Commits (1)
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module LibItsHttp_Functions {
group http_preambles {
* @desc Setups default configuration
* @desc Setups default configuration
* @param p_certificate_id The certificate identifier the TA shall use in case of secured IUT
function f_cfUp(
......@@ -65,13 +65,15 @@ module LibItsHttp_Functions {
p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_pragma, { "no-cache" } };
v_i := v_i + 1;
p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_cache_control, { "no-cache" } };
//v_i := v_i + 1;
//p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_accept, { "application/x-its-response" } };
} // End of function f_init_default_headers_list
function f_set_headears_list(
in charstring_list p_headers_to_set,
in charstring_list p_headers_value,
inout HeaderLines p_headers
) {
function f_set_headers_list(
in charstring_list p_headers_to_set,
in charstring_list p_headers_value,
inout HeaderLines p_headers
) {
// Sanity checks
if (lengthof(p_headers_to_set) == 0) {
......@@ -91,12 +93,12 @@ module LibItsHttp_Functions {
} // End of 'for' statement
} // End of 'for' statement
} // End of function f_set_headears_list
} // End of function f_set_headers_list
function f_remove_headears_list(
in charstring_list p_headers_to_remove,
inout HeaderLines p_headers
) {
function f_remove_headers_list(
in charstring_list p_headers_to_remove,
inout HeaderLines p_headers
) {
// Sanity checks
if (lengthof(p_headers_to_remove) == 0) {
......@@ -112,7 +114,27 @@ module LibItsHttp_Functions {
} // End of 'for' statement
} // End of 'for' statement
} // End of function f_remove_headears_list
} // End of function f_remove_headers_list
function f_get_header(
in HeaderLines p_headers,
in charstring p_header_name := c_header_content_text,
out charstring_list p_header_value
) {
// Sanity checks
if (lengthof(p_header_name) == 0) {
} else if (lengthof(p_headers) == 0) {
for (var integer v_jdx := 0; v_jdx < lengthof(p_headers); v_jdx := v_jdx + 1) {
if (p_headers[v_jdx].header_name == p_header_name) {
p_header_value := p_headers[v_jdx].header_value; // NOTE Codec won't encode it
} // End of 'for' statement
} // End of function f_get_header
} // End of group http_headers
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@ module LibItsPki_Pics {
modulepar boolean PICS_IUT_AA_ROLE := true;
* @desc Does the IUT act as combined EA-AA device?
modulepar boolean PICS_IUT_COMBINED_EA_AA_ROLE := false;
* @desc Does the IUT support enrolment?
......@@ -70,6 +65,26 @@ module LibItsPki_Pics {
modulepar charstring PICS_TS_AA_CERTIFICATE_ID := "CERT_AA";
* @desc Set to true if different end points are used for EC and AT
modulepar boolean PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT := false;
* @desc End point for the enrolment
modulepar charstring PICS_HEADER_HOST_EC := "";
* @desc End point for the authorization validation
modulepar charstring PICS_HEADER_HOST_ATV := "";
* @desc End point for the authorization
modulepar charstring PICS_HEADER_HOST_AT := "";
* @desc Certificate used by the Test System
......@@ -80,6 +95,21 @@ module LibItsPki_Pics {
modulepar boolean PICS_ITS_S_WITH_PRIVACY := true;
* @desc HTTP POST URI for InnerECRequest
modulepar charstring PICS_HTTP_POST_URI_EC := "/enrolment";
* @desc HTTP POST URI for InnerATRequest
modulepar charstring PICS_HTTP_POST_URI_AT := "/authorize";
* @desc HTTP POST URI for authorization validation
modulepar charstring PICS_HTTP_POST_URI_ATV := "/authorize_validate";
* @desc Factory private key for verification Nist P256
......@@ -59,12 +59,20 @@ module LibItsPki_TestSystem {
* @desc System component
type component ItsPkiHttpSystem extends HttpTestAdapter{
/** Use httPort when EC and AT are served by the same end point */
port HttpPort httpEcPort; /** Enrolment end point */
port HttpPort httpAtVPort; /** Authorization Validation end point */
port HttpPort httpAtPort; /** Authorization end point */
} // End of component ItsPkiHttpSystem
* @desc Test component for PKI entities execpt ITS-S
type component ItsPkiHttp extends ItsSecurityBaseComponent, HttpComponent {
/** Use httPort when EC and AT are served by the same end point */
port HttpPort httpEcPort; /** Enrolment end point */
port HttpPort httpAtVPort; /** Authorization Validation end point */
port HttpPort httpAtPort; /** Authorization end point */
var Certificate vc_eaCertificate; /** Test Adapter EA certificate */
var octetstring vc_eaPrivateKey; /** Test Adapter EA private key for signature */
// var Certificate vc_ecCertificate; /** Test Adapter AA certificate */