* @author ETSI / STF544
* @version $URL$
* $Id$
* @desc Module containing functions for ITS PKI ATS
* @copyright ETSI Copyright Notification
* No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission.
* The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.
* All rights reserved.
module LibItsPki_Functions {
// LibCommon
import from LibCommon_Time all;
import from LibCommon_VerdictControl all;
import from LibCommon_Sync all;
import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all;
import from LibCommon_DataStrings all;
// LibIts
import from IEEE1609dot2BaseTypes language "ASN.1:1997" all;
import from IEEE1609dot2 language "ASN.1:1997" all;
import from EtsiTs102941BaseTypes language "ASN.1:1997" all;
import from EtsiTs102941TypesEnrolment language "ASN.1:1997" all;
import from EtsiTs102941TypesAuthorization language "ASN.1:1997" all;
import from EtsiTs102941TypesAuthorizationValidation language "ASN.1:1997" all;
import from EtsiTs102941MessagesCa language "ASN.1:1997" all;
import from EtsiTs103097Module language "ASN.1:1997" all;
import from ITS_Container language "ASN.1:1997" all;
import from CAM_PDU_Descriptions language "ASN.1:1997" all;
// LibItsCommon
import from LibItsCommon_Functions all;
import from LibItsCommon_ASN1_NamedNumbers all;
import from LibItsCommon_Pixits all;
// LibItsGeoNetworking
import from LibItsGeoNetworking_Pixits all;
// LibItsSecurity
import from LibItsSecurity_TypesAndValues all;
import from LibItsSecurity_Templates all;
import from LibItsSecurity_Functions all;
import from LibItsSecurity_TestSystem all;
// LibItsHttp
import from LibItsHttp_TypesAndValues all;
import from LibItsHttp_Templates all;
import from LibItsHttp_BinaryTemplates all;
import from LibItsHttp_Functions all;
* @desc Setups default configuration
* @param p_certificate_id The certificate identifier the TA shall use in case of secured IUT
in charstring p_ea_certificate_id := "CERT_TS_A_EA", // TODO Use a constant
in charstring p_aa_certificate_id := "CERT_TS_A_AA"
) runs on ItsPkiHttp /* TITAN TODO: system ItsPkiHttpSystem */ {
map(self:httpPort, system:httpPort);
f_initialiseSecuredMode(p_ea_certificate_id, p_aa_certificate_id); // TODO To be removed???
// Setup EA certificate shared with PKI EA entity
f_readCertificate(p_ea_certificate_id, vc_eaCertificate);
// f_readSigningKey(p_ea_certificate_id, vc_eaPrivateKey); // TODO To be removed
// f_readCertificate(p_aa_certificate_id, vc_ecCertificate); // TODO To be removed
// f_readSigningKey(p_aa_certificate_id, vc_ecPrivateKey); // TODO To be removed
// f_readEncryptingKey(p_ea_certificate_id, vc_eaPrivateEncKey); // TODO To be removed
f_getCertificateDigest(p_ea_certificate_id, vc_eaHashedId8);
f_getCertificateHash(p_ea_certificate_id, vc_eaWholeHash);
// Setup AA certificate shared with PKI AA entity
f_readCertificate(p_aa_certificate_id, vc_aaCertificate);
f_getCertificateDigest(p_aa_certificate_id, vc_aaHashedId8);
f_getCertificateHash(p_aa_certificate_id, vc_aaWholeHash);
log("vc_aaHashedId8= ", vc_aaHashedId8);
log("vc_aaWholeHash= ", vc_aaWholeHash);
// f_readCertificate(p_peerCertificateId, vc_peerEaCertificate); // TODO To be removed
// f_getCertificateHash(p_peerCertificateId, vc_eaPeerWholeHash); // TODO To be removed
in charstring p_certificate_id := "CERT_TS_A_EA" // TODO Use a constant
) runs on ItsPkiItss /* TITAN TODO: system ItsPkiItssSystem */ {
map(self:geoNetworkingPort, system:geoNetworkingPort);
map(self:utPort, system:utPort);
// activate(a_default_pki()); TOTO Defualt from geoNet
* @desc Deletes default configuration
function f_cfHttpDown() runs on ItsPkiHttp /* TITAN TODO: system ItsPkiHttpSystem */ {
unmap(self:httpPort, system:httpPort);
* @desc Deletes default configuration
function f_cfDown_itss() runs on ItsPkiItss /* TITAN TODO: system ItsPkiItssSystem */ {
unmap(self:geoNetworkingPort, system:geoNetworkingPort);
unmap(self:utPort, system:utPort);
} // End of function f_cfDown
* @desc Initialise secure mode if required
function f_initialiseSecuredMode(
in charstring p_certificate_id := "CERT_TS_A_EA", // TODO Use a constant
in charstring p_peerCertificateId := "CERT_IUT_A_EA"
) runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent {
if(not(f_loadCertificates(PX_IUT_SEC_CONFIG_NAME))) {
// f_prepareCertificates(p_certificate_id, vc_aaCertificate, vc_atCertificate);
function f_uninitialiseSecuredMode() runs on ItsSecurityBaseComponent {
} // End of function f_uninitialiseSecuredMode()
function f_initializeState() runs on ItsPkiItss {
var Oct8 v_hashedId8ToBeUsed := f_setupIutCertificate(vc_hashedId8ToBeUsed);
f_utInitializeIut(UtPkiInitialize: { v_hashedId8ToBeUsed } );
// f_acLoadScenario(p_scenario);
// f_acStartScenario();
group ut_port {
function f_utInitializeIut(template (value) UtPkiInitialize p_init) runs on ItsPkiItss {
alt {
[] utPort.receive(UtPkiResults: { utPkiInitializeResult := true }) {
log("*** f_utInitializeIut: INFO: IUT initialized ***");
[] utPort.receive {
log("*** f_utInitializeIut: INFO: IUT could not be initialized ***");
f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
[] tc_wait.timeout {
log("*** f_utInitializeIut: INFO: IUT could not be initialized in time ***");
f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_timeout);
} // End of function f_utInitializeIut
function f_sendUtTriggerPrimitive(
in octetstring p_private_key,
in octetstring p_public_key_compressed,
in integer p_compressed_mode
) runs on ItsPkiItss {
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