Started by GitLab push by Balazs Lengyel Lightweight checkout support not available, falling back to full checkout. Checking out git into /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/3GPP/jobs/sa5-data-models-any-commit/workspace@script to read sa5-data-models-validation.jenkinsfile using credential f9a9fd70-ea8b-4872-a9d5-d1fb1cf8123e > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 using GIT_SSH to set credentials > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* skipping resolution of commit remotes/origin/revert-438c2505, since it originates from another repository Seen branch in repository origin/master Seen 1 remote branch > git show-ref --tags -d # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 66308792280f2392a94c0ef1b025cfa2e31b336b (origin/master) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 66308792280f2392a94c0ef1b025cfa2e31b336b Commit message: "Ignore linting outcome" > git rev-list --no-walk 66308792280f2392a94c0ef1b025cfa2e31b336b # timeout=10 Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY [Pipeline] node Running on Build 3 in /home/jenkins/workspace/3GPP/sa5-data-models-any-commit [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Checkout SCM) [Pipeline] checkout using credential f9a9fd70-ea8b-4872-a9d5-d1fb1cf8123e > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 using GIT_SSH to set credentials > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* skipping resolution of commit remotes/origin/revert-438c2505, since it originates from another repository Seen branch in repository origin/master Seen 1 remote branch > git show-ref --tags -d # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 66308792280f2392a94c0ef1b025cfa2e31b336b (origin/master) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 66308792280f2392a94c0ef1b025cfa2e31b336b Commit message: "Ignore linting outcome" [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] gitlabBuilds [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Resolve) [Pipeline] sh + echo Resolve stage Resolve stage [Pipeline] updateGitlabCommitStatus [Pipeline] dir Running in /home/jenkins/workspace/3GPP/sa5-data-models-any-commit/data-models [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] checkout using credential f9a9fd70-ea8b-4872-a9d5-d1fb1cf8123e > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 using GIT_SSH to set credentials > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* > git rev-parse remotes/origin/revert-438c2505^{commit} # timeout=10 > git branch -a -v --no-abbrev --contains 2bace2322bbcf32abee69b2fd166ed962f681203 # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 2bace2322bbcf32abee69b2fd166ed962f681203 (origin/revert-438c2505) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 2bace2322bbcf32abee69b2fd166ed962f681203 Commit message: "Revert "Merge branch 'SA5#129-Balazs-Notification-CR' into 'SA5-MEETING-129-Hyderabad'"" First time build. Skipping changelog. [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // dir [Pipeline] dir Running in /home/jenkins/workspace/3GPP/sa5-data-models-any-commit/scripts [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] checkout using credential f9a9fd70-ea8b-4872-a9d5-d1fb1cf8123e > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 using GIT_SSH to set credentials > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* skipping resolution of commit remotes/origin/revert-438c2505, since it originates from another repository > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 66308792280f2392a94c0ef1b025cfa2e31b336b (refs/remotes/origin/master) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 66308792280f2392a94c0ef1b025cfa2e31b336b Commit message: "Ignore linting outcome" [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // dir [Pipeline] updateGitlabCommitStatus [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Validate) [Pipeline] updateGitlabCommitStatus [Pipeline] sh + echo Validate stage Validate stage [Pipeline] sh + bash ./scripts/ ./data-models ------ Switching to ./data-models folder -------- ------ Content of the folder ------ json-schema xsd yang-models ------ Validating all YANG, JSON and XML files ------ _3gpp-5gc-nrm-neffunction.yang:11: warning: imported module "_3gpp-5g-common-yang-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-scpfunction.yang:10: warning: imported module "_3gpp-common-yang-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-seppfunction.yang:20: warning: the revision statements are not given in reverse chronological order [Pipeline] updateGitlabCommitStatus [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Lint) [Pipeline] updateGitlabCommitStatus [Pipeline] sh + echo Lint stage Lint stage [Pipeline] sh + bash ./scripts/ ./data-models ------ Switching to ./data-models folder -------- ------ Content of the folder ------ json-schema xsd yang-models ------ Validating all YANG, JSON and XML files ------ ------ pyYANG Version ------ pyang 2.1 ------ Linting all YANG files ------ _3gpp-5g-common-yang-types.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5g-common-yang-types.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5g-common-yang-types.yang:20: error: keyword "reference" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5g-common-yang-types.yang:21: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5g-common-yang-types.yang:45: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5g-common-yang-types.yang:46: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5g-common-yang-types.yang:49: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5g-common-yang-types.yang:52: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf-list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5g-common-yang-types.yang:55: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5g-common-yang-types.yang:60: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5g-common-yang-types.yang:61: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5g-common-yang-types.yang:64: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-affunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-affunction.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-affunction.yang:23: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-affunction.yang:27: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-affunction.yang:31: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-affunction.yang:33: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "organization" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:10: warning: imported module "ietf-inet-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:17: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:21: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:25: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:31: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:42: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:43: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:47: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:47: warning: RFC 8407: 4.4: statement "min-elements" is given with its default value "0" _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:53: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:56: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:62: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:64: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:70: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:74: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amffunction.yang:76: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "organization" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:14: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:18: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:25: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:26: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:27: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:33: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:35: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:36: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:37: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:44: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:47: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:51: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:52: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:53: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:57: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:58: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:59: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:63: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:67: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfregion.yang:69: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "organization" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:14: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:18: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:25: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:26: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:27: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:33: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:35: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:36: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:37: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:44: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:47: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:51: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:52: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:56: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:57: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:58: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:59: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:63: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:67: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-amfset.yang:69: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ausffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ausffunction.yang:9: warning: imported module "ietf-inet-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ausffunction.yang:21: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ausffunction.yang:25: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ausffunction.yang:32: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ausffunction.yang:33: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ausffunction.yang:34: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ausffunction.yang:39: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ausffunction.yang:40: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ausffunction.yang:47: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ausffunction.yang:50: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ausffunction.yang:53: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ausffunction.yang:59: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ausffunction.yang:61: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ausffunction.yang:66: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ausffunction.yang:70: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ausffunction.yang:72: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-dnfunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-dnfunction.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-dnfunction.yang:23: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-dnfunction.yang:27: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-dnfunction.yang:31: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-dnfunction.yang:33: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:25: warning: imported module "ietf-inet-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:33: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:37: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:41: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:45: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:49: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:53: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:57: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:61: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:65: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:69: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:73: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:77: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:81: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:85: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:89: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:93: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:97: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:101: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:105: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:109: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:113: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:117: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:121: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:125: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:129: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:138: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:139: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:142: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:146: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:150: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:154: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:159: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:163: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:167: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:171: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:175: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:179: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:183: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:185: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf-list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:186: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:187: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:188: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:192: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:195: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:197: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:204: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:206: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:212: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:215: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:217: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:224: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:226: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:233: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:235: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:242: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:244: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:251: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:253: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:260: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:262: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:269: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:271: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:278: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:280: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:287: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:289: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:296: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:298: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:305: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:307: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:314: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:316: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:322: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:325: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:327: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:334: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:336: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:342: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:345: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:347: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:353: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:356: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:358: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:364: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:367: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:369: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:376: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:378: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:384: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:387: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:389: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:395: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:398: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:400: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:407: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:410: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:412: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:419: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:421: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:427: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:430: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:432: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:439: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:441: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:448: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:450: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:457: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:459: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:466: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:468: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:474: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:477: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:479: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:485: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:488: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:490: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:497: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:499: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:506: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:508: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:514: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:517: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:519: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:526: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:528: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:535: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:537: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:544: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:546: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:553: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:555: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:562: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:564: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:570: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:573: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:575: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:582: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:584: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:591: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:593: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:600: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:603: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:605: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:612: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:614: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:621: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:623: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:630: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:632: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:639: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ep.yang:641: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnrffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnrffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "organization" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnrffunction.yang:14: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnrffunction.yang:18: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnrffunction.yang:24: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnrffunction.yang:25: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnrffunction.yang:26: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnrffunction.yang:31: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnrffunction.yang:35: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnrffunction.yang:37: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnssffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnssffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "organization" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnssffunction.yang:14: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnssffunction.yang:18: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnssffunction.yang:24: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnssffunction.yang:25: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnssffunction.yang:26: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnssffunction.yang:31: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnssffunction.yang:35: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalnssffunction.yang:37: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalseppfunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalseppfunction.yang:11: warning: imported module "ietf-inet-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalseppfunction.yang:24: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalseppfunction.yang:33: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalseppfunction.yang:38: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalseppfunction.yang:39: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalseppfunction.yang:44: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalseppfunction.yang:48: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-externalseppfunction.yang:50: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-lmffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-lmffunction.yang:25: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-lmffunction.yang:32: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-lmffunction.yang:33: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-lmffunction.yang:34: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-lmffunction.yang:38: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-lmffunction.yang:44: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-lmffunction.yang:46: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-lmffunction.yang:51: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-lmffunction.yang:55: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-lmffunction.yang:57: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-n3iwffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-n3iwffunction.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-n3iwffunction.yang:23: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-n3iwffunction.yang:30: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-n3iwffunction.yang:31: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-n3iwffunction.yang:32: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-n3iwffunction.yang:36: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-n3iwffunction.yang:38: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-n3iwffunction.yang:43: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-n3iwffunction.yang:47: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-n3iwffunction.yang:49: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-neffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-neffunction.yang:9: warning: imported module "ietf-inet-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-neffunction.yang:10: warning: imported module "_3gpp-common-yang-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-neffunction.yang:11: warning: imported module "_3gpp-5g-common-yang-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-neffunction.yang:24: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-neffunction.yang:28: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-neffunction.yang:29: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-neffunction.yang:36: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-neffunction.yang:37: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-neffunction.yang:41: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-neffunction.yang:43: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-neffunction.yang:46: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-neffunction.yang:50: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-neffunction.yang:56: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-neffunction.yang:60: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-neffunction.yang:62: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:8: warning: imported module "ietf-inet-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:9: warning: imported module "ietf-yang-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:16: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:20: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:22: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:23: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:24: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:28: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:29: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:30: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:34: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:35: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:36: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:42: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:44: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:53: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:54: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:61: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:63: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:71: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:73: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:74: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:80: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:82: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:83: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:88: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:90: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:95: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:97: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:101: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:102: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:104: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:108: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:109: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:111: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:118: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:120: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:126: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:127: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:129: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:134: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:135: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:137: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:143: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:145: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:153: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:155: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:161: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:163: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:167: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:169: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:173: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:175: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:178: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:183: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:185: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:190: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:191: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:198: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:199: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:206: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:207: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:214: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:215: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:217: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:221: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:226: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:228: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:233: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:234: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:241: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:242: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:249: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:250: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:258: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:260: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:261: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:265: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:269: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:271: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:276: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:277: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:285: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:287: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:288: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:292: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:296: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:297: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:301: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:302: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:308: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:309: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:311: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:320: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:321: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:324: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:332: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:333: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:334: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:341: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:342: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:345: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:352: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:353: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:356: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:365: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:366: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:367: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:372: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:377: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:378: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:379: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:388: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:389: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:392: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:400: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:401: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:402: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:407: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:409: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:414: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:417: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:418: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:419: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:423: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:428: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:429: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:430: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:436: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:439: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:440: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:447: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:448: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:451: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:458: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:461: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:466: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:469: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:470: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:474: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:479: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:482: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:483: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:488: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:489: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:497: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:500: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:506: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:509: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:513: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:520: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:526: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:529: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:530: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:535: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:537: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:538: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:545: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:550: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:555: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:556: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:563: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:564: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:573: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:575: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:580: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:587: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:589: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:590: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:593: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:601: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:603: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:604: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:607: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:615: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:617: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:618: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:621: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:629: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:631: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:632: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:635: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:643: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:645: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:646: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:649: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:657: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:659: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:660: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:663: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:671: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:673: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:674: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:677: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:685: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:687: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:688: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:691: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:699: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:701: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:702: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:705: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:710: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:712: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:718: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:719: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:723: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:725: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:732: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:735: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:740: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:742: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:749: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:752: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:758: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:761: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:766: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:768: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:773: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:775: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:776: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:780: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:782: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:783: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:784: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:785: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:789: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:791: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:792: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:798: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:799: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:806: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:807: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:811: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:813: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:814: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:820: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:821: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:828: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:829: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:833: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:835: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:836: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:842: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:843: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:849: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:850: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:854: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:857: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:858: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:859: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:865: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:866: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:871: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:873: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:874: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:875: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:880: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:881: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:882: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:886: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:887: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:888: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:892: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:895: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:896: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:897: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:901: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:903: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:911: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:913: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:914: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:915: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:916: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:917: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:921: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:924: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:925: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:926: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:932: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:933: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:934: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:939: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:942: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:943: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:944: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:948: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:951: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:953: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:954: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:955: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:959: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "choice" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:962: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:964: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:965: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:971: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:973: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:974: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:980: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:982: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:988: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:990: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:994: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:996: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:997: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:998: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1002: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1005: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1006: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1007: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1013: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1014: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1019: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1021: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1022: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1026: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1028: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "choice" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1031: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1033: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1034: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1040: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1042: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1043: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1049: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1050: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1054: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1057: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1058: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1059: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1065: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1066: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1071: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1073: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1074: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1075: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1079: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1082: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1083: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1084: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1090: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfprofile.yang:1091: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:15: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:21: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:22: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:23: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:27: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:28: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:29: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:34: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:35: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:40: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:41: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:42: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:46: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:47: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:48: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:52: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:54: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:59: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:61: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:69: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:70: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:73: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:78: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:80: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:85: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:87: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:95: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:97: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:103: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:105: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:107: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:111: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:113: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:114: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:119: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:120: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:122: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:127: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:129: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:133: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:135: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:139: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:141: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:145: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:147: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:153: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:154: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:159: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:161: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:165: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:171: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:172: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "choice" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:173: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:177: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:181: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:186: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:190: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:195: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:197: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:198: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:199: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:203: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:204: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:205: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:206: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:209: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:210: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:211: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:214: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:220: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:222: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:223: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:224: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:225: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:226: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:227: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:228: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:229: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:230: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:231: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:232: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:233: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:234: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:235: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:236: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:237: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:238: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:239: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:240: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:241: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:242: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:243: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:244: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:245: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:246: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:247: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:248: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:249: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:250: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:251: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:252: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:253: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:254: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:258: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:260: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:261: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:265: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:267: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:268: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:269: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:273: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:275: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:277: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:281: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nfservice.yang:283: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ngeirfunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ngeirfunction.yang:25: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ngeirfunction.yang:32: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ngeirfunction.yang:33: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ngeirfunction.yang:34: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ngeirfunction.yang:42: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ngeirfunction.yang:45: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ngeirfunction.yang:48: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ngeirfunction.yang:54: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ngeirfunction.yang:56: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ngeirfunction.yang:61: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ngeirfunction.yang:65: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-ngeirfunction.yang:67: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nrffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nrffunction.yang:9: warning: imported module "ietf-inet-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nrffunction.yang:20: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nrffunction.yang:24: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nrffunction.yang:31: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nrffunction.yang:32: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nrffunction.yang:33: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nrffunction.yang:38: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nrffunction.yang:39: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nrffunction.yang:43: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nrffunction.yang:45: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nrffunction.yang:52: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nrffunction.yang:55: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nrffunction.yang:61: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nrffunction.yang:66: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nrffunction.yang:70: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nrffunction.yang:72: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nssffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nssffunction.yang:9: warning: imported module "ietf-inet-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nssffunction.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nssffunction.yang:24: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nssffunction.yang:31: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nssffunction.yang:32: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nssffunction.yang:33: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nssffunction.yang:38: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nssffunction.yang:39: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nssffunction.yang:46: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nssffunction.yang:49: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nssffunction.yang:53: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nssffunction.yang:55: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nssffunction.yang:58: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nssffunction.yang:65: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nssffunction.yang:69: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nssffunction.yang:71: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nwdaffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nwdaffunction.yang:9: warning: imported module "ietf-inet-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nwdaffunction.yang:26: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nwdaffunction.yang:33: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nwdaffunction.yang:34: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nwdaffunction.yang:35: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nwdaffunction.yang:40: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nwdaffunction.yang:41: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nwdaffunction.yang:48: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nwdaffunction.yang:51: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nwdaffunction.yang:54: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nwdaffunction.yang:60: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nwdaffunction.yang:62: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nwdaffunction.yang:67: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nwdaffunction.yang:71: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-nwdaffunction.yang:73: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-pcffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-pcffunction.yang:9: warning: imported module "ietf-inet-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-pcffunction.yang:20: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-pcffunction.yang:24: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-pcffunction.yang:31: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-pcffunction.yang:32: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-pcffunction.yang:33: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-pcffunction.yang:38: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-pcffunction.yang:39: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-pcffunction.yang:46: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-pcffunction.yang:49: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-pcffunction.yang:52: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-pcffunction.yang:57: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-pcffunction.yang:59: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-pcffunction.yang:64: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-pcffunction.yang:68: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-pcffunction.yang:70: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-scpfunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-scpfunction.yang:9: warning: imported module "ietf-inet-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-scpfunction.yang:10: warning: imported module "_3gpp-common-yang-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-scpfunction.yang:24: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-scpfunction.yang:28: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-scpfunction.yang:29: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-scpfunction.yang:32: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-scpfunction.yang:34: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-scpfunction.yang:40: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-scpfunction.yang:44: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-scpfunction.yang:46: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-seppfunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-seppfunction.yang:11: warning: imported module "ietf-inet-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-seppfunction.yang:20: warning: the revision statements are not given in reverse chronological order _3gpp-5gc-nrm-seppfunction.yang:20: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-seppfunction.yang:24: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-seppfunction.yang:25: error: keyword "reference" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-seppfunction.yang:26: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-seppfunction.yang:39: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-seppfunction.yang:48: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-seppfunction.yang:52: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-seppfunction.yang:57: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-seppfunction.yang:58: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-seppfunction.yang:62: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-seppfunction.yang:66: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-seppfunction.yang:68: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "organization" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:10: warning: imported module "ietf-inet-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:16: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:20: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:24: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:30: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:36: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:38: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:39: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:40: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:44: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:45: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:49: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:49: warning: RFC 8407: 4.4: statement "min-elements" is given with its default value "0" _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:55: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:58: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:64: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:66: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:71: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:75: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smffunction.yang:77: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smsffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smsffunction.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smsffunction.yang:23: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smsffunction.yang:30: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smsffunction.yang:31: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smsffunction.yang:32: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smsffunction.yang:36: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smsffunction.yang:42: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smsffunction.yang:44: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smsffunction.yang:49: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smsffunction.yang:53: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-smsffunction.yang:55: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udmfunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udmfunction.yang:9: warning: imported module "ietf-inet-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udmfunction.yang:20: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udmfunction.yang:24: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udmfunction.yang:31: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udmfunction.yang:32: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udmfunction.yang:33: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udmfunction.yang:38: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udmfunction.yang:39: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udmfunction.yang:46: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udmfunction.yang:49: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udmfunction.yang:52: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udmfunction.yang:58: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udmfunction.yang:60: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udmfunction.yang:65: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udmfunction.yang:69: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udmfunction.yang:71: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udrfunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udrfunction.yang:9: warning: imported module "ietf-inet-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udrfunction.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udrfunction.yang:23: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udrfunction.yang:30: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udrfunction.yang:31: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udrfunction.yang:32: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udrfunction.yang:37: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udrfunction.yang:38: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udrfunction.yang:45: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udrfunction.yang:48: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udrfunction.yang:51: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udrfunction.yang:58: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udrfunction.yang:62: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udrfunction.yang:64: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udsffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udsffunction.yang:9: warning: imported module "ietf-inet-types" not used _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udsffunction.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udsffunction.yang:23: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udsffunction.yang:30: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udsffunction.yang:31: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udsffunction.yang:32: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udsffunction.yang:37: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udsffunction.yang:38: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udsffunction.yang:45: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udsffunction.yang:48: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udsffunction.yang:51: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udsffunction.yang:58: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udsffunction.yang:62: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-udsffunction.yang:64: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "organization" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:15: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:23: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:28: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:29: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:35: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:37: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:38: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:39: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:46: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:47: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:49: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:52: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:58: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:60: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:65: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:69: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-5gc-nrm-upffunction.yang:71: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-ep-rp.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-common-ep-rp.yang:7: warning: imported module "ietf-inet-types" not used _3gpp-common-ep-rp.yang:23: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-common-ep-rp.yang:42: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-ep-rp.yang:43: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-ep-rp.yang:44: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-ep-rp.yang:48: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-ep-rp.yang:53: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-ep-rp.yang:54: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-ep-rp.yang:55: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-ep-rp.yang:60: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-ep-rp.yang:61: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-ep-rp.yang:62: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:6: warning: imported module "_3gpp-common-yang-types" not used _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:21: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:42: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:43: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:47: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:48: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:55: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:56: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:57: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:64: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:66: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:67: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:85: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:87: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:88: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:89: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:103: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:104: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:105: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:113: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:114: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:115: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:118: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:146: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang:148: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:29: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:33: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:36: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:50: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:51: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:71: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:73: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:116: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:118: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:119: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:156: error: keyword "presence" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:207: error: keyword "presence" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:271: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:272: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:273: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:278: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:282: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-managed-function.yang:284: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:58: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:75: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:103: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:104: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:114: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:116: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:143: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:144: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:145: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:156: error: keyword "must" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:160: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:161: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:181: error: keyword "when" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:181: error: keyword "when" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:182: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:183: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:184: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:264: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:265: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:266: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:273: error: keyword "must" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:277: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:278: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:294: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:295: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:296: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:322: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:324: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:338: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:339: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:351: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:354: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:461: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:463: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:496: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:498: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:523: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-measurements.yang:550: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-subnetwork.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-common-subnetwork.yang:22: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-common-subnetwork.yang:44: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-subnetwork.yang:60: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-subnetwork.yang:75: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-subnetwork.yang:76: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-subnetwork.yang:79: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-subnetwork.yang:80: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-subnetwork.yang:81: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-subnetwork.yang:91: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-subnetwork.yang:101: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-subnetwork.yang:102: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-subnetwork.yang:111: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-subnetwork.yang:112: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-subscription-control.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-common-subscription-control.yang:27: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-subscription-control.yang:43: warning: RFC 8407: 4.4: statement "min-elements" is given with its default value "0" _3gpp-common-subscription-control.yang:50: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-subscription-control.yang:51: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-subscription-control.yang:52: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-subscription-control.yang:53: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-subscription-control.yang:101: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-subscription-control.yang:108: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-subscription-control.yang:145: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-subscription-control.yang:147: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-subscription-control.yang:178: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-subscription-control.yang:181: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-subscription-control.yang:188: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-subscription-control.yang:192: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-top.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-common-top.yang:20: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-extensions.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-extensions.yang:43: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-extensions.yang:93: error: keyword "argument" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:7: warning: imported module "ietf-yang-types" not used _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:25: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:33: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:36: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:38: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:46: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:48: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:53: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:54: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:74: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:75: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:85: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:86: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:97: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:98: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:99: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:100: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:108: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:109: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:116: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:117: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:129: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:130: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:131: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:140: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:144: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:155: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:156: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:164: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:165: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:171: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:172: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:173: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:174: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:176: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:177: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:178: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:186: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:188: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:200: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:201: error: keyword "reference" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:202: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:216: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:217: error: keyword "reference" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:218: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:243: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:245: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:246: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:247: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:248: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:249: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:250: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:251: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:252: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:253: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:257: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:259: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:260: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:261: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:274: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:292: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:303: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:316: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:330: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:333: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:336: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:348: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:350: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:351: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:352: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:353: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:354: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:355: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:356: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:357: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:358: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:359: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:360: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:361: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:362: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:363: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:364: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:365: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:366: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:367: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:368: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:369: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:373: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:375: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:376: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:377: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:382: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:383: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:388: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:390: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:391: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:392: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:393: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:397: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:399: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:400: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:401: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:402: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:403: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:407: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:409: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:413: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:417: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:421: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:426: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:427: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:430: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:435: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:436: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:439: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:444: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:448: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:450: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:451: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:452: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:453: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:457: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:459: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:460: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:464: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:466: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:467: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:468: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:472: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:473: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:476: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "leaf" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-common-yang-types.yang:510: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:23: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:25: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:35: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:36: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:37: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:41: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:42: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:43: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:47: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:49: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:50: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:51: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:56: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:58: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:59: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:60: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:66: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:68: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:69: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:70: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:74: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:76: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:77: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:78: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:84: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:89: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang:91: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:17: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:21: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:23: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:24: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:28: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:30: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:31: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:32: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:36: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:38: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:39: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:50: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:51: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:52: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:57: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:58: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:59: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:63: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:65: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:66: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:67: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:71: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:73: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:74: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:79: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:81: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:82: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:86: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:88: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:89: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:93: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:97: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang:99: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-commonbeamformingfunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-commonbeamformingfunction.yang:29: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-commonbeamformingfunction.yang:30: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-commonbeamformingfunction.yang:31: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-commonbeamformingfunction.yang:35: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-commonbeamformingfunction.yang:38: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-commonbeamformingfunction.yang:39: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-commonbeamformingfunction.yang:43: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-commonbeamformingfunction.yang:45: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-commonbeamformingfunction.yang:46: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-commonbeamformingfunction.yang:50: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-commonbeamformingfunction.yang:55: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-commonbeamformingfunction.yang:57: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:83: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:89: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:91: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:100: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:102: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:111: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:113: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:122: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:124: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:134: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:136: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:142: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:148: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:150: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:159: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:161: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:170: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:172: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:182: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:184: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:193: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:195: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:204: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:206: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:212: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:218: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:220: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:229: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang:231: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:6: warning: imported module "_3gpp-common-yang-types" not used _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:23: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:25: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:26: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:30: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:32: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:33: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:34: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:47: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:48: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:49: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:56: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:57: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:58: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:66: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:67: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:68: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:78: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:80: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:81: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:90: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:91: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:92: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:104: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:105: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:106: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:114: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:116: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:117: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:124: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:126: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:127: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:132: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:133: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:134: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:138: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:143: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutrancellrelation.yang:145: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranetwork.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranetwork.yang:14: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranetwork.yang:32: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranetwork.yang:34: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranetwork.yang:44: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranetwork.yang:45: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranetwork.yang:54: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranetwork.yang:55: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:6: warning: imported module "_3gpp-common-yang-types" not used _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:32: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:34: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:35: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:40: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:42: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:43: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:48: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:49: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:50: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:58: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:61: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:62: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:68: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:70: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:71: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:76: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:78: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:79: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:80: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:85: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:86: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:87: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:94: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:96: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:97: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:98: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:105: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:107: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:108: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:109: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:116: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:118: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:119: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:120: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:127: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:129: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:130: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:131: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:138: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:140: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:141: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:142: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:149: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:151: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:152: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:153: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:158: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:160: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:161: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:162: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:168: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:171: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:172: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:173: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:179: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:182: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:183: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:184: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:188: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:189: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:190: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:194: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:200: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfreqrelation.yang:202: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfrequency.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfrequency.yang:18: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfrequency.yang:28: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfrequency.yang:30: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfrequency.yang:31: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfrequency.yang:35: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfrequency.yang:36: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfrequency.yang:37: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfrequency.yang:38: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfrequency.yang:42: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfrequency.yang:46: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfrequency.yang:48: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfrequency.yang:55: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-eutranfrequency.yang:60: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalamffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalamffunction.yang:18: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalamffunction.yang:32: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalamffunction.yang:33: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalamffunction.yang:34: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalamffunction.yang:45: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalamffunction.yang:51: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalamffunction.yang:53: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalamffunction.yang:60: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalamffunction.yang:65: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalenbfunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalenbfunction.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalenbfunction.yang:29: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalenbfunction.yang:31: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalenbfunction.yang:32: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalenbfunction.yang:38: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalenbfunction.yang:42: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalenbfunction.yang:44: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalenbfunction.yang:51: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalenbfunction.yang:56: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:21: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:33: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:35: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:36: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:50: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:51: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:52: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:57: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:59: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:63: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:65: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:66: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:78: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:80: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:81: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:86: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:88: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:89: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:99: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:101: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:102: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:106: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:111: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:113: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:120: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:125: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:127: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:134: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:139: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:144: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externaleutrancell.yang:149: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcucpfunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcucpfunction.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcucpfunction.yang:29: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcucpfunction.yang:32: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcucpfunction.yang:33: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcucpfunction.yang:37: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcucpfunction.yang:39: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcucpfunction.yang:40: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcucpfunction.yang:46: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcucpfunction.yang:47: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcucpfunction.yang:48: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcucpfunction.yang:53: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcucpfunction.yang:58: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcucpfunction.yang:60: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcucpfunction.yang:67: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcucpfunction.yang:72: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcuupfunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcuupfunction.yang:18: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcuupfunction.yang:28: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcuupfunction.yang:31: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcuupfunction.yang:32: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcuupfunction.yang:36: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcuupfunction.yang:38: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcuupfunction.yang:39: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcuupfunction.yang:43: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcuupfunction.yang:48: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcuupfunction.yang:50: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcuupfunction.yang:57: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbcuupfunction.yang:62: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbdufunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbdufunction.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbdufunction.yang:29: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbdufunction.yang:32: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbdufunction.yang:33: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbdufunction.yang:37: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbdufunction.yang:39: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbdufunction.yang:40: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbdufunction.yang:46: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbdufunction.yang:47: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbdufunction.yang:48: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbdufunction.yang:53: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbdufunction.yang:58: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbdufunction.yang:60: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbdufunction.yang:67: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalgnbdufunction.yang:72: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:20: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:31: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:33: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:34: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:38: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:40: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:41: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:49: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:50: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:51: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:56: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:57: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:58: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:62: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:67: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:69: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:76: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalnrcellcu.yang:81: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalservinggwfunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalservinggwfunction.yang:18: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalservinggwfunction.yang:28: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalservinggwfunction.yang:34: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalservinggwfunction.yang:36: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalservinggwfunction.yang:43: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalservinggwfunction.yang:48: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalupffunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalupffunction.yang:17: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalupffunction.yang:27: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalupffunction.yang:33: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalupffunction.yang:35: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalupffunction.yang:42: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-externalupffunction.yang:47: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction.yang:17: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction.yang:28: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction.yang:30: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction.yang:31: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction.yang:35: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction.yang:37: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction.yang:38: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction.yang:42: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction.yang:44: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction.yang:45: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction.yang:51: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction.yang:52: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction.yang:53: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction.yang:83: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction.yang:88: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction.yang:90: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcuupfunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcuupfunction.yang:17: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcuupfunction.yang:37: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcuupfunction.yang:38: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcuupfunction.yang:52: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcuupfunction.yang:59: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbdufunction.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbdufunction.yang:16: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbdufunction.yang:54: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbdufunction.yang:61: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:18: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:22: error: RFC 8407: 4.13,4.14: statement "typedef" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:24: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:25: warning: RFC 8407: 4.11.3,4.14: statement "enum" should have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:34: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:35: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:42: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:44: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:51: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:52: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:53: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:64: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:65: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:72: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:74: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:81: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:82: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:92: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:93: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:94: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:105: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:106: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:107: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:117: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:118: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:119: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:131: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:132: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:133: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:144: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:145: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:146: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:152: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:153: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:154: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:161: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:163: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:164: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:170: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:171: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:172: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:177: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:178: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:179: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:186: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:187: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:196: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:197: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:202: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:203: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:204: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:208: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:215: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellcu.yang:217: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:18: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:29: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:31: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:32: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:39: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:40: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:41: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:47: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:48: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:49: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:56: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:57: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:58: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:65: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:66: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:67: error: keyword "max-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:74: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:75: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:79: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:81: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:82: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:86: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:88: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:93: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:95: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:96: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:101: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:103: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:108: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:110: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:114: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:116: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:117: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:121: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:123: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:124: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:128: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:130: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:131: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:132: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:141: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:142: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:143: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:148: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:149: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:150: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:151: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:156: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:158: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:159: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:160: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:167: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:168: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:169: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:170: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:175: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:177: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:178: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:179: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:183: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:184: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:185: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:189: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:190: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:191: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:195: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:196: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:197: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:201: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:206: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang:208: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:6: warning: imported module "_3gpp-common-yang-types" not used _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:31: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:32: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:43: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:44: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:45: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:49: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:50: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:51: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:55: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:56: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:57: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:61: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:62: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:63: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:67: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:68: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:69: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:73: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:74: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:75: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:80: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:81: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:82: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:87: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:88: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:89: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:105: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:112: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcellrelation.yang:114: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:6: warning: imported module "_3gpp-common-yang-types" not used _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:19: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:39: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:40: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:41: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:45: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:46: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:47: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:51: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:52: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:53: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:57: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:58: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:59: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:63: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:64: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:65: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:69: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:70: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:71: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:77: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:79: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:80: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:85: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:86: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:87: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:95: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:98: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:99: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:105: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:107: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:108: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:113: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:115: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:116: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:117: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:122: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:123: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:124: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:125: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:132: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:134: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:135: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:136: error: keyword "default" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:143: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:145: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:146: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:147: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:154: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:156: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:157: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:158: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:165: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:167: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:168: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:169: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:176: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:178: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:179: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:180: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:187: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:189: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:190: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:191: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:195: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:197: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:198: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:199: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:205: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:208: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:209: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:210: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:216: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:219: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:220: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:221: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:225: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:226: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:227: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:231: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:237: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfreqrelation.yang:239: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:17: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:28: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:29: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:30: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:34: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:35: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:36: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:37: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:42: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:43: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:44: error: keyword "min-elements" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:45: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:49: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "grouping" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:53: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:55: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:62: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrfrequency.yang:67: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrnetwork.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrnetwork.yang:14: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrnetwork.yang:33: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrnetwork.yang:35: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:1: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "module" must have a "contact" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:6: warning: imported module "_3gpp-common-yang-types" not used _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:18: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:29: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:30: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:31: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:36: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:37: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:38: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:39: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:44: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:46: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:47: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:52: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:54: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:55: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:59: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:61: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:62: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:64: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:68: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:70: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:71: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:73: error: keyword "units" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:78: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order, expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:80: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:81: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:85: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "augment" must have a "description" substatement _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:91: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12) _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang:93: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement ------ Linting result ------ 1 [Pipeline] updateGitlabCommitStatus [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Deploy to FTP) [Pipeline] sh + echo DEPLOY stage DEPLOY stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // gitlabBuilds [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] End of Pipeline Finished: SUCCESS