Commits (1)
......@@ -112,5 +112,20 @@ module LibItsCam_Pics {
modulepar boolean PICS_CAM_RECEPTION := true;
} // end camPics
group radioComm {
* @desc Does radio communication use G5?
* @see ETSI TS 102 868-1 Table A.3
modulepar boolean PICS_G5_RADIO_COMM := true;
* @desc Does radio communication use LTE-V2X?
* @see ETSI TS 102 868-1 Table A.3
modulepar boolean PICS_CV2X_RADIO_COMM := false;
} // End of group radioComm
} // end LibItsCam_Pics
......@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@ module LibItsHttp_TestSystem {
// LibCommon
import from LibCommon_Sync all;
import from LibCommon_Time all;
// LibItsCommon
import from LibItsCommon_TestSystem all;
// LibItsHttp
import from LibItsHttp_TypesAndValues all;
......@@ -25,12 +22,18 @@ module LibItsHttp_TestSystem {
inout HttpMessage;
type component HttpComponent extends ItsBaseComponent { // FIXME To be rename into HttpTest
type component HttpComponent extends SelfSyncComp { // FIXME To be rename into HttpTest
port HttpPort httpPort;
port HttpPort httpPort_notif;
timer tc_ac := PX_TAC;
timer tc_noac := PX_TNOAC;
timer tc_wait := PX_TWAIT;
} // End of component HttpComponent
type component HttpTestAdapter { // FIXME To be rename into HttpTestSystem
port HttpPort httpPort;
port HttpPort httpPort_notif;
} // End of component TestAdapter
} // End of module LibItsHttp_TestSystem