/* * @author STF 276 * @version $Id$ * @desc - Here all module parameters from every RFC shall be collected. * */ module LibIpv6_ModuleParameters { //LibCommon import from LibCommon_DataStrings all; import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all; import from LibCommon_TextStrings all; //LibIpv6 import from LibIpv6_Interface_TypesAndValues all ; /* * @desc Length of Source Link-Layer and Target Link-Layer options * @remark Length is specified in units of 8 octets including type+length field */ modulepar {UInt8 PX_MAC_OPTION_LEN := 1} /* * @desc What time does the IUT need to build its global address? */ modulepar {float PX_T_BUILD_GLA := 15.0} /* * @desc Shall IPSEC be tested? */ modulepar { IpSecSwitch PX_IP_SEC := e_securityOff } /* * @desc Shall IPSEC be tested? */ modulepar { IpSecProtocol PX_IP_SEC_PROTOCOL := e_esp } /* * @desc Which protocol mode shall be used in vc_sad[0]? */ modulepar { IpSecProtocolMode PX_IP_SEC_PROTOCOL_MODE := e_transportMode } /* * @desc Which Algo mode shall be used for Encryption in vc_sad[0]? */ modulepar { EncryptionAlgo PX_ENCRYPTION_ALGO := e_tripleDes_cbc } /* * @desc Which Algo mode shall be used for Integrity in vc_sad[0]? */ modulepar { IntegrityAlgo PX_INTEGRITY_ALGO := e_hmac_sha1_96 } /* * @desc Which Algo mode shall be used for Integrity in vc_sad[0]? */ modulepar { CombinedModeAlgo PX_COMBINED_MODE_ALGO := e_null } /* * @desc Which SPI shall be used for testing? */ modulepar {UInt32 PX_SPI := 1;} /* * @desc Initialization vector for encryption algos */ modulepar {octetstring PX_IV := '000102030405'O } /* * @desc Key for integrity vc_sad[0] */ modulepar {octetstring PX_INTEGRITY_KEY := '000102030405'O } /* * @desc Key for encryption in vc_sad[0] */ modulepar {octetstring PX_ESP_ENCR_KEY := 'A1A2A3A4'O} /* * @desc Key for combined mode in vc_sad[0] */ modulepar {octetstring PX_COMBINED_MODE_KEY := 'B1B2B3B4'O} group ikeSecurity { /* * @desc Which SPI shall be used for testing IKE? */ modulepar {Oct8 PX_IKE_SPI := '0000000000000001'O;} /* * @desc Which encryption algorithm shall be used for testing IKE? */ modulepar {IkeEncryptionAlgo PX_IKE_ENCALGO := e_encrAlgoDesIv64;} /* * @desc Which pseudo random function shall be used for testing IKE? */ modulepar {IkePseudoRandomFunction PX_IKE_PSEUDORANDOM_FCT := e_prfHmacMd5;} /* * @desc Which integrity algorithm shall be used for testing IKE? */ modulepar {IkeIntegrityAlgo PX_IKE_INTALGO := e_integAlgoHmacMd596;} /* * @desc Which Diffie-Hellman group shall be used for testing IKE? */ modulepar {DiffieHellmanGroup PX_IKE_DIFFIEHELLMAN_GROUP := e_group1ModP768Bit;} /* * @desc Which private key for the Diffie-Hellman exchange shall be used for testing IKE? */ modulepar {octetstring PX_IKE_DIFFIEHELLMAN_PRIVKEY := '0123456789ABCDEF'O;} } // end group ikeSecurity } // end module LibIpv6_ModuleParameters