Commits (1)
......@@ -44,17 +44,55 @@ module LibItsHttp_Functions {
group http_headers {
function f_init_default_headers_list(
in charstring p_header_content_type := PICS_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE,
in charstring p_header_content_text := "",
out HeaderLines p_headers
) {
p_headers[0] := { c_header_host, { PICS_HEADER_HOST } };
p_headers[1] := { c_header_content_type, { PICS_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE } };
p_headers[2] := { c_header_content_length, { "0" } };
p_headers[3] := { c_header_connection, { "keep-alive" } };
p_headers[4] := { c_header_pragma, { "no-cache" } };
p_headers[5] := { c_header_cache_control, { "no-cache" } };
var integer v_i := 0;
p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_host, { PICS_HEADER_HOST } };
v_i := v_i + 1;
p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_content_type, { p_header_content_type } };
v_i := v_i + 1;
if (p_header_content_text != "") {
p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_content_text, { p_header_content_text } };
v_i := v_i + 1;
p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_content_length, { "0" } };
v_i := v_i + 1;
p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_connection, { "keep-alive" } };
v_i := v_i + 1;
p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_pragma, { "no-cache" } };
v_i := v_i + 1;
p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_cache_control, { "no-cache" } };
} // End of function f_init_default_headers_list
function f_set_headears_list(
in charstring_list p_headers_to_set,
in charstring_list p_headers_value,
inout HeaderLines p_headers
) {
// Sanity checks
if (lengthof(p_headers_to_set) == 0) {
} else if (lengthof(p_headers) == 0) {
for (var integer v_idx := 0; v_idx < lengthof(p_headers_to_set); v_idx := v_idx + 1) {
var integer v_jdx;
for (v_jdx := 0; v_jdx < lengthof(p_headers); v_jdx := v_jdx + 1) {
if (p_headers[v_jdx].header_name == p_headers_to_set[v_idx]) {
p_headers[v_jdx].header_value := p_headers_value; // NOTE Codec won't encode it
if (v_jdx == lengthof(p_headers)) {
p_headers[v_jdx].header_value := p_headers_value;
} // End of 'for' statement
} // End of 'for' statement
} // End of function f_set_headears_list
function f_remove_headears_list(
in charstring_list p_headers_to_remove,
inout HeaderLines p_headers
......@@ -67,15 +105,14 @@ module LibItsHttp_Functions {
for (var integer v_idx := 0; v_idx < lengthof(p_headers_to_remove); v_idx := v_idx + 1) {
for (var integer v_jdx := 0; v_jdx < lengthof(p_headers); v_jdx := v_jdx + 1) {
if (p_headers[v_jdx].header_name == p_headers_to_remove[v_idx]) {
p_headers[v_jdx].header_value := omit; // NOTE Codec won't encode it
} // End of 'for' statement
} // End of 'for' statement
} // End of function f_init_default_headers_list
} // End of function f_remove_headears_list
} // End of group http_headers
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ module LibItsHttp_TypesAndValues {
const charstring c_header_host := "Host";
const charstring c_header_content_type := "Content-type";
const charstring c_header_content_text := "Content-text";
const charstring c_header_content_length := "Content-length";
const charstring c_header_accept := "Accept";
const charstring c_header_connection := "Connection";
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -48,12 +48,17 @@ module LibItsPki_Pics {
* @desc Certificate used by the Test System acting as AA
modulepar charstring PICS_TS_AA_CERTIFICATE_ID := "CERT_TS_A_EA";
modulepar charstring PICS_TS_AA_CERTIFICATE_ID := "CERT_AA";
* @desc Certificate used by the Test System
modulepar charstring PICS_HTTP_GET_URI := "/its/inner_ec_request";
modulepar charstring PICS_HTTP_POST_URI := "/its/inner_ec_request";
* @desc ITS-S with privacy
modulepar boolean PICS_ITS_S_WITH_PRIVACY := true;
* @desc Factory private key for verification Nist P256
module LibItsPki_Pixits {
* @desc Is the first enrolment?
modulepar boolean PX_FIRST_ENROLMENT := true;
* @desc Do the encryption keys be included in Authorization Request?
modulepar boolean PX_INCLUDE_ENCRYPTION_KEYS := true;
* @desc Do the Authorization Request use SignedWithPop mechanism?
modulepar boolean PX_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_WITH_POP := true;
} // End of module LibItsPki_Pixits
......@@ -55,23 +55,23 @@ module LibItsPki_Templates {
} // End of template m_etsiTs102941Data_inner_ec_response
template (value) EtsiTs102941Data m_etsiTs102941Data_inner_at_request(
template (value) EtsiTs102941Data m_etsiTs102941Data_authorization_request(
in template (value) InnerAtRequest p_inner_at_request
) := {
version := PkiProtocolVersion,
content := {
authorizationRequest := p_inner_at_request
} // End of template m_etsiTs102941Data_inner_at_request
} // End of template m_etsiTs102941Data_authorization_request
template (value) EtsiTs102941Data m_etsiTs102941Data_inner_at_response(
template (value) EtsiTs102941Data m_etsiTs102941Data_authorization_response(
in template (value) InnerAtResponse p_inner_at_response
) := {
version := PkiProtocolVersion,
content := {
authorizationResponse := p_inner_at_response
} // End of template m_etsiTs102941Data_inner_at_response
} // End of template m_etsiTs102941Data_authorization_response
template (value) EtsiTs102941Data m_etsiTs102941Data_authorization_validation_request(
in template (value) AuthorizationValidationRequest p_authorization_validation_request
......@@ -67,14 +67,16 @@ module LibItsPki_TestSystem {
type component ItsPkiHttp extends ItsSecurityBaseComponent, HttpComponent {
var Certificate vc_eaCertificate; /** Test Adapter EA certificate */
var octetstring vc_eaPrivateKey; /** Test Adapter EA private key for signature */
var Certificate vc_ecCertificate; /** Test Adapter EC certificate */
var octetstring vc_ecPrivateKey; /** Test Adapter EC private key for signature */
// var Certificate vc_ecCertificate; /** Test Adapter AA certificate */
// var octetstring vc_ecPrivateKey; /** Test Adapter AA private key for signature */
var octetstring vc_eaPrivateEncKey; /** Test Adapter EA private key for encryption */
var HashedId8 vc_eaHashedId8; /** Test Adapter EA HashedId8 for decryption of IUT's response */
var octetstring vc_eaWholeHash; /** TS EA whole-hash for signature check */
var HashedId8 vc_ecHashedId8; /** Test Adapter EC HashedId8 for decryption of IUT's response */
var Certificate vc_peerEaCertificate; /** IUT EA certificate for signature check */
var octetstring vc_eaPeerWholeHash; /** IUT EA whole-hash for signature check */
var HashedId8 vc_aaHashedId8; /** Test Adapter AA HashedId8 for decryption of IUT's response */
var octetstring vc_aaWholeHash; /** TS AA whole-hash for signature check */
// var HashedId8 vc_ecHashedId8; /** Test Adapter AA HashedId8 for decryption of IUT's response */
// var Certificate vc_peerEaCertificate; /** IUT EA certificate for signature check */
// var octetstring vc_eaPeerWholeHash; /** IUT EA whole-hash for signature check */
} // End of component ItsPki
......@@ -608,11 +608,11 @@ module LibItsSecurity_Functions {
out Oct32 p_publicKeyCompressed,
out integer p_compressedMode
) return boolean {
p_privateKey := 'D418760F0CB2DCB856BC3C7217AD3AA36DB6742AE1DB655A3D28DF88CBBF84E1'O;
p_publicKeyX := 'EE9CC7FBD9EDECEA41F7C8BD258E8D2E988E75BD069ADDCA1E5A38E534AC6818'O;
p_publicKeyY := '5AE3C8D9FE0B1FC7438F29417C240F8BF81C358EC1A4D0C6E98D8EDBCC714017'O;
p_publicKeyCompressed := 'EE9CC7FBD9EDECEA41F7C8BD258E8D2E988E75BD069ADDCA1E5A38E534AC6818'O;
if (PICS_SEC_FIXED_KEYS) { // Debug mode: Use fixed values
p_privateKey := '43481BC44C073C1432DB6EC4F0EF57062BEA08E4C19F811567325AD1FD1C6577'O;
p_publicKeyX := '0B5D74B033531C51D17B4F218DD4E39289AE4BF2EE3D7BAB7C07DAF0C14F0317'O;
p_publicKeyY := '5D49B139A9237832FDE24D77555878CE65D6C2284A1BDA4CE08ABDD4071E0255'O;
p_publicKeyCompressed := '0B5D74B033531C51D17B4F218DD4E39289AE4BF2EE3D7BAB7C07DAF0C14F0317'O;
p_compressedMode := 1;
return true;
......@@ -1015,6 +1015,11 @@ module LibItsSecurity_Templates {
in template (value) Time64 p_generationTime
) modifies m_headerInfo_gn := {};
template (omit) HeaderInfo m_headerInfo_inner_ec_response(
in template (value) Psid p_psid := c_its_aid_GN,
in template (value) Time64 p_generationTime
) modifies m_headerInfo_gn := {};
} // End of group headerFields
group signatures {