* @author ETSI / STF405 / STF449
* @version $URL$
* $Id$
* @desc Module containing functions for GeoNetworking
// Libcommon
import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all;
import from LibCommon_DataStrings all;
import from LibCommon_VerdictControl {type FncRetCode;}
import from LibCommon_Sync all;
import from LibItsGeoNetworking_Functions all;
import from LibItsGeoNetworking_TestSystem all;
import from LibItsGeoNetworking_Pics all;
import from LibItsExternal_TypesAndValues {type MacAddress};
* @desc Requests to bring the IUT in an initial state
* @param p_init The initialisation to trigger.
function f_utInitializeIut(template (value) UtInitialize p_init) runs on ItsBaseGeoNetworking {
log("*** f_utInitializeIut: INFO: IUT initialized ***");
[] utPort.receive {
log("*** f_utInitializeIut: INFO: IUT could not be initialized ***");
f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
[] tc_wait.timeout {
log("*** f_utInitializeIut: INFO: IUT could not be initialized in time ***");
f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_timeout);
[else] { // Shortcut defaults
function f_utChangePosition() runs on ItsBaseGeoNetworking {
log("*** f_utInitializeIut: INFO: IUT initialized ***");
[] utPort.receive {
log("*** f_utInitializeIut: INFO: IUT could not be initialized ***");
f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
[] tc_wait.timeout {
log("*** f_utInitializeIut: INFO: IUT could not be initialized in time ***");
f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_timeout);
[else] { // Shortcut defaults
* @desc Triggers event from the application layer
* @param p_event The event to trigger.
function f_utTriggerEvent(template (value) UtGnTrigger p_event) runs on ItsGeoNetworking return boolean {
// Variables
var boolean v_return := true;
[] utPort.receive {
[] tc_wait.timeout {
group geoConfigurationFunctions {
* @desc This configuration features:
* - one ITS node (IUT)
* - two ITS nodes (nodeA, nodeB)
* - Area1 which only includes NodeB and IUT
// Variables
var PositionTable v_positionTable := {};
var GeoAreaTable v_areaTable := {};
map(self:acPort, system:acPort);
map(self:utPort, system:utPort);
map(self:geoNetworkingPort, system:geoNetworkingPort);
// Connect
//Initialze the IUT
// Positions & Areas
f_preparePositionsAndAreas(v_positionTable, v_areaTable);
f_initialiseComponent(v_positionTable, v_areaTable, c_compNodeB);
unmap(self:acPort, system:acPort);
unmap(self:utPort, system:utPort);
unmap(self:geoNetworkingPort, system:geoNetworkingPort);
// Disconnect
} // end f_cf01Down
* @desc This configuration features:
* - one ITS node (IUT)
* - one ITS node (NodeB)
* - one ITS node (NodeD)
* - Area1 which only includes NodeB, NodeD and IUT
* - Area2 which only includes NodeB and NodeD
* NodeB being close to the area center
* @param p_mainUtComponent Name of the component that will initialize IUT and handle default UT messages
function f_cf02Up(in charstring p_mainUtComponent := c_compMTC) runs on ItsMtc {
// Variables
var PositionTable v_positionTable := {};
var ItsGeoNetworking v_component;
var integer i;
// Select components
vc_componentTable := {{c_compNodeB, omit}, {c_compNodeD, omit}};
// Create components
for(i:=0; i < lengthof(vc_componentTable); i:=i+1) {
vc_componentTable[i].gnComponent := ItsGeoNetworking.create(vc_componentTable[i].componentName) alive;
// Map & Connect
for(i:=0; i < lengthof(vc_componentTable); i:=i+1) {
map(vc_componentTable[i].gnComponent:acPort, system:acPort);
map(vc_componentTable[i].gnComponent:utPort, system:utPort);
map(vc_componentTable[i].gnComponent:geoNetworkingPort, system:geoNetworkingPort);
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