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### <a name="CurvatureConfidence"></a>CurvatureConfidence
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This DE indicates the acceleration confidence value which represents the estimated absolute accuracy range of a curvature value with a confidence level of 95 %.
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 If required, the confidence level can be defined by the corresponding standards applying this DE.
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 The value shall be set to:
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 - 0 - 'onePerMeter-0-00002' - if the confidence value is less than or equal to 0,00002 m-1,
 - 1 - 'onePerMeter-0-0001'  - if the confidence value is less than or equal to 0,0001 m-1 and greater than 0,00002 m-1,
 - 2 - 'onePerMeter-0-0005'  - if the confidence value is less than or equal to 0,0005 m-1 and greater than 0,0001 m-1,
 - 3 - 'onePerMeter-0-002'   - if the confidence value is less than or equal to 0,002 m-1 and greater than 0,0005 m-1,
 - 4 - 'nePerMeter-0-01'     - if the confidence value is less than or equal to 0,01 m-1 and greater than 0,002 m-1,
 - 5 - 'nePerMeter-0-1'      - if the confidence value is less than or equal to 0,1 m-1  and greater than 0,01 m-1,
 - 6 - 'outOfRange'          - if the confidence value is out of range, i.e. greater than 0,1 m-1,
 - 7 - 'unavailable'         - if the confidence value is not available.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Description revised in V2.1.1_
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NOTE:&emsp;If a curvature value is received and its confidence value is set to 'outOfRange(6)', it means that the curvature value is not valid 
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 and therefore cannot be trusted. Such value is not useful for the application.
CurvatureConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {
    onePerMeter-0-00002 (0),
    onePerMeter-0-0001  (1),
    onePerMeter-0-0005  (2),
    onePerMeter-0-002   (3),
    onePerMeter-0-01    (4),
    onePerMeter-0-1     (5),
    outOfRange          (6),
    unavailable         (7)

### <a name="CurvatureValue"></a>CurvatureValue
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This DE describes vehicle turning curve with the following information:
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     Value = 1 / Radius * 10000
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 wherein radius is the vehicle turning curve radius in metres. 
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 Positive values indicate a turning curve to the left hand side of the driver.
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 It corresponds to the vehicle coordinate system as defined in ISO 8855 [[21]](#references).
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 The value shall be set to:
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 - '-1023' for  values smaller than -1023,
 - 'n' ('n > -1023' and 'n < 0) for negative values equal to or less than n, and greater than (n-1),
 - '0' when the vehicle is moving straight,
 - 'n' ('n > 0' and 'n < 1022) for positive values equal to or less than n, and greater than (n-1),
 - '1022', for values  greater than 1021,
 - '1023', if the information is not available.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _1 over 10 000 metres_
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _description revised in V2.1.1 (the definition of value 1022 has changed slightly)_
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NOTE:&emsp;The present DE is limited to vehicle types as defined in ISO 8855 [[21]](#references).
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CurvatureValue ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRangeNegative (-1023),
    straight           (0),
    outOfRangePositive (1022), 
    unavailable        (1023)
} (-1023..1023)

### <a name="DangerousEndOfQueueSubCauseCode"></a>DangerousEndOfQueueSubCauseCode
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This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) 'dangerousEndOfQueue'. 
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 The value shall be set to:
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 - 0 - 'unavailable'     - in case information on the type of dangerous queue is unavailable,
 - 1 - 'suddenEndOfQueue'- in case a sudden end of queue is detected, e.g. due to accident or obstacle,
 - 2 - 'queueOverHill'   - in case the dangerous end of queue is detected on the road hill,
 - 3 - 'queueAroundBend' - in case the dangerous end of queue is detected around the road bend,
 - 4 - 'queueInTunnel'   - in case queue is detected in tunnel,
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 - 5-255                 - reserved for future usage.

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Traffic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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DangerousEndOfQueueSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable      (0), 
    suddenEndOfQueue (1), 
    queueOverHill    (2), 
    queueAroundBend  (3), 
    queueInTunnel    (4)
} (0..255)

### <a name="DangerousGoodsBasic"></a>DangerousGoodsBasic
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This DE indicates the type of the dangerous goods being carried by a heavy vehicle.
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 The value is assigned according to 'class' and 'division' definitions of dangerous goods as specified in part II,
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 chapter of European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road [[3]](#references).
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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DangerousGoodsBasic::= ENUMERATED {
    explosives1                                          (0),
    explosives2                                          (1),
    explosives3                                          (2),
    explosives4                                          (3),
    explosives5                                          (4),
    explosives6                                          (5),
    flammableGases                                       (6),
    nonFlammableGases                                    (7),
    toxicGases                                           (8),
    flammableLiquids                                     (9),
    flammableSolids                                      (10),
    substancesLiableToSpontaneousCombustion              (11),
    substancesEmittingFlammableGasesUponContactWithWater (12),
    oxidizingSubstances                                  (13),
    organicPeroxides                                     (14),
    toxicSubstances                                      (15),
    infectiousSubstances                                 (16),
    radioactiveMaterial                                  (17),
    corrosiveSubstances                                  (18),
    miscellaneousDangerousSubstances                     (19)

### <a name="DangerousSituationSubCauseCode"></a>DangerousSituationSubCauseCode
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This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) 'dangerousSituation' 
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 The value shall be set to:
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 - 0 - 'unavailable'                      - in case information on the type of dangerous situation is unavailable,
 - 1 - 'emergencyElectronicBrakeEngaged'  - in case emergency electronic brake is engaged,
 - 2 - 'preCrashSystemEngaged'            - in case pre-crash system is engaged,
 - 3 - 'espEngaged'                       - in case Electronic Stability Program (ESP) system is engaged,
 - 4 - 'absEngaged'                       - in case Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) is engaged,
 - 5 - 'aebEngaged'                       - in case Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) system is engaged,
 - 6 - 'brakeWarningEngaged'              - in case brake warning is engaged,
 - 7 - 'collisionRiskWarningEngaged'      - in case collision risk warning is engaged,
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 - 8-255                                  - reserved for future usage.

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Traffic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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DangerousSituationSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable                     (0), 
    emergencyElectronicBrakeEngaged (1), 
    preCrashSystemEngaged           (2), 
    espEngaged                      (3), 
    absEngaged                      (4), 
    ebEngaged                       (5), 
    brakeWarningEngaged             (6), 
    collisionRiskWarningEngaged     (7)
} (0..255)

### <a name="DeltaAltitude"></a>DeltaAltitude
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This DE represents an offset altitude with regards to a defined altitude value.
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 It may be used to describe a geographical point with regards to a specific reference geographical position.

 The value shall be set to:
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 - '-12 700' for values equal to or lower than -127 metres,
 - 'n' ('n > -12 700' and 'n ≤ 0) for altitude offset n x 0,01 metre below the reference position,
 - '0' for no altitudinal offset,
 - 'n' ('n > 0' and 'n < 12799') for altitude offset n x 0,01 metre above the reference position,
 - '12 799' for values equal to or greater than 127,99 metres,
 - '12 800' when the information is unavailable.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _0,01 metre_
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** GeoReference information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _editorial update in V2.1.1_
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DeltaAltitude ::= INTEGER {
    negativeOutOfRange (-12700),
    positiveOutOfRange (12799),
    unavailable        (12800)
} (-12700..12800)

### <a name="DeltaLatitude"></a>DeltaLatitude
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This DE represents an offset latitude with regards to a defined latitude value.
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 It may be used to describe a geographical point with regards to a specific reference geographical position.

 The value shall be set to:
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 - 'n' ('n ≥ -131 071' and 'n < 0') for offset n x 10<sup>-7</sup> degree towards the south from the reference position,
 - '0' for no latitudinal offset,
 - 'n' ('n > 0' and 'n < 131 072') for offset n x 10<sup>-7</sup> degree towards the north from the reference position,
 - '131 072' when the information is unavailable.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _10<sup>-7</sup> degree_
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** GeoReference information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _editorial update in V2.1.1_
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DeltaLatitude ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable (131072)
} (-131071..131072)

### <a name="DeltaLongitude"></a>DeltaLongitude
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This DE represents an offset longitude with regards to a defined longitude value.
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 It may be used to describe a geographical point with regards to a specific reference geographical position.

 The value shall be set to:
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 - 'n' ('n ≥ -131 071' and 'n < 0') for offset n x 10<sup>-7</sup> degree towards the west from the reference position,
 - '0' for no longitudinal offset,
 - 'n' ('n > 0' and 'n < 131 072') for offset n x 10<sup>-7</sup> degree towards the east from the reference position, 
 - '131 072' when the information is unavailable.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _10<sup>-7</sup> degree_
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** GeoReference information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _editorial update in V2.1.1_
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DeltaLongitude ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable (131072)
} (-131071..131072)

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### <a name="DeltaTimeMilliSecondPositive"></a>DeltaTimeMilliSecondPositive
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This DE represents a difference in time with respect to a reference time.
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 The value shall be set to:
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 - 'n (n > 0 n < 10001)' to indicate a time value equal to or less than n x 0,001 s, and greater than (n-1) x 0,001 s,
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 Example: a time interval between two consecutive message transmissions.

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _0,001 s_
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1 from the DE TransmissionInterval in [[2]](#references)_
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DeltaTimeMilliSecondPositive ::= INTEGER (1..10000)
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### <a name="DeltaTimeMilliSecondSigned"></a>DeltaTimeMilliSecondSigned
This DE represents a signed difference in time with respect to a reference time.

 The value shall be set to:
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 - '-2048' for time values equal to or less than -2,048 s,
 - 'n (n > -2048 and n < 2047)' to indicate a time value equal to or less than n x 0,001 s, and greater than (n-1) x 0,001 s,
 - '2047' for time values greater than 2,046 s
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _0,001 s_
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1_
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DeltaTimeMilliSecondSigned ::= INTEGER (-2048..2047)
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### <a name="DeltaTimeQuarterSecond"></a>DeltaTimeQuarterSecond
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This DE represents a difference in time with respect to a reference time.
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 It can be interpreted as the first 8 bits of a GenerationDeltaTime. To convert it to a [**GenerationDeltaTime**](#GenerationDeltaTime), 
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 multiply by 256 (i.e. append a '00' byte)
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _256 * 0,001 s_
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1_
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DeltaTimeQuarterSecond::= INTEGER {
    unavailable (255)  
} (1..255)
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### <a name="DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond"></a>DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond
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This DE represents a difference in time with respect to a reference time.

 The value shall be set to:
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 - '0' for a difference in time of 0 seconds. 
 - 'n (n > 0 n < 128)' to indicate a time value equal to or less than n x 0,1 s, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 s,
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _0,1 s_
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1_
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DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond::= INTEGER {
    unavailable (127)  
} (0..127)

### <a name="DeltaTimeSecond"></a>DeltaTimeSecond
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This DE represents a  difference in time with respect to a reference time.
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 The value shall be set to:
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 - '-0' for a difference in time of 0 seconds. 
 - 'n (n > 0 n ≤ 86400)' to indicate a time value equal to or less than n x 1 s, and greater than (n-1) x 1 s,
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _1 s_
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1 from ValidityDuration_
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DeltaTimeSecond ::= INTEGER  (0..86400)

### <a name="Direction"></a>Direction
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This DE indicates a direction with respect to a defined reference direction.
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 Example: a reference direction may be implicitly defined by the definition of a geographical zone.

 The value shall be set to:
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 - 0 - 'sameDirection'     - to indicate the same direction as the reference direction,
 - 1 - 'oppositeDirection' - to indicate opposite direction as the reference direction,
 - 2 - 'bothDirections'    - to indicate both directions, i.e. the same and the opposite direction,
 - 3 - 'unavailable'       - to indicate that the information is unavailable.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** GeoReference information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1_
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Direction::= INTEGER{
    sameDirection     (0),
    oppositeDirection (1),
    bothDirections    (2),
    unavailable       (3)
 } (0..3)

### <a name="DriveDirection"></a>DriveDirection
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This DE indicates in which direction something is moving.
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 The value shall be set to:
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 - 0 - 'forward'     - to indicate it is moving forward,
 - 1 - 'backwards'   - to indicate it is moving backwards,
 - 2 - 'unavailable' - to indicate that the information is unavailable.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Kinematic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _editorial update in V2.1.1_
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DriveDirection ::= ENUMERATED {
    forward     (0), 
    backward    (1), 
    unavailable (2)

### <a name="DrivingLaneStatus"></a>DrivingLaneStatus
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This DE indicates whether a driving lane is open to traffic.
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 A lane is counted from inside border of the road excluding the hard shoulder. The size of the bit string shall
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 correspond to the total number of the driving lanes in the carriageway.
 The numbering is matched to [**LanePosition**](#LanePosition).
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 The bit '0' is used to indicate the innermost lane, bit '1' is used to indicate the second lane from inside border.
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 If a lane is closed to traffic, the corresponding bit shall be set to '1'. Otherwise, it shall be set to '0'.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Traffic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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NOTE:&emsp;hard shoulder status is not provided by this DE but in [**HardShoulderStatus**](#HardShoulderStatus).
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DrivingLaneStatus ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (1..13))

### <a name="EmbarkationStatus"></a>EmbarkationStatus
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This DE indicates whether a vehicle (e.g. public transport vehicle, truck) is under the embarkation process.
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 If that is the case, the value is *TRUE*, otherwise *FALSE*.

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _editorial update in V2.1.1_
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EmbarkationStatus ::= BOOLEAN

### <a name="EmergencyPriority"></a>EmergencyPriority
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This DE indicates the right of priority requested or assumed by an operating emergency vehicle.
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 The right-of-priority bit shall be set to '1' if the corresponding right is requested.
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 The corresponding bit shall be set to 1 under the following conditions:
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 - 0 - 'requestForRightOfWay'                  - when the vehicle is requesting/assuming the right of way,
 - 1 - 'requestForFreeCrossingAtATrafficLight' - when the vehicle is requesting/assuming the right to pass at a (red) traffic light.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Traffic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _description revised in V2.1.1_
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EmergencyPriority ::= BIT STRING {
    requestForRightOfWay                  (0), 
    requestForFreeCrossingAtATrafficLight (1)
} (SIZE(2))

### <a name="EmergencyVehicleApproachingSubCauseCode"></a>EmergencyVehicleApproachingSubCauseCode
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This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) "emergencyVehicleApproaching". 
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 The value shall be set to:
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 - 0 - 'unavailable'                   - in case further detailed information on the emergency vehicle approaching event 
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                                         is unavailable,
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 - 1 - 'emergencyVehicleApproaching'   - in case an operating emergency vehicle is approaching,
 - 2 - 'prioritizedVehicleApproaching' - in case a prioritized vehicle is approaching,
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 - 3-255                               - reserved for future usage.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Traffic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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EmergencyVehicleApproachingSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable                   (0), 
    emergencyVehicleApproaching   (1), 
    prioritizedVehicleApproaching (2)
} (0..255)

### <a name="EnergyStorageType"></a>EnergyStorageType
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This DE indicated the type of energy being used and stored in vehicle.
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 The corresponding bit shall be set to 1 under the following conditions:
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 - 0 - 'hydrogenStorage'       - when hydrogen is being used and stored in vehicle,
 - 1 - 'electricEnergyStorage' - when electric energy is being used and stored in vehicle,
 - 2 - 'liquidPropaneGas'      - when liquid Propane Gas (LPG) is being used and stored in vehicle,   
 - 3 - 'compressedNaturalGas ' - when compressedNaturalGas (CNG) is being used and stored in vehicle,
 - 4 - 'diesel'                - when diesel is being used and stored in vehicle,
 - 5 - 'gasoline'              - when gasoline is being used and stored in vehicle,
 - 6 - 'ammonia'               - when ammonia is being used and stored in vehicle.
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 - Otherwise, the corresponding bit shall be set to '0'.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _editorial revision in V2.1.1_
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EnergyStorageType ::= BIT STRING {
    hydrogenStorage       (0), 
    electricEnergyStorage (1), 
    liquidPropaneGas      (2), 
    compressedNaturalGas  (3), 
    diesel                (4), 
    gasoline              (5), 
    ammonia               (6)

### <a name="EuVehicleCategoryL"></a>EuVehicleCategoryL
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This DE represents one of the specific categories in the L category: L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, or L7 according to UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [[16]](#references).
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V2.1.1_
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EuVehicleCategoryL ::= ENUMERATED { l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7 }

### <a name="EuVehicleCategoryM"></a>EuVehicleCategoryM
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This DE represents one of the specific categories in the M category: M1, M2, or M3 according to UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [[16]](#references).
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V2.1.1_
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EuVehicleCategoryM ::= ENUMERATED {m1, m2, m3}

### <a name="EuVehicleCategoryN"></a>EuVehicleCategoryN
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This DE represents one of the specific categories in the N category: N1, N2, or N3 according to UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [[16]](#references).
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V2.1.1_
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EuVehicleCategoryN ::= ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3}

### <a name="EuVehicleCategoryO"></a>EuVehicleCategoryO
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This DE represents one of the specific categories in the O category: O1, O2, O3 or O4 according to UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [[16]](#references).
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V2.1.1_
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EuVehicleCategoryO ::= ENUMERATED {o1, o2, o3, o4}

### <a name="ExteriorLights"></a>ExteriorLights
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This DE describes the status of the exterior light switches of a vehicle incl. VRU vehicles.
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 The corresponding bit shall be set to 1 under the following conditions:
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 - 0 - 'lowBeamHeadlightsOn'    - when the low beam head light switch is on,
 - 1 - 'highBeamHeadlightsOn'   - when the high beam head light switch is on,
 - 2 - 'leftTurnSignalOn'       - when the left turnSignal switch is on,
 - 3 - 'rightTurnSignalOn'      - when the right turn signal switch is on,
 - 4 - 'daytimeRunningLightsOn' - when the daytime running light switch is on,
 - 5 - 'reverseLightOn'         - when the reverse light switch is on,
 - 6 - 'fogLightOn'             - when the tail fog light switch is on,
 - 7 - 'parkingLightsOn'        - when the parking light switch is on.
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 If a vehicle is not equipped with a certain light or if the light switch status information is not available,
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 the corresponding bit shall be set to '0'.
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 As the bit value indicates only the state of the switch, the turn signal and hazard signal bit values shall not
 alternate with the blinking interval.
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 For hazard indicator, the 'leftTurnSignalOn' (2) and 'rightTurnSignalOn' (3) shall be both set to 1.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Description revised in V2.1.1_
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NOTE:&emsp;The value of each bit indicates the state of the switch, which commands the corresponding light.
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 The bit corresponding to a specific light is set to '1', when the corresponding switch is turned on,
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 either manually by the driver or automatically by a vehicle system. The bit value does not indicate
 if the corresponding lamps are alight or not.
ExteriorLights ::= BIT STRING {
    lowBeamHeadlightsOn      (0),
    highBeamHeadlightsOn     (1),
    leftTurnSignalOn         (2),
    rightTurnSignalOn        (3),
    daytimeRunningLightsOn   (4),
    reverseLightOn           (5),
    fogLightOn               (6),
    parkingLightsOn          (7)
} (SIZE(8))

### <a name="GenerationDeltaTime"></a>GenerationDeltaTime
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This DE represents a timestamp based on TimestampIts modulo 65 536.
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 This means that generationDeltaTime = TimestampIts mod 65 536.

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1 based on ETSI TS 103 900 [[1]](#references)_
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GenerationDeltaTime ::= INTEGER { oneMilliSec(1) } (0..65535)

### <a name="HardShoulderStatus"></a>HardShoulderStatus
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This DE indicates the current status of a hard shoulder: whether it is available for special usage
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 (e.g. for stopping or for driving) or closed for all vehicles.
 The value shall be set to:
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 - 0 - 'availableForStopping' - if the hard shoulder is available for stopping in e.g. emergency situations,
 - 1 - 'closed'               - if the hard shoulder is closed and cannot be occupied in any case,
 - 2 - 'availableForDriving'  - if the hard shoulder is available for regular driving.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Traffic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Description revised in V2.1.1_
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HardShoulderStatus ::= ENUMERATED {
    availableForStopping (0), 
    closed               (1), 
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    availableForDriving  (2)
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### <a name="HazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoadSubCauseCode"></a>HazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoadSubCauseCode
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This DE represents the value of the sub cause code of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) 'hazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoad'.
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 The value shall be set to:
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 - 0 - 'unavailable'  - in case further detailed information on the animal on the road event is unavailable,
 - 1 - 'wildAnimals'  - in case wild animals are detected on the road,
 - 2 - 'herdOfAnimals'- in case herd of animals are detected on the road,
 - 3 - 'smallAnimals' - in case small size animals are detected on the road,
 - 4 - 'largeAnimals' - in case large size animals are detected on the road.
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 - 5-255              - are reserved for future usage.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Traffic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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HazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoadSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable   (0), 
    wildAnimals   (1), 
    herdOfAnimals (2), 
    smallAnimals  (3), 
    largeAnimals  (4)
} (0..255)

### <a name="HazardousLocation-DangerousCurveSubCauseCode"></a>HazardousLocation-DangerousCurveSubCauseCode
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This DE represents the sub cause code of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode)  'hazardousLocation-DangerousCurve'.
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 The value shall be set to:
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 - 0 - 'unavailable'                                        - in case further detailed information on the dangerous curve is unavailable,
 - 1 - 'dangerousLeftTurnCurve'                             - in case the dangerous curve is a left turn curve,
 - 2 - 'dangerousRightTurnCurve'                            - in case the dangerous curve is a right turn curve,
 - 3 - 'multipleCurvesStartingWithUnknownTurningDirection'  - in case of multiple curves for which the starting curve turning direction is not known,
 - 4 - 'multipleCurvesStartingWithLeftTurn'                 - in case of multiple curves starting with a left turn curve,
 - 5 - 'multipleCurvesStartingWithRightTurn'                - in case of multiple curves starting with a right turn curve.
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 - 6-255                                                    - are reserved for future usage.
 The definition of whether a curve is dangerous may vary according to region and according to vehicle types/mass
 and vehicle speed driving on the curve. This definition is out of scope of the present document.

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Traffic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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HazardousLocation-DangerousCurveSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable                                       (0), 
    dangerousLeftTurnCurve                            (1), 
    dangerousRightTurnCurve                           (2), 
    multipleCurvesStartingWithUnknownTurningDirection (3), 
    multipleCurvesStartingWithLeftTurn                (4), 
    multipleCurvesStartingWithRightTurn               (5)
} (0..255)

### <a name="HazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoadSubCauseCode"></a>HazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoadSubCauseCode
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This DE represents the value of the sub cause code of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) 'hazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoad'. 
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 The value shall be set to:
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 - 0 - 'unavailable'    - in case further detailed information on the detected obstacle is unavailable,
 - 1 - 'shedLoad'       - in case detected obstacle is large amount of obstacles (shedload),
 - 2 - 'partsOfVehicles'- in case detected obstacles are parts of vehicles,
 - 3 - 'partsOfTyres'   - in case the detected obstacles are parts of tyres,
 - 4 - 'bigObjects'     - in case the detected obstacles are big objects,
 - 5 - 'fallenTrees'    - in case the detected obstacles are fallen trees,
 - 6 - 'hubCaps'        - in case the detected obstacles are hub caps,
 - 7 - 'waitingVehicles'- in case the detected obstacles are waiting vehicles.
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 - 8-255                - are reserved for future usage.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Traffic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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HazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoadSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable     (0), 
    shedLoad        (1), 
    partsOfVehicles (2), 
    partsOfTyres    (3), 
    bigObjects      (4), 
    fallenTrees     (5), 
    hubCaps         (6), 
    waitingVehicles (7)
} (0..255)

### <a name="HazardousLocation-SurfaceConditionSubCauseCode"></a>HazardousLocation-SurfaceConditionSubCauseCode
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This DE represents the value of the sub cause code of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) 'hazardousLocation-SurfaceCondition'. 
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The value shall be set to:
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 - 0  - 'unavailable'     - in case further detailed information on the road surface condition is unavailable,
 - 1  - 'rockfalls'       - in case rock falls are detected on the road surface,
 - 2  - 'earthquakeDamage'- in case the road surface is damaged by earthquake,
 - 3  - 'sewerCollapse'   - in case of sewer collapse on the road surface,
 - 4  - 'subsidence'      - in case road surface is damaged by subsidence,
 - 5  - 'snowDrifts'      - in case road surface is damaged due to snow drift,
 - 6  - 'stormDamage'     - in case road surface is damaged by strong storm,
 - 7  - 'burstPipe'       - in case road surface is damaged due to pipe burst,
 - 8  - 'volcanoEruption' - in case road surface is damaged due to volcano eruption,
 - 9  - 'fallingIce'      - in case road surface damage is due to falling ice,
 - 10 - 'fire'            - in case there is fire on or near to the road surface.
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 - 11-255                 - are reserved for future usage.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Traffic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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HazardousLocation-SurfaceConditionSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable      (0), 
    rockfalls        (1), 
    earthquakeDamage (2), 
    sewerCollapse    (3), 
    subsidence       (4), 
    snowDrifts       (5), 
    stormDamage      (6), 
    burstPipe        (7), 
    volcanoEruption  (8), 
    fallingIce       (9), 
    fire             (10)
} (0..255)

### <a name="HeadingConfidence"></a>HeadingConfidence
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This DE indicates the heading confidence value which represents the estimated absolute accuracy of a heading value with a confidence level of 95 %.
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 The value shall be set to:
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 - 'n (n > 0 and n < 126)' if the confidence value is equal to or less than n x 0,1 degree and more than (n-1) x 0,1 degree,
 - '126' if the confidence value is out of range, i.e. greater than 12,5 degrees,
 - '127' if the confidence value information is not available.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _0,1 degree_
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** GeoReference information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Description revised in V2.1.1_
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NOTE:&emsp;this DE is kept for backwards compatibility reasons only. It is recommended to use the [**Wgs84AngleConfidence**](#Wgs84AngleConfidence) instead.
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HeadingConfidence ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRange  (126), 
    unavailable (127)  
} (1..127)
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### <a name="HeadingValue"></a>HeadingValue
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This DE represents the orientation of the horizontal velocity vector with regards to the WGS84 north.
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 When the information is not available, the DE shall be set to 3 601. The value 3600 shall not be used.

 Unit: 0,1 degree
 Categories: GeoReference information

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Description revised in V2.1.1 (usage of value 3600 specified)_
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NOTE:&emsp;this DE is kept for backwards compatibility reasons only. It is recommended to use the [**Wgs84AngleValue**](#Wgs84AngleValue) instead.
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HeadingValue ::= INTEGER { 
    wgs84North  (0),
    wgs84East   (900),
    wgs84South  (1800),
    wgs84West   (2700),
    doNotUse    (3600),
    unavailable (3601)
} (0..3601)
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### <a name="HeightLonCarr"></a>HeightLonCarr
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This DE represents the height of the left or right longitude carrier of vehicle from base to top (left or right carrier seen from vehicle
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 rear to front). 

 The value shall be set to:
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 - 'n (n ≥ 1 and n < 99)' if the height information is equal to or less than n x 0,01 metre and more than (n-1) x 0,01 metre,
 - '99' if the height is out of range, i.e. equal to or greater than 0,98 m,
 - '100' if the height information is not available.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _0,01 metre_
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Description revised in V2.1.1 (the definition of 99 has changed slightly)_
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HeightLonCarr ::= INTEGER {
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} (1..100)

### <a name="HumanPresenceOnTheRoadSubCauseCode"></a>HumanPresenceOnTheRoadSubCauseCode
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This DE represents the value of the sub cause code of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) 'humanPresenceOnTheRoad'.
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 The value shall be set to:
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 - 0 - 'unavailable'          - in case further detailed information on human presence on the road is unavailable,
 - 1 - 'childrenOnRoadway'    - in case children are detected on the road,
 - 2 - 'cyclistOnRoadway'     - in case cyclist presence is detected on the road,
 - 3 - 'motorcyclistOnRoadway'- in case motorcyclist presence is detected on the road.
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 - 4-255                      - are reserved for future usage.

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Traffic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _editorial revision in V2.1.1_
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HumanPresenceOnTheRoadSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable           (0), 
    childrenOnRoadway     (1), 
    cyclistOnRoadway      (2), 
    motorcyclistOnRoadway (3)
} (0..255)

### <a name="HumanProblemSubCauseCode"></a>HumanProblemSubCauseCode
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This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) "humanProblem".
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 The value shall be set to:
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 - 0 - 'unavailable'    - in case further detailed information on human health problem is unavailable,
 - 1 - 'glycemiaProblem'- in case human problem is due to glycaemia problem,
 - 2 - 'heartProblem'   - in case human problem is due to heart problem.
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 - 3-255                - reserved for future usage.

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Traffic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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HumanProblemSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable     (0), 
    glycemiaProblem (1), 
    heartProblem    (2)
} (0..255)

### <a name="Identifier1B"></a>Identifier1B
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This DE is a general identifier.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1_
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Identifier1B ::= INTEGER (0..255)

### <a name="Identifier2B"></a>Identifier2B
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This DE is a general identifier.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1_
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Identifier2B ::= INTEGER (0..65535)

### <a name="InformationQuality"></a>InformationQuality
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This DE represents the quality level of provided information.
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 The value shall be set to:
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 - '0' if the information is unavailable,
 - '1' if the quality level is lowest,
 - 'n (n > 1 and n < 7)' if the quality level is n, 
 - '7' if the quality level is highest.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Editorial update in V2.1.1_
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NOTE:&emsp;Definition of quality level is out of scope of the present document.
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InformationQuality ::= INTEGER (0..7)

### <a name="InterferenceManagementZoneType"></a>InterferenceManagementZoneType
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This DE defines the type of an interference management zone, so that an ITS-S can 
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 assert the actions to do while passing by such zone (e.g. reduce the transmit power in case of a DSRC tolling station).
 It is an extension of the type [**ProtectedZoneType**](#ProtectedZoneType).

 The value shall be set to:
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 - 0 - 'permanentCenDsrcTolling' - as specified in ETSI TS 102 792 [[14]](#references),
 - 1 - 'temporaryCenDsrcTolling' - as specified in ETSI TS 102 792 [[14]](#references),
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 - 2 - 'unavailable'             - default value. Set to 2 for backwards compatibility with DSRC tolling,
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 - 3 - 'urbanRail'               - as specified in ETSI TS 103 724 [[13]](#references), clause 7,
 - 4 - 'satelliteStation'        - as specified in ETSI TS 103 724 [[13]](#references), clause 7,
 - 5 - 'fixedLinks'              - as specified in ETSI TS 103 724 [[13]](#references), clause 7.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Communication information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1_
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InterferenceManagementZoneType ::= ENUMERATED {
    permanentCenDsrcTolling (0),
    temporaryCenDsrcTolling (1),
    unavailable             (2), 
    urbanRail               (3),      
    satelliteStation        (4),
    fixedLinks              (5), 

### <a name="Iso3833VehicleType"></a>Iso3833VehicleType
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This DE represents the vehicle type according to ISO 3833 [[22]](#references).
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 A "term No" refers to the number of the corresponding term and its definition in ISO 3833.

 The value shall be set to:
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 - 0	- 'passengerCar'              - term No 3.1.1
 - 1	- 'saloon'                    - term No (sedan)
 - 2	- 'convertibleSaloon'         - term No
 - 3	- 'pullmanSaloon'             - term No
 - 4	- 'stationWagon'              - term No
 - 5	- 'truckStationWagon'         - term No
 - 6	- 'coupe'                     - term No (coupe)
 - 7	- 'convertible'               - term No (open tourer, roadstar, spider)
 - 8	- 'multipurposePassengerCar'  - term No
 - 9	- 'forwardControlPassengerCar'- term No
 - 10	- 'specialPassengerCar'       - term No
 - 11	- 'bus'                       - term No 3.1.2
 - 12	- 'minibus'                   - term No
 - 13	- 'urbanBus'                  - term No
 - 14	- 'interurbanCoach'           - term No
 - 15	- 'longDistanceCoach'         - term No
 - 16	- 'articulatedBus'            - term No
 - 17	- 'trolleyBus	'             - term No
 - 18	- 'specialBus'                - term No
 - 19	- 'commercialVehicle	'     - term No 3.1.3
 - 20	- 'specialCommercialVehicle'  - term No
 - 21	- 'specialVehicle	'         - term No 3.1.4
 - 22	- 'trailingTowingVehicle	' - term No 3.1.5 (draw-bar tractor)
 - 23	- 'semiTrailerTowingVehicle'  - term No 3.1.6 (fifth wheel tractor)
 - 24	- 'trailer'                   - term No 3.2.1
 - 25	- 'busTrailer'                - term No
 - 26	- 'generalPurposeTrailer'     - term No
 - 27	- 'caravan'                   - term No
 - 28	- 'specialTrailer'            - term No
 - 29	- 'semiTrailer'               - term No 3.2.2
 - 30	- 'busSemiTrailer	'         - term No
 - 31	- 'generalPurposeSemiTrailer' - term No
 - 32	- 'specialSemiTrailer'        - term No
 - 33	- 'roadTrain'                 - term No 3.3.1
 - 34	- 'passengerRoadTrain	'     - term No 3.3.2
 - 35	- 'articulatedRoadTrain'      - term No 3.3.3
 - 36	- 'doubleRoadTrain'           - term No 3.3.4
 - 37	- 'compositeRoadTrain'        - term No 3.3.5
 - 38	- 'specialRoadTrain'          - term No 3.3.6
 - 39	- 'moped'                     - term No 3.4
 - 40	- 'motorCycle'                - term No 3.5
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 - 41-255                           - reserved for future use

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Vehicle information 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _Created in V2.1.1_
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Iso3833VehicleType ::= INTEGER {
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    passengerCar                 (0),
    saloon                       (1),	
    convertibleSaloon            (2),	
    pullmanSaloon                (3),	
    stationWagon                 (4),	
    truckStationWagon            (5),	
    coupe                        (6),
    convertible                  (7),	
    multipurposePassengerCar     (8),	
    forwardControlPassengerCar   (9),	
    specialPassengerCar	         (10),
    bus	                         (11),
    minibus                      (12),	
    urbanBus                     (13),	
    interurbanCoach              (14),	
    longDistanceCoach            (15),	
    articulatedBus               (16),	
    trolleyBus                   (17),
    specialBus                   (18),	
    commercialVehicle            (19),	
    specialCommercialVehicle     (20),
    specialVehicle               (21),	
    trailingTowingVehicle        (22),	
    semiTrailerTowingVehicle     (23),	
    trailer                      (24),	
    busTrailer                   (25),
    generalPurposeTrailer        (26),
    caravan                      (27),	
    specialTrailer               (28),	
    semiTrailer	                 (29),	
    busSemiTrailer               (30),	
    generalPurposeSemiTrailer    (31),
    specialSemiTrailer           (32),	
    roadTrain                    (33),	
    passengerRoadTrain           (34),	
    articulatedRoadTrain         (35),	
    doubleRoadTrain	             (36),
    compositeRoadTrain           (37),	
    specialRoadTrain             (38),	
    moped                        (39),	
    motorCycle                   (40)	
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	} (0..255)