IEEE1609dot2 {iso(1) identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards(2) wave-stds(1609) dot2(2) base(1) schema(1) major-version-2(2) minor-version-2(2)} -- Minor version: 2 --****************************************************************************** -- -- IEEE P1609.2 Data Types -- --****************************************************************************** DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS ALL; IMPORTS CrlSeries, EccP256CurvePoint, EncryptedDataEncryptionKey, EncryptionKey, GeographicRegion, GroupLinkageValue, HashAlgorithm, HashedId3, HashedId8, HashedId32, Hostname, IValue, LinkageValue, Opaque, Psid, PsidSsp, PsidSspRange, PublicEncryptionKey, PublicVerificationKey, SequenceOfHashedId3, SequenceOfPsidSsp, SequenceOfPsidSspRange, ServiceSpecificPermissions, Signature, SubjectAssurance, SymmetricEncryptionKey, ThreeDLocation, Time64, Uint3, Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, ValidityPeriod FROM IEEE1609dot2BaseTypes {iso(1) identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards(2) wave-stds(1609) dot2(2) base(1) base-types(2) major-version-2 (2)} ; -- --********************************************************************* -- -- Structures for describing secured data -- --********************************************************************* -- Necessary to get certain tools to generate sample PDUs -- TestIeee1609Dot2Data ::= Ieee1609Dot2Data -- TestCertificate ::= Certificate -- this structure belongs later in the file but putting it here avoids -- compiler errors with certain tools SignedDataPayload ::= SEQUENCE { data Ieee1609Dot2Data OPTIONAL, extDataHash HashedData OPTIONAL, ... } (WITH COMPONENTS {..., data PRESENT} | WITH COMPONENTS {..., extDataHash PRESENT}) Ieee1609Dot2Data ::= SEQUENCE { protocolVersion Uint8(3), content Ieee1609Dot2Content } Ieee1609Dot2Content ::= CHOICE { unsecuredData Opaque, signedData SignedData, encryptedData EncryptedData, signedCertificateRequest Opaque, ... } SignedData ::= SEQUENCE { hashId HashAlgorithm, tbsData ToBeSignedData, signer SignerIdentifier, signature Signature } SignerIdentifier ::= CHOICE { digest HashedId8, certificate SequenceOfCertificate, self NULL, ... } ToBeSignedData ::= SEQUENCE { payload SignedDataPayload, headerInfo HeaderInfo } HashedData::= CHOICE { sha256HashedData OCTET STRING (SIZE(32)), ... } HeaderInfo ::= SEQUENCE { psid Psid, generationTime Time64 OPTIONAL, expiryTime Time64 OPTIONAL, generationLocation ThreeDLocation OPTIONAL, p2pcdLearningRequest HashedId3 OPTIONAL, missingCrlIdentifier MissingCrlIdentifier OPTIONAL, encryptionKey EncryptionKey OPTIONAL, ..., inlineP2pcdRequest SequenceOfHashedId3 OPTIONAL, requestedCertificate Certificate OPTIONAL, pduFunctionalType PduFunctionalType OPTIONAL } MissingCrlIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { cracaId HashedId3, crlSeries CrlSeries, ... } PduFunctionalType ::= INTEGER (0..255) tlsHandshake PduFunctionalType ::= 1 iso21177ExtendedAuth PduFunctionalType ::= 2 Countersignature ::= Ieee1609Dot2Data (WITH COMPONENTS {..., content (WITH COMPONENTS {..., signedData (WITH COMPONENTS {..., tbsData (WITH COMPONENTS {..., payload (WITH COMPONENTS {..., data ABSENT, extDataHash PRESENT }), headerInfo(WITH COMPONENTS {..., generationTime PRESENT, expiryTime ABSENT, generationLocation ABSENT, p2pcdLearningRequest ABSENT, missingCrlIdentifier ABSENT, encryptionKey ABSENT }) }) }) }) }) --********************************************************************** -- -- Structures for describing encrypted data -- --********************************************************************** EncryptedData ::= SEQUENCE { recipients SequenceOfRecipientInfo, ciphertext SymmetricCiphertext } RecipientInfo ::= CHOICE { pskRecipInfo PreSharedKeyRecipientInfo, symmRecipInfo SymmRecipientInfo, certRecipInfo PKRecipientInfo, signedDataRecipInfo PKRecipientInfo, rekRecipInfo PKRecipientInfo } SequenceOfRecipientInfo ::= SEQUENCE OF RecipientInfo PreSharedKeyRecipientInfo ::= HashedId8 SymmRecipientInfo ::= SEQUENCE { recipientId HashedId8, encKey SymmetricCiphertext } PKRecipientInfo ::= SEQUENCE { recipientId HashedId8, encKey EncryptedDataEncryptionKey } EncryptedDataEncryptionKey ::= CHOICE { eciesNistP256 EciesP256EncryptedKey, eciesBrainpoolP256r1 EciesP256EncryptedKey, ... } SymmetricCiphertext ::= CHOICE { aes128ccm Aes128CcmCiphertext, ... } Aes128CcmCiphertext ::= SEQUENCE { nonce OCTET STRING (SIZE (12)), ccmCiphertext Opaque -- 16 bytes longer than plaintext } --********************************************************************** -- -- Certificates and other security management data structures -- --********************************************************************** -- Certificates are implicit (type = implicit, toBeSigned includes -- reconstruction value, signature absent) or explicit (type = explicit, -- toBeSigned includes verification key, signature present). Certificate ::= CertificateBase (ImplicitCertificate | ExplicitCertificate) SequenceOfCertificate ::= SEQUENCE OF Certificate CertificateBase ::= SEQUENCE { version Uint8(3), type CertificateType, issuer IssuerIdentifier, toBeSigned ToBeSignedCertificate, signature Signature OPTIONAL } CertificateType ::= ENUMERATED { explicit, implicit, ... } ImplicitCertificate ::= CertificateBase (WITH COMPONENTS {..., type(implicit), toBeSigned(WITH COMPONENTS {..., verifyKeyIndicator(WITH COMPONENTS {reconstructionValue}) }), signature ABSENT }) ExplicitCertificate ::= CertificateBase (WITH COMPONENTS {..., type(explicit), toBeSigned(WITH COMPONENTS {..., verifyKeyIndicator(WITH COMPONENTS {verificationKey}) }), signature PRESENT }) IssuerIdentifier ::= CHOICE { sha256AndDigest HashedId8, self HashAlgorithm, ..., sha384AndDigest HashedId8 } ToBeSignedCertificate ::= SEQUENCE { id CertificateId, cracaId HashedId3, crlSeries CrlSeries, validityPeriod ValidityPeriod, region GeographicRegion OPTIONAL, assuranceLevel SubjectAssurance OPTIONAL, appPermissions SequenceOfPsidSsp OPTIONAL, certIssuePermissions SequenceOfPsidGroupPermissions OPTIONAL, certRequestPermissions SequenceOfPsidGroupPermissions OPTIONAL, canRequestRollover NULL OPTIONAL, encryptionKey PublicEncryptionKey OPTIONAL, verifyKeyIndicator VerificationKeyIndicator, ... } (WITH COMPONENTS { ..., appPermissions PRESENT} | WITH COMPONENTS { ..., certIssuePermissions PRESENT} | WITH COMPONENTS { ..., certRequestPermissions PRESENT}) CertificateId ::= CHOICE { linkageData LinkageData, name Hostname, binaryId OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..64)), none NULL, ... } LinkageData ::= SEQUENCE { iCert IValue, linkage-value LinkageValue, group-linkage-value GroupLinkageValue OPTIONAL } EndEntityType ::= BIT STRING {app (0), enroll (1) } (SIZE (8)) (ALL EXCEPT {}) PsidGroupPermissions ::= SEQUENCE { subjectPermissions SubjectPermissions, minChainLength INTEGER DEFAULT 1, chainLengthRange INTEGER DEFAULT 0, eeType EndEntityType DEFAULT {app} } SequenceOfPsidGroupPermissions ::= SEQUENCE OF PsidGroupPermissions SubjectPermissions ::= CHOICE { explicit SequenceOfPsidSspRange, all NULL, ... } VerificationKeyIndicator ::= CHOICE { verificationKey PublicVerificationKey, reconstructionValue EccP256CurvePoint, ... } END