[MODULE_PARAMETERS] # This section shall contain the values of all parameters that are defined in your TTCN-3 modules. # The GeoNetworking address of the IUT. LibItsGeoNetworking_Pics.PICS_GN_LOCAL_GN_ADDR := { typeOfAddress := e_initial, stationType := e_unknown, #e_roadSideUnit, stationCountryCode := 0, #33, mid := '4C5E0C14D2EA'O } LibItsGeoNetworking_Pixits.PX_GN_UPPER_LAYER := e_btpB # Enable Security support LibItsGeoNetworking_Pics.PICS_GN_SECURITY := true # Root path to access certificate stored in files, identified by certficate ID LibItsSecurity_Pixits.PX_CERTIFICATE_POOL_PATH := "data/v3/certificates"; # Configuration sub-directory to access certificate stored in files LibItsSecurity_Pixits.PX_IUT_SEC_CONFIG_NAME := "test_01"; [LOGGING] # In this section you can specify the name of the log file and the classes of events # you want to log into the file or display on console (standard error). LogFile := "../logs/%e.%h-%r.%s" FileMask := LOG_ALL | USER | DEBUG | MATCHING ConsoleMask := LOG_ALL | USER | DEBUG | MATCHING #FileMask := ERROR | WARNING | USER | MATCHING | EXECUTOR_RUNTIME | VERDICTOP #ConsoleMask := ERROR | WARNING | USER | MATCHING | EXECUTOR_RUNTIME | VERDICTOP LogSourceInfo := Stack LogEntityName:= Yes LogEventTypes:= Yes #TimeStampFormat := DateTime [TESTPORT_PARAMETERS] # In this section you can specify parameters that are passed to Test Ports. # CAM Layer # next_header : btpA|btpB (overwrite BTP.type) # header_type : tsb|gbc # header_sub_type : sh (single hop) # DENM Layer # next_header : btpA|btpB (overwrite BTP.type) # header_type : tsb|gbc # BTP Layer # type : btpA|btpB # destination port: dst_port # source port : src_port # device_mode : Set to 1 if the layer shall encapsulate upper layer PDU # device_mode : Set to 1 if the layer shall encapsulate upper layer PDU # GN Layer # ll_address : GeoNetworking address of the Test System # latitude : latitude of the Test System # longitude : longitude of the Test System # beaconing : Set to 1 if GnLayer shall start beaconing # Beaconning timer expiry: expiry (ms) # device_mode : Set to 1 if the layer shall encapsulate upper layer PDU # secured_mode : Set to 1 if message exchanges shall be signed # encrypted_mode : Set to 1 if message exchanges shall be encrypted # NOTE: For signed & encrypted message exchanges, both secured_mode and encrypted_mode shall be set to 1 # secure_db_path : Path to the certificates and keys storage location # hash : Hash algorithm to be used when secured mode is set # Authorized values are SHA-256 or SHA-384 # Default: SHA-256 # signature : Signature algorithm to be used when secured mode is set # Authorized values are NISTP-256, NISTP-384, BP-256 and BP-384 # Default: NISTP-256 # cypher : Cyphering algorithm to be used when secured mode is set # Authorized values are NISTP-256, BP-256 and BP-384 # Default: NISTP-256 # Ethernet layer # mac_src :Source MAC address # mac_bc :Broadcast address # eth_type : Ethernet type # Commsignia layer # mac_src : Device MAC address, used to discard packets # To indicate no filering, use the value 000000000000 # mac_bc : Broadcast address # eth_type : Ethernet type, used to discard packets # target_host : Device address # target_port : Device port # source_port : Test System port # interface_id: Interface id, used to discard packets # tx_power : TX power (dB) # UDP layer (IP/UDP based on Pcap) # dst_ip : destination IPv4 address (aa.bb.cc.dd) # dst_port: destination port # src_ip : source IPv4 address (aa.bb.cc.dd) # src_port: source port # Pcap layer # mac_src : Source MAC address, used to exclude from capture the acket sent by the Test System # filter : Pcap filter (compliant with tcpdump syntax) # Online mode: # nic: Local NIC # If set, online mode is used # Offline mode (nic is present but not set): # file : File to read # frame_offset: Frame offset, used to skip packets with frame number < frame_offset # time_offset : Time offset, used to skip packets with time offset < time_offset # save_mode : 1 to save sent packet, 0 otherwise # Single GeoNetworking component port system.geoNetworkingPort.params := "GN(ll_address=4C5E0C14D2EA,latitude=43551050,longitude=10298730)/ETH(mac_src=080027d2b658,mac_bc=FFFFFFFFFFFF,eth_type=8947)/PCAP(mac_src=080027d2b658,nic=eth1,filter=and ether proto 0x8947)" # GeoNetworking UpperTester port based on UDP system.utPort.params := "UT_GN(loopback=0)/UDP(dst_ip=,dst_port=12345,src_ip=,src_port=12345)/ETH(mac_src=080027d2b658,mac_dst=90fd61e61902,eth_type=0800)/PCAP(mac_src=080027d2b658,nic=eth1,filter=and udp port 12345)" # CAM UpperTester port based on UDP system.camUtPort.params := "UT_GN(loopback=0)/UDP(dst_ip=,dst_port=12345,src_ip=,src_port=12345)/ETH(mac_src=080027d2b658,mac_dst=90fd61e61902,eth_type=0800)/PCAP(mac_src=080027d2b658,nic=eth1,filter=and udp port 12345)" [EXECUTE] ItsSecurity_TestCases.TC_TEST_1 #ItsSecurity_TestCases.TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_MSG_01_BV #ItsSecurity_TestCases.TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_01_BV #ItsSecurity_TestCases.TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_02_BV #ItsSecurity_TestCases.TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_03_BV #ItsSecurity_TestCases.TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_04_BV #ItsSecurity_TestCases.TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_05_BV #ItsSecurity_TestCases.TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_08_BV #ItsSecurity_TestCases.TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_GENMSG_01_BV #ItsSecurity_TestCases.TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_GENMSG_02_BV #ItsSecurity_TestCases.TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_GENMSG_03_BV #ItsSecurity_TestCases.TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_GENMSG_04_BV #ItsSecurity_TestCases.TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_GENMSG_05_BV [MAIN_CONTROLLER] # The options herein control the behavior of MC. KillTimer := 10.0 TCPPort := 0 LocalAddress := TCPPort := 12000 NumHCs := 1