module MainModule { import from TraceParserSystem all; function f_obuBehaviour() runs on ObuType { var address v_ts := 0; var integer v_startTS := 0; var template (present) LinkId v_linkId := ?; var boolean v_receivedLinkId := false; transactionOBUTimer.start; alt { [v_startTS==0] obuPort.receive(mw_obuBroadCastMsg) -> sender v_ts { // when the first broadcast message is received then take it's time stamp transactionOBUTimer.stop; v_startTS := v_ts; transactionOBUTimer.start; repeat; } [] compPort.receive(v_linkId) -> value v_linkId{ transactionOBUTimer.stop; v_receivedLinkId := true; transactionOBUTimer.start; repeat; } [v_startTS!=0 and v_receivedLinkId == true] obuPort.receive(mw_releaseMsg(v_linkId)) -> sender v_ts { // when the release message was received take it's time stamp and calculate the transaction time // inform the rsu component transactionOBUTimer.stop; compPort.send(m_stop); if (v_ts - v_startTS <= 100000) { setverdict (pass, "Transaction finished in " & int2str(v_ts - v_startTS) & "µs"); } else { setverdict (fail, "Transaction finished in more than 100ms! (" & int2str(v_ts - v_startTS) & "µs)"); } stop; } [v_startTS!=0 and v_receivedLinkId == true] obuPort.receive(mw_msg_withLinkId(v_linkId)){ transactionOBUTimer.stop; transactionOBUTimer.start; repeat; } [v_startTS!=0 and v_receivedLinkId == true] obuPort.receive(mw_obuBroadCastMsg){ //If another broadcast is received than ignore transactionOBUTimer.stop; transactionOBUTimer.start; repeat; } [v_startTS!=0 and v_receivedLinkId == true] obuPort.receive { transactionOBUTimer.stop; setverdict(fail, "Unexpected message received"); compPort.send(m_stop); stop; } [] transactionOBUTimer.timeout { setverdict (inconc, "No OBU message was received"); compPort.send(m_stop); stop; } } } function f_rsuBehaviour() runs on RsuType { var boolean v_sentLinkId := false; var PayloadStructure v_msg; var integer v_cntEmpty := 0; var template (present) LinkId v_linkId := ?; timer t_rsuTimer := 5.0; t_rsuTimer.start; alt{ []rsuPort.receive(mw_msg_withLinkId(v_linkId)) -> value v_msg{ t_rsuTimer.stop; if (v_sentLinkId == false) { v_linkId := valueof(v_msg.linkMsg.linkId); compPort.send(valueof(v_linkId)); } v_sentLinkId := true; t_rsuTimer.start; repeat; } []rsuPort.receive(mw_msg_empty){ t_rsuTimer.stop; v_cntEmpty := v_cntEmpty +1; t_rsuTimer.start; repeat; } []rsuPort.receive{ t_rsuTimer.stop; setverdict (fail, "Unexpected message received."); stop; } []compPort.receive(m_stop) { if (v_cntEmpty <= PX_MAX_NUM_EMPTY_UPLINK_FRAMES){ setverdict (pass, "Number of received empty frames : " & int2str(v_cntEmpty)); } else { setverdict (fail, "Maximum number of received empty frames exceeded! (" & int2str(v_cntEmpty) & " > " & int2str(PX_MAX_NUM_EMPTY_UPLINK_FRAMES) & ")"); } } []t_rsuTimer.timeout{ setverdict(inconc, "No RSU messaged received"); stop; } } } testcase TC_Initialization(inout integer p_nrOfTransactions) runs on MtcType system SystemType { map(mtc:controlPort, system:controlPort);{PX_TRACE_PATH}, 5.0) { [] controlPort.getreply(setTraceFile:{-} value true) { setverdict (pass); } [] controlPort.getreply { setverdict (fail, "Could not set trace file"); stop; } [] controlPort.catch(timeout) { setverdict (fail, "Timeout while setting trace file"); stop; } };{}, 5.0) { [] controlPort.getreply(getTransactionCnt:{} value ?) -> value p_nrOfTransactions { setverdict (pass, "Number of Transaction = " & int2str(p_nrOfTransactions)); } [] controlPort.getreply { setverdict (fail, "Unexpected reply"); stop; } [] controlPort.catch(timeout) { setverdict (fail, "Timeout while caling getTransacationCnt"); stop; } }; } testcase TC_AnalyzesTrace(inout integer p_traceIndex) runs on MtcType system SystemType { var ObuType obuComponent := ObuType.create("OBU"); //DL var RsuType rsuComponent := RsuType.create("RSU"); //UL map(mtc:controlPort, system:controlPort); map(obuComponent:obuPort, system:msgPort); map(rsuComponent:rsuPort, system:msgPort); connect(obuComponent:compPort, rsuComponent:compPort); obuComponent.start(f_obuBehaviour()); rsuComponent.start(f_rsuBehaviour()); log ("Starting analysis of trace: " & int2str(p_traceIndex));{p_traceIndex}, 5.0) { [] controlPort.getreply(startAnalyzeTrace:{-} value true) { setverdict (pass); } [] controlPort.getreply { setverdict (fail, "Could not start analyzing trace"); stop; } [] controlPort.catch(timeout) { setverdict (fail, "Timeout while start analyzing trace"); stop; } }; all component.done; } testcase TC_Trace_File_Summary(inout integer p_traceIndex) runs on MtcType system SystemType { var ObuType obuComponent := ObuType.create("OBU"); //DL var RsuType rsuComponent := RsuType.create("RSU"); //UL log ("Summary analysis of all traces in : " & PX_TRACE_PATH); } control { var integer v_nrOfTransactions := 0; execute(TC_Initialization(v_nrOfTransactions)); for(var integer i:=0; i