EtsiTs102941TrustLists { itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) itsDomain(5) wg5(5) ts(102941) trustLists(6) version3(3)} DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS EtsiTs103097Certificate, EtsiTs103097Data-SignedAndEncrypted, EtsiTs103097Data-Signed FROM EtsiTs103097Module { itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) itsDomain(5) wg5(5) secHeaders(103097) core(1) version2(2) } HashedId8, Time32, Version --, CertificateAuthorityConstraints FROM EtsiTs102941BaseTypes {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) itsDomain(5) wg5(5) ts(102941) baseTypes(3) version3(3)} ; /************ -- CRL ************/ ToBeSignedCrl ::= SEQUENCE { version Version, thisUpdate Time32, nextUpdate Time32, entries SEQUENCE OF CrlEntry, ... } CrlEntry ::= HashedId8 /************ -- TLM CTL ************/ ToBeSignedTlmCtl ::= CtlFormat (FullCtl | DeltaCtl) (WITH COMPONENTS {..., ctlCommands ( WITH COMPONENT( ( WITH COMPONENTS {..., add ( WITH COMPONENTS {..., ea ABSENT, aa ABSENT }) }) )) }) /************ -- RCA CTL ************/ ToBeSignedRcaCtl ::= CtlFormat (FullCtl | DeltaCtl) ( WITH COMPONENTS {..., ctlCommands ( WITH COMPONENT( ( WITH COMPONENTS {..., add ( WITH COMPONENTS {..., rca ABSENT, tlm ABSENT }) }) )) }) /************ -- CTL ************/ FullCtl::= CtlFormat ( WITH COMPONENTS {..., isFullCtl ( TRUE ), ctlCommands ( WITH COMPONENT( ( WITH COMPONENTS {..., delete ABSENT }) )) }) DeltaCtl::= CtlFormat (WITH COMPONENTS {..., isFullCtl(FALSE) }) CtlFormat ::= SEQUENCE { version Version, nextUpdate Time32, isFullCtl BOOLEAN, ctlSequence INTEGER (0..255), ctlCommands SEQUENCE OF CtlCommand, ... } CtlCommand ::= CHOICE { add CtlEntry, delete CtlDelete, ... } CtlEntry ::= CHOICE { rca RootCaEntry, ea EaEntry, aa AaEntry, dc DcEntry, tlm TlmEntry, ... } CtlDelete ::= CHOICE { cert HashedId8, dc DcDelete, ... } TlmEntry::= SEQUENCE { selfSignedTLMCertificate EtsiTs103097Certificate, successorTo EtsiTs103097Certificate OPTIONAL, accessPoint Url } RootCaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { selfsignedRootCa EtsiTs103097Certificate, successorTo EtsiTs103097Certificate OPTIONAL } EaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { eaCertificate EtsiTs103097Certificate, aaAccessPoint Url, itsAccessPoint Url OPTIONAL } AaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aaCertificate EtsiTs103097Certificate, accessPoint Url } DcEntry ::= SEQUENCE { url Url, cert SEQUENCE OF HashedId8 } DcDelete ::= Url Url::= IA5String END