{ "attributes": { "PICS_RSU_ROLE": { "isGenerated": false, "key": "PICS_RSU_ROLE", "origin": "18cc4dad-99ab-4886-abe4-e258efa7a455", "type": "BOOL", "value": true }, "_author": { "isGenerated": false, "key": "_author", "origin": "18cc4dad-99ab-4886-abe4-e258efa7a455", "type": "STRING", "value": "yann" }, "_description": { "isGenerated": false, "key": "_description", "origin": "18cc4dad-99ab-4886-abe4-e258efa7a455", "type": "STRING", "value": "Check that the IUT generates a SSEM using the request identification value set in reveived SREM (TCL-S)" }, "_expectedResults": { "isGenerated": false, "key": "_expectedResults", "origin": "18cc4dad-99ab-4886-abe4-e258efa7a455", "type": "STRING", "value": "with\r\n\tthe IUT being in the \"initial state\"\r\nensure that\r\n\twhen\r\n\t the IUT having receive a SREM\r\n containing srm\r\n containing sequenceNumber\r\n indicating SREM_SN_1\r\n\tthen\r\n\t\t the IUT sends a valid SSEM\r\n containing ssm\r\n containing sequenceNumber\r\n indicating SREM_SN_1\r\n" }, "_name": { "isGenerated": false, "key": "_name", "origin": "18cc4dad-99ab-4886-abe4-e258efa7a455", "type": "STRING", "value": "TP_IS_TLC_EVGN_04" }, "_status": { "isGenerated": false, "key": "_status", "origin": "18cc4dad-99ab-4886-abe4-e258efa7a455", "type": "STRING", "value": "complete" }, "_type": { "isGenerated": false, "key": "_type", "origin": "18cc4dad-99ab-4886-abe4-e258efa7a455", "type": "STRING", "value": "TestPurpose" } }, "uuid": "18cc4dad-99ab-4886-abe4-e258efa7a455" }