Started 1 yr 9 mo ago
Took 6 min 41 sec on

Success Build #1165 (Sep 9, 2022 5:20:53 PM)

Started by GitLab push by Giacomo Bernini
Build Artifacts
Tests-SOL002-VeVnfm.docx66.50 KB view
Tests-SOL003-OrVnfm.docx99.66 KB view
Tests-SOL005-OsMaNfvo.docx106.29 KB view
Tests-SOL009-NFV-MANO-mgmt.docx59.61 KB view
Tests-SOL011-OrOr.docx28.52 KB view
Tests-SOL012-NFV-MANO-Policy-mgmt.docx31.20 KB view
  1. updated SOL005 NS LCM Coordination references to v3.6.1 (detail)
  2. fixed SOL005 NS LCM Coordination references to v3.6.1 (detail)

Started by GitLab push by Giacomo Bernini

Revision: 3aba120ddb0bf65bcb9b694af28798d1df728f20
  • origin/3.6.1-dev