-- ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^- -- -- module: AddGrpC -- -- ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^- ETSI-ITS-DSRC-AddGrpC { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) dsrc (6) addgrpc (0) version2 (2) } DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS::= BEGIN IMPORTS DeltaTime, FuelType, IntersectionID, LaneConnectionID, LaneID, NodeOffsetPointXY, NodeSetXY, PrioritizationResponseStatus, SignalGroupID, VehicleHeight FROM ETSI-ITS-DSRC { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) dsrc (6) version2 (2) } Altitude, DeltaAltitude, StationID, VehicleMass FROM ETSI-ITS-CDD { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) 102894 cdd (2) major-version-3 (3) minor-version-1 (1) } WITH SUCCESSORS; /** * This Element adds positioning support from the infrastructure to the vehicle. * * @field itsStationPositions: defines a list of ITS stations (e.g. vehicles) and their corresponding position on * the driving lane as defined in the lane topology of the MapData message or the GNSS position * deviation of the ITS Station from the high precision reference position in X/Y coordinates. It * enables accurate, real-time positioning support to the moving ITS entities by the infrastructure.* * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ ConnectionManeuverAssist-addGrpC ::= SEQUENCE { itsStationPosition ItsStationPositionList OPTIONAL, ... } /** *The data frame “ConnectionTrajectory-addGrpC” defines the trajectory for travelling through the conflict area of an intersection and connects e.g an ingress with an egress lane. The trajectory is defined by two or more nodes. The starting node overlaps e.g. with the node of the ingress lane towards the conflict zone. The ending node overlaps e.g. with the first node of the connected egress lane. See the example in clause G.8.2.5. “nodes” defines a list of nodes for the trajectory. It defines e.g. a geometric trajectory from an ingressing to a connected egressing lane and the X/Y position value of the first node of the trajectory is the same as the node of the ingress lane. The X/Y position of the last node is the same as the X/Y position of the first node of the egressing lane. “connectionID” defines the identifier of an allowed “maneuver” (e.g. ingress / egress relation). A generic Lane offers one or more allowed “maneuvers”, therefore the trajectory is reference to the related “maneuver”. Note: "Reg-GenericLane" allows providing up to 4 connecting trajectories. In case a lane has more than 4 connecting trajectories, priority should be given to connecting trajectories of motorized traffic and complex manoeuvres. * * @field regional / ConnectionTrajectory: The data frame “ConnectionTrajectory-addGrpC” defines the trajectory for travelling e.g. through the conflict area of an intersection. The trajectory is defined by two or more nodes. In the example in Figure G.1, the first node position of the trajectory (T2-1) is matching to the node of the ingress lane towards the conflict zone (L2-1), and the ending node (T2-6) and the first node of the connected egress share the same position (L6-1). Additionally, the data frame “NodeLink” (G.5.2.3) is used to define a clear relation between the trajectory endpoint and the connected lane point. T610-7 (last node) node.id = 7 * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ ConnectionTrajectory-addGrpC ::= SEQUENCE { nodes NodeSetXY, connectionID LaneConnectionID, ... } /** * The data frame “IntersectionState-addGrpC” defines a list of prioritization responses e.g. public transport acceleration. The signal prioritization (e.g. public transport) procedure in this profile follows two strategies. — For simple prioritization requests, the CAM/SPAT messages are used. This allows the migration of old legal systems towards C-ITS. In this case, the CAM message is used to trigger the request towards the traffic light controller. The traffic light controller checks the request and broadcasts the status for the priority request within the “IntersectionState-addGrpC” data element (see G.5.1.9). — For more complex signal requests, the SignalRequestMessage/SignalStatusMessage messages are be used. regional / IntersectionState: This data element includes additional data content “IntersectionState-addGrpC” defined in this profile (see G.5.1.3,). The content is included using the regional extension framework as defined in G.7.4. NOTE — — The signal prioritization (e.g. public transport) procedure in this profile follows two strategies. For simple prioritization requests, the CAM/SPAT messages are used. This allows the migration of old legal systems towards C-ITS. In this case, the CAM message is used to trigger the request towards the traffic light controller. The traffic light controller checks the request and broadcasts the status for the priority request within the “IntersectionState-addGrpC” data element (see G.5.1.3). For more complex signal requests, the SignalRequestMessage/SignalStatusMessage messages will be used. The “priority” data element of the “DF_IntersectionState” is not used in this profile. * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ IntersectionState-addGrpC ::= SEQUENCE { activePrioritizations PrioritizationResponseList OPTIONAL, ... } /** * Lanes may have limitations regarding vehicle height (e.g. due to a tunnel) and vehicle weight (e.g. due to a bridge). To indicate these limitations, two data elements are added which are already defined in J2735 for other messages. * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ LaneAttributes-addGrpC ::= SEQUENCE { maxVehicleHeight VehicleHeight OPTIONAL, maxVehicleWeight VehicleMass OPTIONAL, ... } /** * The data frame “MapData-addGrpC” defines a list of three-dimensional positions of signal heads in an intersection. It enables vehicles to identify the signal head location for optical evaluation of the traffic light. Combined with the SPAT/MapData messages, it enables e.g. driving vehicles to enhance safety decision in critical situations. * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ MapData-addGrpC ::= SEQUENCE { signalHeadLocations SignalHeadLocationList OPTIONAL, ... } /** * Priority and preemption have a considerable impact to the timing parameters in the SPAT message (eventState). User acceptance is expected to increase if the reason for sudden changes in timing parameters is communicated to them. * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ MovementEvent-addGrpC ::= SEQUENCE { stateChangeReason ExceptionalCondition OPTIONAL, ... } /** * The data frame "NodeAttributeSet-addGrpC" defines additional attributes to support public transport and to enable a simple way of defining lane links. myCommittee | 13.06.2019 | 19017046,Siemens Mobility GesmbH,Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Ritter “ptvRequest” defines control types attached to a node on a lane used by public transport for triggering the transmission of messages (e.g. prioritization request). It includes control points for public transport prioritization. These control points are currently implemented by legacy systems using hardware sensors mounted on the roadside. “nodeLink” defines a link to one or to a set of another node/lane from this node. The nodeLink allows to set a link between specific nodes of generic lanes or trajectories. This supports e.g. lane merging/diverging situations (G.8.2.7) and the linking of trajectories in the conflict zone to lanes (see example G.8.2.5). “node” defines an identifier of this node. * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ NodeAttributeSet-addGrpC ::= SEQUENCE { ptvRequest PtvRequestType OPTIONAL, nodeLink NodeLink OPTIONAL, node Node OPTIONAL, ... } /** * The data frame “Position3D-addGrpC” includes the altitude data element defined in the common data dictionary [G1]. regional / Position3D: The “elevation” data element is replaced by the ETSI “altitude” data element using the regional extension. The “altitude” data element is defined in “Position3D-addGrpC” of this profile (see G.5.1.8). “Position3D-addGrpC” extends the “DF_Position3D” using the regional extension framework as defined in G.7.7. * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ Position3D-addGrpC ::= SEQUENCE { altitude Altitude, ... } /** * The data frame “RestrictionUserType-addGrpC” defines the driving restriction based on toxic emission type. . The meaning of the word 'restriction' is ambiguous as it may have a double interpretation, being: only these vehicles are allowed OR these vehicles are not allowed and all others are. The former is what is intended by the base standard. regional / RestrictionUserType: This data element includes additional data content “RestrictionUserType-addGrpC” defined in this profile (see G.5.1.9). The content is included using the regional extension framework as defined in G.7.8. G.8.3 Data elements * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ RestrictionUserType-addGrpC ::= SEQUENCE { emission EmissionType OPTIONAL, fuel FuelType OPTIONAL, ... } /** * Some road authorities like to give priority to vehicles based on the type of fuel they use. In addition, electric vehicles may receive priority based on their battery status. * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ RequestorDescription-addGrpC ::= SEQUENCE { fuel FuelType OPTIONAL, batteryStatus BatteryStatus OPTIONAL, ... } /** * The traffic control centre (TCC) may advice a public transport vehicle (e.g. bus) to synchronize his travel time. This may happen when, for example, two busses, due to special traffic conditions, are out of schedule; the first might be too late, the second too fast. The consequence is that the second is driving just behind the first and is empty as all passengers are within the first one. To avoid this often-occurring situation, the TCC transmits time synchronization advices to the public transport vehicles using the signal status message. The "PrioritizationResponseStatus" provides optionally the reason for prioritization response rejection. ASN.1 representation: * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ SignalStatusPackage-addGrpC ::= SEQUENCE { synchToSchedule DeltaTime OPTIONAL, rejectedReason RejectedReason OPTIONAL, ... } /** * The data frame “ItsStationPosition” is used to provide real-time positioning information feedback to a * specific ITS station (e.g. vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle) by infrastructure equipment. The position * information includes, for example, the driving, crossing lane and/or the X/Y coordinates in relation to * the reference position of the MapData. The "timeReference" indicates the time stamp of the the * message (received from an ITS station) for which the positioning feedback has been computed. * NOTE * The computation of the positioning feedback is out of focus of this standard. * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ ItsStationPosition ::= SEQUENCE { stationID StationID, laneID LaneID OPTIONAL, nodeXY NodeOffsetPointXY OPTIONAL, timeReference TimeReference OPTIONAL, ... } /** * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ ItsStationPositionList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..5) OF ItsStationPosition /** * The data frame “Node” is used to to identify a node of a lane (waypoint) by its “lane” and node identifier * “id”. The “intersectionID” is used if the referenced lane belongs to an adjacent intersection. If the node * belongs to a connection trajectory (G.5.1.2) the “connectionID” is used. * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ Node ::= SEQUENCE { id INTEGER, lane LaneID OPTIONAL, connectionID LaneConnectionID OPTIONAL, intersectionID IntersectionID OPTIONAL, ... } /** * The data frame “NodeLink” is used to to define a link list (one or more) of nodes (G.5.2.2. * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ NodeLink ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..5) OF Node /** * The data frame “PrioritizationResponse” is used to provide the prioritization status response and the * signal group identifier for a specific ITS station (e.g. vehicle). * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ PrioritizationResponse ::= SEQUENCE { stationID StationID, priorState PrioritizationResponseStatus, signalGroup SignalGroupID, ... } /** * The data frame “PrioritizationResponseList” defines a list of prioritization response entries. * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ PrioritizationResponseList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..10) OF PrioritizationResponse /** * The data frame “SignalHeadLocation” defines the XYZ position of a signal head within an intersection * and indicates the related signal group identifier. * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ SignalHeadLocation ::= SEQUENCE { nodeXY NodeOffsetPointXY, nodeZ DeltaAltitude, signalGroupID SignalGroupID, ... } /** * The data frame “SignalHeadLocationList” defines a list of traffic light signal head locations (Error! * Reference source not found.) in relation to the intersection reference position. * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ SignalHeadLocationList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..64)) OF SignalHeadLocation /** * The data element “BatteryStatus” element defines an enumerated list of battery states. * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ BatteryStatus ::= ENUMERATED { unknown, critical, low, good, ... } /** * The data element “EmissionType” element defines an enumerated list of toxic emission types for vehicles. * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ EmissionType ::= ENUMERATED { euro1, euro2, euro3, euro4, euro5, euro6, ... } /** * The data element “ExceptionalCondition” element defines a list of reasons for sudden changes in * eventState parameters, thereby offering a reason for extended waiting times. * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ ExceptionalCondition ::= ENUMERATED { unknown, publicTransportPriority, emergencyVehiclePriority, trainPriority, bridgeOpen, vehicleHeight, weather, trafficJam, tunnelClosure, meteringActive, truckPriority, bicyclePlatoonPriority, vehiclePlatoonPriority, ... } /** * The data element “PtvRequestType” element defines a list of activation requests used for C-ITS migration of legacy public transport prioritization systems. The activation points are used while approaching to an intersection. * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ PtvRequestType ::= ENUMERATED { preRequest, mainRequest, doorCloseRequest, cancelRequest, emergencyRequest, ... } /** * The data element “RejectedReason” element defines a list of reasons for rejected priority requests. * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ RejectedReason ::= ENUMERATED { unknown, exceptionalCondition, maxWaitingTimeExceeded, ptPriorityDisabled, higherPTPriorityGranted, vehicleTrackingUnknown, ... } /** * The data element “TimeReference” element defines a value in milliseconds in the current minute related to UTC time. A range of 60 000 covers one minute (60 seconds * 1 000 milliseconds) * * @field xxxxx: . * * @category: * @revision: V1.3.1 */ TimeReference ::= INTEGER { oneMilliSec(1) } (0..60000) END