Started 4 yr 6 mo ago
Took 10 sec on Build 3

Success Build #1360 (Dec 10, 2019 10:49:25 AM)

Started by GitLab push by Walter Featherstone
  1. MEC11 GS2.0.5, OpenAPI3 (detail)
  2. Updated URIs in README (detail)
  3. oAuth2Info is not a required parameter & used oneOf for endpoint (detail)
  4. host and port are required for an EndPointInfo addresses array instance (detail)
  5. removed transpordId from ServiceInfo examples (detail)
  6. Sepeated ServiceInfo POST message body (detail)
  7. Moving from MEC-011 v2.0.5 to v2.0.8 (detail)
  8. Corrected dns_rules tag (detail)
  9. grantTypes enum array. Updated jenkins script to use swagger-cli and (detail)
  10. Update ServiceInfo & ServiceInfoList examples (detail)
  11. Update ServiceInfo & ServiceInfoList examples (detail)
  12. Removed subsciptionType from resource URIs (detail)
  13. Updated to align with GS MEC-011 v2.0.9 (detail)
  14. Updated to align with GS MEC-011 v2.0.9 - added yaml files (detail)
  15. Updated to GS version 2.0.10 (detail)
  16. Updated to GS version 2.0.11 (detail)
  17. Update the Navigate and Edit API links (detail)
  18. Licensing information (detail)
  19. Update license information (detail)
  20. Updated to Published version 2.1.1 (detail)
  21. Updated to Published version 2.1.1 (detail)

Started by GitLab push by Walter Featherstone

Revision: 214006676d8bbe904cd1387cfe7cc47643c8db6f
  • origin/master