-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- ISO TS 19321 -- -- This ASN.1 was generateds: 30.08.2016 -- -- Due to typos in the published version, -- small ASN.1 syntax adaptations have been executed -- -- Published version location: -- http://standards.iso.org/iso/ts/19321 -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IVI {iso (1) standard (0) ivi (19321) version1 (1)} DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS ItsPduHeader, Altitude, DangerousGoodsBasic , DeltaLatitude, DeltaLongitude, DeltaReferencePosition, Heading, HeadingValue, Latitude, LanePosition, Longitude, ReferencePosition, RoadType, SpecialTransportType, Speed, StationType, TimestampIts, VehicleRole FROM ITS-Container { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts (102894) cdd (2) version (1) } AxleWeightLimits, DieselEmissionValues, ExhaustEmissionValues, EngineCharacteristics, EnvironmentalCharacteristics, PassengerCapacity , Provider, SoundLevel, VehicleDimensions, VehicleWeightLimits FROM EfcDsrcApplication {iso(1) standard(0) 14906 application(0) version5(5)} EuVehicleCategoryCode, Iso3833VehicleType FROM ElectronicRegistrationIdentificationVehicleDataModule {iso(1) standard(0) iso24534 (24534) vehicleData (1) version (1)} VarLengthNumber FROM CITSapplMgmtIDs {iso(1) standard(0) cits-applMgmt (17419) ids (1) version1 (1)}; --Definition of IVI message to be send over the air is outside of the scope and given for information only: IVI::= SEQUENCE { header ItsPduHeader, ivi IviStructure } --Definition of IVI Structure IviStructure::= SEQUENCE{ mandatory IVIManagementContainer, optional SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF IviContainer OPTIONAL } --Definition of Containers IviContainer::= CHOICE { glc GeographicLocationContainer, giv GeneralIviContainer, rcc RoadConfigurationContainer, tc TextContainer, lac LayoutContainer, ... -- extension for future containers } -- Prefix IVI added due to naming collision with data element ManagementContainer of Module DENM-PDU-Descriptions IVIManagementContainer::= SEQUENCE { serviceProviderId Provider, iviIdentificationNumber IviIdentificationNumber, timeStamp TimestampIts OPTIONAL, validFrom TimestampIts OPTIONAL, validTo TimestampIts OPTIONAL, connectedIviStructures SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF IviIdentificationNumber OPTIONAL, iviStatus IviStatus, ... } GeographicLocationContainer::= SEQUENCE { referencePosition ReferencePosition, referencePositionTime TimestampIts OPTIONAL, referencePositionHeading Heading OPTIONAL, referencePositionSpeed Speed OPTIONAL, parts SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16,...)) OF GlcPart, ... } GlcPart::= SEQUENCE { zoneId Zid, laneNumber LanePosition OPTIONAL, zoneExtension INTEGER (0..255) OPTIONAL, zoneHeading HeadingValue OPTIONAL, zone Zone OPTIONAL, ... } GeneralIviContainer::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16,...)) OF GicPart GicPart::= SEQUENCE { detectionZoneIds SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF Zid OPTIONAL, its-Rrid VarLengthNumber OPTIONAL, relevanceZoneIds SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF Zid OPTIONAL, direction Direction OPTIONAL, driverAwarenessZoneIds SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF Zid OPTIONAL, minimumAwarenessTime INTEGER (0..255) OPTIONAL, applicableLanes SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF LanePosition OPTIONAL, iviType IviType, iviPurpose IviPurpose OPTIONAL, laneStatus LaneStatus OPTIONAL, vehicleCharacteristics SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8, ...)) OF CompleteVehicleCharacteristics OPTIONAL, driverCharacteristics DriverCharacteristics OPTIONAL, layoutId INTEGER(1..4,...) OPTIONAL, preStoredlayoutId INTEGER(1..64,...) OPTIONAL, roadSignCodes SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF RSCode, extraText SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF Text (WITH COMPONENTS {layoutComponentId, language, textContent (SIZE(1..32))}) OPTIONAL, ... } RoadConfigurationContainer::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16,...)) OF RccPart RccPart::= SEQUENCE{ zoneIds SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF Zid, roadType RoadType, laneConfiguration SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16,...)) OF LaneInformation, ... } TextContainer::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16,...)) OF TcPart TcPart::= SEQUENCE { detectionZoneIds SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF Zid OPTIONAL, relevanceZoneIds SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF Zid, direction Direction OPTIONAL, driverAwarenessZoneIds SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF Zid OPTIONAL, minimumAwarenessTime INTEGER (0..255) OPTIONAL, applicableLanes SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF LanePosition OPTIONAL, layoutId INTEGER(1..4,...) OPTIONAL, preStoredlayoutId INTEGER(1..64,...) OPTIONAL, text SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF Text OPTIONAL, data OCTET STRING, ... } LayoutContainer::=SEQUENCE{ layoutId INTEGER(1..4,...), height INTEGER(10..73) OPTIONAL, width INTEGER(10..265) OPTIONAL, layoutComponents SEQUENCE SIZE (1..4,...) OF LayoutComponent, ... } -- Definition of Data Frames & Elements AbsolutePosition::= SEQUENCE{ latitude Latitude, longitude Longitude } AbsolutePositionWAltitude::= SEQUENCE{ latitude Latitude, longitude Longitude, altitude Altitude } AnyCatalogue::=SEQUENCE{ owner Provider, version INTEGER(0..255), pictogramCode INTEGER(0..65535), value INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL, unit RSCUnit OPTIONAL, attributes ISO14823Attributes OPTIONAL } ComparisonOperator ::= INTEGER { greaterThan (0), greaterThanOrEqualTo (1), lessThan (2), lessThanOrEqualTo (3) } (0..3) CompleteVehicleCharacteristics::= SEQUENCE{ tractor TractorCharacteristics OPTIONAL, trailer SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF TrailerCharacteristics OPTIONAL, train TrainCharacteristics OPTIONAL } ComputedSegment::= SEQUENCE { zoneId Zid, laneNumber LanePosition, laneWidth IVILaneWidth, offsetDistance INTEGER (-32768..32767) OPTIONAL, offsetPosition DeltaReferencePosition OPTIONAL } DeltaPosition::=SEQUENCE{ deltaLatitude DeltaLatitude, deltaLongitude DeltaLongitude } Direction::= INTEGER{ sameDirection (0), oppositeDirection (1), bothDirections (2), valueNotUsed (3) } (0..3) Distance::= SEQUENCE { value INTEGER(1..16384), unit RSCUnit (2..4|6..8) } DistanceOrDuration::= SEQUENCE { value INTEGER(1..16384), unit RSCUnit (2..9) } DriverCharacteristics::= INTEGER{ unexperiencedDrivers (0), experiencedDrivers (1), rfu1 (2), rfu2 (3) } (0..3) GoodsType::= INTEGER { ammunition (0), chemicals (1), empty (2), fuel (3), glass (4), dangerous (5), liquid (6), liveStock (7), dangerousForPeople (8), dangerousForTheEnvironment (9), dangerousForWater (10), perishableProducts (11), pharmaceutical (12), vehicles (13) -- other values reserved for future use } (0..15,...) ISO14823Attributes::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8,...)) OF CHOICE{ dtm DTM, -- Date/Time/Period edt EDT, -- Exemption status of Date/Time/Period dfl DFL, -- Directional Flow of Lane ved VED, -- Vehicle Dimensions spe SPE, -- Speed roi ROI, -- Rate of Incline dbv DBV, -- Distance Between Vehicles ddd DDD -- Destination/Direction/Distance } ISO14823Code ::= SEQUENCE{ pictogramCode SEQUENCE { countryCode OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)) OPTIONAL, serviceCategoryCode CHOICE { trafficSignPictogram ENUMERATED {dangerWarning, regulatory, informative,...}, publicFacilitiesPictogram ENUMERATED {publicFacilities, ...}, ambientOrRoadConditionPictogram ENUMERATED {ambientCondition, roadCondition,...}, ...}, pictogramCategoryCode SEQUENCE { nature INTEGER (1..9), serialNumber INTEGER (0..99) }}, attributes ISO14823Attributes OPTIONAL } IviIdentificationNumber::= INTEGER(1..32767,...) IviPurpose::= INTEGER { safety (0), environmental (1), trafficOptimisation (2) } (0..3) IviStatus::= INTEGER { new (0), update (1), cancellation (2), negation (3) -- other values reserved for future use }(0..7) IviType::= INTEGER { immediateDangerWarningMessages (0), regulatoryMessages (1), trafficRelatedInformationMessages (2), pollutionMessages (3), notTrafficRelatedInformationMessages (4) -- other values reserved for future use } (0..7) LaneInformation::= SEQUENCE{ laneNumber LanePosition, direction Direction, validity DTM OPTIONAL, laneType LaneType, laneTypeQualifier CompleteVehicleCharacteristics OPTIONAL, laneStatus LaneStatus, laneWidth IVILaneWidth OPTIONAL, ... } LaneStatus::= INTEGER { open (0), closed (1), mergeR (2), mergeL (3), mergeLR (4), provisionallyOpen (5), diverging (6) -- value 7 reserved for future use } (0..7, ...) LaneType::= INTEGER{ traffic (0), through (1), reversible (2), acceleration (3), deceleration (4), leftHandTurning (5), rightHandTurning (6), dedicatedVehicle (7), bus (8), taxi (9), hov (10), hot (11), pedestrian (12), bikeLane (13), median (14), striping (15), trackedVehicle (16), parking (17), emergency (18), verge (19) -- values 20 to 31 reserved for future use }(0..31) -- Prefix IVI added due to naming collision with data element LaneWidth of Module DSRC IVILaneWidth::= INTEGER (0..1023) LayoutComponent::=SEQUENCE{ layoutComponentId INTEGER(1..8,...), height INTEGER(10..73), width INTEGER(10..265), x INTEGER(10..265), y INTEGER(10..73), textScripting INTEGER {horizontal (0), vertical (1)}(0..1) } LoadType::= SEQUENCE{ goodsType GoodsType, dangerousGoodsType DangerousGoodsBasic, specialTransportType SpecialTransportType } PolygonalLine::= CHOICE { deltaPositions SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32,...)) OF DeltaPosition, deltaPositionsWithAltitude SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32,...)) OF DeltaReferencePosition, absolutePositions SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF AbsolutePosition, absolutePositionsWithAltitude SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF AbsolutePositionWAltitude, ... } RSCode::= SEQUENCE{ layoutComponentId INTEGER(1..4,...) OPTIONAL, code CHOICE { viennaConvention VcCode, -- see Vienna Convention Annex A iso14823 ISO14823Code, itisCodes INTEGER (0..65535), -- see SAE J2540 anyCatalogue AnyCatalogue, ... }} RSCUnit::= INTEGER { kmperh (0), milesperh (1), kilometer (2), meter (3), decimeter (4), centimeter (5), mile (6), yard (7), foot (8), minutesOfTime (9), tonnes (10), --1000 kg, not Ton! hundredkg (11), pound (12), --lbs rateOfIncline (13) -- other value reserved for future use } (0..15) Segment::= SEQUENCE { line PolygonalLine, laneWidth IVILaneWidth OPTIONAL } Text::= SEQUENCE { layoutComponentId INTEGER(1..4,...) OPTIONAL, language BIT STRING (SIZE(10)), textContent UTF8String } TractorCharacteristics::=SEQUENCE{ equalTo SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF VehicleCharacteristicsFixValues OPTIONAL, notEqualTo SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF VehicleCharacteristicsFixValues OPTIONAL, ranges SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF VehicleCharacteristicsRanges OPTIONAL } TrailerCharacteristics::=SEQUENCE{ equalTo SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF VehicleCharacteristicsFixValues (WITH COMPONENTS {..., euroAndCo2value ABSENT, engineCharacteristics ABSENT}) OPTIONAL, notEqualTo SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF VehicleCharacteristicsFixValues (WITH COMPONENTS {..., euroAndCo2value ABSENT, engineCharacteristics ABSENT}) OPTIONAL, ranges SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF VehicleCharacteristicsRanges (WITH COMPONENTS {comparisonOperator, limits (WITH COMPONENTS {..., exhaustEmissionValues ABSENT, dieselEmissionValues ABSENT, soundLevel ABSENT})}) OPTIONAL } TrainCharacteristics::= TractorCharacteristics VcClass::= INTEGER { classA (0), classB (1), classC (2), classD (3), classE (4), classF (5), classG (6), classH (7) } (0..7) VcCode::= SEQUENCE { roadSignClass VcClass, -- see Vienna Convention roadSignCode INTEGER (1..64), vcOption VcOption, -- e.g. the "a" in H, 3a validity SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF DTM OPTIONAL, value INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL, unit RSCUnit OPTIONAL } VcOption::= INTEGER { none (0), a (1), b (2), c (3), d (4), e (5), f (6), g (7) } (0..7) VehicleCharacteristicsFixValues::= CHOICE{ simpleVehicleType StationType, euVehicleCategoryCode EuVehicleCategoryCode, iso3833VehicleType Iso3833VehicleType, euroAndCo2value EnvironmentalCharacteristics, engineCharacteristics EngineCharacteristics, loadType LoadType, usage VehicleRole, ...} VehicleCharacteristicsRanges::= SEQUENCE{ comparisonOperator ComparisonOperator, limits CHOICE{ numberOfAxles INTEGER(0..7), vehicleDimensions VehicleDimensions, vehicleWeightLimits VehicleWeightLimits, axleWeightLimits AxleWeightLimits, passengerCapacity PassengerCapacity, exhaustEmissionValues ExhaustEmissionValues, dieselEmissionValues DieselEmissionValues, soundLevel SoundLevel, ...}} Weight::= SEQUENCE { value INTEGER(1..16384), unit RSCUnit (10..12) } Zid::= INTEGER (1..32,...) Zone::= CHOICE { segment Segment, area PolygonalLine, computedSegment ComputedSegment, ... } -- Definition of the single ISO 14823 Attributes DTM ::= SEQUENCE { year SEQUENCE { -- contains SYR and EYR syr INTEGER(2000..2127,...), eyr INTEGER(2000..2127,...) } OPTIONAL, month-day SEQUENCE { -- contains SMD and EMD smd MonthDay, emd MonthDay } OPTIONAL, pmd PMD OPTIONAL, hourMinutes SEQUENCE { -- contains SHM and EHM shm HoursMinutes, ehm HoursMinutes } OPTIONAL, dayOfWeek DayOfWeek OPTIONAL, -- corresponds to SDY and EDY period HoursMinutes OPTIONAL -- corresponds to LDM } MonthDay ::= SEQUENCE { month INTEGER (1..12), day INTEGER (1..31) } PMD::= BIT STRING {national-holiday (0), even-days(1), odd-days(2), market-day(3) } (SIZE (4)) HoursMinutes ::= SEQUENCE { hours INTEGER (0..23), -- number of hours after midnight mins INTEGER (0..59) -- number of minutes after the hour } -- Prefix IVI added due to naming collision with data element DayOfWeek of Module DSRC DayOfWeek ::= BIT STRING {unused(0), monday(1), tuesday(2), wednesday(3), thursday(4), friday(5), saturday(6), sunday(7)} (SIZE (8)) EDT ::= DTM DFL::= INTEGER { sDL (1) , -- Straight Direction Only sLT (2) , -- Straight and Left Turn Only sRT (3) , -- Straight and Right Turn Only lTO (4) , -- Left Turn Only rTO (5) , -- Right Turn Only cLL (6) , -- Convergence from the Left Lane cRI (7) , -- Convergence from the Right Lane oVL (8) -- Oncoming Vehicles Lane } (1..8) VED::=SEQUENCE{ hei Distance OPTIONAL, wid Distance OPTIONAL, vln Distance OPTIONAL, wei Weight OPTIONAL } SPE::=SEQUENCE{ spm INTEGER(0..250) OPTIONAL, mns INTEGER(0..250) OPTIONAL, unit RSCUnit(0..1) } ROI::= INTEGER(1..32) DBV::= Distance -- changes: from DDD_IO to DDD-IO DDD::= SEQUENCE{ dcj INTEGER(1..128) OPTIONAL, dcr INTEGER(1..128)OPTIONAL, tpl INTEGER(1..128)OPTIONAL, ioList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF DDD-IO } -- changes: from DDD_IO to DDD-IO DDD-IO::= SEQUENCE{ drn INTEGER(0..7), dp SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF DestinationPlace OPTIONAL, dr SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF DestinationRoad OPTIONAL, rne INTEGER(1..999) OPTIONAL, stnId INTEGER(1..999) OPTIONAL, stnText UTF8String OPTIONAL, dcp DistanceOrDuration OPTIONAL, ddp DistanceOrDuration OPTIONAL } -- changes: from DDD_DEP to DDD-DEP DestinationPlace::= SEQUENCE{ depType DDD-DEP, -- Encoding problem: to be checked if the statement is ASN.1 compatible -- depRSCode ISO14823Code (WITH COMPONENTS {..., attributes ABSENT}) OPTIONAL, depRSCode ISO14823Code OPTIONAL, depBlob OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, plnId INTEGER(1..999) OPTIONAL, plnText UTF8String OPTIONAL } -- changes: from DDD_DER to DDD-DER DestinationRoad::=SEQUENCE{ derType DDD-DER, ronId INTEGER(1..999) OPTIONAL, ronText UTF8String OPTIONAL } -- changes: from DDD_DER to DDD-DER DDD-DER::= INTEGER { none (0), nationalHighway (1), localHighway (2), tollExpresswayMotorway (3), internationalHighway (4), highway (5), expressway (6), nationalRoad (7), regionalProvincialRoad (8), localRoad (9), motorwayJunction (10), diversion (11), rfu1 (12), rfu2 (13), rfu3 (14), rfu4 (15) } (0..15, ...) -- changes: from DDD_DEP to DDD-DEP DDD-DEP::= INTEGER { none (0), importantArea (1), principalArea (2), generalArea (3), wellKnownPoint (4), country (5), city (6), street (7), industrialArea (8), historicArea (9), touristicArea (10), culturalArea (11), touristicRoute (12), recommendedRoute (13), touristicAttraction (14), geographicArea (15) } (0..15, ...) END