LibIms_Templates.ttcn 66.3 KB
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 *	@author 	STF 346
 *  @version    $Id$
 *	@desc		This module provides the types used by the test component 
 *              for SIP-IMS tests. Module become from STF306 and STF334-336

module LibIms_Templates
	import from LibCommon_DataStrings all;
	import from LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues all;
	import from LibSip_SDPTypes all;
	import from LibSip_Templates all;
	import from LibSip_Steps all;
	import from LibSip_PIXITS all;
	import from LibSip_XMLTypes all;
	import from LibIms_SIPTypesAndValues all;
	import from LibIms_PIXITS all;
	template charstring m_international_number_format := pattern  "\\+\d+";//pattern  "\+\d+";

	template NameAddr mw_SipUrl_SUTinterface(charstring p_host, integer p_port) := 
			displayName := *,
			addrSpec := {
				scheme := "sip:",
				userInfo := *,
				hostPort := {p_host, p_port},
				urlParameters := *,
				headers := *
	template Addr_Union mw_UE1_Addr_display := {nameAddr:={displayName:=PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_DISPLAY,addrSpec:=?}};
group Subfields{
	template SemicolonParam_List mw_semicolonParams_realm (template charstring p_realm)	:=
		?; //superset({"realm",p_realm},{"rand",?},{"autn",?},{"algorithm","AKAv1-MD5"},{"ik",?},{"ck",?}) // ERROR HERE! Superset operation must contain value list - no templates!
	template SemicolonParam_List m_semicolonParams_language (template charstring p_language):=
	template SemicolonParam_List mw_semicolonParams_language (template charstring p_language):=

group HeaderFieldTemplates{
	template MinSE m_minSE(DeltaSec p_ds):=
			fieldName := MIN_SE_E,
	template PathValue m_pathvalue (SipUrl p_sipUrl):=
	nameAddr := {displayName := omit, 	 			// optional charstring
				 addrSpec := p_sipUrl		// SipUrl
	rrParam := omit

	template Path m_path (SipUrl p_sipUrl):=
		fieldName := PATH_E,
		pathValues := {
					{nameAddr := {
					displayName := omit, 	 			// optional charstring
					addrSpec := p_sipUrl		// SipUrl
					rrParam := omit}

 * @desc Path header field expectation with at least one path value
 * @param p_sipUrl value of the last element in the list of path values
	template Path mw_path (SipUrl p_sipUrl):=
		fieldName := PATH_E,
		pathValues := {*,m_pathvalue(p_sipUrl)}		// any number of SipUrl may occur before p_sipUrl
	template PAccessNetworkInfo m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a :=
		accessType := "IEEE-802.11a",
		genericParams := {{id:="extension-access-info",paramValue :=""}}
	template PAssertedService m_pAssertedService (PAssertedServiceValue p_pAssertedServiceValue):=
		fieldName := P_ASSERTED_SERVICE_E,
		pAssertedServiceValue := p_pAssertedServiceValue
	template PChargingFunctionAddresses m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue :=
		chargeAddrParams := {{id:="ccf",paramValue :=""}, // value is fixed because it is deleted on proxy 
							 {id:="ecf",paramValue :=""}} // value is fixed because it is deleted on proxy

	template PChargingVector m_pChargingVector_fixedValue(charstring p_homeDomain) :=
		fieldName := P_CHARGING_VECTOR_E,
		chargeParams := {{id:="icid-value",			paramValue :="123abc"},
						 {id:="icid-generated-at",	paramValue :=""},
						 {id:="orig-ioi",			paramValue := p_homeDomain}}
	template PChargingVector m_pChargingVector_fixedValue1(charstring p_homeDomain) :=
		fieldName := P_CHARGING_VECTOR_E,
		chargeParams := {
						 {id:="icid-generated-at",	paramValue :=""},
						 {id:="orig-ioi",			paramValue := p_homeDomain}}
	template PChargingVector mw_pChargingVector(template charstring p_id, template charstring p_paramValue) :=
		fieldName := P_CHARGING_VECTOR_E,
		chargeParams := superset({id := valueof(p_id), paramValue := p_paramValue})

	template PMediaAuthorization m_pMediaAuthorization_fixedValue :=
		pMediaAuthorizations := {"A"} // example

	template PEarlyMedia m_pEarlyMedia_sup := 
		{fieldName := P_EARLY_MEDIA_E, em_param := {"supported"}};
	template ProxyRequire m_proxyRequire_secAgree :=
		fieldName := PROXY_REQUIRE_E,
		optionsTags := {"sec-agree"}
	template PVisitedNetworkID mw_pVisitedNetworkID := 
	  fieldName := P_VISITED_NETWORK_E,
	  vNetWorkSpec := {{vNetworkSpecToken := PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF_VisitedNetworkID,
						genericParams := *}}

	template RecordRoute m_recordRoute_notmatching:=
		fieldName := RECORD_ROUTE_E,
		routeBody :=
			nameAddr :=
				displayName := omit,
				addrSpec :=
					scheme := c_sipScheme,  			// contains "sip"
					userInfo := {userOrTelephoneSubscriber := "unknown", password := omit},
					hostPort :=
						host := "",	// hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 as a charstring
						portField := omit
					urlParameters := omit,
					headers := omit
			rrParam := omit
		} }
	template Require m_require_secAgree :=
		fieldName := REQUIRE_E,
		optionsTags := {"sec-agree"}
	template Require mw_require_path :=
		fieldName := REQUIRE_E,
		optionsTags := superset("path")

	template Route m_route_interface (in ImsInterfaceProfile p_interfaceprofile):=
		fieldName := ROUTE_E,
		routeBody := {{nameAddr := {displayName := omit, 
								   addrSpec := 	{scheme := c_sipScheme,  			// contains "sip"
												userInfo := omit,
												hostPort := {host:=p_interfaceprofile.SUTIpaddr, portField:= p_interfaceprofile.SUTPort},
												urlParameters := omit,
												headers := omit}
					  rrParam := omit}

    template Route m_route_notmatching:=
		fieldName := ROUTE_E,
		routeBody :=
			nameAddr :=
				displayName := omit,
				addrSpec :=
					scheme := c_sipScheme,  			// contains "sip"
					userInfo := {userOrTelephoneSubscriber := "unknown", password := omit},
					hostPort :=
						host := "",	// hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 as a charstring
						portField := omit
					urlParameters := omit,
					headers := omit
			rrParam := omit
		} }

	template SessionExpires m_se(DeltaSec p_ds):=
			fieldName := SESSION_EXPIRES_E,
	template SessionExpires mw_se:=
			fieldName := SESSION_EXPIRES_E,
	template Supported m_supported_timer:=
			fieldName := SUPPORTED_E,
			optionsTags := {"timer"}
	template Supported m_supported_fromChange:=
			fieldName := SUPPORTED_E,
			optionsTags := {"from-change"}
	template To m_To_targetRefreshRequest(template To p_To) :=
	  fieldName := TO_E,
	  addressField :=
	  {nameAddr := {
		  displayName := p_To.addressField.nameAddr.displayName,
		  addrSpec :=	p_To.addressField.nameAddr.addrSpec
		}},//end addressField
	  toParams := {{id := c_tagId, paramValue := f_getRndTag()}}
	template ViaBody m_ViaBody_virtualUEinPCSCF(charstring branch_val,in SipUserProfile p_userprofile) :=
	  sentProtocol := m_SentProtocol(PX_SIP_TRANSPORT),
	  sentBy:={host:=p_userprofile.contactIpaddr, portField:= p_userprofile.contactPort},
	  viaParams:={{id :=c_branchId,paramValue :=branch_val}}

	template Via m_via_notmatching:=
		fieldName := VIA_E,
		viaBody :=
			sentProtocol := valueof(m_SentProtocol("UDP")),
					  sentBy:={host:="", portField:= 10000},
					  viaParams:={{id :=c_branchId,paramValue :="abcd0000"}}
		} }
	 * @desc WWW-Authenticate header field 
	 * @param p_challenge value 
		template WwwAuthenticate m_wwwAuthenticate (Challenge p_challenge):=
			fieldName := WWW_AUTHENTICATE_E,
			challenge := p_challenge

	 * @desc WWW-Authenticate header field 
	 * @param p_challenge value 
		template WwwAuthenticate mw_wwwAuthenticate (template SemicolonParam_List p_semicolonParam_List):=
			fieldName := WWW_AUTHENTICATE_E,
			challenge := 
				{digestCln := p_semicolonParam_List // set of GenericParam
		* @desc AcceptContact header field 
		* @param p_acValues value 
		template AcceptContact m_acceptContact (template SemicolonParam_List p_semicolonParam_List):=
			fieldName := ACCEPT_CONTACT_E,
			acValues := {{wildcard:=c_WILDCARD, acRcParams := p_semicolonParam_List} // set of GenericParam

		* @desc Authenticate header field 
		* @param p_challenge value 
		template AcceptContact mw_acceptContact (template SemicolonParam_List p_semicolonParam_List):=
			fieldName := ACCEPT_CONTACT_E,
			acValues := 
				{{wildcard:=c_WILDCARD, acRcParams := p_semicolonParam_List} // set of GenericParam
} // end group HeaderFieldTemplates

group MessageBodyTemplates {
group XMLTemplates {
	template XmlBody m_XmlBody_ConfInfo(template Conference_info p_confInfo) :=
		conferenceInfo := p_confInfo
	template XmlBody m_XmlBody_CUG(template Cug p_cug) :=
		cug := p_cug
	template XmlBody m_XmlBody_PSTNTransit(template PSTN_transit p_pstn) :=
		pstnTransit := p_pstn
	template XmlBody mw_XmlBody_ConfInfo(template Conference_info p_confInfo) :=
		conferenceInfo := p_confInfo
	template XmlBody mw_XmlBody_CUG(template Cug p_cug) :=
			cug := p_cug
	template XmlBody mw_XmlBody_PSTNTransit(template PSTN_transit p_pstn) :=
		pstnTransit := p_pstn
}// end group XMLTemplates

group CUGTemplates {
	template Cug m_CUG (template CugRequestType p_crt,
						template NetworkIdentityType p_nit,
						template SixteenbitType p_cibc,
						template TwoBitType p_cci):=
			cugCallOperation := p_crt,
			networkIndicator := p_nit,
			cugInterlockBinaryCode := p_cibc,
			cugCommunicationIndicator :=p_cci
	template Cug mw_CUG (template CugRequestType p_crt,
						 template NetworkIdentityType p_nit,
						 template SixteenbitType p_cibc,
						 template TwoBitType p_cci):=
			cugCallOperation := p_crt,
			networkIndicator := p_nit,
			cugInterlockBinaryCode := p_cibc,
			cugCommunicationIndicator := p_cci
	template CugRequestType m_cugReqType(template boolean p_outAccessRequest, template integer p_cugIndex) :=
		outgoingAccessRequest := p_outAccessRequest,
		cugIndex := p_cugIndex


group PSTNTemplates {
	template PSTN_transit m_PSTN_transit(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct,
										 template BearerCapabilityType p_bct2,
										 template HighLayerCompatibilityType p_hlc,
										 template HighLayerCompatibilityType p_hlc2,
										 template LowLayerCompatibilityType p_llc,
										 template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi,
										 template DisplayType p_d) :=
			BearerInfomationElement := {p_bct, p_bct2},
			HighLayerCompatibility := {p_hlc, p_hlc2},
			LowLayerCompatibility := p_llc,
			ProgressIndicator := {p_pi},
			Display := {p_d}

	template PSTN_transit m_PSTN_transit_2PI(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct,
											template BearerCapabilityType p_bct2,
											template HighLayerCompatibilityType p_hlc,
											template HighLayerCompatibilityType p_hlc2,
											template LowLayerCompatibilityType p_llc,
											template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi,
											template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi2,
											template DisplayType p_d) :=
			BearerInfomationElement := {p_bct, p_bct2},
			HighLayerCompatibility := {p_hlc, p_hlc2},
			LowLayerCompatibility := p_llc,
			ProgressIndicator := {p_pi, p_pi2},
			Display := {p_d}

	template PSTN_transit m_PSTN_transit_3PI(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct,
											template BearerCapabilityType p_bct2,
											template HighLayerCompatibilityType p_hlc,
											template HighLayerCompatibilityType p_hlc2,
											template LowLayerCompatibilityType p_llc,
											template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi,
											template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi2,
											template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi3,
											template DisplayType p_d) :=
			BearerInfomationElement := {p_bct, p_bct2},
			HighLayerCompatibility := {p_hlc, p_hlc2},
			LowLayerCompatibility := p_llc,
			ProgressIndicator := {p_pi, p_pi2, p_pi3},
			Display := {p_d}
	template PSTN_transit mw_PSTN_transit_bc(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct,
											 template BearerCapabilityType p_bct2) :=
			BearerInfomationElement := {p_bct, p_bct2},
			HighLayerCompatibility := {*, *},
			LowLayerCompatibility := *,
			ProgressIndicator := {*},
			Display := {*}
	template BearerCapabilityType m_BearerCapabilityType (template Bit5 p_InfoTrfCap):= {
			BCoctet3 	:= {CodingStandard := bit2str('00'B),						//Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
							InformationTransferCapability := bit2str(p_InfoTrfCap)},//Information transfer capability
			BCoctet4 	:= {TransferMode := bit2str('00'B),							//Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
							InformationTransferRate := bit2str('10000'B)},			//Information transfer rate = 64 kbit/s
			BCoctet4_1 	:= omit,
			BCoctet5  	:= omit,
			BCoctet5a  	:= omit,
			BCoctet5bV110  := omit,
			BCoctet5bV120  := omit,
			BCoctet5c 	:= omit,
			BCoctet5d 	:= omit,
			BCoctet6  	:= omit,
			BCoctet7  	:= omit,
			BCoctet7a  	:= omit,
			BCoctet7b  	:= omit 
	template ProgressIndicatorType m_ProgressIndicatorType (template Bit7 p_progDesc) := {
			ProgressOctet3 := {CodingStandard := bit2str('00'B),
							   Location := bit2str('0000'B)
			ProgressOctet4 := {ProgressDescription := bit2str(p_progDesc)}
	template LowLayerCompatibilityType m_LowLayerCompatibilityType (template Bit5 p_InfoTrfCap) := {
			LLOctet3 := {CodingStandard := bit2str('00'B),						 //Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
						 InformationTransferCapability := bit2str(p_InfoTrfCap)},//Information transfer capability
			LLOctet3a := omit,
			LLOctet4 := {TransferMode := bit2str('00'B),						//Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
						 InformationTransferRate := bit2str('10000'B)},			//Information transfer rate = 64 kbit/s
			LLOctet4_1 := omit,
			LLOctet5 := omit,
			LLOctet5a := omit,
			LLOctet5bV110 := omit,
			LLOctet5bV120 := omit,
			LLOctet5c := omit,
			LLOctet5d := omit,
			LLOctet6 := omit,
			LLOctet6aHDLC := omit,
			LLOctet6aUserSpecific := omit,
			LLOctet6b := omit,
			LLOctet7 := omit,
			LLOctet7aUserSpecific := omit,
			LLOctet7aX25 := omit,
			LLOctet7bX25 := omit,
			LLOctet7c := omit,
			LLOctet7aTR9577 := omit,
			LLOctet7bTR9577 := omit 
	template HighLayerCompatibilityType m_HighLayerCompatibilityType 
		(template Bit7 p_HLOctet4):= {
			HLOctet3 := {
				CodingStandard :=bit2str('00'B),
				Interpretation :=bit2str('100'B),
				PresentationMethod := bit2str('01'B)
			HLOctet4 := {
				HighLayerCharacteristics := bit2str(p_HLOctet4)
			HLOctet4aMaintenance := omit,
			HLOctet4Audio := omit

	template BearerCapabilityType mw_BearerCapabilityType (template BCOctet3Type p_BCOctet3Type, template BCOctet4Type p_BCOctet4Type):= {
			BCoctet3 	:= p_BCOctet3Type,
			BCoctet4 	:= p_BCOctet4Type,
			BCoctet4_1 	:= * ,
			BCoctet5  	:= * ,
			BCoctet5a  	:= * ,
			BCoctet5bV110  := * ,
			BCoctet5bV120  := * ,
			BCoctet5c 	:= * ,
			BCoctet5d 	:= * ,
			BCoctet6  	:= * ,
			BCoctet7  	:= * ,
			BCoctet7a  	:= * ,
			BCoctet7b  	:= * 

	template BearerCapabilityType mw_BearerCapabilityType_TrfCap  (template Bit5 p_InfoTrfCap):= {
    		BCoctet3 	:= {CodingStandard := bit2str('00'B),						//Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
    						InformationTransferCapability := bit2str(p_InfoTrfCap)},//Information transfer capability
    		BCoctet4 	:= {TransferMode := bit2str('00'B),							//Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
    						InformationTransferRate := bit2str('10000'B)},			//Information transfer rate = 64 kbit/s
			BCoctet4_1 	:= * ,
			BCoctet5  	:= * ,
			BCoctet5a  	:= * ,
			BCoctet5bV110  := * ,
			BCoctet5bV120  := * ,
			BCoctet5c 	:= * ,
			BCoctet5d 	:= * ,
			BCoctet6  	:= * ,
			BCoctet7  	:= * ,
			BCoctet7a  	:= * ,
			BCoctet7b  	:= * 

	template ProgressIndicatorType mw_ProgressIndicatorType (template ProgressOctet3Type p_ProgressOctet3Type, template ProgressOctet4Type p_ProgressOctet4Type) := {
			ProgressOctet3 := p_ProgressOctet3Type,
			ProgressOctet4 := p_ProgressOctet4Type
	template LowLayerCompatibilityType mw_LowLayerCompatibilityType 
		(template LLOctet3Type p_LLOctet3, template LLOctet4Type p_LLOctet4, template LLOctet7Type p_LLOctet7) := {
			LLOctet3 := p_LLOctet3,
			LLOctet3a := * ,
			LLOctet4 := p_LLOctet4,
			LLOctet4_1 := * ,
			LLOctet5 := * ,
			LLOctet5a := * ,
			LLOctet5bV110 := * ,
			LLOctet5bV120 := * ,
			LLOctet5c := * ,
			LLOctet5d := * ,
			LLOctet6 := * ,
			LLOctet6aHDLC := * ,
			LLOctet6aUserSpecific := * ,
			LLOctet6b := * ,
			LLOctet7 := p_LLOctet7,
			LLOctet7aUserSpecific := * ,
			LLOctet7aX25 := * ,
			LLOctet7bX25 := * ,
			LLOctet7c := * ,
			LLOctet7aTR9577 := * ,
			LLOctet7bTR9577 := * 
	template HighLayerCompatibilityType mw_HighLayerCompatibilityType 
		(template HLOctet3Type p_HLOctet3, template HLOctet4Type p_HLOctet4):= {
			HLOctet3 := p_HLOctet3,
			HLOctet4 := p_HLOctet4,
			HLOctet4aMaintenance := *,
			HLOctet4Audio := *

} //end group PSTNTemplates			
} // end group MessageBodyTemplates
group MessageTemplates {

group modified_templates {

group request_send {
	template BYE_Request m_BYE_Request_IMS
		( SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
		Via p_via, template Route p_route)
		modifies m_BYE_Request_Base
		  msgHeader :=
			route := p_route 
	template BYE_Request m_BYE_Request_Reason_IMS
		( SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
		Via p_via, template Route p_route, integer p_cause)
		modifies m_BYE_Request_Base
			msgHeader :=
				reason := mw_Reason(p_cause),
				route := p_route
	template BYE_Request m_BYE_Request_UE
		( SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
		Via p_via, template Route p_route)
		modifies m_BYE_Request_Base
		  msgHeader :=
			pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
			//securityVerify := p_securityVerify,//TODO check when information will be known regarding security assosiation
			route := p_route 
	template CANCEL_Request m_CANCEL_Request_IMS (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, 
		Via p_via, template Route p_route) modifies m_CANCEL_Request_Base :=
		msgHeader :=
			route := p_route
	template CANCEL_Request m_CANCEL_Request_Reason_IMS (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, 
		Via p_via, template Route p_route, integer p_cause) modifies m_CANCEL_Request_Base :=
		msgHeader :=
			reason := mw_Reason(p_cause),
			route := p_route
	template CANCEL_Request m_CANCEL_Request_UE (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, 
		Via p_via, template Route p_route) modifies m_CANCEL_Request_Base :=
		msgHeader :=
			route := p_route
	template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_UE
	(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
	  Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
	template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template MessageBody p_mb )
	modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
	  msgHeader :=
		contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
		contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
		pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
		require := p_require,
		route := p_route,
		//securityVerify := p_securityVerify,//TODO check when information will be known regarding security assosiation 
		supported := p_supported
	  messageBody := p_mb
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		template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_Allow_UE
	(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
	  Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
	template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template MessageBody p_mb, template Allow p_allow)
	modifies m_INVITE_Request_UE
	  msgHeader :=
	  	allow := p_allow
	 * @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
	template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_IMS
	(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
	  Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
	template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute,  template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template MessageBody p_mb )
	modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
	  msgHeader :=
		contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
		contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
		require := p_require,
		pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
		recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
		route := p_route,
		supported := p_supported
	  messageBody := p_mb
	* @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
	template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_Mime_IMS
	(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
			Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
	template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute,  template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template MessageBody p_mb )
	modifies m_INVITE_Request_IMS
		msgHeader :=
			contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
			contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_mimeMultipart}
	* @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
	template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_PAsserted_AcceptContact_IMS
	(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
			Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
	template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template AcceptContact p_acceptContact, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template MessageBody p_mb )
	modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
		msgHeader :=
    		acceptContact := p_acceptContact,
    		contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
    		contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
    		require := p_require,
    		pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
    		pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
    		recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
    		route := p_route,
    		supported := p_supported
		messageBody := p_mb
	* @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
	template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_PAsserted_Privacy_IMS
	(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
			Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
	template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template Privacy p_privacy, template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template MessageBody p_mb )
	modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
		msgHeader :=
    		contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
    		contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
    		require := p_require,
    		pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
    		pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
    		privacy := p_privacy,
    		recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
    		route := p_route,
    		supported := p_supported
		messageBody := p_mb

	 * @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
	template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_PAssertedService_IMS
	(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
	  Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
	template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template MessageBody p_mb, template PAssertedService p_pAssertedService)
	modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
	  msgHeader :=
		contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
		contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
		require := p_require,
		pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
		route := p_route,
		supported := p_supported,
		pAssertedService := p_pAssertedService
	  messageBody := p_mb
	 * @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
	template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_PEarlyMedia_IMS
	(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
	  Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
	template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute,  template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template MessageBody p_mb )
	modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
	  msgHeader :=
		contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
		contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
		require := p_require,
		pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
		pEarlyMedia := m_pEarlyMedia_sup, 
		recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
		route := p_route,
		supported := p_supported
	  messageBody := p_mb

	template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_PPreferred_UE
		(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
		  Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
		template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template MessageBody p_mb,template PPreferredID p_pPreferredID )
		modifies m_INVITE_Request_UE
		  msgHeader :=
			pPreferredID := p_pPreferredID

	template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_PPreferred_Privacy_UE
		(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
				Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
		template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template MessageBody p_mb,template PPreferredID p_pPreferredID, template Privacy p_privacy)
		modifies m_INVITE_Request_UE
				msgHeader :=
			pPreferredID := p_pPreferredID,
			privacy := p_privacy

891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236
	template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_SessionExpires_UE
		(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
		  Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
		template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template MessageBody p_mb, template SessionExpires p_se)
		modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
		  msgHeader :=
			contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
			contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
			pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
			require := p_require,
			route := p_route,
			//securityVerify := p_securityVerify,//TODO check when information will be known regarding security assosiation 
			supported := p_supported,
			sessionExpires := p_se
		  messageBody := p_mb
	template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_minSE_UE
		(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
		  Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
		template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template MessageBody p_mb, template MinSE p_minSE)
		modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
		  msgHeader :=
			contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
			contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
			pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
			require := p_require,
			route := p_route,
			//securityVerify := p_securityVerify,//TODO check when information will be known regarding security assosiation 
			supported := p_supported,
			minSE := p_minSE
		  messageBody := p_mb
	 * @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
	template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_minSE_IMS
	(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
	  Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
	template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template MessageBody p_mb, template MinSE p_minSE)
	modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
	  msgHeader :=
		contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
		contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
		require := p_require,
		pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
		route := p_route,
		supported := p_supported,
			minSE := p_minSE
	  messageBody := p_mb

	template MESSAGE_Request m_MESSAGE_Request_NoBody_UE
			(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
			  Via p_via, template Require p_require,
			template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported)
			modifies m_MESSAGE_Request_Base
			  msgHeader :=
				pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
				require := p_require,
				route := p_route,
				supported := p_supported
			  messageBody := omit
	template MESSAGE_Request m_MESSAGE_Request_PCharging_UE
			(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
			  Via p_via, template Require p_require,
			template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported)
			modifies m_MESSAGE_Request_Base
			  msgHeader :=
				pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
				pChargingFunctionAddresses := m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue,
				pChargingVector := m_pChargingVector_fixedValue(PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_HOME_DOMAIN),
				require := p_require,
				route := p_route,
				supported := p_supported
			  messageBody := omit
	template MESSAGE_Request m_MESSAGE_Request_PCharging_IMS
			(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
			  Via p_via, template Require p_require,
			template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, 
			template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector)
			modifies m_MESSAGE_Request_Base
			  msgHeader :=
				pChargingFunctionAddresses := m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue,
				pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
				require := p_require,
				route := p_route,
				supported := p_supported
			  messageBody := omit

	template MESSAGE_Request m_MESSAGE_Request_PMediaAuth_UE
			(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
			  Via p_via, template Require p_require,
			template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported)
			modifies m_MESSAGE_Request_Base
			  msgHeader :=
				pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
				pMediaAuthorization := m_pMediaAuthorization_fixedValue,
				require := p_require,
				route := p_route,
				supported := p_supported
			  messageBody := omit

	template MESSAGE_Request m_MESSAGE_Request_PPreferred_UE
			(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
			  Via p_via, template Require p_require,
			template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template PPreferredID p_pPreferredID)
			modifies m_MESSAGE_Request_Base
			  msgHeader :=
				pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
				pPreferredID := p_pPreferredID,
				require := p_require,
				route := p_route,
				supported := p_supported
			  messageBody := omit
	template MESSAGE_Request m_MESSAGE_Request_1300Bytes_UE
			(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
			  Via p_via, template Require p_require,
			template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported)
			modifies m_MESSAGE_Request_Base
			  msgHeader :=
				contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_TextPlainLength(valueof(m_MBody_longPlainText))},
				contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_plainText},
				pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
				require := p_require,
				route := p_route,
				//securityVerify := p_securityVerify,//TODO check when information will be known regarding security assosiation 
				supported := p_supported
			  messageBody := m_MBody_longPlainText
	template REGISTER_Request m_REGISTER_Request_UE (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Authorization p_authorization,
		template ProxyRequire p_proxyRequire, template Require p_require,
		template SecurityClient p_securityClient, template SecurityVerify p_securityVerify, template Supported p_supported)
		modifies m_REGISTER_Request_Base :=
		requestLine	:=
			method := REGISTER_E,
			requestUri := p_requestUri
		msgHeader :=
			authorization := p_authorization,
			callId := p_callId,
			contact	:= p_contact,
			cSeq		:= p_cSeq,
			fromField	:= p_from,
			proxyRequire := p_proxyRequire,
			require := p_require,
			securityClient := p_securityClient,
			securityVerify := p_securityVerify,
			supported := p_supported,
			toField		:= p_to,
			via		:= p_via

	template REGISTER_Request m_REGISTER_Request_IMS (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Authorization p_authorization)
		modifies m_REGISTER_Request_Base :=
		requestLine	:=
			method := REGISTER_E,
			requestUri := p_requestUri
		msgHeader :=
			authorization := p_authorization,
			callId := p_callId,
			contact	:= p_contact,
			cSeq		:= p_cSeq,
			fromField	:= p_from,
			toField		:= p_to,
			via		:= p_via

	template REGISTER_Request m_REGISTER_Request_expires_IMS (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Authorization p_authorization, template DeltaSec p_deltaSec)
		modifies m_REGISTER_Request_IMS :=
		msgHeader :=
			expires := {fieldName := EXPIRES_E, deltaSec := p_deltaSec}
	template SUBSCRIBE_Request m_SUBSCRIBE_Request_UE (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, 
		CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact)  modifies m_SUBSCRIBE_Request_Base :=
		requestLine	:=
			method := SUBSCRIBE_E,
			requestUri := p_requestUri
		msgHeader :=
			pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,	
			contact	:= p_contact,
			cSeq	:= {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "SUBSCRIBE"},
			event	:= m_Event_reg,
			expires	:= m_Expires_600000
	template SUBSCRIBE_Request m_SUBSCRIBE_Request_IMS (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, 
		CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact)  modifies m_SUBSCRIBE_Request_Base :=
		requestLine	:=
			method := SUBSCRIBE_E,
			requestUri := p_requestUri
		msgHeader :=
			contact	:= p_contact,
			cSeq	:= {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "SUBSCRIBE"},
			event	:= m_Event_reg,
			expires	:= m_Expires_600000
}//end group request_send
group request_receive {
	template ACK_Request mw_ACK_Request_noPaccessNetworkInfo	(template CallId p_callId)
		modifies mw_MESSAGE_Request_Base
		  msgHeader := {  pAccessNetworkInfo := omit}

	template ACK_Request mw_ACK_Request_PchargingVector	(template CallId p_callId, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector)
		modifies mw_ACK_Request_Base
		  msgHeader := {  pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector}
	template BYE_Request mw_BYE_Request_noPChargingFunction_UE(template CallId p_callId) modifies  mw_BYE_Request_Base
		msgHeader := {pChargingFunctionAddresses := omit,
			          pChargingVector := omit}
	template BYE_Request mw_BYE_Request_via_PChargingVector_UE(template CallId p_callId, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template Via p_via) modifies  mw_BYE_Request_Base
		msgHeader := {pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
					  via := p_via}
	template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_noPChargingFunction modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
		msgHeader := {pChargingFunctionAddresses := omit}
	template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_PChargingFunction modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
		msgHeader := {pChargingFunctionAddresses := ?}
	template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_PAsserted_noPPreferred (template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID)modifies mw_INVITE_Request_Base
		msgHeader := {pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
					  pPreferredID := omit
     template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_PAsserted_AcceptContact (template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template AcceptContact p_acceptContact) modifies mw_INVITE_Request_Base
      msgHeader := {pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
					acceptContact := p_acceptContact
	template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_RecordRoute_Via (template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template Via p_via) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
		msgHeader := {recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
					  via := p_via}

	template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_route (template Route p_route) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
		msgHeader := {route := p_route}
	template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_require (
		template Require p_require
	) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base := {
		msgHeader := { require := p_require }
poglitsch's avatar
poglitsch committed
	template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_supported (
		template Supported p_supported
	) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base := {
		msgHeader := { supported := p_supported }
	template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_SessionExpires (template SessionExpires p_sessionExpires) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
		msgHeader := {sessionExpires := p_sessionExpires}
	template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_IMS (template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template Route p_route, template Via p_via) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
		msgHeader := {
			pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
			recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
			route := p_route,
			via := p_via
	template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_IMS_mb (template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template Route p_route, template Via p_via) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
		msgHeader := {
			pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
			recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
			route := p_route,
			via := p_via
		messageBody := ?
	template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_IMS_cug (template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template Route p_route, template Via p_via, template Cug p_cug ) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
		msgHeader := {
			pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
			recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
			route := p_route,
			via := p_via
		messageBody := (mw_MBody_XML(mw_XmlBody_CUG(p_cug)),
						mw_MBody_MIMESdpXml(?, mw_XmlBody_CUG(p_cug)))
	template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_IMS_pstn (template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template Route p_route, template Via p_via, template PSTN_transit p_pstn ) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
		msgHeader := {
			pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
			recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
			route := p_route,
			via := p_via
		messageBody := (mw_MBody_XML(mw_XmlBody_PSTNTransit(p_pstn)),
						mw_MBody_MIMESdpXml(?, mw_XmlBody_PSTNTransit(p_pstn)))//m_MBody_PSTN(p_pstn)//PSTN_transit

	 * @desc Await INVITE using topology hiding
	template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_TH modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
		msgHeader := {	pChargingFunctionAddresses := omit,
						pChargingVector := omit}

	 * @desc Await INVITE without PAsserted and Privacy
	template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_noPasserted_noPrivacy (template From p_from)
	  modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
		msgHeader := {  fromField := p_from,
						pAssertedID := omit,
						pPreferredID := omit}

	 * @desc Await INVITE with PAsserted and Privacy
	template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_PassertedPrivacy (template From p_from, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template Privacy p_privacy)
			modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
		msgHeader := {
			fromField := p_from,
			pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
			privacy := p_privacy}
      * @desc Await INVITE with PAsserted and Privacy
     template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_Passerted_ifPrivacy (template From p_from, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template Privacy p_privacy)
       modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
      msgHeader := {
      	  fromField := p_from,
          pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
          privacy := p_privacy ifpresent}
	template MESSAGE_Request mw_MESSAGE_Request_noPchargingFunction_UE	(template CallId p_callId)
		modifies mw_MESSAGE_Request_Base
		  msgHeader := {  pChargingFunctionAddresses := omit,
				          pChargingVector := omit}
	template MESSAGE_Request mw_MESSAGE_Request_noPchargingFunction_IMS	(template CallId p_callId)
		modifies mw_MESSAGE_Request_Base
		  msgHeader := {  pChargingFunctionAddresses := omit,
						  pChargingVector := omit}
	template MESSAGE_Request mw_MESSAGE_Request_PAsserted_noPPreferred (template CallId p_callId, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID)modifies mw_MESSAGE_Request_Base
		  msgHeader := {pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
			 		    pPreferredID := omit

	template MESSAGE_Request mw_MESSAGE_Request_PchargingVector	(template CallId p_callId,template charstring p_id, template charstring p_paramValue)
		modifies mw_MESSAGE_Request_Base
		  msgHeader := {  pChargingVector := mw_pChargingVector(p_id,p_paramValue)}
	template MESSAGE_Request mw_MESSAGE_Request_noPaccessNetworkInfo	(template CallId p_callId)
		modifies mw_MESSAGE_Request_Base
		  msgHeader := {  pAccessNetworkInfo := omit}

	template MESSAGE_Request mw_MESSAGE_Request_noPMediaAuthorization	(template CallId p_callId)
		modifies mw_MESSAGE_Request_Base
		  msgHeader := {  pMediaAuthorization := omit}
	template PUBLISH_Request mw_PUBLISH_Request_PchargingVector(template CallId p_callId, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector) modifies mw_PUBLISH_Request_Base :=
		msgHeader := {  pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector}

	template REGISTER_Request mw_REGISTER_Request_IMS	(template Path p_Path, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template PVisitedNetworkID p_pVisitedNetworkID)
		modifies mw_REGISTER_Request_Base
		  msgHeader := {  authorization := ?,
		  				  path := p_Path,
						  pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector, //mw_pChargingVector(p_id,p_paramValue)
						  pVisitedNetworkID := p_pVisitedNetworkID,
						  require := mw_require_path,
					      securityClient := omit,
						  securityVerify := omit

	template REGISTER_Request mw_REGISTER_authorizedRequest_IMS	(template Authorization p_authorization)
		modifies mw_REGISTER_Request_Base
		  msgHeader := {  authorization := p_authorization
	template REGISTER_Request mw_REGISTER_authorizedRequest_wo_securityclient_IMS	(template Authorization p_authorization)
		modifies mw_REGISTER_Request_Base
		  msgHeader := {  authorization := p_authorization,
						  securityClient := omit
	template REGISTER_Request mw_REGISTER_authorizedRequest_wo_securityheaders_IMS
		modifies mw_REGISTER_Request_Base
		  msgHeader := {  securityVerify := omit,
						  securityClient := omit
	template REGISTER_Request mw_REGISTER_unauthorizedRequest_IMS	
		modifies mw_REGISTER_Request_Base
		  msgHeader := {  authorization := omit

	template SUBSCRIBE_Request mw_SUBSCRIBE_Request_IMS (template From p_from, To p_to, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector)  modifies mw_SUBSCRIBE_Request_Base :=
		requestLine	:=
			method := SUBSCRIBE_E
		msgHeader :=
		{	fromField := p_from,
			toField := p_to,
			event	:= m_Event_reg,
			pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
			pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector

}//end group request_receive
group response_send
	template Response m_Response_2xxonBYE_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
			  From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
			msgHeader :=
				contact		:= p_contact,
				maxForwards := omit

	template Response m_Response_onCANCEL (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute) 
		modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			//contact		:= p_contact,
			maxForwards := omit//,
			//recordRoute := p_recordRoute
	template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
			From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			//contact		:= p_contact,
			//maxForwards := omit,
			//rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.
	template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_sdp_require (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
			From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact,template MessageBody p_mb,template Require p_require ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
			contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
			maxForwards := omit,
			require		:= p_require,
			rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.
		messageBody := p_mb
	template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		  From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			maxForwards := omit,
			rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.

	template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_PchargingVector (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		  From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			pChargingFunctionAddresses := m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue,
			pChargingVector := m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue


     template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_pEearlyMedia (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
        From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template PEarlyMedia p_pEarlyMedia ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
      msgHeader :=
		pEarlyMedia := p_pEarlyMedia

	template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_pPreferred_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		  From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template PPreferredID p_pPreferredID ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			maxForwards := omit,
			pPreferredID := p_pPreferredID,
			rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.

	template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_pAsserted_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
				From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			maxForwards := omit,
			pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
			rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.

	template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_privacy_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
				From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Privacy p_privacy) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			maxForwards := omit,
			privacy := p_privacy,
			rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.
	template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_recordRoute_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		  From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			maxForwards := omit,
			rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999},//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.
			recordRoute := p_recordRoute//for INVITE response
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	template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_Require (
		StatusLine p_statusLine, 
		CallId p_callId, 
		CSeq p_cSeq,
		From p_from, 
		To p_to, 
		Via p_via, 
		Contact p_contact,
		Require p_require
	) modifies m_Response_Base:= {
		msgHeader :=
			require := p_require
	template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_Require_ifpresent (
		StatusLine p_statusLine, 
		CallId p_callId, 
		CSeq p_cSeq,
		From p_from, 
		To p_to, 
		Via p_via, 
		Contact p_contact,
		Require p_require
	) modifies m_Response_Base:= {
		msgHeader :=
			require := p_require
	template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_Xml (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		  From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact,template MessageBody p_mb ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
			contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_xmlAplication},
			maxForwards := omit,
			rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.
		messageBody := p_mb
	template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_sdp_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
				From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact,template MessageBody p_mb ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
			contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
			maxForwards := omit,
			rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.
		messageBody := p_mb
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poglitsch committed
	template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_require_sdp_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
				From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, Require p_require, template MessageBody p_mb ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
			contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
			maxForwards := omit,
			require 	:= p_require,
			rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.
		messageBody := p_mb
	template Response m_Response_2xxonINVITE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template MessageBody p_mb) 
		modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
			contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
			maxForwards := omit,
			recordRoute := p_recordRoute//for INVITE response
		messageBody := p_mb
	template Response m_Response_2xxonINVITE_Mime (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
				From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template MessageBody p_mb) 
				modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
			contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_mimeMultipart},
			maxForwards := omit,
			recordRoute := p_recordRoute//for INVITE response
		messageBody := p_mb
	template Response m_Response_2xxonINVITE_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		  From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template MessageBody p_mb) 
		  modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
			contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
			maxForwards := omit,
			recordRoute := p_recordRoute//for INVITE response
		messageBody := p_mb

	template Response m_Response_2xxonINVITE_PchargingVector (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		  From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via,MessageBody p_mb ) modifies m_Response_mbody :=
		msgHeader :=
			pChargingFunctionAddresses := m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue,
			pChargingVector := m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue

	template Response m_Response_2XXonINVITE_pPreferred_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		  From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template PPreferredID p_pPreferredID, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template MessageBody p_mb) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
			contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
			maxForwards := omit,
			pPreferredID := p_pPreferredID,
			recordRoute := p_recordRoute//for INVITE response
		messageBody := p_mb

	template Response m_Response_2XXonINVITE_pAsserted_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		  From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template MessageBody p_mb) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
			contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
			maxForwards := omit,
			pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
			recordRoute := p_recordRoute//for INVITE response
		messageBody := p_mb

	template Response m_Response_2XXonINVITE_privacy_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		  From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Privacy p_privacy, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template MessageBody p_mb) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
			contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
			maxForwards := omit,
			privacy := p_privacy,
			recordRoute := p_recordRoute//for INVITE response
		messageBody := p_mb

	template Response m_Response_2xxonREGISTER_IMS (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		  From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, SipUrl p_serviceroute_sip_url) 
		  modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			serviceRoute := {fieldName:=SERVICE_ROUTE_E,
				routeBody:={{ nameAddr:= {displayName:=omit,addrSpec:=p_serviceroute_sip_url},rrParam:=omit}}}

	template Response m_Response_2xxonSUBSCRIBE_IMS (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		  From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact) 
		  modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact

	template Response m_Response_2xxonSUBSCRIBE_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
		  From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact) 
		  modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact

	template Response m_Response_onMESSAGE_IMS(StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
	From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact

	template Response m_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_PAccessNetwInfo_UE(StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
	From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		msgHeader :=
			pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a

	template Response m_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_PCharging_UE(StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
	From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		msgHeader :=
			pChargingFunctionAddresses := m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue,
			pChargingVector := m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue

	template Response m_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_PCharging_IMS(StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
	From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		msgHeader :=
			pChargingFunctionAddresses := m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue,
			pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector
	template Response m_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_PMediaAuth_UE(StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
	From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		msgHeader :=
			pMediaAuthorization := m_pMediaAuthorization_fixedValue
	template Response m_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_pPreferredID_UE(StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
	From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template PPreferredID p_pPreferredID) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		msgHeader :=
			pPreferredID := p_pPreferredID
	template Response m_Response_2xxonUPDATE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
	From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template MessageBody p_mb) 
	modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
			contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
			maxForwards := omit,
			recordRoute := p_recordRoute
		messageBody := p_mb
	template Response m_Response_4XXonINVITE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
			From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			maxForwards := omit
	template Response m_Response_4XXonINVITE_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
			  From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			maxForwards := omit
	template Response m_Response_onINVITE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
				From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			maxForwards := omit
	template Response m_Response_onINVITE_Reason (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
				From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, integer p_cause) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		msgHeader :=
			contact		:= p_contact,
			maxForwards := omit,
			reason := mw_Reason(p_cause)
	template Response m_Response_WWWauthenticate_IMS(StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
	From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template WwwAuthenticate p_wwwAuthenticate) modifies m_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		msgHeader :=
			wwwAuthenticate := p_wwwAuthenticate
}//end group response_send

group response_receive

	template Response mw_Response_200onINVITE_noPChargingVector_UE(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
		template CSeq p_cSeq) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		msgHeader :=
			pChargingVector := omit
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poglitsch committed
	template Response mw_Response_200onINVITE_SDP_UE(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
		template CSeq p_cSeq) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		messageBody := {
			sdpMessageBody := ?

	template Response mw_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_noPCharging_UE(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
		template CSeq p_cSeq) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		msgHeader :=
			pChargingFunctionAddresses := omit,
			pChargingVector := omit

	template Response mw_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_noPCharging_IMS(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
		template CSeq p_cSeq) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		msgHeader :=
			pChargingFunctionAddresses := omit,
			pChargingVector := omit

	template Response mw_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_noPAccessNetworkInfo_IMS(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
		template CSeq p_cSeq) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		msgHeader :=
			pAccessNetworkInfo := omit

	template Response mw_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_noPMediaAuthorization_IMS(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
		template CSeq p_cSeq) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		msgHeader :=
			pMediaAuthorization := omit

	template Response mw_Response_401onREGISTER_securityServer_UE(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
		template CSeq p_cSeq) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		msgHeader :=
			securityServer := ?,
			wwwAuthenticate := ?

	template Response mw_Response_401onREGISTER_WWWauthenticate_IMS(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
		template CSeq p_cSeq, template WwwAuthenticate p_wwwAuthenticate) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		msgHeader :=
			wwwAuthenticate := p_wwwAuthenticate

	template Response mw_Response_200onREGISTER_IMS(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
		template CSeq p_cSeq, template SipUrl p_ue_uri, template Contact p_contact, template SipUrl p_sut_scscf_uri) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		msgHeader :=
			pAssociatedURI := {fieldName := P_ASSOCIATED_URI_E, nameAddrList:={*,{nameAddr:={displayName:=*,addrSpec:=p_ue_uri},genericParams:=*},*}},
			path := ?,
			serviceRoute := {fieldName := SERVICE_ROUTE_E, routeBody := {{nameAddr:={displayName:=*,addrSpec:=p_sut_scscf_uri},rrParam:=*}}},
			pChargingFunctionAddresses := ?,
			pChargingVector := ?,
			contact := p_contact
	template Response mw_Response_PpreferredID_PassertedID(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
		template CSeq p_cSeq, template PPreferredID p_pPreferredID, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		msgHeader :=
		  pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
		  pPreferredID := p_pPreferredID

	template Response mw_Response_PchargingVector(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
		template CSeq p_cSeq, template PChargingVector p_chargingVector) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
		statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
		msgHeader :=
		  pChargingVector := p_chargingVector // mw_pChargingVector(p_id,p_paramValue)

} // end response_receive

}//end modified_templates

}//end Message_templates

} // end module LibIms_Templates