# Debug level - Authorized values: OFF, ALL, INFO, SEVERE DEBUG_ENABLED=ALL # Define the port/layer configuration for CAM camPort=BTP/GN/ETH # Define the port/layer configuration for DENM denmPort=BTP/GN/ETH # Define the port/layer configuration for MAPEM-SPATEM mapemSpatemPort=BTP/GN/ETH # Define the port/layer configuration for IVIM ivimPort=BTP/GN/ETH # Define the port/layer configuration for SREM-SSEM sremSsemPort=BTP/GN/ETH # Define the port/layer configuration for BTP btpPort=GN/ETH # Define the port/layer configuration for GeoNetworking geoNetworkingPort=ETH # Define the port/layer configuration for GeoNetworking over IPv6 ipv6OverGeoNetworkingPort=Debug # Define the port/layer configuration for CALM FNTP #fntpPort=FNTP/ETH fntpPort=FNTP/UdpIp # Define the port/layer configuration for CALM FSAP fsapPort=FSAP/UdpIp fsapPort=FSAP/UdpIp #UpperTesterSettings= UpperTesterSettings= # Peer ITS station LinkLayer_Peer=8BADF00D0199 # Define the MAC address of the Ethernet interface connected to the IUT device # Home laptop VMWare MAC address #LocalEthernetMAC=005056C00008 # Home laptop MAC address #LocalEthernetMAC=4C80938EDB27 # ETSI computer MAC address #LocalEthernetMAC=0022191B7FDB # G5 bridge connected on USB3/Ethernet LocalEthernetMAC=00E08F008855 # Define the Ethernet type value used by the IUT IutEthernetTypeValue=0x8947 # Node Ethernet addresses LinkLayer_MTC=8BADF00D0100 # Link-Layer address of component NodeA LinkLayer_NodeA=8BADF00D0101 # Link-Layer address of component NodeB LinkLayer_NodeB=8BADF00D0102 # Link-Layer address of component NodeC LinkLayer_NodeC=8BADF00D0103 # Link-Layer address of component NodeD LinkLayer_NodeD=8BADF00D0104 # Interval between each beacon sent by TS (ms) TsBeaconInterval=1000 # Latitude of Test System TsLatitude=514787010 # Longitude of Test System TsLongitude=56547460 # ITS-AID for other profile TsItsAidOther=38 # Secured mode status UtSecuredMode=false # Enforce secured mode status TsEnforceSecuredMode=false # Secured configuration identifier TsSecuredRootPath=data/certificates # Secured root path to access certificates and private keys TsSecuredConfiId=