test_LibItsBtp_TypesAndValues.ttcn 15.3 KB
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module test_LibItsBtp_TypesAndValues /*language "TTCN-3:2009 Advanced Parameterization"*/ {
    import from test_CommonCodec all;
    import from LibItsBtp_TestSystem all;
    import from LibItsBtp_Templates all;
    import from LibItsBtp_TypesAndValues all;
    group LibItsBtp_testCases {
        group LibItsBtp_DummyTemplates {
            template (value) UtEvent m_utEventBtpA := {
                utBtpEvent := {
                    btpA := {
                        destinationPort := 1234,
                        sourcePort := 5678
            template (value) UtEvent m_utEventBtpB := {
                utBtpEvent := {
                    btpB := {
                        destinationPort := 123,
                        destinationPortInfo := 432
            template (value) UtEvent m_utEventBtpPayload := {
                utBtpEvent := {
                    payload := { 
                        decodedPayload := omit, 
                        rawPayload := 'f005ba11'O 
                    } // End of 'payload' field 
            template BtpInd m_btpInd(template (present) BtpPacket p_btpPkt) := {
                msgIn := p_btpPkt
            template (value) BtpPacket m_btpA_Without_Payload (
                template (value) BtpPortId  p_destPort,
                template (value) BtpPortId  p_sourcePort
            ):= {
                header := { 
                    btpAHeader := {
                        destinationPort := p_destPort, 
                        sourcePort := p_sourcePort
                payload := omit 
            template BtpPacket m_btpA_With_Payload ( 
                in template (value) BtpPortId  p_destPort, 
                in template (value) BtpPortId  p_sourcePort, 
                in template DecodedBtpPayload p_decodedPayload, 
                in template (value) octetstring p_rawPayload 
            ) := { 
                header := { 
                    btpAHeader := {
                        destinationPort := p_destPort, 
                        sourcePort := p_sourcePort
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                payload := { 
                    decodedPayload := p_decodedPayload,
                    rawPayload := p_rawPayload
            template BtpPacket mw_btpA_With_Payload ( 
                in template (present) BtpPortId  p_destPort, 
                in template (present) BtpPortId  p_sourcePort, 
                in template DecodedBtpPayload p_decodedPayload, 
                in template (present) octetstring p_rawPayload 
            ) := { 
                header := { 
                    btpAHeader := {
                        destinationPort := p_destPort, 
                        sourcePort := p_sourcePort
                payload := { 
                    decodedPayload := p_decodedPayload,
                    rawPayload := p_rawPayload
            template (value) BtpPacket m_btpB_Without_Payload (
                template (value) BtpPortId  p_destPort,
                template (value) BtpPortId  p_destinationPortInfo
            ):= {
                header := { 
                    btpBHeader := {
                        destinationPort := p_destPort, 
                        destinationPortInfo := p_destinationPortInfo
                payload := omit
        } // End of group LibItsBtp_DummyTemplates
        group testAcPrimitives {
        } // End of group testAcPrimitives
        group testBtpPrimitiveMessages {
    //        /**
    //         * @desc validate BtpReq/BTP type A
    //         * @verdict Pass on success, Fail otherwise
    //         */
    //        testcase tc_BtpReq_A() runs on TCType system TCType {
    //            test_PDU<BtpReq>(
    //                m_btpReq( m_btpA_Without_Payload (1234, 5678)), 
    //                true, 
    //                oct2bit('4b000a34000732000404d2162e'O));
    //        }
    //        /**
    //         * @desc validate BtpReq/BTP type A with payload
    //         * @verdict Pass on success, Fail otherwise
    //         */
    //        testcase tc_BtpReq_A_With_Payload() runs on TCType system TCType {
    //            test_PDU<BtpReq>(
    //                m_btpReq( 
    //                    m_btpAWithPorts ( 
    //                        1234, 
    //                        5678, 
    //                        { 
    //                            decodedPayload := omit, 
    //                            rawPayload := 'ca5caded'O 
    //                        } // End of 'payload' field 
    //                    )), 
    //                true, 
    //                oct2bit('4b000e34000b32000404d2162eca5caded'O));
    //        }
    //        /**
    //         * @desc validate BtpReq/BTP type A with payload
    //         * @verdict Pass on success, Fail otherwise
    //         */
    //        testcase tc_BtpReq_A_With_DenmPayload() runs on TCType system TCType {
    //            test_PDU<BtpReq>(
    //                m_btpReq( 
    //                    m_btpAWithPorts ( 
    //                        1234, 
    //                        5678, 
    //                        { 
    //                            decodedPayload := { 
    //                                denmPacket := {
    //                                    header := { 
    //                                        protocolVersion := 0, 
    //                                        messageID := 1, 
    //                                        generationTime := 1319187879132 
    //                                    }, 
    //                                    denm := { 
    //                                        management := { 
    //                                            actionID := { 
    //                                                stationID := 2339, 
    //                                                sequenceNo := 29 
    //                                            }, 
    //                                            dataVersion := 0, 
    //                                            expiryTime := 1319187938835, 
    //                                            frequency := omit, 
    //                                            reliability := 0, 
    //                                            isNegation := false 
    //                                        }, 
    //                                        situation := { 
    //                                            trafficFlowEffect := omit, 
    //                                            situation := { cause := 103, subCause := 0 }, 
    //                                            linkedCause := omit, 
    //                                            severity := informative, 
    //                                            eventCharact := omit, 
    //                                            vehicleCommonParameters := omit, 
    //                                            profile := omit 
    //                                        }, 
    //                                        location := { 
    //                                            eventPosition := { 
    //                                                eventPositionCurrentDefinition := { 
    //                                                    refPosition := { 
    //                                                        longitude := { hemisphere := east, degree := 0 }, 
    //                                                        latitude := { hemisphere := north, degree := 0 }, 
    //                                                        elevation := 0, 
    //                                                        heading := 0, 
    //                                                        streetName := omit, 
    //                                                        positionConfidence := 0, 
    //                                                        elevationConfidence := 0, 
    //                                                        roadSegmentID := omit 
    //                                                    }, 
    //                                                    eventSpeed := 0 
    //                                                } 
    //                                            }, 
    //                                            locationRef := { 
    //                                                trace := { 
    //                                                    traceID := 0, 
    //                                                    waypoints := { 
    //                                                        { ptLat := { hemisphere := south, degree := 0 }, 
    //                                                            ptLong := { hemisphere := west, degree := 0 }, 
    //                                                            ptAlt := 0 
    //                                                         } 
    //                                                    } 
    //                                                }
    //                                            }, 
    //                                            relevanceArea := { 
    //                                                geoAreaCenterLatitude := { hemisphere := south, degree := 0 }, 
    //                                                geoAreaCenterLongitude := { hemisphere := west, degree := 0 }, 
    //                                                shape := {circle := { radius := 0 } }, 
    //                                                directionalityFilter := noFilter, 
    //                                                disseminationAreaSize := omit 
    //                                            } 
    //                                        } 
    //                                    } // End of 'denm' field 
    //                                } // End of 'denmPacket' field 
    //                            }, // End of 'decodedPayload' field 
    //                            rawPayload := '0001013325b994dc400001246003a0002664b74fc2600067002d80000000000000000013880000007ffd00a0000000400000000013880085a80000001000000000000000'O 
    //                        } // End of 'payload' field 
    //                    )), 
    //                true, 
    //                oct2bit('4b004e34004b32000404d2162e0001013325b994dc400001246003a0002664b74fc2600067002d80000000000000000013880000007ffd00a0000000400000000013880085a80000001000000000000000'O));
    //        }
             * @desc validate BtpReq/BTP type B
             * @verdict Pass on success, Fail otherwise
            testcase tc_BtpReq_B() runs on TCType system TCType {
                    m_btpReq( m_btpB_Without_Payload (4321, 8765)), 
             * @desc validate BtpReq/BTP type B with payload
             * @verdict Pass on success, Fail otherwise
            testcase tc_BtpReq_B_With_Payload() runs on TCType system TCType {
                        m_btpBWithPorts ( 
                                decodedPayload := omit, 
                                rawPayload := 'F1A7F007ED'O 
                            } // End of 'payload' field 
             * @desc validate BtpInd/BTP type A
             * @verdict Pass on success, Fail otherwise
            testcase tc_BtpInd_A() runs on TCType system TCType {
                    m_btpInd( m_btpA_Without_Payload (4321, 8765)), 
             * @desc validate BtpInd/BTP type A with payload
             * @verdict Pass on success, Fail otherwise
            testcase tc_BtpInd_A_With_Payload() runs on TCType system TCType {
                        m_btpAWithPorts (
                                decodedPayload := omit, 
                                rawPayload := 'F1A7F007ED'O 
                            } // End of 'payload' field 
            testcase tc_BtpInd_A_With_CamPayload() runs on TCType system TCType {
                    { msgIn := mw_btpA_With_Payload(4321, 8765, ?, ?) }, 
            testcase tc_BtpInd_A_With_TrunkatedCamPayload() runs on TCType system TCType {
                    { msgIn := mw_btpA_With_Payload(4321, 8765, ?, ?) }, 
                if (getverdict() == fail) {
                } else {
            testcase tc_BtpInd_A_With_DenmPayload() runs on TCType system TCType {
                    { msgIn := mw_btpA_With_Payload(4321, 8765, ?, ?) }, 
        } // End of group testBtpPrimitiveMessages
        group LibItsBtp_testCases {
            testcase tc_BTP_A() runs on TCType system TCType {
                test_PDU<BtpPacket>(m_btpA (BtpPayload:{decodedPayload := omit, rawPayload := '0102030405'O } ), true, oct2bit('000000000102030405'O));
        } // End of group LibItsBtp_testCases
        group testUtEvent {
            testcase tc_UtBtpInitialize() runs on TCType system TCType {
                test_PDU<UtInitialize>(m_btpInitialize, false);
            testcase tc_UtEvent_A() runs on TCType system TCType {
                test_PDU<UtEvent>(m_utEventBtpA, false);
            testcase tc_UtEvent_B() runs on TCType system TCType {
                test_PDU<UtEvent>(m_utEventBtpB, false);
            testcase tc_UtEvent_Payload() runs on TCType system TCType {
                test_PDU<UtEvent>(m_utEventBtpPayload, false);
        } // End of group testUtEvent
    } // End of group LibItsBtp_testCases
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} // End of module test_LibItsBtp_TypesAndValues