{ "attributes": { "NOTE": { "isGenerated": false, "key": "NOTE", "origin": "df8044af-078f-4da3-833c-7e9ab8060567", "type": "STRING", "value": "This test purpose is deprecated for v1.2.5" }, "_author": { "isGenerated": false, "key": "_author", "origin": "df8044af-078f-4da3-833c-7e9ab8060567", "type": "STRING", "value": "bissmeye" }, "_description": { "isGenerated": false, "key": "_description", "origin": "df8044af-078f-4da3-833c-7e9ab8060567", "type": "STRING", "value": "Check that IUT discards a secured CAM if the header_fields contains a signer of type certificate_digest_with_other_algorithm" }, "_expectedResults": { "isGenerated": false, "key": "_expectedResults", "origin": "df8044af-078f-4da3-833c-7e9ab8060567", "type": "STRING", "value": "with\r\n\tthe IUT being in the 'authorized' state\r\n\tand the IUT current time is inside the time validity period of CERT_TS_A_AT\r\nensure that\r\n\twhen\r\n\t\tthe IUT is receiving a SecuredMessage (MSG_SEC_RCV_CAM_02)\r\n\t\t\tcontaining header_fields['signer_info']\r\n\t\t\t\tcontaining signer.type\r\n\t\t\t\t\tindicating 'certificate_digest_with_other_algorithm'\r\n\tthen\r\n\t\tthe IUT discards a SecuredMessage" }, "_status": { "isGenerated": false, "key": "_status", "origin": "df8044af-078f-4da3-833c-7e9ab8060567", "type": "STRING", "value": "in process" }, "_type": { "isGenerated": false, "key": "_type", "origin": "df8044af-078f-4da3-833c-7e9ab8060567", "type": "STRING", "value": "TestPurpose" } }, "uuid": "df8044af-078f-4da3-833c-7e9ab8060567" }