module ItsRSUsSimulator_TestSystem { // LibIts import from ITS_Container language "ASN.1:1997" all; import from DSRC language "ASN.1:1997" all; // LibItsGeoNetworking import from LibItsGeoNetworking_TestSystem all; import from LibItsGeoNetworking_TypesAndValues all; // AtsRSUsSimulator import from ItsRSUsSimulator_TypesAndValues all; import from ItsRSUsSimulator_Pics all; /** * @desc Test component for ITS Network and Transport layer */ type component ItsRSUsSimulator extends ItsGeoNetworking { var LongPosVector vc_longPosVectorRsu := {}; var GeoArea vc_geoArea := {}; var template (value) RsuMessagesValueList vc_rsuMessagesValueList := {}; var integer vc_denmEventCounter := 0; var SequenceNumber vc_sequenceNumber := 0; var MsgCount vc_msgIssueRevision := 0; timer tc_cam := PICS_CAM_FREQUENY; timer tc_denm := PICS_DENM_FREQUENY; timer tc_mapem := PICS_MAPEM_FREQUENY; timer tc_spatem := PICS_SPATEM_FREQUENY; timer tc_ivim := PICS_IVIM_FREQUENY; } // End of component ItsRSUsSimulator } // End of module ItsRSUsSimulator_TestSystem