Started 4 yr 9 mo ago
Took 11 min on

Success Build #43 (Oct 1, 2019 4:51:18 PM)

Started by GitLab push by ETSI CTI
Build Artifacts
  1. SOL003_4/SOL003_8: Common data types fixed according to SOL003 and (detail)
  2. SOL003_11: VNF LCM interface version changed to 1.3.0 (detail)
  3. SOL003_26/SOL003_27: Responses' codes updated according to SOL003 and (detail)
  4. SOL003_31/SOL003_33/SOL003_34: Responses' codes updated according to (detail)
  5. SOL003_36: Responses' codes updated according to SOL003 and SOL013 (detail)
  6. SOL003_39: Responses' codes updated according to SOL003 and SOL013 (detail)
  7. SOL003_43: Responses' codes updated according to SOL003 and SOL013 (detail)
  8. SOL003_45: Responses' codes fixed according to SOL003 and SOL013 (detail)
  9. SOL003_48/SOL003_51/SOL003_54: Responses' codes fixed according to (detail)
  10. SOL003_47: Responses' codes fixed according to SOL003 and SOL013 (detail)
  11. SOL003_61: 202 response description fixes (detail)
  12. SOL003_66: 202 response description fixed (detail)
  13. SOL003_70: responses description fixed (detail)
  14. SOL003_74: responses description fixed (detail)
  15. SOL003_78: responses description fixed (detail)
  16. SOL003_82: responses description fixed (detail)
  17. SOL003_86/SOL003_87: responses description fixed (detail)
  18. SOL003_91/SOL003_93: responses description fixed (detail)
  19. SOL003_94/SOL003_95: responses description fixed (detail)
  20. SOL003_97: VnfInstance datatype updated (detail)
  21. SOL003_98: CreateVnfRequest datatype updated (detail)
  22. SOL003_99: InstantiateVnfRequest datatype updated (detail)
  23. SOL003_100: VnfInfoModificationRequest datatype updated (detail)
  24. SOL003_101: VnfInfoModifications datatype updated (detail)
  25. SOL003_102: VnfLcmOpOcc datatype updated (detail)
  26. SOL003_103: LccnSubscriptionRequest datatype updated (detail)
  27. SOL003_104: VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification datatype updated (detail)
  28. SOL003 VNF LCM interface overall consolidation (detail)
  29. SOL003_114/SOL003_115: PM Jobs POST and GET description fields updated (detail)
  30. SOL003_118/SOL003_119/SOL003_120: Individual PM job POST and GET (detail)
  31. SOL003_122/SOL003_123/SOL003_124/SOL003_125: Thresholds POST and GET (detail)
  32. SOL003_127/SOL003_129: Individual Threshold POST and GET description (detail)
  33. SOL003_131/SOL003_132: Subscriptions POST and GET description fields (detail)
  34. SOL003_136 -> SOL003_192: Individual subscription and Notification (detail)
  35. SOL003_141/SOL003_143: PmSubscriptionRequest and PerformanceReport data (detail)
  36. SOL003_149/SOL003_150: Alarms GET method desription fields updated (detail)
  37. SOL003_152 -> SOL003_156: Individual alarm and Subscriptions methods (detail)
  38. SOL003_158/SOL003_160/SOl003_161: Individual subscription methods (detail)
  39. SOL003_162/SOL003_163: Notification interface methods updated (detail)
  40. SOL003_165/SOL003_166: FmSubscriptionRequest and FmSubscription (detail)
  41. SOL003_173/SOL003_174/SOL003_176: VNF Indicators methods updated (detail)
  42. SOL003_177/SOL003_179: Individual VNF Indicator methods updated (detail)
  43. SOL003_181/SOL003_182: Subscriptions methods updated (detail)
  44. SOL003_183/SOL003_185/SOL003_186: Individual subscription methods (detail)
  45. SOL003_187/SOL003_188: Notification methods updated (detail)
  46. SOL003_190: VNF Indicator datatypes updated (detail)
  47. SOL003_191/SOL003_195: Grants methods updated (detail)
  48. SOL003_199: Individual grant GET updated (detail)
  49. SOL003_200/SOL003_201: VNF Lifecycle Operation Granting interface (detail)
  50. SOL003_204/SOL003_207/SOL003_208: VNF Packages methods updated (detail)
  51. SOL003_209/SOL003_211: VNF Packages methods updated (detail)
  52. SOL003_212/SOL003_214: Individual VNF Package methods updated (detail)
  53. SOL003_215/SOL003_217: VNF Package content methods updated (detail)
  54. SOL003_218/SOL003_220: Individual VNF Package artifact methods updated (detail)
  55. SOL003_221 -> SOL003_223: Subscriptions methods updated (detail)
  56. SOL003_225/SOL003_27/SOL003_228: Individual subscription methods updated (detail)
  57. SOL003: general consolidation of responses codes (detail)
  58. SOL003_232/SOL003_233: VNF Package management datatypes updated (detail)
  59. SOL003_239/SOL003_240: VirtualisedResourcesQuotaAvailableNotification (detail)
  60. SOL003_245/SOL003_246: Individual subscription methods updated (detail)
  61. SOL003_247/SOL003_249: Notification methods and datatypes udated (detail)
  62. SOL003: VNF Package management datatypes consolidation (detail)
  63. SOL003: VNF Lifecycle Operation Granting datatypes consolidated (detail)
  64. SOL003/SOl002: VNF Lifecycle management datatypes consolidation (detail)
  65. SOL003/SOL002: VNF Lifecycle management datatypes consolidation (detail)
  66. SOL003: VNF Fault Management datatypes consolidated (detail)
  67. SOL003: general consolidation (detail)
  68. SOL002_27 POST method (on VNF instances) response updated (detail)
  69. SOL002_28 GET method (on VNF instances) request&response updated (detail)
  70. SOL002_30 GET method (on Individual VNF instance) description and (detail)
  71. SOL002_31 PATCH method (on Individual VNF instance) description and (detail)
  72. SOL002_32 DELETE method (on Individual VNF instance) description and (detail)
  73. SOL002_34 POST method (on Instantiate VNF task) responses updated (detail)
  74. SOL002_36 POST method (on Scale VNF task) response updated (detail)
  75. SOL002_38 POST method (on Scale VNF to level task) response updated (detail)
  76. SOL002_40 POST method (on Change VNF Flavour task) response updated (detail)
  77. SOL002_42 POST method (on Terminate VNF task) response updated (detail)
  78. SOL002_44 POST method (on Heal VNF task) response updated (detail)
  79. SOL002_47 POST method (on Operate VNF task) response updated (detail)
  80. SOL002_49 POST method (on Change External VNF Connectivity task) (detail)
  81. SOL002_51 GET method (on VNF LCM operation occurrences) request and (detail)
  82. SOL002_52 GET method ( on VNF LCM operation occurrences) description (detail)
  83. Revert "SOL002_52 GET method ( on VNF LCM operation occurrences) (detail)
  84. Revert "SOL002_51 GET method (on VNF LCM operation occurrences) (detail)
  85. SOL002_51/52 GET method (on VNF LCM operation occurrences) (detail)
  86. SOL002_54 GET Method (on Individual VNF LCM operation occurrence) (detail)
  87. SOL002_56 POST Method (on Retry operation task) description and (detail)
  88. SOL002_58 POST Method (on Rollback operation task) description and (detail)
  89. SOL002_60 POST method (on Fail Operation task) updated (detail)
  90. SOL002_62 POST Method (on Cancel operation task) description and (detail)
  91. SOL002_64 POST Method (on Subscriptions) description and response (detail)
  92. SOL002_65 GET Method (on Subscriptions) description and response (detail)
  93. SOL002_67 GET Method (on Individual subscription) description and (detail)
  94. SOL002_68 DELETE Method (on Individual subscription) response updated (detail)
  95. SOL002_69 POST Method (on Notification endpoint) request and response (detail)
  96. SOL002_70 GET Method (on Notification endpoint) response updated (detail)
  97. SOL002_71 Resource "VnfInstance" updated (detail)
  98. SOL002_75 Resource "VnfInfoModifications" updated (detail)
  99. SOL002_78 Resource "VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification" updated (detail)
  100. VnfIdentifierCreationNotification (detail)
  101. Revert "VnfIdentifierCreationNotification" (detail)
  102. SOL002_91 POST Method (on "PM jobs") description and response updated (detail)
  103. SOL002_92 GET Method (on "PM jobs") request and response updated (detail)
  104. SOL002_94 GET Method (on "PM job") response updated (detail)
  105. SOL002_95 DELETE Method (on "PM job") description and response updated (detail)
  106. SOL002_98 GET Method (on "Invidual performance report") response (detail)
  107. SOL002_100 POST Method (on "Thresholds") description, request and (detail)
  108. SOL002_101 GET Method (on "Thresholds") request and response updated (detail)
  109. SOL002_103 GET Method (on "Threshold") request and response updated (detail)
  110. SOL002_104 DELETE Method (on "Threshold") description and response (detail)
  111. SOL002_106 POST Method (on "Subscriptions") description and response (detail)
  112. SOL002_107 GET Method (on "Subscriptions") request and response updated (detail)
  113. SOL002_109 GET Method (on "Individual subscription") response updated (detail)
  114. SOL002_104 DELETE Method (on "Threshold") description and response (detail)
  115. SOL002_111 POST Method (on Notification endpoint) description and (detail)
  116. SOL002_112 GET Method (on Notification endpoint) response updated (detail)
  117. SOL002_114 Resource "ThresholdCrossedNotification " updated (detail)
  118. SOL002_115 Resource "PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification" (detail)
  119. SOL002_122 GET Method (on "Alarms") request and  response updated (detail)
  120. SOL002_124 GET Method (on "Alarm") response updated (detail)
  121. SOL002_125 PATCH Method (on "Alarm") response updated (detail)
  122. SOL002_127 POST Method (on "Escalate Perceived Severity task") (detail)
  123. SOL002_129 GET Method (on "Subscriptions") request and response updated (detail)
  124. SOL002_131 GET Method (on "Subscription") response updated (detail)
  125. SOL002_132 DELETE Method (on "Subscription") response updated (detail)
  126. SOL002_133 POST Method (on Notification endpoint) description and (detail)
  127. SOL002_134 GET Method (on Notification endpoint) response updated (detail)
  128. SOL002_142 GET Method (on "VNF indicators") request and response (detail)
  129. SOL002_144 GET Method (on "VNF indicators related to a VNF instance") (detail)
  130. SOL002_146 GET Method (on "Individual VNF indicator") response updated (detail)
  131. SOL002_146 GET Method (on "Individual VNF indicator") response updated (detail)
  132. SOL002_148 POST Method (on "Subscriptions") description and response (detail)
  133. SOL002_149 GET Method (on "Subscriptions") request and response updated (detail)
  134. SOL002_151 GET Method (on "Individual Subscription")  response updated (detail)
  135. SOL002_152 DELETE Method (on "Individual Subscription") description and (detail)
  136. SOL002_153 POST Method (on Notification Enpoint) description and (detail)
  137. SOL002_154 GET Method (on Notification Enpoint)  response updated (detail)
  138. SOL002_155 Resource "VnfIndicator" updated (detail)
  139. SOL002_158 Resource "VnfIndicatorValueChangeNotification" updated (detail)
  140. SOL002_163 GET Method (on "Configuration") response updated (detail)
  141. SOL002_164 PATCH Method (on "Configuration") response updated (detail)
  142. SOL002_13/85/117/137/159 "API version" updated (detail)
  143. fixes to solve Jenkins build (detail)
  144. more fixes (detail)
  145. more fixes for Jenkins build (detail)
  146. more fixes (detail)
  147. removed duplicated openapi in sol003 for quota notifications (detail)

Started by GitLab push by ETSI CTI

Revision: 7ee66cc8246f260b259d20d6e46ecc90ee7aa22b
  • origin/master