DENM-PDU-Descriptions { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts (102637) denm (3) version2 (2) } DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS ItsPduHeader, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, VehicleCommonParameters, ProfileParameters, StationID, TimeStamp, ReferencePositionVehicle FROM CAM-PDU-Descriptions { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts (102637) cam (2) version1 (1) }; --STF405: all unnecessary tags have been removed DenmPdu ::= SEQUENCE { header ItsPduHeader, denm DecentralizedEnvironmentalNotificationMessage } --STF405: doubled defined, renamed DecentralizedEnvironmentalNotificationMessage ::= SEQUENCE { management DecentralizedSituationManagement, -- container with DEN management and version control situation DecentralizedSituation, -- container with event description, incl. type, severity location DecentralizedSituationLocation, -- container with event location, location referencing with more detailed location description and the relevance area ... } DecentralizedSituationManagement::= SEQUENCE { -- unique identifier about an event from one originator ITS station, combination of node ID and a sequence number actionID ActionID, -- 6 byte -- version of the DENM indicating updates from the same originator ITS station; value of 255 is used for the cancellation message sent from the originator ITS station -- STF405: changed inline definition to explicit dataVersion DataVersion, -- 1 byte -- time when the DENM is deleted from the DEN management and the information related to the event is set as invalid.. If it is not provided, it indicates that the expiry time is unkown by the originator ITS station expiryTime TimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- 6 byte frequency INTEGER (0..255) OPTIONAL, --1 byte -- probability of the detected event to be true, varies from 0 to 100, with maximum value as full reliability reliability INTEGER(0..100), -- 7 bits -- negates the existence of an event at the event position by a third part ITS station that have received DENMs previously. isNegation BOOLEAN -- 1 bit } -- event description derived from [3] DecentralizedSituation::= SEQUENCE { -- traffic status near the event position, defined based on [3], TPEG table tec001 trafficFlowEffect TrafficFlowEffect OPTIONAL, -- 1 byte. -- event direct cause and sub cause description as defined in tab6.1 and in [3] situation Situation, -- linked cause if information is available. linkedCause Situation OPTIONAL, -- 2 Byte, -- severity value of the event, defined in [3], TPEG table tec003 severity Severity, -- 1 byte -- characteristics of the event eventCharact SEQUENCE -- EventCharact OPTIONAL 1 byte { -- event mobility description, set to TRUE if the event is in mobility eventmobility BOOLEAN, -- whether the event is caused by the originator ITS station, set to TRUE if it is the case. FALSE if it is a location that may cause danger -- STF405: changed type to be more self explaining causeType ENUMERATED { itsStation, geographicalRegion }, -- whether the event is physicalling relevant to the receiving ITS station.. Set to TRUE if it is the case -- STF405: changed type to be more self explaining relevant ENUMERATED {physicallyRelevant, difficultDrivingConditions }, -- whether the event is time critical road safety event, set to TRUE if it is the case. timeCritacality BOOLEAN, -- more characteristics may be added. ... } OPTIONAL, -- STF405: changed to profile based on the changes in the CAM module vehicleCommonParameters VehicleCommonParameters OPTIONAL, profile ProfileParameters OPTIONAL } DecentralizedSituationLocation::= SEQUENCE { -- description of the event position -- STF405: as the eventPosition CHOICe is extensible the EventArea type can be added when needed eventPosition CHOICE { -- the geographical position of the reference position refPosition ReferencePositionVehicle, ... }, -- description of the relevance area for the DENM dissemination --STF405: changed DecentralizedSituationLocation to extensible SEQUENCE, so that definition of RelevanceArea can be added when needed! --relevanceArea RelevanceArea, -- location referencing of the event position locationRef CHOICE { -- consequence position of the trace location referencing mechanism trace TraceLocData, -- more location referencing mechanism to be added ... }, ... } ActionID ::= SEQUENCE { stationID StationID, -- a 4 byte value sequenceNo SequenceNo -- a 2 byte value } SequenceNo ::= INTEGER (0..65535) -- increased by 1 each time a new event is detected by the same ITS station. -- STF405: changed to INTEGER as ENUMERATED is not applicable for handling DataVersion ::= INTEGER {firstVersion(0),secondVersion(1),cancellation(255) } (0..255) Frenquency ::= INTEGER (0..255) --STF405: removed OPTIONAL, as it is syntactically incorrect TrafficFlowEffect ::= INTEGER { trafficFlowUnknown(1), freeTrafficFlow(2), slowTraffic(3), heavyTraffic(4), queuingTraffic(5), stationaryTraffic(6), noTrafficFlow(7) } (0..7) Situation ::= SEQUENCE { cause CauseCode, -- 1 byte subCause SubCauseCode -- 1 byte } -- STF405: Changed to INTEGER as it allows to use cause codes in [3] -- 1 to 100 indicates causecode defined within [3] -- 101 – 255 indicates causecode without being defined by [3] CauseCode ::= INTEGER {reserved(0),dangerousDriving(101),intersectionViolation(102),vehicleProblem(103),intersectionCollision(104),hazardousLocation(105) } (0..255) -- STF405: changed type as it seems more applicable SubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {unknown(0)} (0..255) --STF405: removed OPTIONAL, as it is syntactically incorrect LinkedCause ::= Situation --STF405: renamed to Severity Severity ::= ENUMERATED -- 1 byte { informative (1), -- Text example: obstacles (2), --danger level 1 -- Text example: danger (3), --danger level 2: -- Text example: highestDanger (4) --danger level 3: } --STF405: removed following three definitions, which are now redundant (and have been inconsistent with CAM anyway) -- Altitude ::= INTEGER (-10000..16767215) -- PositionAccuracy ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) -- Speed ::= INTEGER (-32765..32765) TraceLocData ::= SEQUENCE { --3 bits, identifier of the trace traceID INTEGER(0 .. 7), --5 bits, number of waypoint positions included in the trace waypoints SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..31)) OF Waypoint } Waypoint ::= SEQUENCE{ -- waypoint positions included in the trace. ptLat Latitude, --a 4 bytes value ptLong Longitude, --a 4 bytes value --STF405: type name is made consistent with CAM definitions ptAlt Elevation, ... --STF405: removed repetition } END