-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- ISO TS 14906 Application
-- This ASN.1 was generateds: 30.08.2016
-- This document contains only the data element needed for the encoding of an IVI message
-- as defined in ISO TS 19321(2015) 
-- Published version location:
-- http://standards.iso.org/iso/14906
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

EfcDsrcApplication { iso(1) standard(0) 14906 application(0) version5(5) }

CountryCode, CS5, IssuerIdentifier
FROM AVIAEINumberingAndDataStructures {iso(1) standard(0) iso14816(14816) asnm1(1) version1(1)} 
-- defined in ISO 14816 --
FROM EfcDsrcGeneric {iso(1) standard(0) 14906 generic(1) version5(5)};
-- NOTE: The following are the definitions of the action and response
-- parameters

AxleWeightLimits ::= SEQUENCE {
	maxLadenweightOnAxle1 Int2,
	maxLadenweightOnAxle2 Int2,
	maxLadenweightOnAxle3 Int2,
	maxLadenweightOnAxle4 Int2,
	maxLadenweightOnAxle5 Int2

DieselEmissionValues::= SEQUENCE {
	particulate SEQUENCE {
    unitType UnitType,
    value INTEGER (0..32767)
	absorptionCoeff Int2

EnvironmentalCharacteristics::= SEQUENCE {
	euroValue EuroValue,
	copValue CopValue

EuroValue::= ENUMERATED {
	noEntry (0),
	euro-1 (1),
	euro-2 (2),
	euro-3 (3),
	euro-4 (4),
	euro-5 (5),
	euro-6 (6),
	reservedForUse1 (7),
	reservedForUse2 (8),
	reservedForUse3 (9),
	reservedForUse4 (10),
	reservedForUse5 (11),
	reservedForUse6 (12),
	reservedForUse7 (13),
	reservedForUse8 (14),
	eev (15)
} -- 4 bits, EURO-Clases as defined in EC directive 88/77/EEC, annex 1
-- and in 91/542/EEC, 96/1/EC, 1999/96/EC, 2001/27/EC, regulation No 595/2009
-- and for EEV in Section 6.2.1 of Annex I in EC directive 2005/55/EC

CopValue::= ENUMERATED {
	noEntry (0),
	co2class1 (1), -- below 101 g/km
	co2class2 (2), -- 101 to 120 g/km
	co2class3 (3), -- 121 to 140 g/km
	co2class4 (4), -- 141 to 160 g/km
	co2class5 (5), -- 161 to 200 g/km
	co2class6 (6), -- 201 to 250 g/km
	co2class7 (7), -- above 250 g/km
	reservedforUse (8) -- reserved for future CEN and ISO use
} -- 4 bits, reserved for carbon dioxide pollution values as defined in
-- EC directive 2003/127/EC'

EngineCharacteristics::= INTEGER {
	noEntry (0),
	noEngine (1),
	petrolUnleaded (2),
	petrolLeaded (3),
	diesel (4),
	lPG (5),
	battery (6),
	solar (7),
	hybrid (8),
	hydrogen (9)
	-- (10-255) are reserved for future CEN use
} (0..255)

ExhaustEmissionValues ::= SEQUENCE {
	unitType UnitType,
	emissionCO INTEGER (0..32767),
	emissionHC Int2,
	emissionNOX Int2,
	emissionHCNOX Int2

Int1 ::= INTEGER(0..255)

Int2 ::= INTEGER(0..65535)

PassengerCapacity ::= SEQUENCE{
	numberOfSeats Int1,
	numberOfStandingPlaces Int1

Provider ::= SEQUENCE {
    countryCode CountryCode,
    providerIdentifier IssuerIdentifier

SoundLevel ::= SEQUENCE{
    soundstationary Int1,
    sounddriveby Int1

UnitType::= ENUMERATED {
	mg-km (0),
	mg-kWh (1)

VehicleDimensions ::= SEQUENCE {
    vehicleLengthOverall Int1,
    vehicleHeigthOverall Int1,
    vehicleWidthOverall Int1

VehicleWeightLimits ::= SEQUENCE {
    vehicleMaxLadenWeight Int2,
    vehicleTrainMaximumWeight Int2,
    vehicleWeightUnladen Int2