CALMlegacySupport { iso (1) standard (0) calm-nonip(29281) legacy (2) asnm-1 (1)} DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS::=BEGIN IMPORTS PortNumber FROM CALMfntp { iso (1) standard (0) calm-nonip(29281) fntp(1) asnm-1 (1)} ; -- End of IMPORTS -- General types -- Param15628::=SEQUENCE{ fill BIT STRING (SIZE(7)), params CHOICE{ legacyOption [0] INTEGER(0..255), portPM [1] PortNumber -- Port number of 15628 Port Manager -- [2-254] } } FNTPlpp::=OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..65535)) -- Values -- Dummy values not defined here which cannot be imported. To be replaced by proper type. END