile for DENMs
* @param p_latitude The latitude value of the ITS-S position
* @param p_longitude The longitude value of the ITS-S position
* @param p_elevation The elevation value of the ITS-S position
* @verdict Unchanged
function f_setGenerationLocation(
in WGSLatitude p_latitude,
in WGSLongitude p_longitude,
in Oct2 p_elevation := '0000'O
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent {
vc_location := {
} // End of function f_setGenerationLocation
* @desc Load in memory cache the certificates available
* @param p_configId A configuration identifier
* @remark This method SHALL be call before any usage of certificates
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_loadCertificates(
in charstring p_configId
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent return boolean {
var boolean v_result;
// Setup certificates memory cache
if (fx_loadCertificates(PX_CERTIFICATE_POOL_PATH, p_configId) == true) {
// Setup security component variables
if(f_readCertificate(cc_taCert_A, vc_atCertificate)) {
if(f_readCertificate(oct2str(vc_atCertificate.signer_info.signerInfo.digest), vc_aaCertificate)) {
if(f_readSigningKey(cc_taCert_A, vc_signingPrivateKey)) {
f_readEncryptingKey(cc_taCert_A, vc_encryptPrivateKey);
return true;
log("f_loadCertificates: Failed to load signing key for ", cc_taCert_A);
log("f_loadCertificates: Failed to load AA certificate for ", cc_taCert_A);
log("f_loadCertificates: Failed to load AA certificate for ", cc_taCert_A);
log("f_loadCertificates: Failed to load certificates from ", PX_CERTIFICATE_POOL_PATH);
return false;
} // End of function f_loadCertificates
* @desc Unload from memory cache the certificates available
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_unloadCertificates() runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent return boolean {
// Reset security component variables
vc_signingPrivateKey := '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'O;
vc_encryptPrivateKey := '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'O;
// Clear certificates memory cache
return fx_unloadCertificates();
} // End of function f_unloadCertificates
* @desc Read the specified certificate
* @param p_certificateId the certificate identifier
* @param p_certificate the expected certificate
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_readCertificate(
in charstring p_certificateId,
out Certificate p_certificate
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent return boolean {
var octetstring v_certificate;
if (fx_readCertificate(p_certificateId, v_certificate) == true) {
var bitstring v_oct2bit;
var integer v_result;
v_oct2bit := oct2bit(v_certificate);
v_result := decvalue(v_oct2bit, p_certificate);
if (v_result == 0) {
return true;
log("f_readCertificate: Failed to retrieve ", p_certificateId);
return false;
} // End of function f_readCertificate
* @desc Read the specified certificate
* @param p_certificateId the certificate identifier
* @param p_certificate the expected certificate
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_getCertificateDigest(
in charstring p_certificateId,
out HashedId8 p_digest
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent return boolean {
if( not fx_readCertificateDigest(p_certificateId, p_digest)){
log("f_getCertificateDigest: Failed to retrieve digest for ", p_certificateId);
return false;
return true;
} // End of function f_getCertificateDigest
* @desc Read the signing private key for the specified certificate
* @param p_keysId the keys identifier
* @param p_signingPrivateKey the signing private key
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_readSigningKey(
in charstring p_keysId,
out Oct32 p_signingPrivateKey
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent return boolean {
return fx_readSigningKey(p_keysId, p_signingPrivateKey);
} // End of function f_readSigningKey
* @desc Read the encrypting private keys for the specified certificate
* @param p_keysId the keys identifier
* @param p_encryptPrivateKey the encrypt private key
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_readEncryptingKey(
in charstring p_keysId,
out Oct32 p_encryptPrivateKey
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent return boolean {
return fx_readEncryptingKey(p_keysId, p_encryptPrivateKey);
} // End of function f_readEncryptingKey
function f_getCertificateValidityRestriction(
in template (value) Certificate p_cert,
in ValidityRestrictionType p_type,
out ValidityRestriction p_return
) return boolean {
for (var integer i := 0; i < lengthof(p_cert.validity_restrictions); i := i + 1) {
if (valueof(p_cert).validity_restrictions[i].type_ == p_type) {
p_return := valueof(p_cert).validity_restrictions[i];
return true;
} // End of 'for' statement
log("f_getCertificateValidityRestriction: Failed to retrieve ", p_type);
return false;
} // End of function f_getCertificateValidityRestriction
function f_getCertificateSignerInfo(
in template (value) Certificate p_cert,
out SignerInfo p_si
) return boolean {
if (isbound(valueof(p_cert.signer_info))) {
p_si := valueof(p_cert.signer_info);
return true;
log("f_getCertificateSignerInfo: Failed to retrieve ");
return false;
function f_getCertificateSubjectAttribute(
in template (value) Certificate p_cert,
in SubjectAttributeType p_type,
out SubjectAttribute p_return
) return boolean {
for (var integer i := 0; i < lengthof(p_cert.subject_attributes); i := i + 1) {
if (valueof(p_cert).subject_attributes[i].type_ == p_type) {
p_return := valueof(p_cert).subject_attributes[i];
return true;
log("f_getCertificateSubjectAttribute: Failed to retrieve ", p_type);
return false;
}// End of group certificateGetters
group certificatesCaching {
function f_createCertificatesCaching(
in CertificateChain p_certificates,
out CertificatesCaching p_certificatesCaching
) return boolean {
p_certificatesCaching := { };
for (var integer v_counter := 0; v_counter < lengthof(p_certificates); v_counter := v_counter + 1) {
var CertificatesCachingItem v_item;
v_item.certificate := p_certificates[v_counter];
v_item.hashedId8 := f_calculateDigestFromCertificate(v_item.certificate);
p_certificatesCaching[v_counter] := v_item;
} // End of 'for' statement
return true;
function f_getCertificateFromCaching(
in CertificatesCaching p_certificatesCaching,
in HashedId8 p_hashedId8,
out Certificate p_certificate
) return boolean {
for (var integer v_counter := 0; v_counter < lengthof(p_certificatesCaching); v_counter := v_counter + 1) {
if (match(p_certificatesCaching[v_counter].hashedId8, p_hashedId8) == true) {
p_certificate := p_certificatesCaching[v_counter].certificate;
return true;
} // End of 'for' statement
return false;
function f_getCertificatesCachingItem(
in CertificatesCaching p_certificatesCaching,
in UInt8 p_index,
out Certificate p_certificate
) return boolean {
if (lengthof(p_certificatesCaching) < p_index) {
p_certificate := p_certificatesCaching[p_index].certificate;
return true;
return false;
function f_getCertificatesCachingItemSize(
in CertificatesCaching p_certificatesCaching
) return UInt8 {
return lengthof(p_certificatesCaching);
}// End of group certificatesCaching
} // End of group helpersFunctions
group externalFunctions {
group signing {
* @desc Produces a 256-bit (32-byte) hash value
* @param p_toBeHashedData Data to be used to calculate the hash value
* @return The hash value
external function fx_hashWithSha256(in octetstring p_toBeHashedData) return Oct32;
* @desc Produces a Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) signaturee
* @param p_toBeSignedSecuredMessage The data to be signed
* @param p_privateKey The private key
* @return The signature value
external function fx_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256(in octetstring p_toBeSignedSecuredMessage, in octetstring/*UInt64*/ p_privateKey) return octetstring;
* @desc Verify the signature of the specified data
* @param p_toBeVerifiedData The data to be verified
* @param p_signature The signature
* @param p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyX The public key (x coordinate)
* @param p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyY The public key (y coordinate)
* @return true on success, false otherwise
external function fx_verifyWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256(in octetstring p_toBeVerifiedData, in octetstring p_signature, in octetstring p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyX, in octetstring p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyY) return boolean;
* @desc Produce a new public/private key pair based on Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) algorithm.
* This function should not be used by the ATS
* @param p_privateKey The new private key value
* @param p_publicKeyX The new public key value (x coordinate)
* @param p_publicKeyX The new public key value (y coordinate)
* @return true on success, false otherwise
external function fx_generateKeyPair(out octetstring/*UInt64*/ p_privateKey, out octetstring p_publicKeyX, out octetstring p_publicKeyY) return boolean;
} // End of group signing
group encryption {
} // End of group encryption
group certificatesLoader {
* @desc Load in memory cache the certificates available in the specified directory
* @param p_rootDirectory Root directory to access to the certificates identified by the certificate ID
* @param p_configId A configuration identifier
* @remark This method SHALL be call before any usage of certificates
* @return true on success, false otherwise
external function fx_loadCertificates(in charstring p_rootDirectory, in charstring p_configId) return boolean;
* @desc Unload from memory cache the certificates
* @return true on success, false otherwise
external function fx_unloadCertificates() return boolean;
* @desc Read the specified certificate
* @param p_certificateId the certificate identifier
* @param p_certificate the expected certificate
* @return true on success, false otherwise
external function fx_readCertificate(in charstring p_certificateId, out octetstring p_certificate) return boolean;
* @desc Read the specified certificate digest
* @param p_certificateId the certificate identifier
* @param p_digest the expected certificate
* @return true on success, false otherwise
external function fx_readCertificateDigest(in charstring p_certificateId, out HashedId8 p_digest) return boolean;
* @desc Read the private keys for the specified certificate
* @param p_keysId the keys identifier
* @param p_signingPrivateKey the signing private key
* @return true on success, false otherwise
external function fx_readSigningKey(in charstring p_keysId, out Oct32 p_signingPrivateKey) return boolean;
* @desc Read the private keys for the specified certificate
* @param p_keysId the keys identifier
* @param p_encryptPrivateKey the encrypt private key
* @return true on success, false otherwise
external function fx_readEncryptingKey(in charstring p_keysId, out Oct32 p_encryptingPrivateKey) return boolean;
} // End of group certificatesLoader
group geodesic {
* @desc Check that given polygon doesn't have neither self-intersections nor holes.
* @param p_region Polygonal Region
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
external function fx_isValidPolygonalRegion(in PolygonalRegion p_region) return boolean;
* @desc Check if a polygonal region is inside another one
* @param p_parent The main polygonal region
* @param p_region The polygonal region to be included
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
external function fx_isPolygonalRegionInside(in PolygonalRegion p_parent, in PolygonalRegion p_region) return boolean;
* @desc Check that the location is inside a circular region
* @param p_region The circular region to consider
* @param p_location The device location
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
external function fx_isLocationInsideCircularRegion(in CircularRegion p_region, in ThreeDLocation p_location) return boolean;
* @desc Check that the location is inside a rectangular region
* @param p_region The rectangular region to consider
* @param p_location The device location
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
external function fx_isLocationInsideRectangularRegion(in RectangularRegions p_region, in ThreeDLocation p_location) return boolean;
* @desc Check that the location is inside a polygonal region
* @param p_region The polygonal region to consider
* @param p_location The device location
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
external function fx_isLocationInsidePolygonalRegion(in PolygonalRegion p_region, in ThreeDLocation p_location) return boolean;
* @desc Check if the location is inside an identified region
* @param p_region The identified region to consider
* @param p_location The device location
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
external function fx_isLocationInsideIdentifiedRegion(in IdentifiedRegion p_region, in ThreeDLocation p_location) return boolean;
* @desc Check if the location is inside an undefined region
* @param p_region The identified region to consider
* @param p_location The device location
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
// TODO To be implemented in TA
external function fx_isLocationInsideOtherRegion(in octetstring p_region, in ThreeDLocation p_location) return boolean;
* @desc Check that p_circular_region_1 circular region is included into p_circular_region_2 circular region
* @param p_circular_region_1 Circular region 1
* @param p_circular_region_2 Circular region 2
* @return true on success, false otherwise
external function fx_areCirclesInside(in CircularRegion p_circular_region_1, in CircularRegion p_circular_region_2) return boolean;
* @desc Check that p_rectanglar_region_1 rectangular region is included into p_rectanglar_region_2 rectangular region
* @param p_rectanglar_region_1 Rectangular region 1
* @param p_rectanglar_region_2 Rectangular region 2
* @return true on success, false otherwise
external function fx_areRectanglesInside(in RectangularRegions p_rectanglar_region_1, in RectangularRegions p_rectanglar_region_2) return boolean;
* @desc Check that p_polygonal_region_1 polygonal region is included into p_polygonal_region_2 polygonal region
* @param p_polygonal_region_1 Polygonal region 1
* @param p_polygonal_region_2 Polygonal region 2
* @return true on success, false otherwise
external function fx_arePolygonsInside(in PolygonalRegion p_polygonal_region_1, in PolygonalRegion p_polygonal_region_2) return boolean;
* @desc Convert a spacial coordinate from DMS to Dms
* @param p_degrees The degrees (D)
* @param p_minutes The minutes (M)
* @param p_seconds The seconds (S)
* @param p_latlon The latitude/longitude: (N|S|E|W)
* @return The decimal coordinate on success, 0.0, otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
external function fx_dms2dd(in Int p_degrees, in Int p_minutes, in float p_seconds, in Oct1 p_latlon) return float;
} // End of group geodesic
} // End of group externalFunctions
group geometryFunctions {
function f_checkRegionValidityRestiction(
in Certificate p_cert,
in Certificate p_cert_issuer
) return boolean {
var ValidityRestriction v_cert_region, v_cert_issuer_region;
var boolean v_cert_issuer_region_result;
v_cert_issuer_region_result := f_getCertificateValidityRestriction(p_cert_issuer, e_region, v_cert_issuer_region);
if (f_getCertificateValidityRestriction(p_cert, e_region, v_cert_region) == false) {
if (v_cert_issuer_region_result == true) {
if (not match(v_cert_issuer_region.validity.region.region_type, e_none)) {
return false;
} else if (
(v_cert_issuer_region_result == true) and
(not match(v_cert_issuer_region.validity.region.region_type, e_none))
) {
if (match(v_cert_region.validity.region.region_type, e_circle)) {
if (match(v_cert_issuer_region.validity.region.region_type, e_circle)) {
// Check v_cert_region 'circle' is inside v_cert_issuer_region 'circle'
if (f_areCirclesInside(v_cert_region.validity.region.region.circular_region, v_cert_issuer_region.validity.region.region.circular_region) == false) {
log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Issuer and issuing certificates circle area does not match ***");
return false;
} else if (match(v_cert_region.validity.region.region_type, e_rectangle)) {
if (match(v_cert_issuer_region.validity.region.region_type, e_rectangle)) {
// Check v_cert_region 'rectangle' is inside v_cert_issuer_region 'rectangle'
if (f_areRectanglesInside(v_cert_region.validity.region.region.rectangular_region, v_cert_issuer_region.validity.region.region.rectangular_region) == false) {
log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Issuer and issuing certificates rectangle area does not match ***");
return false;
} else if (match(v_cert_region.validity.region.region_type, e_polygon)) {
if (match(v_cert_issuer_region.validity.region.region_type, e_polygon)) {
// Check v_cert_region 'polygon' is inside v_cert_issuer_region 'polygon'
if (f_arePolygonsInside(v_cert_region.validity.region.region.polygonal_region, v_cert_issuer_region.validity.region.region.polygonal_region) == false) {
log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Issuer and issuing certificates polygon area does not match ***");
return false;
} else if (match(v_cert_region.validity.region.region_type,e_id)) {
// Check id_region
if (not match (v_cert_region.validity.region, mw_geographicRegion_identified(mw_identifiedRegion_iso3166_any))) {
log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Identified region is not conformed to ISO 3166-1 ***");
return false;
if (not match (v_cert_region.validity.region, mw_geographicRegion_identified(mw_identifiedRegion_un_stats_any))) {
log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Identified region is not conformed to United Nations Statistics Division ***");
return false;
// Check region_dictionary
if (not match (v_cert_region.validity.region.region.id_region.region_dictionary, v_cert_issuer_region.validity.region.region.id_region.region_dictionary)) {
log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Issuer and issuing 'region_dictionary' field does not match ***");
return false;
// Check region_identifier
if (not match (v_cert_region.validity.region.region.id_region.region_identifier, v_cert_issuer_region.validity.region.region.id_region.region_identifier)) {
log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Issuer and issuing 'region_identifier' field does not match ***");
return false;
// Check local_region
if (
(not match (v_cert_issuer_region.validity.region.region.id_region.local_region, v_cert_region.validity.region.region.id_region.local_region)) or
(not match (v_cert_issuer_region.validity.region.region.id_region.local_region, 0))
) {
return false;
log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Issuer and issuing 'local_region' field does not match ***");
return true;
} // End of function f_checkRegionValidityRestiction
* @desc Check that p_circular_region_1 circular region is included into p_circular_region_2 circular region
* @param p_circular_region_1 Circular region 1
* @param p_circular_region_2 Circular region 2
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_areCirclesInside(
in CircularRegion p_circular_region_1,
in CircularRegion p_circular_region_2
) return boolean {
return fx_areCirclesInside(p_circular_region_1, p_circular_region_2);
* @desc Check that p_rectanglar_region_1 rectangular region is included into p_rectanglar_region_2 rectangular region
* @param p_rectanglar_region_1 Rectangular region 1
* @param p_rectanglar_region_2 Rectangular region 2
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_areRectanglesInside(
in RectangularRegions p_rectanglar_region_1,
in RectangularRegions p_rectanglar_region_2
) return boolean {
return fx_areRectanglesInside(p_rectanglar_region_1, p_rectanglar_region_2);
* @desc Check that p_polygonal_region_1 polygonal region is included into p_polygonal_region_2 polygonal region
* @param p_polygonal_region_1 Polygonal region 1
* @param p_polygonal_region_2 Polygonal region 2
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_arePolygonsInside(
in PolygonalRegion p_polygonal_region_1,
in PolygonalRegion p_polygonal_region_2
) return boolean {
return fx_arePolygonsInside(p_polygonal_region_1, p_polygonal_region_2);
* @desc Check that given location is valid
* @param p_location location to be checked
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_isValidTwoDLocation(
in template (value) TwoDLocation p_location
) return boolean {
(valueof(p_location).longitude != c_maxLongitude + 1) and
(valueof(p_location).latitude != c_maxLatitude + 1);
} // End of function f_isValidTwoDLocation
* @desc Check that two given rectanlular regions are intersected
* Note: Regions must be normalized(northwest.latitude >= southeast.latitude)
* @param p_r1 Region 1
* @param p_r2 Region 2
* @return true on success, false otherwise
function f_isRectangularRegionsIntersected(
in template (value) RectangularRegion p_r1,
in template (value) RectangularRegion p_r2
) return boolean {
return not (
valueof(p_r2).northwest.longitude > valueof(p_r1).southeast.longitude or
valueof(p_r2).southeast.longitude < valueof(p_r1).northwest.longitude or
valueof(p_r2).southeast.latitude > valueof(p_r1).northwest.latitude or
valueof(p_r2).northwest.latitude < valueof(p_r1).southeast.latitude
} // End of function f_isRectangularRegionsIntersected
function f_isContinuousRectangularRegions(
in template (value) RectangularRegions p_region
) return boolean {
var integer v_i, v_j;
var boolean v_found;
for (v_i := 0; v_i < lengthof(p_region); v_i := v_i + 1) {
var PolygonalRegion v_region_base;
f_convertRectangularRegionIntoPolygonalRegion(p_region[v_i], v_region_base);
v_found := false;
for (v_j := 0; v_j < lengthof(p_region); v_j := v_j + 1) {
if (v_j != v_i) {
var PolygonalRegion v_region;
f_convertRectangularRegionIntoPolygonalRegion(p_region[v_j], v_region);
if (f_isPolygonalRegionInside(v_region, v_region_base) == true) {
v_found := true;
} // End of 'for' statement
if (v_found == false) {
return false;
} // End of 'for' statement
return true;
} // End of function f_isContinuousRectangularRegions
* @desc Check if a polygonal region is inside another one
* @param p_parent The main polygonal region
* @param p_region The polygonal region to be included
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
function f_isRectangularRegionsInside(
in template (value) RectangularRegions p_parent,
in template (value) RectangularRegions p_region
) return boolean {
var integer v_i, v_j;
for (v_i := 0; v_i < lengthof(p_parent); v_i := v_i + 1) {
var PolygonalRegion v_region_parent, v_region;
f_convertRectangularRegionIntoPolygonalRegion(p_parent[v_i], v_region_parent);
for (v_j := 0; v_j < lengthof(p_parent); v_j := v_j + 1) {
f_convertRectangularRegionIntoPolygonalRegion(p_region[v_j], v_region);
if (f_isPolygonalRegionInside(v_region, v_region_parent) == true) {
return true;
} // End of 'for' statement
} // End of 'for' statement
return false;
} // End of function f_isRectangularRegionsInside
* @desc Convert a rectangular region into a polygonal region
* @param p_region The rectangular regions to convert
* @return
* @verdict
function f_convertRectangularRegionIntoPolygonalRegion(
in template (value) RectangularRegion p_rectangular_region,
out PolygonalRegion p_region
) return boolean {
var integer v_counter := 0;
// Convert rectangular regions to polygons and check polygons
p_region[0] := valueof(p_rectangular_region.northwest);
p_region[1] := {
valueof(p_rectangular_region.northwest.latitude) + valueof(p_rectangular_region.southeast.latitude),
p_region[2] := valueof(p_rectangular_region.southeast);
p_region[3] := {
valueof(p_rectangular_region.northwest.longitude) + valueof(p_rectangular_region.southeast.longitude)
log("f_convertRectangularRegionIntoPolygonalRegion: DEBUG: Northwest location is invalid in rect ", p_region);
return true;
} // End of function
* @desc Check that given polygon doesn't have neither self-intersections nor holes.
* @param p_region Polygonal Region
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
function f_isValidPolygonalRegion(
in template (value) PolygonalRegion p_region
) return boolean {
// Sanity check
if (not isbound(p_region) or (lengthof(p_region) == 0)) {
return false;
return fx_isValidPolygonalRegion(valueof(p_region));
} // End of function f_isValidPolygonalRegion
* @desc Check if a polygonal region is inside another one
* @param p_parent The main polygonal region
* @param p_region The polygonal region to be included
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
function f_isPolygonalRegionInside(
in template (value) PolygonalRegion p_parent,
in template (value) PolygonalRegion p_region
) return boolean {
// Sanity check
if (not isbound(p_parent) or not isbound(p_region) or (lengthof(p_parent) == 0) or (lengthof(p_region) == 0)) {
return false;
return fx_isPolygonalRegionInside(valueof(p_parent), valueof(p_region));
} // End of function f_isPolygonalRegionInside
* @desc
function f_isIdentifiedRegionInside(
in template (value) UInt16 p_parent,
in template (value) UInt16 p_region
) return boolean {
return valueof(p_parent) == valueof(p_region);
} // End of function f_isIdentifiedRegionInside
* @desc Check that the location is inside a region
* @param p_region The region to consider
* @param p_location The device location
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
function f_isLocationInsideRegion(
in template (value) GeographicRegion p_region,
in template (value) ThreeDLocation p_location
) return boolean {
var boolean v_ret := false;
select (p_region.region_type) {
case (e_none) {
v_ret := true;
case (e_circle) {
v_ret := f_isLocationInsideCircularRegion(p_region.region.circular_region, p_location);
case (e_rectangle) {
v_ret := f_isLocationInsideRectangularRegion(p_region.region.rectangular_region, p_location);
case (e_polygon) {
v_ret := f_isLocationInsidePolygonalRegion(p_region.region.polygonal_region, p_location);
case (e_id) {
v_ret := f_isLocationInsideIdentifiedRegion(p_region.region.id_region, p_location);
case else {
v_ret := f_isLocationInsideOtherRegion(p_region.region.other_region, p_location);
return v_ret;
} // End of function f_isLocationInsideRegion
* @desc Check that the location is inside a circular region
* @param p_region The circular region to consider
* @param p_location The device location
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
function f_isLocationInsideCircularRegion(
in template (value) CircularRegion p_region,
in template (value) ThreeDLocation p_location
) return boolean {
// Sanity check
if (not isbound(p_region) or not isbound(p_location)) {
return false;
return fx_isLocationInsideCircularRegion(valueof(p_region), valueof(p_location));
} // End of function f_isLocationInsideCircularRegion
* @desc Check that the location is inside a rectangular region
* @param p_region The rectangular region to consider
* @param p_location The device location
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
function f_isLocationInsideRectangularRegion(
in template (value) RectangularRegions p_region,
in template (value) ThreeDLocation p_location
) return boolean {
// Sanity check
if (not isbound(p_region) or not isbound(p_location) or (lengthof(p_region) == 0)) {
return false;
// log("f_isLocationInsideRectangularRegion: p_polygonalArea: ", p_region);
// log("f_isLocationInsideRectangularRegion: p_location: ", p_location);
return fx_isLocationInsideRectangularRegion(valueof(p_region), valueof(p_location));
} // End of function f_isLocationInsideRectangularRegion
* @desc Check that the location is inside a polygonal region
* @param p_region The polygonal region to consider
* @param p_location The device location
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
function f_isLocationInsidePolygonalRegion(
in template (value) PolygonalRegion p_region,
in template (value) ThreeDLocation p_location
) return boolean {
// Sanity check
if (not isbound(p_region) or not isbound(p_location) or (lengthof(p_region) == 0)) {
return false;
// log("f_isLocationInsidePolygonalRegion: p_polygonalArea: ", p_region, " - ", valueof(p_region));
// log("f_isLocationInsidePolygonalRegion: p_location: ", p_location, " - ", valueof(p_location));
return fx_isLocationInsidePolygonalRegion(valueof(p_region), valueof(p_location));
} // End of function f_isLocationInsidePolygonalRegion
* @desc Check if the location is inside an identified region
* @param p_region The identified region to consider
* @param p_location The device location
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
function f_isLocationInsideIdentifiedRegion(
in template (value) IdentifiedRegion p_region,
in template (value) ThreeDLocation p_location
) return boolean {
// Sanity check
if (not isbound(p_region) or not isbound(p_location)) {
return false;
return fx_isLocationInsideIdentifiedRegion(valueof(p_region), valueof(p_location));
} // End of function f_isLocationInsideIdentifiedRegion
* @desc Check if the location is inside an undefined region
* @param p_region The identified region to consider
* @param p_location The device location
* @return true on success, false otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
function f_isLocationInsideOtherRegion(
in template (value) octetstring p_region,
in template (value) ThreeDLocation p_location
) return boolean {
// Sanity check
if (valueof(p_region) == ''O) {
return false;
return fx_isLocationInsideOtherRegion(valueof(p_region), valueof(p_location));
} // End of function f_isLocationInsideOtherRegion
* @desc Convert a spacial coordinate from DMS to Dms
* @param p_degrees The degrees (D)
* @param p_minutes The minutes (M)
* @param p_seconds The seconds (S)
* @param p_latlon The latitude/longitude: (N|S|E|W)
* @return The decimal coordinate on success, 0.0, otherwise
* @verdict Unchanged
function f_dms2dd(
in integer p_degrees,
in integer p_minutes,
in float p_seconds,
in charstring p_latlon
) return float {
var Oct1 v_latlon;
// Sanity checks
if (lengthof(p_latlon) != 1) {
return 0.0;
} else if ((p_latlon != "N") and (p_latlon != "S") and (p_latlon != "E") and (p_latlon != "W")) {
return 0.0;
v_latlon := char2oct(p_latlon);
return fx_dms2dd(p_degrees, p_minutes, p_seconds, v_latlon);
} // End of function f_dms2dd
* @desc Convert the latitude from float to int
* @param p_latitude The latitude to be converted. Significand length shall be 7 digits length
* @return The converted latitude
* @verdict Unchanged
function f_ddlat2int(
in float p_latitude
) return WGSLatitude {
return float2int(p_latitude * 10000000.0); // Significand length shall be 7 digits length
* @desc Convert the longitude from float to int
* @param p_longitude The longitude to be converted. Significand length shall be 6 digits length
* @return The converted longitude
* @verdict Unchanged
function f_ddlon2int(
in float p_longitude
) return WGSLongitude {
return float2int(p_longitude * 1000000.0); // Significand length shall be 6 digits length
} // End of group geometryFunctions
} // End of module LibItsSecurity_Functions