--***************************************************************************-- -- IEEE Std 1609.2: Data Types -- --***************************************************************************-- /** * @brief NOTE: Section references in this file are to clauses in IEEE Std * 1609.2 unless indicated otherwise. Full forms of acronyms and * abbreviations used in this file are specified in 3.2. */ Ieee1609Dot2 {iso(1) identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards(2) wave-stds(1609) dot2(2) base (1) schema (1) major-version-2(2) minor-version-4(4)} DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS ALL; IMPORTS CrlSeries, EccP256CurvePoint, EciesP256EncryptedKey, EncryptionKey, GeographicRegion, GroupLinkageValue, HashAlgorithm, HashedId3, HashedId8, Hostname, IValue, LinkageValue, Opaque, Psid, PsidSsp, PsidSspRange, PublicEncryptionKey, PublicVerificationKey, SequenceOfHashedId3, SequenceOfPsidSsp, SequenceOfPsidSspRange, ServiceSpecificPermissions, Signature, SubjectAssurance, SymmetricEncryptionKey, ThreeDLocation, Time64, Uint3, Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, ValidityPeriod FROM Ieee1609Dot2BaseTypes {iso(1) identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards(2) wave-stds(1609) dot2(2) base(1) base-types(2) major-version-2(2) minor-version-3(3)} WITH SUCCESSORS EtsiOriginatingHeaderInfoExtension FROM EtsiTs103097ExtensionModule {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) itsDomain(5) wg5(5) secHeaders(103097) extension(2) version-1(1) minor-version-1(1)} WITH SUCCESSORS ; --***************************************************************************-- -- Secured Data -- --***************************************************************************-- /** * @class Ieee1609Dot2Data * * @brief This data type is used to contain the other data types in this * clause. The fields in the Ieee1609Dot2Data have the following meanings: * * @param protocolVersion contains the current version of the protocol. The * version specified in this document is version 3, represented by the * integer 3. There are no major or minor version numbers. * * @param content contains the content in the form of an Ieee1609Dot2Content. */ Ieee1609Dot2Data ::= SEQUENCE { protocolVersion Uint8(3), content Ieee1609Dot2Content } /** * @class Ieee1609Dot2Content * * @brief In this structure: * * @param unsecuredData indicates that the content is an OCTET STRING to be * consumed outside the SDS. * * @param signedData indicates that the content has been signed according to * this standard. * * @param encryptedData indicates that the content has been encrypted * according to this standard. * * @param signedCertificateRequest indicates that the content is a * certificate request. Further specification of certificate requests is not * provided in this version of this standard. */ Ieee1609Dot2Content ::= CHOICE { unsecuredData Opaque, signedData SignedData, encryptedData EncryptedData, signedCertificateRequest Opaque, ..., signedX509CertificateRequest Opaque } /** * @class SignedData * * @brief In this structure: * * @param hashId indicates the hash algorithm to be used to generate the hash * of the message for signing and verification. * * @param tbsData contains the data that is hashed as input to the signature. * * @param signer determines the keying material and hash algorithm used to * sign the data. * * @param signature contains the digital signature itself, calculated as * specified in 5.3.1. * */ SignedData ::= SEQUENCE { hashId HashAlgorithm, tbsData ToBeSignedData, signer SignerIdentifier, signature Signature } /** * @class ToBeSignedData * * @brief This structure contains the data to be hashed when generating or * verifying a signature. See 6.3.4 for the specification of the input to the * hash. * *

Encoding considerations: For encoding considerations * associated with the headerInfo field, see 6.3.9. * *

Parameters: * * @param payload contains data that is provided by the entity that invokes * the SDS. * * @param headerInfo contains additional data that is inserted by the SDS. */ ToBeSignedData ::= SEQUENCE { payload SignedDataPayload, headerInfo HeaderInfo } /** * @class SignedDataPayload * * @brief This structure contains the data payload of a ToBeSignedData. This * structure contains at least one of data and extDataHash, and may contain * both. * * @param data contains data that is explicitly transported within the * structure. * * @param extDataHash contains the hash of data that is not explicitly * transported within the structure, and which the creator of the structure * wishes to cryptographically bind to the signature. For example, if a * creator wanted to indicate that some large message was still valid, they * could use the extDataHash field to send a Signed¬Data containing the hash * of that large message without having to resend the message itself. Whether * or not extDataHash is used, and how it is used, is SDEE-specific. */ SignedDataPayload ::= SEQUENCE { data Ieee1609Dot2Data OPTIONAL, extDataHash HashedData OPTIONAL, ... } (WITH COMPONENTS {..., data PRESENT} | WITH COMPONENTS {..., extDataHash PRESENT}) /** * @class HashedData * * @brief This structure contains the hash of some data with a specified hash * algorithm. The hash algorithms supported in this version of this * standard are SHA-256 (in the root) and SHA-384 (in the first extension). * The reserved extension is for future use. * *

Critical information fields: If present, this is a critical * information field as defined in 5.2.6. An implementation that does not * recognize the indicated CHOICE for this type when verifying a signed SPDU * shall indicate that the signed SPDU is invalid. */ HashedData::= CHOICE { sha256HashedData OCTET STRING (SIZE(32)), ..., sha384HashedData OCTET STRING (SIZE(48)), reserved OCTET STRING (SIZE(32)) } /** * @class HeaderInfo * * @brief This structure contains information that is used to establish * validity by the criteria of 5.2. * *

Encoding considerations: When the structure is encoded in * order to be digested to generate or check a signature, if encryptionKey is * present, and indicates the choice public, and contains a * BasePublicEncryptionKey that is an elliptic curve point (i.e., of * typeEccP256CurvePoint or EccP384CurvePoint), then the elliptic curve point * is encoded in compressed form, i.e., such that the choice indicated within * the Ecc*CurvePoint is compressed-y-0 or compressed-y-1. * *

Parameters: * * @param psid indicates the application area with which the sender is * claiming the payload should be associated. * * @param generationTime indicates the time at which the structure was * generated. See and for discussion of the use of this * field. * * @param expiryTime, if present, contains the time after which the data * should no longer be considered relevant. If both generationTime and * expiryTime are present, the signed SPDU is invalid if generationTime is * not strictly earlier than expiryTime. * * @param generationLocation, if present, contains the location at which the * signature was generated. * * @param p2pcdLearningRequest, if present, is used by the SDS to request * certificates for which it has seen identifiers but does not know the * entire certificate. A specification of this peer-to-peer certificate * distribution (P2PCD) mechanism is given in Clause 8. This field is used * for the out-of-band flavor of P2PCD and shall only be present if * inlineP2pcdRequest is not present. The HashedId3 is calculated with the * whole-certificate hash algorithm, determined as described in 6.4.3. * * @param missingCrlIdentifier, if present, is used by the SDS to request * CRLs which it knows to have been issued but have not received. This is * provided for future use and the associated mechanism is not defined in * this version of this standard. * * @param encryptionKey, if present, is used to indicate that a further * communication should be encrypted with the indicated key. One possible use * of this key to encrypt a response is specified in 6.3.35, 6.3.37, and * 6.3.34. An encryptionKey field of type symmetric should only be used if * the Signed¬Data containing this field is securely encrypted by some means. * * @param inlineP2pcdRequest, if present, is used by the SDS to request * unknown certificates per the inline peer-to-peer certificate distribution * mechanism is given in Clause 8. This field shall only be present if * p2pcdLearningRequest is not present. The HashedId3 is calculated with the * whole-certificate hash algorithm, determined as described in 6.4.3. * * @param requestedCertificate, if present, is used by the SDS to provide * certificates per the “inline� version of the peer-to-peer certificate * distribution mechanism given in Clause 8. * * @param pduFunctionalType, if present, is used to indicate that the SPDU is * to be consumed by a process other than an application process as defined * in ISO 21177 [B14a]. See 6.3.23b for more details. * * @param contributedExtensions, if present, is used to provide extension blocks * defined by identified contributing organizations. */ HeaderInfo ::= SEQUENCE { psid Psid, generationTime Time64 OPTIONAL, expiryTime Time64 OPTIONAL, generationLocation ThreeDLocation OPTIONAL, p2pcdLearningRequest HashedId3 OPTIONAL, missingCrlIdentifier MissingCrlIdentifier OPTIONAL, encryptionKey EncryptionKey OPTIONAL, ..., inlineP2pcdRequest SequenceOfHashedId3 OPTIONAL, requestedCertificate Certificate OPTIONAL, pduFunctionalType PduFunctionalType OPTIONAL, contributedExtensions ContributedExtensionBlocks OPTIONAL } /** * @class MissingCrlIdentifier * * @brief This structure may be used to request a CRL that the SSME knows to * have been issued but has not yet received. It is provided for future use * and its use is not defined in this version of this standard. * * @param cracaId is the HashedId3 of the CRACA, as defined in 5.1.3. The * HashedId3 is calculated with the whole-certificate hash algorithm, * determined as described in 6.4.3. * * @param crlSeries is the requested CRL Series value. See 5.1.3 for more * information. */ MissingCrlIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { cracaId HashedId3, crlSeries CrlSeries, ... } /** * @class PduFunctionalType * * @brief This data structure identifies the functional entity that is * intended to consume an SPDU, for the case where that functional entity is * not an application process but security support services for an * application process. Further details and the intended use of this field * are defined in ISO 21177 [B14a]. * *

An SPDU in which the pduFunctionalType field is present conforms * to the security profile for that PduFunctionalType value (given in ISO * 21177 [B14a]), not to the security profile for Application SPDUs for the * PSID. * * @param tlsHandshake indicates that the Signed SPDU is not to be directly * consumed as an application PDU but is to be used to provide information * about the holder’s permissions to a Transport Layer Security (TLS) (IETF * 5246 [B13], IETF 8446 [B13a]) handshake process operating to secure * communications to an application process. See IETF [B13b] and ISO 21177 * [B14a] for further information. * * @param iso21177ExtendedAuth indicates that the Signed SPDU is not to be * directly consumed as an application PDU but is to be used to provide * additional information about the holder’s permissions to the ISO 21177 * Security Subsystem for an application process. See ISO 21177 [B14a] for * further information. */ PduFunctionalType ::= INTEGER (0..255) tlsHandshake PduFunctionalType ::= 1 iso21177ExtendedAuth PduFunctionalType ::= 2 /** * @class ContributedExtensionBlocks * * @brief This data structure defines a list of ContributedExtensionBlock */ ContributedExtensionBlocks ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF ContributedExtensionBlock /** * @class ContributedExtensionBlock * * @brief This data structure defines the format of an extension block * provided by an identified contributor by using the temnplate provided * in the class IEEE1609DOT2-HEADERINFO-CONTRIBUTED-EXTENSION constraint * to the objects in the set Ieee1609Dot2HeaderInfoContributedExtensions. * * @param contributorId uniquely identifies the contributor * * @param extns contains a list of extensions from that contributor. */ ContributedExtensionBlock ::= SEQUENCE { contributorId IEEE1609DOT2-HEADERINFO-CONTRIBUTED-EXTENSION. &id({Ieee1609Dot2HeaderInfoContributedExtensions}), extns SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF IEEE1609DOT2-HEADERINFO-CONTRIBUTED-EXTENSION. &Extn({Ieee1609Dot2HeaderInfoContributedExtensions}{@.contributorId}) } /** * @class IEEE1609DOT2-HEADERINFO-CONTRIBUTED-EXTENSION * * @brief This data structure defines the information object class that * provides a "template" for defining extension blocks. */ IEEE1609DOT2-HEADERINFO-CONTRIBUTED-EXTENSION ::= CLASS { &id HeaderInfoContributorId UNIQUE, &Extn } WITH SYNTAX {&Extn IDENTIFIED BY &id} /** * @class Ieee1609Dot2HeaderInfoContributedExtensions * * @brief This data structure defines the set of ContributedExtensionBlock * Objects. * * @param In this version of the standard, only the type * EtsiOriginatingHeaderInfoExtension contributed by ETSI is supported. * The information object EtsiOriginatingHeaderInfoExtension is imported * from the EtsiTs103097ExtensionModule */ Ieee1609Dot2HeaderInfoContributedExtensions IEEE1609DOT2-HEADERINFO-CONTRIBUTED-EXTENSION ::= { {EtsiOriginatingHeaderInfoExtension IDENTIFIED BY etsiHeaderInfoContributorId}, ... } /** * @class HeaderInfoContributorId * * @brief This data structure defines the header info contributor id type * and its values. * * @param In this version of the standard, value 2 is assigned to ETSI. */ HeaderInfoContributorId ::= INTEGER (0..255) etsiHeaderInfoContributorId HeaderInfoContributorId ::= 2 /** * @class SignerIdentifier * * @brief This structure allows the recipient of data to determine which * keying material to use to authenticate the data. It also indicates the * verification type to be used to generate the hash for verification, as * specified in 5.3.1. * * * Critical information fields: *
  1. If present, this is a critical information field as defined in 5.2.6. * An implementation that does not recognize the CHOICE value for this type * when verifying a signed SPDU shall indicate that the signed SPDU is invalid. *
  2. * *
  3. If present, certificate is a critical information field as defined in * 5.2.6. An implementation that does not support the number of certificates * in certificate when verifying a signed SPDU shall indicate that the signed * SPDU is invalid. A compliant implementation shall support certificate * fields containing at least one certificate.
  4. *
*/ SignerIdentifier ::= CHOICE { digest HashedId8, certificate SequenceOfCertificate, self NULL, ... } --***************************************************************************-- -- Encrypted Data -- --***************************************************************************-- /** * @class EncryptedData * * @brief This data structure encodes data that has been encrypted to one or * more recipients using the recipients’ public or symmetric keys as * specified in 1.1.1. * *

Critical information fields: * * * Parameters: * * @param recipients contains one or more RecipientInfos. These entries may * be more than one RecipientInfo, and more than one type of RecipientInfo, * as long as they are all indicating or containing the same data encryption * key. * * @param ciphertext contains the encrypted data. This is the encryption of * an encoded Ieee1609Dot2Data structure as specified in */ EncryptedData ::= SEQUENCE { recipients SequenceOfRecipientInfo, ciphertext SymmetricCiphertext } /** * @class RecipientInfo * * @brief This data structure is used to transfer the data encryption key to * an individual recipient of an EncryptedData. The option pskRecipInfo is * selected if the EncryptedData was encrypted using the static encryption * key approach specified in The other options are selected if the * EncryptedData was encrypted using the ephemeral encryption key approach * specified in The meanings of the choices are: * *

See Annex C.7 for guidance on when it may be appropriate to use * each of these approaches. * * @param pskRecipInfo: The ciphertext was encrypted directly using a * symmetric key. * * @param symmRecipInfo: The data encryption key was encrypted using a * symmetric key. * * @param certRecipInfo: The data encryption key was encrypted using a public * key encryption scheme, where the public encryption key was obtained from a * certificate. In this case, the parameter P1 to ECIES as defined in 5.3.4 * is the hash of the certificate. * * @param signedDataRecipInfo: The data encryption key was encrypted using a * public encryption key, where the encryption key was obtained as the public * response encryption key from a Signed-Data. In this case, the parameter P1 * to ECIES as defined in 5.3.4 is the SHA-256 hash of the Ieee1609Dot2Data * containing the response encryption key. * * @param rekRecipInfo: The data encryption key was encrypted using a public * key that was not obtained from a Signed¬Data. In this case, the parameter * P1 to ECIES as defined in 5.3.4 is the hash of the empty string. */ RecipientInfo ::= CHOICE { pskRecipInfo PreSharedKeyRecipientInfo, symmRecipInfo SymmRecipientInfo, certRecipInfo PKRecipientInfo, signedDataRecipInfo PKRecipientInfo, rekRecipInfo PKRecipientInfo } /** * @class SequenceOfRecipientInfo * * @brief This type is used for clarity of definitions. */ SequenceOfRecipientInfo ::= SEQUENCE OF RecipientInfo /** * @class PreSharedKeyRecipientInfo * * @brief This data structure is used to indicate a symmetric key that may be * used directly to decrypt a SymmetricCiphertext. It consists of the * low-order 8 bytes of the SHA-256 hash of the COER encoding of a * SymmetricEncryptionKey structure containing the symmetric key in question. * The symmetric key may be established by any appropriate means agreed by * the two parties to the exchange. */ PreSharedKeyRecipientInfo ::= HashedId8 /** * @class SymmRecipientInfo * * @brief This data structure contains the following fields: * * @param recipientId contains the hash of the symmetric key encryption key * that may be used to decrypt the data encryption key. It consists of the * low-order 8 bytes of the SHA-256 hash of the COER encoding of a * SymmetricEncryptionKey structure containing the symmetric key in question. * The symmetric key may be established by any appropriate means agreed by * the two parties to the exchange. * * @param encKey contains the encrypted data encryption key within an AES-CCM * ciphertext. */ SymmRecipientInfo ::= SEQUENCE { recipientId HashedId8, encKey SymmetricCiphertext } /** * @class PKRecipientInfo * * @brief This data structure contains the following fields: * * @param recipientId contains the hash of the container for the encryption * public key as specified in the definition of RecipientInfo. Specifically, * depending on the choice indicated by the containing RecipientInfo structure: * * * @param encKey contains the encrypted key. */ PKRecipientInfo ::= SEQUENCE { recipientId HashedId8, encKey EncryptedDataEncryptionKey } /** * @class EncryptedDataEncryptionKey * * @brief This data structure contains an encrypted data encryption key. * *

Critical information fields: If present and applicable to * the receiving SDEE, this is a critical information field as defined in * 5.2.6. If an implementation receives an encrypted SPDU and determines that * one or more RecipientInfo fields are relevant to it, and if all of those * RecipientInfos contain an EncryptedDataEncryptionKey such that the * implementation does not recognize the indicated CHOICE, the implementation * shall indicate that the encrypted SPDU is not decryptable. */ EncryptedDataEncryptionKey ::= CHOICE { eciesNistP256 EciesP256EncryptedKey, eciesBrainpoolP256r1 EciesP256EncryptedKey, ... } /** * @class SymmetricCiphertext * * @brief This data structure encapsulates a ciphertext generated with an * approved symmetric algorithm. * *

Critical information fields: If present, this is a critical * information field as defined in 5.2.6. An implementation that does not * recognize the indicated CHOICE value for this type in an encrypted SPDU * shall reject the SPDU as invalid. */ SymmetricCiphertext ::= CHOICE { aes128ccm AesCcmCiphertext, ... } /** * @class AesCcmCiphertext * * @brief This data structure encapsulates an encrypted ciphertext for the * AES-CCM symmetric algorithm. It contains the following fields: * *

The ciphertext is 16 bytes longer than the corresponding plaintext. * *

The plaintext resulting from a correct decryption of the * ciphertext is a COER-encoded Ieee1609Dot2Data structure. * * @param nonce contains the nonce N as specified in 5.3.7. * * @param ccmCiphertext contains the ciphertext C as specified in 5.3.7. */ AesCcmCiphertext ::= SEQUENCE { nonce OCTET STRING (SIZE (12)), ccmCiphertext Opaque } /** * @class Countersignature * * @brief This data structure is used to perform a countersignature over an * already-signed SPDU. This is the profile of an Ieee1609Dot2Data containing * a signedData. The tbsData within content is composed of a payload * containing the hash (extDataHash) of the externally generated, pre-signed * SPDU over which the countersignature is performed. */ Countersignature ::= Ieee1609Dot2Data (WITH COMPONENTS {..., content (WITH COMPONENTS {..., signedData (WITH COMPONENTS {..., tbsData (WITH COMPONENTS {..., payload (WITH COMPONENTS {..., data ABSENT, extDataHash PRESENT }), headerInfo(WITH COMPONENTS {..., generationTime PRESENT, expiryTime ABSENT, generationLocation ABSENT, p2pcdLearningRequest ABSENT, missingCrlIdentifier ABSENT, encryptionKey ABSENT }) }) }) }) }) --***************************************************************************-- -- Certificates and other Security Management -- --***************************************************************************-- /** * @class Certificate * * @brief This structure is a profile of the structure CertificateBase which * specifies the valid combinations of fields to transmit implicit and * explicit certificates. */ Certificate ::= CertificateBase (ImplicitCertificate | ExplicitCertificate) /** * @class SequenceOfCertificate * * @brief This type is used for clarity of definitions. */ SequenceOfCertificate ::= SEQUENCE OF Certificate /** * @class CertificateBase * * @brief The fields in this structure have the following meaning: * *

Encoding considerations: When a certificate is encoded for * hashing, for example to generate its HashedId8, or when it is to be used * as the signer identifier information for verification, it is * canonicalized as follows: * * *

Whole-certificate hash: If the entirety of a certificate is * hashed to calculate a HashedId3, HashedId8, or HashedId10, the algorithm * used for this purpose is known as the whole-certificate hash. * * * Parameters: * * @param version contains the version of the certificate format. In this * version of the data structures, this field is set to 3. * * @param type states whether the certificate is implicit or explicit. This * field is set to explicit for explicit certificates and to implicit for * implicit certificates. See ExplicitCertificate and ImplicitCertificate for * more details. * * @param issuer identifies the issuer of the certificate. * * @param toBeSigned is the certificate contents. This field is an input to * the hash when generating or verifying signatures for an explicit * certificate, or generating or verifying the public key from the * reconstruction value for an implicit certificate. The details of how this * field are encoded are given in the description of the * ToBeSignedCertificate type. * * @param signature is included in an ExplicitCertificate. It is the * signature, calculated by the signer identified in the issuer field, over * the hash of toBeSigned. The hash is calculated as specified in 5.3.1, where: * */ CertificateBase ::= SEQUENCE { version Uint8(3), type CertificateType, issuer IssuerIdentifier, toBeSigned ToBeSignedCertificate, signature Signature OPTIONAL } /** * @class CertificateType * * @brief This enumerated type indicates whether a certificate is explicit or * implicit. * *

Critical information fields: If present, this is a critical * information field as defined in 5.2.5. An implementation that does not * recognize the indicated CHOICE for this type when verifying a signed SPDU * shall indicate that the signed SPDU is invalid. */ CertificateType ::= ENUMERATED { explicit, implicit, ... } /** * @class ImplicitCertificate * * @brief This is a profile of the CertificateBase structure providing all * the fields necessary for an implicit certificate, and no others. */ ImplicitCertificate ::= CertificateBase (WITH COMPONENTS {..., type(implicit), toBeSigned(WITH COMPONENTS {..., verifyKeyIndicator(WITH COMPONENTS {reconstructionValue}) }), signature ABSENT }) /** * @class ExplicitCertificate * * @brief This is a profile of the CertificateBase structure providing all * the fields necessary for an explicit certificate, and no others. */ ExplicitCertificate ::= CertificateBase (WITH COMPONENTS {..., type(explicit), toBeSigned(WITH COMPONENTS {..., verifyKeyIndicator(WITH COMPONENTS {verificationKey}) }), signature PRESENT }) /** * @class IssuerIdentifier * * @brief This structure allows the recipient of a certificate to determine * which keying material to use to authenticate the certificate. * *

If the choice indicated is sha256AndDigest or sha384AndDigest: * * * If the choice indicated is self: * * *

Critical information fields: If present, this is a critical * information field as defined in 5.2.5. An implementation that does not * recognize the indicated CHOICE for this type when verifying a signed SPDU * shall indicate that the signed SPDU is invalid. */ IssuerIdentifier ::= CHOICE { sha256AndDigest HashedId8, self HashAlgorithm, ..., sha384AndDigest HashedId8 } /** * @class ToBeSignedCertificate * * @brief The fields in the ToBeSignedCertificate structure have the * following meaning: * *

Encoding considerations: The encoding of toBeSigned which * is input to the hash uses the compressed form for all public keys and * reconstruction values that are elliptic curve points: that is, those * points indicate a choice of compressed-y-0 or compressed-y-1. The encoding * of the issuing certificate uses the compressed form for all public key and * reconstruction values and takes the r value of an ECDSA signature, which * in this standard is an ECC curve point, to be of type x-only. * *

For both implicit and explicit certificates, when the certificate * is hashed to create or recover the public key (in the case of an implicit * certificate) or to generate or verify the signature (in the case of an * explicit certificate), the hash is Hash (Data input) || Hash ( * Signer identifier input), where: * * * In other words, for implicit certificates, the value H (CertU) in SEC 4, * section 3, is for purposes of this standard taken to be H [H * (canonicalized ToBeSignedCertificate from the subordinate certificate) || * H (entirety of issuer Certificate)]. See 5.3.2 for further discussion, * including material differences between this standard and SEC 4 regarding * how the hash function output is converted from a bit string to an integer. * *

NOTE: This encoding of the implicit certificate for hashing has * been changed from the encoding specified in IEEE Std 1609.2-2013 for * consistency with the encoding of the explicit certificates. This * definition of the encoding results in implicit and explicit certificates * both being hashed as specified in 5.3.1. * *

Critical information fields: * * * Parameters: * * @param id contains information that is used to identify the certificate * holder if necessary. * * @param cracaId identifies the Certificate Revocation Authorization CA * (CRACA) responsible for certificate revocation lists (CRLs) on which this * certificate might appear. Use of the cracaId is specified in 5.1.3. The * HashedId3 is calculated with the whole-certificate hash algorithm, * determined as described in 6.4.12. * * @param crlSeries represents the CRL series relevant to a particular * Certificate Revocation Authorization CA (CRACA) on which the certificate * might appear. Use of this field is specified in 5.1.3. * * @param validityPeriod contains the validity period of the certificate. * * @param region, if present, indicates the validity region of the * certificate. If it is omitted the validity region is indicated as follows: * * * @param assuranceLevel indicates the assurance level of the certificate * holder. * * @param appPermissions indicates the permissions that the certificate * holder has to sign application data with this certificate. A valid * instance of appPermissions contains any particular Psid value in at most * one entry. * * @param certIssuePermissions indicates the permissions that the certificate * holder has to sign certificates with this certificate. A valid instance of * this array contains no more than one entry whose psidSspRange field * indicates all. If the array has multiple entries and one entry has its * psidSspRange field indicate all, then the entry indicating all specifies * the permissions for all PSIDs other than the ones explicitly specified in * the other entries. See the description of PsidGroupPermissions for further * discussion. * * @param certRequestPermissions indicates the permissions that the * certificate holder has to sign certificate requests with this certificate. * A valid instance of this array contains no more than one entry whose * psidSspRange field indicates all. If the array has multiple entries and * one entry has its psidSspRange field indicate all, then the entry * indicating all specifies the permissions for all PSIDs other than the ones * explicitly specified in the other entries. See the description of * PsidGroupPermissions for further discussion. * * @param canRequestRollover indicates that the certificate may be used to * sign a request for another certificate with the same permissions. This * field is provided for future use and its use is not defined in this * version of this standard. * * @param encryptionKey contains a public key for encryption for which the * certificate holder holds the corresponding private key. * * @param verifyKeyIndicator contains material that may be used to recover * the public key that may be used to verify data signed by this certificate. */ ToBeSignedCertificate ::= SEQUENCE { id CertificateId, cracaId HashedId3, crlSeries CrlSeries, validityPeriod ValidityPeriod, region GeographicRegion OPTIONAL, assuranceLevel SubjectAssurance OPTIONAL, appPermissions SequenceOfPsidSsp OPTIONAL, certIssuePermissions SequenceOfPsidGroupPermissions OPTIONAL, certRequestPermissions SequenceOfPsidGroupPermissions OPTIONAL, canRequestRollover NULL OPTIONAL, encryptionKey PublicEncryptionKey OPTIONAL, verifyKeyIndicator VerificationKeyIndicator, ..., flags BIT STRING {cubk (0)} (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL } (WITH COMPONENTS { ..., appPermissions PRESENT} | WITH COMPONENTS { ..., certIssuePermissions PRESENT} | WITH COMPONENTS { ..., certRequestPermissions PRESENT}) /** * @class CertificateId * * @brief This structure contains information that is used to identify the * certificate holder if necessary. * *

Critical information fields: * * * Parameters: * * @param linkageData is used to identify the certificate for revocation * purposes in the case of certificates that appear on linked certificate * CRLs. See 5.1.3 and 7.3 for further discussion. * * @param name is used to identify the certificate holder in the case of * non-anonymous certificates. The contents of this field are a matter of * policy and should be human-readable. * * @param binaryId supports identifiers that are not human-readable. * * @param none indicates that the certificate does not include an identifier. */ CertificateId ::= CHOICE { linkageData LinkageData, name Hostname, binaryId OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..64)), none NULL, ... } /** * @class LinkageData * * @brief This structure contains information that is matched against * information obtained from a linkage ID-based CRL to determine whether the * containing certificate has been revoked. See and 7.3 for details * of use. */ LinkageData ::= SEQUENCE { iCert IValue, linkage-value LinkageValue, group-linkage-value GroupLinkageValue OPTIONAL } /** * @class EndEntityType * * @brief This type indicates which type of permissions may appear in * end-entity certificates the chain of whose permissions passes through the * PsidGroupPermissions field containing this value. If app is indicated, the * end-entity certificate may contain an appPermissions field. If enroll is * indicated, the end-entity certificate may contain a certRequestPermissions * field. */ EndEntityType ::= BIT STRING { app (0), enroll (1) } (SIZE (8)) (ALL EXCEPT {}) /** * @class PsidGroupPermissions * * @brief This structure states the permissions that a certificate holder has * with respect to issuing and requesting certificates for a particular set * of PSIDs. In this structure: * *

For examples, see D.5.3 and D.5.4. * * @param subjectPermissions indicates PSIDs and SSP Ranges covered by this * field. * * @param minChainLength and chainLengthRange indicate how long the * certificate chain from this certificate to the end-entity certificate is * permitted to be. As specified in, the length of the certificate * chain is the number of certificates "below" this certificate in the chain, * down to and including the end-entity certificate. The length is permitted * to be (a) greater than or equal to minChainLength certificates and (b) * less than or equal to minChainLength + chainLengthRange certificates. A * value of 0 for minChainLength is not permitted when this type appears in * the certIssuePermissions field of a ToBeSignedCertificate; a certificate * that has a value of 0 for this field is invalid. The value −1 for * chainLengthRange is a special case: if the value of chainLengthRange is −1 * it indicates that the certificate chain may be any length equal to or * greater than minChainLength. See the examples below for further discussion. * * @param eeType takes one or more of the values app and enroll and indicates * the type of certificates or requests that this instance of * PsidGroupPermissions in the certificate is entitled to authorize. If this * field indicates app, the chain is allowed to end in an authorization * certificate, i.e., a certficate in which these permissions appear in an * appPermissions field (in other words, if the field does not indicate app * but the chain ends in an authorization certificate, the chain shall be * considered invalid). If this field indicates enroll, the chain is allowed * to end in an enrollment certificate, i.e., a certificate in which these * permissions appear in a certReqPermissions permissions field), or both (in * other words, if the field does not indicate app but the chain ends in an * authorization certificate, the chain shall be considered invalid). * Different instances of PsidGroupPermissions within a ToBeSignedCertificate * may have different values for eeType. */ PsidGroupPermissions ::= SEQUENCE { subjectPermissions SubjectPermissions, minChainLength INTEGER DEFAULT 1, chainLengthRange INTEGER DEFAULT 0, eeType EndEntityType DEFAULT {app} } /** * @class SequenceOfPsidGroupPermissions * * @brief This type is used for clarity of definitions. */ SequenceOfPsidGroupPermissions ::= SEQUENCE OF PsidGroupPermissions /** * @class SubjectPermissions * * @brief This indicates the PSIDs and associated SSPs for which certificate * issuance or request permissions are granted by a PsidGroupPermissions * structure. If this takes the value explicit, the enclosing * PsidGroupPermissions structure grants certificate issuance or request * permissions for the indicated PSIDs and SSP Ranges. If this takes the * value all, the enclosing PsidGroupPermissions structure grants certificate * issuance or request permissions for all PSIDs not indicated by other * PsidGroupPermissions in the same certIssuePermissions or * certRequestPermissions field. * *

Critical information fields: * */ SubjectPermissions ::= CHOICE { explicit SequenceOfPsidSspRange, all NULL, ... } /** * @class VerificationKeyIndicator * * @brief The contents of this field depend on whether the certificate is an * implicit or an explicit certificate. * *

Critical information fields: If present, this is a critical * information field as defined in 5.2.5. An implementation that does not * recognize the indicated CHOICE for this type when verifying a signed SPDU * shall indicate that the signed SPDU is invalid. * *

Parameters: * * @param verificationKey is included in explicit certificates. It contains * the public key to be used to verify signatures generated by the holder of * the Certificate. * * @param reconstructionValue is included in implicit certificates. It * contains the reconstruction value, which is used to recover the public key * as specified in SEC 4 and 5.3.2. */ VerificationKeyIndicator ::= CHOICE { verificationKey PublicVerificationKey, reconstructionValue EccP256CurvePoint, ... } END