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* trajectoryInterceptionProbability of type [**TrajectoryInterceptionProbability**](#TrajectoryInterceptionProbability) <br>
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  indicates the propbability of the interception of the subject station trajectory 
   with the trajectory of the station indicated in the component subjectStation.

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* trajectoryInterceptionConfidence of type [**TrajectoryInterceptionConfidence**](#TrajectoryInterceptionConfidence)  OPTIONAL<br>
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  indicates the confidence of interception of the subject station trajectory 
   with the trajectory of the station indicated in the component subjectStation.


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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1_
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TrajectoryInterceptionIndication  ::= SEQUENCE {
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   subjectStation                     StationId OPTIONAL, 
   trajectoryInterceptionProbability  TrajectoryInterceptionProbability,
   trajectoryInterceptionConfidence   TrajectoryInterceptionConfidence OPTIONAL,
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### <a name="VarLengthNumber"></a>VarLengthNumber
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This DF together with its sub DFs Ext1, Ext2 and the DE Ext3 provides the custom (i.e. not ASN.1 standard) definition of an integer with variable lenght, that can be used for example to encode the ITS-AID.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1_
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	content	    [0] INTEGER(0..127), 
	extension	[1]	Ext1
	content	    [0]	INTEGER(128..16511), 
	extension	[1]	Ext2
	content	    [0]	INTEGER(16512..2113663), 
	extension	[1]	Ext3
Ext3::= INTEGER(2113664..270549119,...) 

### <a name="VerticalAcceleration"></a>VerticalAcceleration
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This DF indicates the vehicle acceleration at vertical direction and the associated confidence value.
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 It shall include the following components:
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* verticalAccelerationValue of type [**VerticalAccelerationValue**](#VerticalAccelerationValue) <br>
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  vertical acceleration value at a point in time.

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* verticalAccelerationConfidence of type [**AccelerationConfidence**](#AccelerationConfidence) <br>
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  confidence value of the vertical acceleration value with a predefined confidence level.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Description revised in V2.1.1_
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NOTE:&emsp;this DF is kept for backwards compatibility reasons only. It is recommended to use [**AccelerationComponent**](#AccelerationComponent) instead.
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VerticalAcceleration ::= SEQUENCE {
    verticalAccelerationValue         VerticalAccelerationValue,
    verticalAccelerationConfidence    AccelerationConfidence

### <a name="VehicleIdentification"></a>VehicleIdentification
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This DF provides information related to the identification of a vehicle.
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 It shall include the following components:
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* wMInumber of type [**WMInumber**](#WMInumber)  OPTIONAL<br>
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  World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI) code.

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* vDS of type [**VDS**](#VDS)  OPTIONAL<br>
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  Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS). 


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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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VehicleIdentification ::= SEQUENCE {
    wMInumber    WMInumber OPTIONAL,
    vDS          VDS OPTIONAL,

### <a name="VehicleLength"></a>VehicleLength
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This DF represents the length of vehicle and accuracy indication information.
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 It shall include the following components:
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* vehicleLengthValue of type [**VehicleLengthValue**](#VehicleLengthValue) <br>
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  length of vehicle. 

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* vehicleLengthConfidenceIndication of type [**VehicleLengthConfidenceIndication**](#VehicleLengthConfidenceIndication) <br>
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  indication of the length value confidence.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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NOTE:&emsp;this DF is kept for backwards compatibility reasons only. It is recommended to use [**VehicleLengthV2**](#VehicleLengthV2) instead.
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VehicleLength ::= SEQUENCE {
    vehicleLengthValue                   VehicleLengthValue,
    vehicleLengthConfidenceIndication    VehicleLengthConfidenceIndication

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### <a name="VehicleLengthV2"></a>VehicleLengthV2
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This DF represents the length of vehicle and accuracy indication information.
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 It shall include the following components:

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* vehicleLengthValue of type [**VehicleLengthValue**](#VehicleLengthValue) <br>
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  length of vehicle. 

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* trailerPresenceInformation of type [**TrailerPresenceInformation**](#TrailerPresenceInformation) <br>
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  information about the trailer presence.


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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _created in V2.1.1 based on [**VehicleLength**](#VehicleLength) but using [**TrailerPresenceInformation**](#TrailerPresenceInformation)._
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VehicleLengthV2 ::= SEQUENCE {
    vehicleLengthValue            VehicleLengthValue,
    trailerPresenceInformation    TrailerPresenceInformation

### <a name="Velocity3dWithConfidence"></a>Velocity3dWithConfidence
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This DF represents a velocity vector with associated confidence value.
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 The following options are available:

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* polarVelocity of type [**VelocityPolarWithZ**](#VelocityPolarWithZ) <br>
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  the representation of the velocity vector in a polar or cylindrical coordinate system. 
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* cartesianVelocity of type [**VelocityCartesian**](#VelocityCartesian) <br>
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  the representation of the velocity vector in a cartesian coordinate system.


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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Kinematic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1_
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Velocity3dWithConfidence::= CHOICE{
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    polarVelocity          VelocityPolarWithZ, 
    cartesianVelocity      VelocityCartesian
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### <a name="VelocityCartesian"></a>VelocityCartesian
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This DF represents a velocity vector in a cartesian coordinate system.
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 It shall include the following components:

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* xVelocity of type [**VelocityComponent**](#VelocityComponent) <br>
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  the x component of the velocity vector with the associated confidence value.

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* yVelocity of type [**VelocityComponent**](#VelocityComponent) <br>
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  the y component of the velocity vector with the associated confidence value.

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* zVelocity of type [**VelocityComponent**](#VelocityComponent)  OPTIONAL<br>
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  the optional z component of the velocity vector with the associated confidence value.


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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Kinematic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1_
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VelocityCartesian::= SEQUENCE {
    xVelocity   VelocityComponent,
    yVelocity   VelocityComponent,
    zVelocity   VelocityComponent OPTIONAL

### <a name="VelocityComponent"></a>VelocityComponent
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This DF represents a component of the velocity vector and the associated confidence value.
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 It shall include the following components:

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* value of type [**VelocityComponentValue**](#VelocityComponentValue) <br>
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  the value of the component.

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* confidence of type [**SpeedConfidence**](#SpeedConfidence) <br>
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  the confidence value of the value.


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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Kinematic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V2.1.1_
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VelocityComponent ::= SEQUENCE {
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    value         VelocityComponentValue,
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    confidence    SpeedConfidence

### <a name="VelocityPolarWithZ"></a>VelocityPolarWithZ
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This DF represents a velocity vector in a polar or cylindrical coordinate system.

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 It shall include the following components:

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* velocityMagnitude of type [**Speed**](#Speed) <br>
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  magnitude of the velocity vector on the reference plane, with the associated confidence value.
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* velocityDirection of type [**CartesianAngle**](#CartesianAngle) <br>
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  polar angle of the velocity vector on the reference plane, with the associated confidence value.
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* zVelocity of type [**VelocityComponent**](#VelocityComponent)  OPTIONAL<br>
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  the optional z component of the velocity vector along the reference axis of the cylindrical coordinate system, with the associated confidence value.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Kinematic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1_
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VelocityPolarWithZ::= SEQUENCE {
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    velocityMagnitude    Speed, 
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    velocityDirection    CartesianAngle,
    zVelocity            VelocityComponent OPTIONAL

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### <a name="VruClusterInformation"></a>VruClusterInformation
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This DF provides information about a VRU cluster.
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 It shall include the following components:
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* clusterId of type [**Identifier1B**](#Identifier1B)  OPTIONAL<br>
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  optional identifier of a VRU cluster .

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* clusterBoundingBoxShape of type [**Shape**](#Shape)  (WITH COMPONENTS{..., elliptical ABSENT, radial ABSENT, radialShapes ABSENT}) OPTIONAL<br>
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  optionally indicates the shape of the cluster bounding box.

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* clusterCardinalitySize of type [**CardinalNumber1B**](#CardinalNumber1B) <br>
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  indicates an estimation of the number of VRUs in the group, i.e. the known members in the cluster + 1 (for the cluster leader) .
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* clusterProfiles of type [**VruClusterProfiles**](#VruClusterProfiles)  OPTIONAL<br>
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  optionally identifies all the VRU profile types that are known to be within the cluster.
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   if this component is absent it means that the information is unavailable. 


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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** VRU information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1_
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VruClusterInformation ::= SEQUENCE { 
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   clusterId                  Identifier1B OPTIONAL,
   clusterBoundingBoxShape    Shape (WITH COMPONENTS{..., elliptical ABSENT, radial ABSENT, radialShapes ABSENT}) OPTIONAL,
   clusterCardinalitySize     CardinalNumber1B,
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   clusterProfiles            VruClusterProfiles OPTIONAL,

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### <a name="VruExteriorLights"></a>VruExteriorLights
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This DF represents the status of the exterior light switches of a VRU.
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 This DF is an extension of the vehicular DE [**ExteriorLights**](#ExteriorLights).

 It shall include the following components:

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* vehicular of type [**ExteriorLights**](#ExteriorLights) <br>
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  represents the status of the exterior light switches of a road vehicle.

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* vruSpecific of type [**VruSpecificExteriorLights**](#VruSpecificExteriorLights) <br>
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  represents the status of the exterior light switches of a VRU.


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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** VRU information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _created in V2.1.1_
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VruExteriorLights ::= SEQUENCE {
   vehicular      ExteriorLights, 
   vruSpecific    VruSpecificExteriorLights,

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### <a name="VruProfileAndSubprofile"></a>VruProfileAndSubprofile
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This DF indicates the profile of a VRU including sub-profile information
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 It identifies four options corresponding to the four types of VRU profiles specified in ETSI TS 103 300-2 [[18]](#references):
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* pedestrian of type [**VruSubProfilePedestrian**](#VruSubProfilePedestrian) <br>
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  VRU Profile 1 - Pedestrian.

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* bicyclistAndLightVruVehicle of type [**VruSubProfileBicyclist**](#VruSubProfileBicyclist) <br>
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  VRU Profile  2 - Bicyclist.

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* motorcyclist of type [**VruSubProfileMotorcyclist**](#VruSubProfileMotorcyclist) <br>
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  VRU Profile 3  - Motorcyclist.

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* animal of type [**VruSubProfileAnimal**](#VruSubProfileAnimal) <br>
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  VRU Profile  4 -  Animal.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** VRU information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1_
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VruProfileAndSubprofile ::= CHOICE {
   pedestrian                     VruSubProfilePedestrian,
   bicyclistAndLightVruVehicle    VruSubProfileBicyclist,
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   motorcyclist                   VruSubProfileMotorcyclist,
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   animal                         VruSubProfileAnimal,

### <a name="Wgs84Angle"></a>Wgs84Angle
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This DF represents an angular component along with a confidence value in the WGS84 coordinate system.
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 The specific WGS84 coordinate system is specified by the corresponding standards applying this DE.
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 It shall include the following components:
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* value of type [**Wgs84AngleValue**](#Wgs84AngleValue) <br>
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  the angle value, which can be estimated as the mean of the current distribution.
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* confidence of type [**Wgs84AngleConfidence**](#Wgs84AngleConfidence) <br>
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  the confidence value associated to the angle value.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** GeoReference information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1_
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Wgs84Angle ::= SEQUENCE {
    value         Wgs84AngleValue,
    confidence    Wgs84AngleConfidence

### <a name="YawRate"></a>YawRate
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This DF represents a yaw rate of vehicle at a point in time.
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 It shall include the following components:
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* yawRateValue of type [**YawRateValue**](#YawRateValue) <br>
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  yaw rate value at a point in time.

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* yawRateConfidence of type [**YawRateConfidence**](#YawRateConfidence) <br>
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  confidence value associated to the yaw rate value.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle Information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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YawRate::= SEQUENCE {
    yawRateValue         YawRateValue,
    yawRateConfidence    YawRateConfidence

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## References:
 1.   ETSI TS 103 900: "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Vehicular Communications; Basic Set of Applications; Part 2: Specification of Cooperative Awareness Basic Service; Release 2".
 2.   ETSI TS 103 831: "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Vehicular Communications; Basic Set of Applications; Part 3: Specifications of Decentralized Environmental Notification Basic Service"; Release 2.
 3.   [European Agreement (Applicable as from 1 January 2011): "Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road"](
 4.   [United Nations: "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods - Model Regulations", Twelfth revised edition](
 5.   ETSI TS 101 539-1: "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); V2X Applications; Part 1: Road Hazard Signalling (RHS) application requirements specification".
 6.   ISO 3779 (2011-07): "Road vehicles - Vehicle identification number (VIN) Content and structure".
 7.   VDV recommendation 420 (1992): "Technical Requirements for Automatic Vehicle Location / Control Systems - Radio Data Transmission (BON Version) with Supplement 1 and Supplement 2".
 8.   ISO 1176:1990: "Road vehicles - Masses - Vocabulary and codes".
 9.   ETSI TS 101 556-1: "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Infrastructure to Vehicle Communication; Electric Vehicle Charging Spot Notification Specification".
 10.  ETSI TS 101 556-2: "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Infrastructure to Vehicle Communication; Part 2: Communication system specification to support application requirements for Tyre Information System (TIS) and Tyre Pressure Gauge (TPG) interoperability".
 11.  ETSI TS 101 556-3: "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Infrastructure to Vehicle Communications; Part 3: Communications system for the planning and reservation of EV energy supply using wireless networks".
 12.  ETSI TS 103 300-3: "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS);  Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) awareness;  Part 3: Specification of VRU awareness basic service; Release 2"
 13.  ETSI TS 103 724: "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Facilities layer  function; Interference Management Zone Message (IMZM); Release 2"
 14.	ETSI TS 102 792: "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Mitigation techniques to avoid interference between European CEN Dedicated Short Range Communication (CEN DSRC) equipment and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) operating in the 5 GHz frequency range".
 15.	ETSI TS 103 301: "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Vehicular Communications; Basic Set of Applications; Facilities layer protocols and communication requirements for infrastructure services; Release 2".
 16.	UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4: "Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3)".
 17.	ETSI EN 302 890-1: "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Facilities layer function; Part 1: Services Announcement (SA) specification".
 18.	ETSI TS 103 300-2 "Intelligent Transport System (ITS); Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) awareness; Part 2: Functional  Architecture and Requirements definition; Release 2"
 19.	ETSI TS 103 175  "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Cross  Layer DCC Management  Entity for operation in  the ITS G5A  and ITS G5B medium"
 20.	ETSI EN 302 571  "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Radiocommunications equipment operating in the 5 855 MHz to 5 925 MHz frequency  band; Harmonised Standard  covering  the essential  requirements of article 3.2 of  Directive 2014/53/EU"
 21.	ISO 8855: "Road vehicles - Vehicle dynamics and road-holding ability - Vocabulary".
 22.  ISO 3833, "Road vehicles - Types - Terms and definitions".