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ItsSecurity_TestCases.ttcn3 1.25 MiB
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                // Test Body
                v_gnNonSecuredPacket := valueof(
                            c_area1                 // Select area1 (see ETSI TS 102 871-2 Clause 4.2 Configuration 1)
                // Add the DENM payload
                v_gnNonSecuredPacket.payload := valueof(
                // Encode it
                v_gnPayload := bit2oct(
                v_securedGnPdu := valueof(m_geoNwSecPdu(v_gnNonSecuredPacket, v_securedMessage));
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                v_sentRawPayload := f_adaptPayloadForUtInd_m(v_securedGnPdu.gnPacket.packet.payload);
                for (i := 0; i < lengthof(vc_utInds) and not match(vc_utInds[i].rawPayload, v_sentRawPayload); i := i + 1) {
                    // empty on purpose 
                } // End of 'for' statement
                if (i < lengthof(vc_utInds)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: GN was transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
                else {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: GN was not transmitted to upper layer ***");
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                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
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                // Postamble
            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_09_06_BO
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             * @desc    Check that IUT discards the Secured DENM if the message does not contain the trailer field of type signature
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             * <pre>
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             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
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             * Config Id: CF01
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             * Expected behavior:
             * with {
             *   the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
             *   and the IUT current time is inside the time validity period of CERT_TS_A_AT
             * }
             * ensure that {
             *   when {
             *     the IUT is receiving a SecuredMessage
            *            containing trailer_fields
            *                not containing any instance of type TrailerField
            *                    containing type
            *                        indicating 'signature'
             *   } then {
             *     the IUT discards the message
             *   }
             * }
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             * </pre>
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             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.2.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_10_01_BO
             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 7.2
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            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_10_01_BO() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
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                // Local variables
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                var integer i;
                var GeoNetworkingPdu v_securedGnPdu;
                var GnRawPayload v_sentRawPayload;
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                // Test control
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                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ":ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
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                // Test component configuration
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                // Test adapter configuration
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                // Preamble
                f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
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                // Test Body
                v_securedGnPdu := f_sendSecuredDenm_Bo(cc_taCert_A, -, 0);
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                v_sentRawPayload := f_adaptPayloadForUtInd_m(v_securedGnPdu.gnPacket.packet.payload);
                for (i := 0; i < lengthof(vc_utInds) and not match(vc_utInds[i].rawPayload, v_sentRawPayload); i := i + 1) {
                    // empty on purpose 
                if (i < lengthof(vc_utInds)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: GN was transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
                else {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: GN was not transmitted to upper layer ***");
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                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
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                // Postamble
            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_10_01_BO
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             * @desc    Check that IUT discards the Secured DENM containing more than one instance of TrailerField of type 'signature'
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             * <pre>
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             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
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             * Config Id: CF01
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             * Expected behavior:
             * with {
             *   the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
             *   and the IUT current time is inside the time validity period of CERT_TS_A_AT
             * }
             * ensure that {
             *   when {
             *     the IUT is receiving a SecuredMessage
            *          containing trailer_fields[0].type
            *              containing type
            *                  indicating 'signature'
            *          and containing trailer_fields[1].type
            *              containing type
            *                  indicating 'signature'
             *   } then {
             *     the IUT discards the message
             *   }
             * }
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             * </pre>
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             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.2.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_10_02_BO
             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 7.2
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            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_10_02_BO() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
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                // Local variables
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                var integer i;
                var GeoNetworkingPdu v_securedGnPdu;
                var GnRawPayload v_sentRawPayload;
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                // Test control
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                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ":ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
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                // Test component configuration
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                // Test adapter configuration
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                // Preamble
                f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
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                // Test Body
                v_securedGnPdu := f_sendSecuredDenm_Bo(cc_taCert_A, -, 2);
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                v_sentRawPayload := f_adaptPayloadForUtInd_m(v_securedGnPdu.gnPacket.packet.payload);
                for (i := 0; i < lengthof(vc_utInds) and not match(vc_utInds[i].rawPayload, v_sentRawPayload); i := i + 1) {
                    // empty on purpose 
                if (i < lengthof(vc_utInds)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: GN was transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
                else {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: GN was not transmitted to upper layer ***");
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                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
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                // Postamble
            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_10_02_BO
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             * @desc    Check that the IUT discards Secured DENM containing signature that is not verified using the verification key from the certificate contained in the message's signer info
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             * <pre>
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             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
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             * Config Id: CF01
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             * Expected behavior:
             *   with {
             *     the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
             *     and the IUT current time is inside the time validity period of CERT_TS_A_AT
             *   }
             *   ensure that {
             *     when {
             *         the IUT is receiving a SecuredMessage  (MSG_SEC_RCV_DENM_01)
            *               containing header_fields ['signer_info']
            *                   containing certificate (CERT_TS_A_AT)
            *                       containing subject_attributes['verification key'] (KEY)
            *               and containing trailer_fields[0]
            *                   containing type
            *                       indicating 'signature'
            *                   and containing signature
            *                       NOT verifiable using KEY
             *   } then {
             *     the IUT discards the message
             *   }
             * }
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             * </pre>
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             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.2.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_11_01_BO
             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 7.2
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            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_11_01_BO() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
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                // Local variables
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                var integer i;
                var GeoNetworkingPdu v_securedGnPdu;
                var GnRawPayload v_sentRawPayload;
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                // Test control
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                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ":ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
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                // Test component configuration
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                // Test adapter configuration
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                // Preamble
                f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
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                // Test Body
                v_securedGnPdu := f_sendSecuredDenm_Bo(
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                v_sentRawPayload := f_adaptPayloadForUtInd_m(v_securedGnPdu.gnPacket.packet.payload);
                for (i := 0; i < lengthof(vc_utInds) and not match(vc_utInds[i].rawPayload, v_sentRawPayload); i := i + 1) {
                    // empty on purpose 
                if (i < lengthof(vc_utInds)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: GN was transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
                else {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: GN was not transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
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                // Postamble
            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_11_01_BO
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             * @desc    Check that IUT discards a Secured DENM if the signer certificate of the message contains the subject type 'enrolment_credential'
             * <pre>
             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
             * Config Id: CF01
             * Expected behavior:
             * with {
             *   the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
             *   and the IUT current time is inside the time validity period of CERT_TS_A_AT
             * }
             * ensure that {
             *     when {
             *         the IUT is receiving a SecuredMessage  (MSG_SEC_RCV_DENM_01)
             *          containing header_fields['signer_info']
             *              containing signer
             *                  containing type
             *                      indicating 'certificate'
             *                  containing certificate (CERT_TS_EC_A)
             *                      containing subject_info.subject_type
             *                          indicating 'enrolment_credentials'
             *   } then {
             *       the IUT discards the message
             *   }
             * }
             * </pre>
             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.2.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_12_01_BO
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             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 6.3
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            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_12_01_BO() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
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                // Local variables
                var integer i;
                var GeoNetworkingPdu v_securedGnPdu;
                var GnRawPayload v_sentRawPayload;
                // Test control
                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ":ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
                // Test component configuration
                // Test adapter configuration
                // Preamble
                f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
                // Test Body
                v_securedGnPdu := f_sendSecuredDenm(
                        m_header_field_generation_time(1000 * f_getCurrentTime()), // In us
                v_sentRawPayload := f_adaptPayloadForUtInd_m(v_securedGnPdu.gnPacket.packet.payload);
                for (i := 0; i < lengthof(vc_utInds) and not match(vc_utInds[i].rawPayload, v_sentRawPayload); i := i + 1) {
                    // empty on purpose 
                if (i < lengthof(vc_utInds)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: GN was transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
                else {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: GN was not transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
                // Postamble
            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_12_01_BO
             * @desc    Check that IUT discards a Secured DENM if the signer certificate of the message contains the subject type "authorization_authority"
             * <pre>
             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
             * Config Id: CF01
             * Expected behavior:
             * with {
             *   the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
             *   and the IUT current time is inside the time validity period of CERT_TS_A_AT
             * }
             * ensure that {
             *     when {
             *         the IUT is receiving a SecuredMessage  (MSG_SEC_RCV_DENM_01)
             *          containing header_fields['signer_info']
             *              containing signer
             *                  containing type
             *                      indicating 'certificate'
             *                  containing certificate (CERT_TS_A_AA)
             *                      containing subject_info.subject_type
             *                          indicating 'authorization_authority'
             *   } then {
             *       the IUT discards the message
             *   }
             * }
             * </pre>
             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.2.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_12_02_BO
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             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 6.3
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            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_12_02_BO() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
                // Local variables
                var integer i;
                var GeoNetworkingPdu v_securedGnPdu;
                var GnRawPayload v_sentRawPayload;
                // Test control
                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ":ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
                // Test component configuration
                // Test adapter configuration
                // Preamble
                f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
                // Test Body
                v_securedGnPdu := f_sendSecuredDenm(
                        m_header_field_generation_time(1000 * f_getCurrentTime()), // In us
                v_sentRawPayload := f_adaptPayloadForUtInd_m(v_securedGnPdu.gnPacket.packet.payload);
                for (i := 0; i < lengthof(vc_utInds) and not match(vc_utInds[i].rawPayload, v_sentRawPayload); i := i + 1) {
                    // empty on purpose 
                if (i < lengthof(vc_utInds)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: GN was transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
                else {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: GN was not transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
                // Postamble
            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_12_02_BO
             * @desc    Check that IUT discards a Secured DENM if the signer certificate of the message contains the subject type 'enrolment_authority'
             * <pre>
             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
             * Config Id: CF01
             * Expected behavior:
             * with {
             *   the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
             *   and the IUT current time is inside the time validity period of CERT_TS_A_AT
             * }
             * ensure that {
             *     when {
             *      the IUT is receiving a SecuredMessage (MSG_SEC_RCV_DENM_01)
             *          containing header_fields['signer_info']
             *              containing signer
             *                  containing type
             *                      indicating 'certificate'
             *              and certificate (CERT_TS_EA_A)
             *                  containing subject_info.subject_type
             *                      indicating 'enrolment_authority'
             *   } then {
             *       the IUT discards the message
             *   }
             * }
             * </pre>
             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.2.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_12_03_BO
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             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 6.3
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            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_12_03_BO() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
                // Local variables
                var integer i;
                var GeoNetworkingPdu v_securedGnPdu;
                var GnRawPayload v_sentRawPayload;
                // Test control
                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ":ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
                // Test component configuration
                // Test adapter configuration
                // Preamble
                f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
                // Test Body
                v_securedGnPdu := f_sendSecuredDenm(
                        m_header_field_generation_time(1000 * f_getCurrentTime()), // In us
                v_sentRawPayload := f_adaptPayloadForUtInd_m(v_securedGnPdu.gnPacket.packet.payload);
                for (i := 0; i < lengthof(vc_utInds) and not match(vc_utInds[i].rawPayload, v_sentRawPayload); i := i + 1) {
                    // empty on purpose 
                if (i < lengthof(vc_utInds)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: GN was transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
                else {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: GN was not transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
                // Postamble
            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_12_03_BO
             * @desc    Check that IUT discards a Secured DENM if the signer certificate of the message contains the subject type 'root_ca'
             * <pre>
             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
             * Config Id: CF01
             * Expected behavior:
             * with {
             *   the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
             *   and the IUT current time is inside the time validity period of CERT_TS_A_AT
             * }
             * ensure that {
             *     when {
             *      the IUT is receiving a SecuredMessage (MSG_SEC_RCV_DENM_01)
             *          containing header_fields['signer_info']
             *              containing signer
             *                  containing type
             *                      indicating 'certificate'
             *              and certificate (CERT_TS_ROOT)
             *                  containing subject_info.subject_type
             *                      indicating 'root_ca'
             *   } then {
             *       the IUT discards the message
             *   }
             * }
             * </pre>
             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.2.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_12_04_BO
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             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 6.3
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16548 16549 16550 16551 16552 16553 16554 16555 16556 16557 16558 16559 16560 16561 16562 16563 16564 16565 16566 16567 16568 16569 16570 16571 16572 16573 16574 16575 16576 16577 16578 16579 16580 16581 16582 16583 16584 16585 16586 16587 16588 16589 16590 16591 16592 16593 16594 16595 16596 16597 16598 16599 16600 16601 16602 16603 16604 16605 16606 16607 16608 16609 16610 16611 16612 16613 16614 16615 16616 16617 16618 16619 16620 16621 16622 16623 16624 16625 16626 16627 16628 16629 16630 16631 16632 16633 16634 16635 16636 16637 16638 16639 16640 16641 16642 16643 16644 16645 16646 16647 16648 16649 16650 16651 16652 16653 16654 16655 16656 16657 16658 16659 16660 16661 16662 16663 16664 16665 16666 16667 16668 16669 16670 16671 16672 16673 16674 16675 16676 16677 16678 16679 16680 16681 16682 16683 16684 16685 16686 16687 16688 16689 16690 16691 16692 16693 16694 16695 16696 16697 16698 16699 16700 16701 16702 16703 16704 16705 16706 16707 16708 16709 16710 16711 16712 16713 16714 16715 16716 16717 16718 16719 16720 16721 16722 16723 16724 16725 16726 16727 16728 16729 16730 16731 16732 16733 16734 16735 16736 16737 16738 16739 16740 16741 16742 16743 16744 16745 16746 16747 16748 16749 16750 16751 16752 16753 16754 16755 16756 16757 16758 16759 16760 16761 16762 16763 16764 16765 16766 16767 16768 16769 16770 16771 16772 16773 16774 16775 16776 16777 16778 16779 16780 16781 16782 16783 16784 16785 16786 16787 16788 16789 16790 16791 16792 16793 16794 16795 16796 16797 16798 16799 16800 16801 16802 16803 16804 16805 16806 16807 16808 16809 16810 16811 16812 16813 16814 16815 16816 16817 16818 16819 16820 16821 16822 16823 16824 16825 16826 16827 16828 16829 16830 16831 16832 16833 16834 16835 16836 16837 16838 16839 16840 16841 16842 16843 16844 16845 16846 16847 16848 16849 16850 16851 16852 16853 16854 16855 16856 16857 16858 16859 16860 16861 16862 16863 16864 16865 16866 16867 16868 16869 16870 16871 16872 16873 16874 16875 16876 16877 16878 16879 16880 16881 16882 16883 16884 16885 16886 16887 16888 16889 16890 16891 16892 16893 16894 16895 16896 16897 16898 16899 16900 16901 16902 16903 16904 16905 16906 16907 16908 16909 16910 16911 16912 16913 16914 16915 16916 16917 16918 16919 16920 16921 16922 16923 16924 16925 16926 16927 16928 16929 16930 16931 16932 16933 16934 16935 16936 16937 16938 16939 16940 16941 16942 16943 16944 16945 16946 16947 16948 16949 16950 16951 16952 16953 16954 16955 16956 16957 16958 16959 16960 16961 16962 16963 16964 16965 16966 16967 16968 16969 16970 16971 16972 16973 16974 16975 16976 16977 16978 16979 16980 16981 16982 16983 16984 16985 16986 16987 16988 16989 16990 16991 16992 16993 16994 16995 16996 16997 16998 16999 17000
            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_12_04_BO() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
                // Local variables
                var integer i;
                var GeoNetworkingPdu v_securedGnPdu;
                var GnRawPayload v_sentRawPayload;
                // Test control
                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ":ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
                // Test component configuration
                // Test adapter configuration
                // Preamble
                f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
                // Test Body
                v_securedGnPdu := f_sendSecuredDenm(
                        m_header_field_generation_time(1000 * f_getCurrentTime()), // In us
                v_sentRawPayload := f_adaptPayloadForUtInd_m(v_securedGnPdu.gnPacket.packet.payload);
                for (i := 0; i < lengthof(vc_utInds) and not match(vc_utInds[i].rawPayload, v_sentRawPayload); i := i + 1) {
                    // empty on purpose 
                if (i < lengthof(vc_utInds)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: GN was transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
                else {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: GN was not transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
                // Postamble
            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_12_04_BO
             * @desc    Check that IUT discards secured DENM signed with the not yet valid certificate
             * <pre>
             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
             * Config Id: CF01
             * Expected behavior:
             * with {
             *   the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
             *   and the IUT current time is inside the time validity period of CERT_TS_A_AT
             * }
             * ensure that {
             *     when {
             *          the IUT is receiving a SecuredMessage (MSG_SEC_RCV_DENM_01)
             *              containing header_fields['signer_info'].signer 
             *                  containing certificate (CERT_TS_MSG_13_01_BO_AT)
             *                      containing validity_restrictions['time_start_and_end']
             *                          containing start_validity
             *                              indicating START_VALIDITY_AT > CURRENT_TIME
             *                          and containing end_validity
             *                              indicating END_VALIDITY_AT > START_VALIDITY_AT
             *   } then {
             *       the IUT discards the message
             *   }
             * }
             * </pre>
             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.2.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_13_01_BO
             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 7.2
            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_13_01_BO() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
                // Local variables
                var integer i;
                var GeoNetworkingPdu v_securedGnPdu;
                var GnRawPayload v_sentRawPayload;
                // Test control
                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ":ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
                // Test component configuration
                // Test adapter configuration
                // Preamble
                f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
                // Test Body
                v_securedGnPdu := f_sendSecuredDenm(cc_taCertMsg1301_BO, omit, e_certificate);
                v_sentRawPayload := f_adaptPayloadForUtInd_m(v_securedGnPdu.gnPacket.packet.payload);
                for (i := 0; i < lengthof(vc_utInds) and not match(vc_utInds[i].rawPayload, v_sentRawPayload); i := i + 1) {
                    // empty on purpose 
                if (i < lengthof(vc_utInds)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: GN was transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
                else {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: GN was not transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
                // Postamble
            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_13_01_BO
             * @desc    Check that IUT discards secured DENM signed with the expired certificate
             * <pre>
             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
             * Config Id: CF01
             * Expected behavior:
             * with {
             *   the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
             *   and the IUT current time is inside the time validity period of CERT_TS_A_AT
             * }
             * ensure that {
             *     when {
             *          the IUT is receiving a SecuredMessage (MSG_SEC_RCV_DENM_01)
             *              containing header_fields['signer_info'].signer 
             *                  containing certificate (CERT_TS_MSG_13_02_BO_AT)
             *                      containing validity_restrictions['time_start_and_end']
             *                          containing start_validity
             *                              indicating START_VALIDITY_AT < CURRENT_TIME
             *                          and containing end_validity
             *                              indicating END_VALIDITY_AT < START_VALIDITY_AT
             *   } then {
             *       the IUT discards the message
             *   }
             * }
             * </pre>
             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.2.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_13_02_BO
             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 7.2
            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_13_02_BO() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
                // Local variables
                var integer i;
                var GeoNetworkingPdu v_securedGnPdu;
                var GnRawPayload v_sentRawPayload;
                // Test control
                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ":ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
                // Test component configuration
                // Test adapter configuration
                // Preamble
                f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
                // Test Body
                v_securedGnPdu := f_sendSecuredDenm(cc_taCertMsg1302_BO, omit, e_certificate);
                v_sentRawPayload := f_adaptPayloadForUtInd_m(v_securedGnPdu.gnPacket.packet.payload);
                for (i := 0; i < lengthof(vc_utInds) and not match(vc_utInds[i].rawPayload, v_sentRawPayload); i := i + 1) {
                    // empty on purpose 
                if (i < lengthof(vc_utInds)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: GN was transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
                else {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: GN was not transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
                // Postamble
            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_13_02_BO
             * @desc    Check that IUT discards secured DENM when IUT location is outside the circular validity restriction of the signing certificate
             * <pre>
             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
             * Config Id: CF01
             * Expected behavior:
             * with {
             *   the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
             *   and the IUT current time is inside the time validity period of CERT_TS_A_AT
             * }
             * ensure that {
             *     when {
             *          the IUT is receiving a SecuredMessage (MSG_SEC_RCV_DENM_01)
             *              containing header_fields['signer_info'].signer 
             *                  containing certificate (CERT_TS_MSG_13_03_BO_AT)
             *                      containing validity_restrictions['region']
             *                          containing region
             *                              containing region_type
             *                                  indicating 'circle'
             *                              and containing circular_region
             *                                  indicating REGION
             *                                      not containing the CURRENT_IUT_LOCATION
             *   } then {
             *       the IUT discards the message
             *   }
             * }
             * </pre>
             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.2.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_13_03_BO
             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 7.2
            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_13_03_BO() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
                // Local variables
                var integer i;
                var GeoNetworkingPdu v_securedGnPdu;
                var GnRawPayload v_sentRawPayload;
                // Test control
                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ":ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
                // Test component configuration
                // Test adapter configuration
                // Preamble
                f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
                // Test Body
                v_securedGnPdu := f_sendSecuredDenm(cc_taCertMsg1303_BO, omit, e_certificate);
                v_sentRawPayload := f_adaptPayloadForUtInd_m(v_securedGnPdu.gnPacket.packet.payload);
                for (i := 0; i < lengthof(vc_utInds) and not match(vc_utInds[i].rawPayload, v_sentRawPayload); i := i + 1) {
                    // empty on purpose 
                if (i < lengthof(vc_utInds)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: GN was transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
                else {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: GN was not transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
                // Postamble
            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_13_03_BO
             * @desc    Check that IUT discards secured DENM when IUT location is outside the rectangular validity restriction of the signing certificate
             * <pre>
             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
             * Config Id: CF01
             * Expected behavior:
             * with {
             *   the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
             *   and the IUT current time is inside the time validity period of CERT_TS_A_AT
             * }
             * ensure that {
             *     when {
             *          the IUT is receiving a SecuredMessage (MSG_SEC_RCV_DENM_01)
             *              containing header_fields['signer_info'].signer 
             *                  containing certificate (CERT_TS_MSG_13_04_BO_AT)
             *                      containing validity_restrictions['region']
             *                          containing region
             *                              containing region_type
             *                                  indicating 'polygon'
             *                              and containing polygonal_region
             *                                  indicating REGION
             *                                      not containing the CURRENT_IUT_LOCATION
             *   } then {
             *       the IUT discards the message
             *   }
             * }
             * </pre>
             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.2.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_13_04_BO
             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 7.2
            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_13_04_BO() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
                // Local variables
                var integer i;
                var GeoNetworkingPdu v_securedGnPdu;
                var GnRawPayload v_sentRawPayload;
                // Test control
                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ":ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
                // Test component configuration
                // Test adapter configuration
                // Preamble
                f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
                // Test Body
                v_securedGnPdu := f_sendSecuredDenm(cc_taCertMsg1304_BO, omit, e_certificate);
                v_sentRawPayload := f_adaptPayloadForUtInd_m(v_securedGnPdu.gnPacket.packet.payload);
                for (i := 0; i < lengthof(vc_utInds) and not match(vc_utInds[i].rawPayload, v_sentRawPayload); i := i + 1) {
                    // empty on purpose 
                if (i < lengthof(vc_utInds)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: GN was transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
                else {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: GN was not transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
                // Postamble
            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_13_04_BO
             * @desc    Check that IUT discards secured DENM when IUT location is outside the polygonal validity restriction of the signing certificate
             * <pre>
             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
             * Config Id: CF01
             * Expected behavior:
             * with {
             *   the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
             *   and the IUT current time is inside the time validity period of CERT_TS_A_AT
             * }
             * ensure that {
             *     when {
             *          the IUT is receiving a SecuredMessage (MSG_SEC_RCV_DENM_01)
             *              containing header_fields['signer_info'].signer 
             *                  containing certificate (CERT_TS_MSG_13_05_BO_AT)
             *                      containing validity_restrictions['region']
             *                          containing region
             *                              containing region_type
             *                                  indicating 'rectangle'
             *                              and containing rectanglar_region
             *                                  indicating REGION
             *                                      not containing the CURRENT_IUT_LOCATION
             *   } then {
             *       the IUT discards the message
             *   }
             * }
             * </pre>
             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.2.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_13_05_BO
             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 7.2
            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_13_05_BO() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
                // Local variables
                var integer i;
                var GeoNetworkingPdu v_securedGnPdu;
                var GnRawPayload v_sentRawPayload;
                // Test control
                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ":ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
                // Test component configuration
                // Test adapter configuration
                // Preamble
                f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
                // Test Body
                v_securedGnPdu := f_sendSecuredDenm(cc_taCertMsg1305_BO, omit, e_certificate);
                v_sentRawPayload := f_adaptPayloadForUtInd_m(v_securedGnPdu.gnPacket.packet.payload);
                for (i := 0; i < lengthof(vc_utInds) and not match(vc_utInds[i].rawPayload, v_sentRawPayload); i := i + 1) {
                    // empty on purpose 
                if (i < lengthof(vc_utInds)) {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: GN was transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
                else {
                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: GN was not transmitted to upper layer ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
                // Postamble
            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_13_05_BO
             * @desc    Check that IUT discards secured DENM when IUT location is outside the identified validity restriction of the signing certificate
             * <pre>
             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
             * Config Id: CF01
             * Expected behavior:
             * with {
             *   the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
             *   and the IUT current time is inside the time validity period of CERT_TS_A_AT
             * }
             * ensure that {
             *     when {
             *          the IUT is receiving a SecuredMessage (MSG_SEC_RCV_DENM_01)
             *              containing header_fields['signer_info'].signer 
             *                  containing certificate (CERT_TS_MSG_13_06_BO_AT)
             *                      containing validity_restrictions['region']
             *                          containing region
             *                              containing region_type
             *                                  indicating 'id'
             *                              and containing id_region
             *                                  indicating REGION
             *                                      not containing the CURRENT_IUT_LOCATION
             *   } then {
             *       the IUT discards the message
             *   }
             * }
             * </pre>
             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.2.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_13_06_BO
             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 7.2
            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_RCV_DENM_13_06_BO() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
                // Local variables
                var integer i;
                var GeoNetworkingPdu v_securedGnPdu;