/** * @author ETSI / STF481 * @version $URL$ * $Id$ * @desc Module containing functions for Security Protocol * */ module LibItsSecurity_Functions { // Libcommon import from LibCommon_DataStrings all; // LibItsCommon import from LibItsCommon_Functions all; // LibItsSecurity import from LibItsSecurity_TypesAndValues all; import from LibItsSecurity_Templates all; import from LibItsSecurity_Pixits all; group helpersFunctions { /** * @desc Produces a 256-bit (32-byte) hash value * @param p_toBeHashedData Data to be used to calculate the hash value * @return The hash value */ function f_hashWithSha256(in octetstring p_toBeHashedData) return Oct32 { return fx_hashWithSha256(p_toBeHashedData); } // End of function f_hashWithSha256 /** * @desc Produces a Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) signaturee * @param p_toBeSignedSecuredMessage The data to be signed * @return The signature value */ function f_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256(in Oct32 p_toBeSignedSecuredMessage) return octetstring { return fx_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256( p_toBeSignedSecuredMessage, PX_TA_CONFIGS[PX_CERTIFICATE_CONFIG_IDX].signingPrivateKey ); } // End of function f_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256 function f_HashedId8FromSha256(in Oct32 p_hash) return HashedId8 { return substr(p_hash, 0, 8); } // End of function f_HashedId8FromSha256 function f_HashedId3FromHashedId8 (in HashedId8 p_hash) return HashedId3 { return substr(p_hash, 0, 3); } // End of function f_HashedId3FromHashedId8 /** * @desc Verify the signature of the specified data * @param p_toBeVerifiedData The data to be verified * @param p_signature The signature * @param p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyX The public key (x coordinate) * @param p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyY The public key (y coordinate) * @return true on success, false otherwise */ function f_verifyWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256( in octetstring p_toBeVerifiedData, in octetstring p_signature, in octetstring p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyX, in octetstring p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyY ) return boolean { return fx_verifyWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256( p_toBeVerifiedData, p_signature, p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyX, p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyY); } // End of function f_verifyWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256 /** * @desc Calculate digest over the certificate * @param p_cert The certificate * @return the digest * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 4.2.13 HashedId8 */ function f_calculateDigest(in Certificate p_cert) return HashedId8 { var octetstring v_toBeHashedData; var octetstring v_hash; var integer v_counter; // Search for digest in the signer_infos field first for (v_counter := 0; v_counter < lengthof(p_cert.signer_infos); v_counter := v_counter + 1) { if (p_cert.signer_infos[v_counter].type_ == e_certificate_digest_with_ecdsap256) { return p_cert.signer_infos[v_counter].signerInfo.digest; } } // End of 'for' statement // digest not found, compute it v_toBeHashedData := bit2oct(encvalue(p_cert)); v_hash := f_hashWithSha256(v_toBeHashedData); return substr(v_hash, lengthof(v_hash) - 8, 8); } group hostSignatureHelpers { /** * @desc Build a template of a secured beacon to be used for the Test Adapter secured beaconing processing */ function f_buildSecuredMessagePayloadToBeSigned() return ToBeSignedSecuredMessage { // Local variables var template (value) ToBeSignedSecuredMessage v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage; // Build the beacon template v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage := m_toBeSignedSecuredMessage( c_security_profileOthers, { // Field HeaderFields m_header_field_signer_info( m_signerInfo_certificate( PX_TA_CONFIGS[PX_CERTIFICATE_CONFIG_IDX].atCertificate ) // End of template m_signerInfo_certificate ), // End of template m_header_field_signer_info m_header_field_generation_time(oct2int('BBBBBBBB'O)), // To be replaced by TA with current time m_header_field_generation_location( PX_TA_CONFIGS[PX_CERTIFICATE_CONFIG_IDX].location ) }, // End of field HeaderFields { m_payload_unsecured( 'AAAAAAAAAA'O // To be replaced by TA with real payload ) }, // End of field HeaderFields e_signature ); return v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage; } /** * @desc This function build and sign the SecureMessage part covered by the signature process * @param p_securedMessage The signed SecureMessage part * @param p_unsecuredPayload The unsigned payload (e.g. a beacon) * @param p_threeDLocation The ThreeDLocation value * @param p_headerFields Additional HeaderFields * @return true on success, false otherwise * @verdict Unchanged */ function f_buildGnSecuredCam( out template (value) SecuredMessage p_securedMessage, in octetstring p_unsecuredPayload, in ThreeDLocation p_threeDLocation, in template (omit) HeaderFields p_headerFields := omit ) return boolean { // Local variables var octetstring v_secPayload, v_signature; var Oct32 v_hash; var template (value) ToBeSignedSecuredMessage v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage; // Create SecuredMessage payload to be signed v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage := m_toBeSignedSecuredMessage( c_security_profileCAMs, { // Field HeaderFields m_header_field_signer_info( m_signerInfo_certificate( PX_TA_CONFIGS[PX_CERTIFICATE_CONFIG_IDX].atCertificate ) // End of template m_signerInfo_certificate ), // End of template m_header_field_signer_info m_header_field_generation_time(f_getCurrentTime()), m_header_field_generation_location( p_threeDLocation ), m_header_field_message_type(c_messageType_CAM) }, // End of field HeaderFields { m_payload_unsecured( p_unsecuredPayload ) }, // End of field HeaderFields e_signature ); log("v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage=", v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage); // Add additional header fields if any if (ispresent(p_headerFields) == true) { var integer v_addItemIndex := lengthof(v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage.header_fields); var integer v_counter; for (v_counter := 0; v_counter < lengthof(p_headerFields); v_counter := v_counter + 1) { v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage.header_fields[v_addItemIndex] := p_headerFields[v_counter]; v_addItemIndex := v_addItemIndex + 1; } // End of 'for' statement } v_secPayload := bit2oct(encvalue(v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage)); log("v_secPayload= ", v_secPayload); // Calculate the hash of the SecuredMessage payload to be signed v_hash := f_hashWithSha256(v_secPayload); log("v_hash= ", v_hash); // Signed payload v_signature := f_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256( v_hash ); log("v_signature= ", v_signature); p_securedMessage := md_secureMessage_profileCam( // See Clause 7.1 Security profile for CAMs v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage.header_fields, v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage.payload_fields, { m_trailer_field_signature( m_signature( m_ecdsaSignature( m_eccPointecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256_y_coordinate_only( substr(v_signature, 2, 32) ), substr(v_signature, 34, 32) ) ) ) } ); // End of template m_securedMessage_profileCam return true; } /** * @desc This function build and sign the SecureMessage part covered by the signature process * @param p_securedMessage The signed SecureMessage part * @param p_unsecuredPayload The unsigned payload (e.g. a beacon) * @param p_threeDLocation The ThreeDLocation value * @param p_headerFields Additional HeaderFields * @return true on success, false otherwise * @verdict Unchanged */ function f_buildGnSecuredDenm( out template (value) SecuredMessage p_securedMessage, in octetstring p_unsecuredPayload, in ThreeDLocation p_threeDLocation, in template (omit) HeaderFields p_headerFields := omit ) return boolean { // Local variables var octetstring v_secPayload, v_signature; var Oct32 v_hash; var template (value) ToBeSignedSecuredMessage v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage; // Create SecuredMessage payload to be signed v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage := m_toBeSignedSecuredMessage( c_security_profileDENMs, { // Field HeaderFields m_header_field_signer_info( m_signerInfo_certificate( PX_TA_CONFIGS[PX_CERTIFICATE_CONFIG_IDX].atCertificate ) // End of template m_signerInfo_certificate ), // End of template m_header_field_signer_info m_header_field_generation_time(f_getCurrentTime()), m_header_field_generation_location( p_threeDLocation ), m_header_field_message_type(c_messageType_DENM) }, // End of field HeaderFields { m_payload_unsecured( p_unsecuredPayload ) }, // End of field HeaderFields e_signature ); // Add additional header fields if any if (ispresent(p_headerFields) == true) { var integer v_addItemIndex := lengthof(v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage.header_fields); var integer v_counter; for (v_counter := 0; v_counter < lengthof(p_headerFields); v_counter := v_counter + 1) { v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage.header_fields[v_addItemIndex] := p_headerFields[v_counter]; v_addItemIndex := v_addItemIndex + 1; } // End of 'for' statement } log("v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage= ", v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage); v_secPayload := bit2oct(encvalue(v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage)); // Calculate the hash of the SecuredMessage payload to be signed v_hash := f_hashWithSha256(v_secPayload); // Signed payload v_signature := f_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256( v_hash ); p_securedMessage := md_secureMessage_profileDenm( // See Clause 7.2 Security profile for DENMs v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage.header_fields, v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage.payload_fields, { m_trailer_field_signature( m_signature( m_ecdsaSignature( m_eccPointecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256_y_coordinate_only( substr(v_signature, 2, 32) ), substr(v_signature, 34, 32) ) ) ) } ); // End of template m_securedMessage_profileDenm return true; } // End of function f_buildGnSecuredDenm /** * @desc This function build and sign the SecureMessage part covered by the signature process * @param p_securedMessage The signed SecureMessage part * @param p_unsecuredPayload The unsigned payload (e.g. a beacon) * @param p_threeDLocation The ThreeDLocation value * @param p_headerFields Additional HeaderFields * @return true on success, false otherwise * @verdict Unchanged */ function f_buildGnSecuredOtherMessage( out template (value) SecuredMessage p_securedMessage, in octetstring p_unsecuredPayload, in ThreeDLocation p_threeDLocation, in template (omit) HeaderFields p_headerFields := omit ) return boolean { // Local variables var octetstring v_secPayload, v_signature; var Oct32 v_hash; var template (value) ToBeSignedSecuredMessage v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage; // Create SecuredMessage payload to be signed v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage := m_toBeSignedSecuredMessage( c_security_profileOthers, { // Field HeaderFields m_header_field_signer_info( m_signerInfo_certificate( PX_TA_CONFIGS[PX_CERTIFICATE_CONFIG_IDX].atCertificate ) // End of template m_signerInfo_certificate ), // End of template m_header_field_signer_info m_header_field_generation_time(f_getCurrentTime()), m_header_field_generation_location( p_threeDLocation ) }, // End of field HeaderFields { m_payload_unsecured( p_unsecuredPayload ) }, // End of field HeaderFields e_signature ); // Add additional header fields if any if (ispresent(p_headerFields) == true) { var integer v_addItemIndex := lengthof(v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage.header_fields); var integer v_counter; for (v_counter := 0; v_counter < lengthof(p_headerFields); v_counter := v_counter + 1) { v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage.header_fields[v_addItemIndex] := p_headerFields[v_counter]; v_addItemIndex := v_addItemIndex + 1; } // End of 'for' statement } log("v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage= ", v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage); v_secPayload := bit2oct(encvalue(v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage)); // Calculate the hash of the SecuredMessage payload to be signed v_hash := f_hashWithSha256(v_secPayload); // Signed payload v_signature := f_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256( v_hash ); p_securedMessage := md_securedMessage_profileOther( // See Clause 7.3 Generic security profile for other signed messages v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage.header_fields, v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage.payload_fields, { m_trailer_field_signature( m_signature( m_ecdsaSignature( m_eccPointecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256_y_coordinate_only( substr(v_signature, 2, 32) ), substr(v_signature, 34, 32) ) ) ) } ); // End of template md_securedMessage_profileOther return true; } // End of function f_buildGnSecuredOtherMessage } // End of group hostSignatureHelpers group deviceSignatureHelpers { /** * @desc Verify the signature of the provided certificate * @param p_certificateToBeVerified Certificate to be verified * @param p_publicKey Public key to verify the certificate signature * @return true on success, false otherwise * @verdict */ function f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithPublicKey( in template (value) Certificate p_certificateToBeVerified, in template (value) PublicKey p_publicKey ) return boolean { // Local variables var octetstring toBeVerifiedData; var octetstring v_signature; var boolean v_result := false; var template (value) ToBeSignedCertificate v_toBeSignedCertificate; log("full certificate: ", bit2oct(encvalue(p_certificateToBeVerified))); // Create Certificate payload to be verified v_toBeSignedCertificate := m_toBeSignedCertificate(p_certificateToBeVerified); log("v_toBeSignedCertificate=", v_toBeSignedCertificate); toBeVerifiedData := bit2oct(encvalue(v_toBeSignedCertificate)); log("toBeVerifiedData=", toBeVerifiedData); // Build the signature v_signature := '0000'O & p_certificateToBeVerified.signature_.signature_.ecdsa_signature.r.x & p_certificateToBeVerified.signature_.signature_.ecdsa_signature.s; log("v_signature=", v_signature); // Verify the certificate log("p_publicKey.public_key.eccPoint.x", p_publicKey.public_key.eccPoint.x); log("p_publicKey.public_key.eccPoint.y.y", p_publicKey.public_key.eccPoint.y.y); v_result := f_verifyWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256( toBeVerifiedData, v_signature, p_publicKey.public_key.eccPoint.x, p_publicKey.public_key.eccPoint.y.y ); log("f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithPublicKey: ", v_result); return v_result; } // End of finction f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithPublicKey /** * @desc Verify the signature of the provided secured message * @param p_certificateToBeVerified Certificate to be verified * @param p_issuingCertificate Issuing certificate * @return true on success, false otherwise * @verdict */ function f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithIssuingCertificate( in template (value) Certificate p_certificateToBeVerified, in template (value) Certificate p_issuingCertificate ) return boolean { var integer v_counter; for (v_counter := 0; v_counter < lengthof(p_issuingCertificate.subject_attributes); v_counter := v_counter + 1) { log("f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithIssuingCertificate: processing ", p_issuingCertificate.subject_attributes[v_counter]); if (p_issuingCertificate.subject_attributes[v_counter].type_ == e_verification_key) { return f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithPublicKey( p_certificateToBeVerified, p_issuingCertificate.subject_attributes[v_counter].attribute.key); } } // End of 'for' statement return false; } // End of function f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithIssuingCertificate } // End of group hostSignatureHelpers group deviceSignatureHelpers { /** * @desc Verify the signature of the provided secured message * @param p_securedMessage The message to be verified * @param p_publicKey The ECDSA public key to verify a signature * @param p_certificate Certificate to be used to verify the message * @return true on success, false otherwise * @verdict */ function f_verifyGnSecuredMessageSignatureWithPublicKey( in template (value) SecuredMessage p_securedMessage, in template (value) PublicKey p_publicKey ) return boolean { // Local variables var octetstring v_secPayload; var octetstring v_signedData; var Oct32 v_hash; var integer v_counter; var boolean v_result := false; var template (value) ToBeSignedSecuredMessage v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage; log(">>> f_verifyGnSecuredMessageSignatureWithPublicKey: ", p_securedMessage); // Create SecuredMessage payload to be signed v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage := m_toBeSignedSecuredMessage( p_securedMessage.security_profile, p_securedMessage.header_fields, p_securedMessage.payload_fields, e_signature ); v_secPayload := bit2oct(encvalue(v_toBeSignedSecuredMessage)); log("f_verifyGnSecuredMessageSignatureWithPublicKey: v_secPayload=", v_secPayload); // Calculate the hash of the SecuredMessage payload to be signed v_hash := fx_hashWithSha256(v_secPayload); log("f_verifyGnSecuredMessageSignatureWithPublicKey: v_hash=", v_hash); // Verify payload for (v_counter := 0; v_counter < lengthof(p_securedMessage.trailer_fields); v_counter := v_counter + 1) { if ( (p_securedMessage.trailer_fields[v_counter].type_ == e_signature) and (p_securedMessage.trailer_fields[v_counter].trailerField.signature_.algorithm == e_ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256) ) { v_signedData := '0000'O & p_securedMessage.trailer_fields[v_counter].trailerField.signature_.signature_.ecdsa_signature.r.x & p_securedMessage.trailer_fields[v_counter].trailerField.signature_.signature_.ecdsa_signature.s; v_result := f_verifyWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256( v_hash, v_signedData, p_publicKey.public_key.eccPoint.x, p_publicKey.public_key.eccPoint.y.y ); } } // End of 'for' statement return v_result; } // End of function f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithPublicKey /** * @desc Verify the signature of the provided secured message * @param p_securedMessage * @param p_certificate Certificate to be used to verify the message * @return true on success, false otherwise * @verdict */ function f_verifyGnSecuredMessageSignatureWithCertificate( in template (value) SecuredMessage p_securedMessage, in template (value) Certificate p_certificate ) return boolean { var integer v_counter; for (v_counter := 0; v_counter < lengthof(p_certificate.subject_attributes); v_counter := v_counter + 1) { log("f_verifyGnSecuredMessageSignatureWithCertificate: processing ", p_certificate.subject_attributes[v_counter]); if (p_certificate.subject_attributes[v_counter].type_ == e_verification_key) { return f_verifyGnSecuredMessageSignatureWithPublicKey( p_securedMessage, p_certificate.subject_attributes[v_counter].attribute.key); } } // End of 'for' statement return false; } // End of function f_verifyGnSecuredOtherMessageWithDeviceCertificate } // End of group deviceSignatureHelpers group messageGetters { /** * @desc return SecuredMessage header field of given type or null if none * @param p_msg the SecuredMessage * @param p_type header field type * @return HeaderField of given type if any or null */ function f_getMsgHeaderField( in template (value) SecuredMessage p_securedMessage, in HeaderFieldType p_headerFieldType ) return HeaderField { var HeaderField v_return; var integer v_length := lengthof(p_securedMessage.header_fields); var integer v_index; for (v_index := 0; v_index < v_length; v_index := v_index + 1) { if (p_securedMessage.header_fields[v_index].type_ == p_headerFieldType) { v_return := p_securedMessage.header_fields[v_index]; break; } } return v_return; } /** * @desc return SignerInfo SecuredMessage field */ function f_getMsgSignerInfo ( in template (value) SecuredMessage p_securedMessage ) return SignerInfo { var HeaderField v_hf := f_getMsgHeaderField(p_securedMessage, e_signer_info); if (isbound(v_hf)) { return v_hf.headerField.signer; } return null; } }// End of group messageGetters group certificateGetters { function f_getCertificateValidityRestriction( in template (value) Certificate p_cert, in ValidityRestrictionType p_type ) return ValidityRestriction { var ValidityRestriction v_return; var integer v_length := lengthof(p_cert.validity_restrictions); var integer v_index; for (v_index := 0; v_index < v_length; v_index := v_index + 1) { if( p_cert.validity_restrictions[v_index].type_ == p_type ) { v_return := p_cert.validity_restrictions[v_index]; break; } } return v_return; } function f_getCertificateSignerInfo ( in template (value) Certificate p_cert ) return SignerInfo { var SignerInfo ret; if (lengthof(p_cert.signer_infos) > 0) { ret := p_cert.signer_infos[0]; } return ret; } }// End of group certificateGetters group CertRequests{ function f_askForCertificate (in template (value) HashedId8 p_digest) { // Send CAM message with insert the request_unrecognized_certificate // header containing specified digest /* TODO: Waiting Alex to understand how to send message var SecuredMessage v_msg; if ( f_buildGnSecuredCam (v_msg, in octetstring p_unsecuredPayload, in ThreeDLocation p_threeDLocation, in template (omit) HeaderFields p_headerFileds := omit )) { } */ } } // End of group CertRequests } // End of group helpersFunctions group externalFunctions { /** * @desc Produces a 256-bit (32-byte) hash value * @param p_toBeHashedData Data to be used to calculate the hash value * @return The hash value */ external function fx_hashWithSha256(in octetstring p_toBeHashedData) return Oct32; /** * @desc Produces a Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) signaturee * @param p_toBeSignedSecuredMessage The data to be signed * @param p_privateKey The private key * @return The signature value */ external function fx_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256(in octetstring p_toBeSignedSecuredMessage, in octetstring/*UInt64*/ p_privateKey) return octetstring; /** * @desc Verify the signature of the specified data * @param p_toBeVerifiedData The data to be verified * @param p_signature The signature * @param p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyX The public key (x coordinate) * @param p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyY The public key (y coordinate) * @return true on success, false otherwise */ external function fx_verifyWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256(in octetstring p_toBeVerifiedData, in octetstring p_signature, in octetstring p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyX, in octetstring p_ecdsaNistp256PublicKeyY) return boolean; /** * @desc Produce a new public/private key pair based on Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) algorithm. * This function should not be used by the ATS * @param p_privateKey The new private key value * @param p_publicKeyX The new public key value (x coordinate) * @param p_publicKeyX The new public key value (y coordinate) * @return true on success, false otherwise */ external function fx_generateKeyPair(out octetstring/*UInt64*/ p_privateKey, out octetstring p_publicKeyX, out octetstring p_publicKeyY) return boolean; } // End of group externalFunctions group geometryFunctions { /** * @desc Check that given location is valid * @param p_location location to be checked * @return true on success, false otherwise */ function f_isValidTwoDLocation(in template (value) TwoDLocation p_location ) return boolean { return p_location.longitude != c_maxLongitude+1 and p_location.latitude != c_maxLatitude+1; } /** * @desc Check that two given rectanlular regions are intersected * Note: Regions must be normalized(northwest.latitude >= southeast.latitude) * TODO: Add case when * @param p_r1 Region 1 * @param p_r2 Region 2 * * @return true on success, false otherwise */ function f_isRectangularRegionsIntersected(in template (value) RectangularRegion p_r1, in template (value) RectangularRegion p_r2 ) return boolean { return not ( p_r2.northwest.longitude > p_r1.southeast.longitude or p_r2.southeast.longitude < p_r1.northwest.longitude or p_r2.southeast.latitude > p_r1.northwest.latitude or p_r2.northwest.latitude < p_r1.southeast.latitude ); } function f_isContinuousRectangularRegions(in template (value) RectangularRegions regions ) return boolean { // TODO: call external function return true; } function f_isRectangularRegionsInside(in template (value) RectangularRegions p_parent, in template (value) RectangularRegions p_region ) return boolean { // TODO: convert rectangular regions to polygons and check polygons return true; } /** * @desc Check that given polygon doesn't have neither self-intersections no holes. * @param p_region Polygonal Region * @return true on success, false otherwise */ function f_isValidPolygonalRegion(in template (value) PolygonalRegion p_region ) return boolean { // TODO: call external function return true; } function f_isPolygonalRegionInside(in template (value) PolygonalRegion p_parent, in template (value) PolygonalRegion p_region ) return boolean { // TODO: call external function return true; } } } // End of module LibItsSecurity_Functions