* @author ETSI / STF545
* @version $URL$
* $ID:$
* @desc This module provides the types and values used by ITS HTTP based protocols.
* @copyright ETSI Copyright Notification
* No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission.
* The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.
* All rights reserved.
* @see ETSI TS 103 478
// LibHttp
import from LibItsHttp_MessageBodyTypes all;
import from LibItsHttp_XmlMessageBodyTypes all;
const charstring c_header_host := "Host";
const charstring c_header_content_type := "Content-type";
const charstring c_header_accept := "Accept";
const charstring c_header_connection := "Connection";
const charstring c_header_pragma := "Pragma";
const charstring c_header_cache_control := "Cache-Control";
const integer c_http_version_major := 1;
const integer c_http_version_minor := 1;
type record of charstring charstring_list;
type record HeaderLine {
charstring header_name,
} with {
variant "FIELDORDER(msb)"
type record of HeaderLine HeaderLines;
type record Request {
charstring method,
charstring uri,
integer version_major,
integer version_minor,
HeaderLines header,
} with {
variant "FIELDORDER(msb)"
type record Response {
integer version_major,
integer version_minor,
integer statuscode,
charstring statustext,
HeaderLines header,
} with {
variant "FIELDORDER(msb)"
type union HttpMessage {
Response response,
Request request
} with {